
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Hello from Jinger and Jeremy

Jessa and Ben Seewald have officially chosen a name for their second son, and the rest of the Duggar family is thrilled. Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo share their congratulations and well wishes in the video below. Notice the new painting, with colors similar to those of Jeremy's Rembrandt mentioned a couple weeks ago on the show, above the couch.

Photo/video courtesy


  1. I wonder why they sound so emotionless, almost like robots.

    1. They sounded fine ... What should they be doing? Cartwheels?

    2. Why don't everyone just leave the girls alone! If that's the way they want to look at their husbands then so be it. If only we all had so much respect for our spouses. Why pick everyone apart just enjoy a wholesome show with great people on it. If it's a big problem don't watch it.

  2. Could Jinger's smile be any bigger??? Happy for her.

  3. Sadly, I have noticed both Jinger and Jessa are doing that "stare at your husband" the whole time he's talking thing. I was hoping they wouldn't sucumb to that ..whatever it is.

    1. Haha, me too. For some reason, it drives me NUTS.

    2. I think they just really admire their husbands. It's really sweet

    3. You mean admiration for your spouse? I guess I'm not seeing the problem. Would you mind explaining?

    4. It's called respect. I don't think there is anything weird about it.

    5. Better than staring at the camera ... I would do the same!

    6. I'm not the original poster but I guess that what troubles them (and me too) is that it doesn't look like mutual love and admiration like they're on the same level, it looks like the wife admires the husband, who is superior. It's like the admiration for a superior, which for me isn't a good thing in a marriage.

    7. Well this admiration couldn't be more over the top if you would stamp it in capital letters on there foreheads. It does not seem natural it seems like they were told to do so and I think that is why people comment it just does not look natural.

    8. It's called love and respect of which lots of people these days don't know anything about......

    9. I have been married 25 years and. I still look at my hubby like thay5

      .cause he's my best friend!!! I adore him πŸ’—

    10. I think they're just emulating their mother.

    11. I respectfully disagree. My spouse and I respect each other and look at each other when we speak, but we look into each other's eyes. Jessa, Jill, and Jinger glance at their husband's eyes, but focus on his mouth. I get a strong sense that they are waiting for him to to finish his lines, so they can speak theirs. It's not a true listening to what he is saying as in a conversation, but rather waiting for him to finish. In the "What's Next for The Seewalds?" (The Seewalds Prepare for Home Birth post Sunday Feb.7), Jessa talks and talks, carrying the inteview, while Ben rarely looks at her. It's more as if Jess, Jill, and Jinger have all been cued to look adoringly at their spouse while he says his lines, then look at the camera and say their lines. Not to be critical, but I really hate that as the girls repeat their lines, they glance repeatedly at their spouse for approval. They're not asking his opinion, viewpoint, or his input as in including him in the conversation. All three girls did it (as did Anna), as if they need his approval of how well they're speaking their lines. Instead of coming across as loving, adoring, and unified, it reads as very unnatural, awkward, pronounced, and staged. You can almost hear the "Isn't that right, Babe/Dear?", looking for affirmation. A godly woman can and should be secure in her own right belonging to God. She should not need to be constantly looking (pun intended and meant) to her husband for his approval. He is not God.

    12. I wonder when Jessa and Ben will start their family? I am really enjoying the format of Counting On, and am so happy being able to see these Duggar siblings!

    13. Learned it from their mother.

    14. Guess if you don't know what "that is" , is because you have never been truly in love!!!!

    15. Maybe others should be asking themselves (both ways) why they dont look at the person whom is speaking, especially a spouse with love and respect. Missing that would be more worrisome wouldnt you think?

    16. if you notice, the person not speaking is looking at the person speaking. whether or not its husband & wife or the sisters or brothers speaking doesnt matter. its a sign of respect to divert your attention to the person speaking, regardless of who it is

    17. When they do that, it just looks like they're paying attention to what their spouse is saying - nothing wrong with that! I noticed on the show last night that Ben didn't look at Jessa when she was talking, and it didn't come across the best way, like he didn't agree with what she was saying or was bored.

    18. I look at my husband that way, I've thought twice about it. I think it's a sign of respect.

    19. I appreciate how these wives love and respect their husbands. Jinger loves her husband and that's why she looks at him while he is speaking. It is being respectful.

    20. succumb to loving your husband?! i have been married 33 years and still stare at my hubby when he is talking and other times - it is love nothing more. if you can't say something nice..............

    21. @7:31. I was the one who wrote the OP. With all due respect you are way out of line. I do know true love as I have been happily married for over 2 decades. The creepy way those girls stare at their husbands is not "love, respect, or admiration ". It's out of some archaic and misguided ideology of obedience and submission. It's not Biblical. Our Lord said husbands and wives are to submit one to the other. I was hoping Jessa and Jinger would not sucumb to man-made teachings that put wives in child-like roles of obedience. It's unnatural. Yes, my husband is head of our family, but I have a completely equal voice. I respect him when he speaks as he does me, but I don't eerily stare at him biding my time until I have a turn; which eliminates the "parent/child" feeling you get when watching these couples. So, yes, I have been truly in love for a very long time. Thankfully I do know what that truly is.

    22. Donna....Jessa and Ben HAVE started their family. They have two little boys!

    23. When you stare you don't pay attention. In conversation everybody looks at the person they're talking to, but here they're recording a video for the public, so it's not the same.
      it really looks like the wives look at the husbands as if the husbands are superiors who should approve them. It's not a reciprocated behavior.

    24. @6:39 you described this perfectly.

  4. Looking at a person who is speaking is a sign of respect. Notice the husbands look at their wives when they are speaking. Sadly people no longer learn at home to have respect for each other. It's one of the very important things in marriage

    1. I wish you wouldn't have generalized like that. "People no longer learn at home to have respect for each other." Not true across the board. Please don't lump everyone together into one negative opinion.

    2. Agreed 100%!!! Anon 3.19 pm

    3. Come on, the way the Duggar women gaze that their husbands while they talk is just creepy.

  5. Well the guys watch their wives when they talk. I notice couples to show respect to look at their spouses when they talk. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. And we see it on TV but do they actually watch their spouses when not on TV. But I know they all love and respect each other. They are all Godly couples.

    1. Well in the first couple of seconds when Jinger is speaking Jeremy is not looking at her though... And It is not the looking it is the way they are looking it just feels awkward not genuine... like they are told to do it and not just out of themselves...

  6. Do they make these videos at 4o'clock in the morning or something? They always look tired in them lol.

    1. Since he's a pastor of a church they may have been to visit someone very sick.......but they looked great to me.....can't wait to hear your expecting!

    2. They might have done this video at night after they get home from work.

  7. Respect goes both ways. She looked at him the entire time he talked but he looked straight when she was talking. Guess it's not a two-way street.

    1. Hi Denise, I think it's just that he wasn't raised to do that head turn stare like they were. When his parents were interviewed for the prewedding video they both look comfortably towards the camera. It didn't seem disrespectful, just natural.

    2. I think Jeremy was raised more "normal," without so many man-made rules.

  8. Notice the tightly cropped head shot. Jinger's face definitely looks fuller. She's pregnant, imo...

  9. I think Jinger might be expecting... that would explain her appearance. Just sayin. ;-)

    1. @7:27 and 8:46--what on Earth are you talking about or think you are seeing? Jinger looks exactly the same. I had a couple friends like you two---always thinking I was expecting. Going so far as to on an occasion or two telling me The Lord told them I was pregnant. ( I never was...). It was not only rude it totally cut my self-esteem. Maybe I had gained a few pounds? Maybe I skipped spin class a day or two taking care of my children? I have 2 children so the decade they assumed I was pregnant ...because of course they had been praying...was rough. By the way, we had several conversations where I told them my husband and I agreed our family was complete, but they felt we were out of God's Will by choosing not to have any more "blessings". I got to the point I tried to avoid them unless I had dropped a dress size! Please be mindful of how every little scrutiny of appearance is not kind, but quite demeaning. Give this newlywed couple time...and when it's time for any "big announcement" we can be sure it will be celebrated!

    2. I don't actually think the comment was rude. Jinger's face does look a lot fuller. But it looks really cute that way. She could be super thin otherwise - nobody saw it. So it's not calling her fat or something.

  10. Jinger was booming with joy in that video. It is so cute to see her so in love with her wonderful husband!! πŸ’•πŸ’•

    1. I agree! It's a beautiful thing. I used to look like that and it bothers me that I don't anymore. I need to fall in love with mine all over again.

    2. If you figure out that secret..9:28...please share!!

    3. Perhaps you could remember why you fell in love with your spouse.

  11. People these days have no respect when people are talking .
    My husband and I always look at each other when talking

  12. so sweet. jinger and the other duggar women love their husbands and are getting flack for looking/staring at them ???? what is next for people to whine about?! enough! to the negative comments - i have been married 33 years and stare quite often at my hubby - it is called LOVE.

    1. All the married women in this family do it. It's learned behavior by watching Michelle. Never see the husbands do the adoring look.

    2. I think men are just wired differently than women so you might not see them looking at the wives like that. I definitely look at my husband which I learned from other wives. It's really sweet and I really love to see wives who are in their 80s looking at their husbands looking at their husbands like they are are newlyweds.

  13. Is next week's show the last one for the season...anyone? Do we know any details about Jessa's birth yet, was it a home birth etc?I wonder if we have to wait until next season (if there is one) to see this latest birth...maybe a special will suffice.πŸ˜‰

    1. Hi there,

      Nope, next week's show is not the season finale. Check out our Showtimes page for more details.

      Lily and Ellie

  14. I have great fear that all good things must come to an end.I just hope and pray that when it does, that we still have this site for reliable update periodically in a two hour special would be nice too.

  15. RELAX on the new heading people! Every time there is a new addition to the family y'all want it posted ASAP...give them a chance to get it done, its not so quick and easy to do so, and maybe just maybe Ben and Jessa want to wait for the swelling to go down so as you can see a better picture of what Henry looks like...ya think...Maybe they want his eyes open etc.There are a myriad of reasons that it's not done so quick,as to your liking...chill folks...good golly!!! BLESSINGSπŸ•‡πŸ˜‡πŸ•†


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