Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Henry Seewald, 15 Days Old

 Henry Seewald and Spurgeon Seewald

Henry Wilberforce Seewald is 15 days old! He is the first Duggar child or grandchild to be born in the month of February.

Grandpa Duggar, who passed away in 2009 at the age of 73, was born on February 3rd. Tyler, the extended family member from Michelle's side who is living with the Duggars, also has a February birthday.

A few days before Henry's due date we asked our readers to guess his birth weight and arrival date. He was born on February 6th and weighed 8lbs, 11oz. The closest guesses were...

Rita (8lbs, 8 oz)
Lori VW (8lbs, 9oz)
Anonymous (8lbs, 11oz)
Ayeshathompson (February 6th)
Et (February 6th/8lbs, 9oz)

Photo courtesy theseewaldfamily.com


  1. Well congrats Anonymous. You nailed it. There's great collective wisdom in all those Anonymii.

  2. He's gorgeous just like Spurgeon!!!!
    What a sweet family 💖

  3. Baby Henry is adorable!!!!

  4. I know this doesn't have to do with this post, but does anyone know any information of what Michelle and Jim Bob use as consequences for their children when they misbehave? They have been a big encouragement to me as I raise my own children. I have read their books and watched their show and they have so much advice that I have found useful and that I actually implement with my kids. One thing I need help on with my own children is what consequences are appropriate when a small child misbehaves or does not obey. I don't spank my kids and it's my desire not to yell at them, but sometimes I get a little lost on how to handle misbehavior. If anyone has any tips they'd like to share I'd be grateful :)

    I figured on this blog I could find someone who knows more about the duggars parenting or maybe some like-minded moms who can offer advice?!

    1. best wishes and prayers They may be a little hesitant to say. I am sure they never lay hands on them in anger but whatever they do use some people will find it wrong. I did hear Michelle saying to Josie once that it was not all about Josie , in her calm voice. Also they spend so much time interacting with the kids not sure how much time they got to get into mischief lol I am sure they find ways <3

    2. The Duggars have used corporal punishment. The children themselves admitted that. But that doesn't mean you need to follow suit. Misbehaving can have other consequences. My husband had to polish the silver in their family's dining room if he was naughty. I'm happy to report that it worked & our silver today remains tarnished because he's behaved so well since we've been married, LOL.

    3. Read "Parenting With Love and Logic" by Foster Cline/Jim Fay.
      You can't go wrong with this resource.

    4. Age determines the ability to understand and actually relate right from wrong or good vs bad.
      The moment is what always matter's and being repetitive.
      Time out equals one minute for each year in a chair you can watch them. Preferably one they can't touch the floor sitting.
      I always said we don't not you don't.
      Leave if they throw a fit at a restaurant or store. You may have said you would pick up a project or puzzle before going to share. Tell them you must leave if they don't calm down.
      As you enter the parking lot remind them of the treat you were unable to pick up and tell them another day we can return to try again.
      When older unplug them.
      Any opportunities to do community service we did. Kid's need to understand value of home and difference of others misfortune.
      We also had a rule to donate two items before buying one.
      Older kid's get it when they can help and make a difference. Just make sure it's a family effort. This way they learn on their own while you monitor so you are better prepared to discuss later.
      We raised seven kids and as many friends. Most important don't instill entitlement or shift your relationship to be their best friend. Parents are responsible to provide the foundation that will carry them into adulthood. That's when you become the best friend and you see how much they retained.

    5. I think people worry too much about this. It is ok to smack once in a while if the child knows you love them. It is ok to lose your patience and yell once in a while too. Ideally time out or loss of privileges is the best and really does work better in my experience. You have to outsmart the child!

  5. Beautiful baby! Looks like Anonymous gets the prize!

    1. it is easier to do anonymouse then put your name lol what is a URL ??? hahhahaha

  6. another beautiful son lovely family

  7. Henry is so dang cute I just want to smother him with kisses!💋💋💋 And don't get me started on Spurgeon. Cuteness overload!💋

  8. Yay finally a February birthday!

  9. Wonder what Spurgeon thinks of his baby brother.

  10. When are you going update the header?

  11. Spurge looks bored.

  12. When will this sweet baby make it into the header?

  13. Looks like a Duggar boy baby all over again!

  14. So darn cute! Does he have a little jaundice or is it just the lighting?

    1. He looks perfectly healthy! He does not have jaundice!

    2. He is probably perfectly healthy but almost all newborns are jaundiced; takes a while for their livers to start dealing with bilirubin. While in utero the Mom's body absorbs it through the placenta. So, yes, he probably is a bit jaundice

    3. Well said. Its nothing to be ashamed of and isnt a sign of maternal neglect.

  15. so very cute! looks a lot like his big brother. God bless this growing family!!

  16. Good job ladies!! Both boys are so adorable!! I could just kiss their lil cheeks! My son was 6lbs 1oz. I thought he'd be a lot bigger but there were some complications and he had to come a lil early. You wouldn't know it now :)

  17. Henry was born on my nephew's 13th birthday.

  18. First off, Congratulations Jessa & Ben!!! My youngest son Kilian was born on February 5th, he just turned 19, my 2 oldest son's Kenny & Chris were born in December & my daughter, Jennifer Lynn was due in December also, but she was born prematurely in September. Henry is so very adorable, looks very healthy, is so very precious as is little Spurgeon in the background... :)! Now the most wondered question...Who came up with the name "Wilberforce"? Take care, Lily

  19. Why does this child not have a name that's a tribute to his great grandfather J.L. Duggar? He has helped this family when they were starting out and loved his grandchildren. Not very respectful. Anna and J haven't honored Mary Duggar either with their daughters. I'm sorry for them.

  20. Beautiful baby boy. God Bless Spurgeon and Henry.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  21. Congratulations on your Second son. God only blessed us with one child so I love watching your family stories. Not complaining, we got a wonderful child. I never complained, it was God's choice. My (child) is almost 50. He treats us like we are special. We were blessed when he arrived.

  22. when is Tyler exact February birthday. and is he born the same year as Jordyn-Grace

  23. Oh well looks like I was right 😂 Go me!!! I guessed that weight as it's 1lb heavier than my son who was born at 8lbs 10 lol I don't use my google account as it's connected to personal family photos etc

    1. Good guess!

      And see, people aren't "hiding behind Anonymous" as some have said. There's usually a valid reason for not posting a name.

    2. I AM hiding. It's fun to read and comment on this site, but I don't want my name all over the internet.

  24. Marilyn R: that would have to be a "side cheek kiss" for this family.

  25. Such cute little Seewald munchkins!

  26. I wonder if the babys have regular doctor check ins...like most people...3-6-9 months etc......for babies weight and growth progress.....

    1. Interesting question. Do they vaccinate? Not trying to start that debate, just curious as the children don't go to schools so the family might not find it necessary

    2. Even if you don't go to school, you still need vaccinations. You're still in contact with the public somewhere. And I don't want to hear from the anti-vaxers about the evils of shots. I do not believe a word of it. I'd probably be dead right now without my childhood vaccines, because what I could not be vaccinated for almost killed me.

  27. Who delivered Jessa's baby? Who attended to her during the labor?

  28. Welcome to the world Henry😇

  29. Handsome Derrick is back! I was assuming that he was trying to blend in a little better in Central America. Jill, you and Derrick make a beautiful couple and now you all three are so nick looking. God Bless all of you and success on the mission work He has sent you to do.

  30. Think somebody needs to add Henry's pic to this page.

  31. First off Congratulations!!! Secondly What a beautiful show you guys have!! It has to be the best show ever!! Its a calm show made with such class!!! I will actually miss watching you all and look forward to the summer!!!


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