
Monday, January 16, 2017

Recap: 'The Jinger Gown'

Counting On "The Jinger Gown"

  • Jinger is taking her mom, her four oldest sisters, Ben, Derick, Spurgeon, and Israel on a three-day trip to Fredericksburg, Virginia, so she can choose her wedding dress. Jeremy’s parents, Chuck and Diana, live on the East Coast and will meet them there to join in the festivities.
  • “As far as looking forward to the wedding, I don’t think I could be more excited,” says Jeremy.
  • Jana, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, and Joy are in the girls’ room preparing for the trip and talking about what Jinger wants in a dress. Jinger also tells her sisters who she has chosen to stand up with her in the wedding. “I don’t think she really even asked us,” says Joy, laughing. “She kind of told us.”
  • Jinger’s family refers to her style as “the Jinger style.” They say she is classy and trendy.
  • Everyone arrives in Virginia. Chuck Vuolo, Derick, Ben, Israel, and Spurgeon hang out together while the gals go wedding dress shopping. "I'm excited that Jinger has chosen to include my mother and father," says Jeremy, who is back in Laredo, where he pastors a small church.  
  • "Any opportunity to visit with Jinger is a joy...and we were looking forward to meeting the family," says Chuck.
  • The girls arrive at Ava Laurenne Bride, where Jill bought her dress, and reunite with co-owner Wendy. They also meet Renee Miller, the dress designer from Pensacola, Florida, to whom Wendy introduced Jinger. 
  • "I cannot believe that Jinger is going to be getting married!" says Michelle. "Getting to spend this time with Jinger and the sisters is such a precious thing."
  • Everyone is stunned when Jinger walks out in the first of three dresses designed by Renee. "It was just amazing being in a wedding dress," says Jinger. Jinger likes the first gown, but it is very basic, and she is wanting more details.
  • The second dress is very lacy, and Jinger loves it. The other women also agree it's more "Jinger" than the first one. "I think all my sisters have an opinion...and so I really appreciate their advice because I've never done this before," says Jinger.  
  • Jinger falls in love with the third dress the minute she looks at herself in the mirror. "This is like everything and more," says Jinger. "I love everything about this dress."
  • "I just overwhelmingly thought that this was her," says Renee Miller. "I just knew that dress #3 would be the dress that we would be able to name The Jinger."
  • "There's a lot of dress in this beautiful train, but it doesn't overpower her at all," says Diana Vuolo. "She just radiates, and I think she is going to bring my son to tears." 
  • While the girls shop, the guys go out for ice cream. Derick and Ben ask Chuck Vuolo for advice on transitioning from one child to two.
  • The Seewalds, Duggars, and Dillards say Spurgeon is laid back, happy, and interactive, while Israel is strong-willed but a sweetheart. 
  • After dress shopping, everyone heads to a local art shop to create canvas paintings for Jinger and Jeremy's home. Jill and Derick paint a faceless picture of Jinger and Jeremy; Ben (while Jessa takes care of the kids) paints an artistic coffee cup; Jana and Joy paint a girl holding an umbrella; Michelle and Jinger paint a city skyline; and the Vuolos paint a picture of a jewel that says "she is far more precious than jewels," signed Mom and Dad.
  • Jill and Derick have been home from Central America for a few weeks and are glad to be with family.


  1. Jinger, are you planning on saving your first kiss on your wedding day for private?

    1. The wedding already aired. They kissed at the altar.

    2. They're already married. They allegedly saved the first kiss, though I doubt it.

    3. You'd know the answer to your own question if you watched last season. It's already over!

    4. The wedding already aired. Interesting that in a clip aired tonight Jill was giving Jinger advice on the issue that either she or the guy initiates. Surprising one of the girls would initiate based on their belief system.

    5. No, they kissed on stage when they got married

    6. The wedding already happened and was on television.

    7. You do realize that the wedding already happened, right?

  2. I think I'm going to scream if I have to hear about this wedding one more time. Jinger got married. We get it.

    1. You mean you're not enjoying hearing about the wedding in complete reverse, 9:13? We toss in the honeymoon next week, I think! Probably with some other honeymoon flashbacks to fill time.

    2. well now they are showing it on TV, so they are just posting what happened. It's not really like they can control what TLC is showing on the show.

    3. Anon@9:13 I guess it's a safe bet that you won't be tuning in.

    4. Oh yes, they can completely control what TLC is showing. They could have refused to sign on the dotted line when the idea for a 3rd season was pitched.

  3. Derick was shown at the beginning concerning his health issue and then nothing more was said for the rest of the program. I am wondering how he is.

    1. I think they were showing a preview of the entire season at first, not that one episode. So we still have the full gagging clip to, um, look forward to.

    2. It was the preview for the entire season. That is why they didn't say anything more, that will bevavfuture episode after they have regurgitated the wedding.

    3. Regurgitated the wedding -- Biggest laugh I had today, thanks!!

  4. When will these new episodes be available for purchase? Will they be available on Amazon?

    1. Yesterday's episode is on Amazon. :)

      Lily and Ellie

  5. I really miss JimBob and the little ones...I still don't understand why us fans should be punished from seeing the rest of the family because of one man's mistakes.

  6. Are there pictures of the paintings?

  7. I was so nice to see the dress experience, we kinda of got jipped on Jill's and Jessa's.I hope we get to see how the newlyweds are adjusting and less of flames storyline, he seems like a nice guy but we don't have history with him.I really dislike those rapper hats that Ben wears.

    1. you mean baseball caps with flat visors?

    2. No, I mean rapper hats...yuck

    3. So that means I have to ask my husband not to wear his baseball caps anymore because people might think he is a rapper?

    4. There is a big difference...check it out...the profission all players and minors do not wear flat rimmed hats, but the rappers do.

  8. Why do you take your brothers-in-law and your little nephews along to go dress shopping? Those poor babies were sweating up a storm in their strollers while the dads were enjoying ice cream. They should have been at home, or at least back in the hotel for that nap. (I thought Jill was all about having air-conditioned comfort?) No wonder the kids were cranky by that night! Can't Derick and Ben watch their kids for 3 days at home by themselves? Weren't there a few aunties left at the big house who could have helped? Or (grown) uncles?? Why did the men and the babies have to go along???

    1. Wondered the same thing.

    2. That was silly, and those kids were obviously uncomfortable and unhappy.

    3. Agree 100%. Silly to drag them along.

    4. Maybe they are still nursing their kids or maybe they took time to enjoy a couple of nights at a hotel.... does it really matter? I would never have left my babies for three days even with my husband.

    5. For the TV plotline, of course.

    6. For support,company and protection.
      I thought it was nice that they kept company with Jeremy's dad, since he drove down to bring his wife for the nice outing.

    7. I don't get the whole wedding dress shopping entourage thing. It's a new phenomenon. When I went shopping for my dress, I took my mom and grandma. Everything seems to be overblown nowadays. (Thinking of that TLC wedding dress show...)

    8. This is not real life but reality TV. No the husbands would not have spent the money to fly up there in real life this adds story line to the show to give us a reason to watch it.

    9. I think the guys went along because that is the thing to do in traditional marriages - the women seldom go anywhere without their husbands.

    10. They enjoy being together! I love being with my husband and children and truly do not like traveling without them--even for special events. Also, Jessa and Jill may still be nursing their toddlers...separating moms and babies isn't "normal"...

    11. Why did it take three days for a dress shopping trip?

    12. Nursing? Some couples don't spend anight apart after their married.

    13. You've gotta remember.... We saw only a few moments of the entire 3 day trip, which was actually only a 1 day trip, 2 of those days they were traveling. To think that the few brief moments they showed on TV were representative of the whole 3 days is highly unlikely. We happened to see tired, sweaty boys napping in strollers or carseats.... What we may not have seen during all those hours in between was little cousins laughing, playing, running around a park, being loved on by Grandma and their Aunties, sweet cuddles in their hotel room with mommy and daddy, lots of fun and special memories being made.

      I traveled a ton with my daughter when she was a baby and toddler. We had moments when we were tired and sweaty in some other state or some foreign country, and sometimes naptime was in a stroller or carseat. But we made the most incredible memories and had adventures we talk about all the time. Shes always asking to hear the stories of the trips we took when she was little.

      Just remember, things are very rarely as they appear and its important to assume the best about people.

    14. Thanks for shedding some perspective for those commenters who apparently take everything at face value! :)

    15. @2:45 If all that is true, then you need to ask why did TLC choose not to show that? Why do they constantly show the worst of the worst in these episodes? Derick gagging, for one recent example, but if you think back, there are lots more.

  9. She didn't wear that dress, that dress wore her. That train was way too long for someone of Jinger's stature. You should be looking at the bride, not her gigantic train. Bigger is not always better.

    1. But Jeremy said he likes trains! Give me trains!!! He mentioned it once!

    2. I love ball gown wedding gowns with Catherdral trains. Of course, it would be nice if she could have worn it during a traditional 4-5 hour reception.

    3. You kind of said what I always say only in a different way. The main thing to look for in a wedding dress is how it frames your face and flatters your figure.

    4. Well the dress should be about what Jinger likes and wants...

    5. The Duggar girls' sense of style stymies me.

  10. Reality check for all young girls: Nobody is going to sew 3 custom wedding dresses for you to try on (and reject 2), not unless you have your own TV crew.

    That was rather misleading last night.

    1. I think young girls will get that.

    2. I don't think it's misleading - this is a reality show, not a how-to show. They showed us what they really did.

    3. It wasn't misleading at all. At what point did the dress designer say she makes three dresses for all of her brides? The designer and Jinger and her family were all traveling from out of town to meet. It made sense for her to give Jinger several options, since they don't live in the same area.

    4. Actually it happens often. You just have to choose that options. It's not unusual at all. So glad it worked so well for Jinger!

    5. Yes, I wondered about that. Who works on three dresses for one client? If you're designing a dress for someone, don't you just design "A" dress? And not actually make it til you're sure you're in the ballpark of what they want? I doubt every client gets 3 finished choices.

    6. Totally misleading to the old "but used-save the difference " crowd!

    7. "Trying to adjust to motherhood AGAIN"???? What Jessa?

    8. I'm a 16 year old "young girl" and I understand it.

    9. No dressmaker makes 3 dresses and discards the 2 you don't want.

  11. Sounds really interesting.

  12. Do you know if this season is going to be available for purchase on iTunes? I don't have cable, so that was my only way to watch it... It's still not showing up in the iTunes store so I don't know if they're even going to have it. :(

    1. Hi there,

      Sometimes it takes a few days to show up. It's on Amazon though:

      Lily and Ellie

  13. What do Derrick and Ben do for jobs? I never see them working. Is everyone making so much from the show that no one has to work anymore?? This is not look like real life anymore. They are looking too rich? The wedding dress was a good example, what happened to making your own. Must be nice to have a TLC pay cheque.......

    1. The vast majority of the family's income (including the adult married children) comes from the television show. Ben/Jessa, Derick/Jill and Josh/Anna are still very entwined with Jim Bob when it comes to their livelihood. As for Jinger and Jeremy, time will tell. They're appearing on the new show, too, though, so clearly they are not cutting those ties. Of all the adult children and their spouses, Jeremy is the only one with full time employment from someone other than Jim Bob or TLC.

    2. It's just a matter of time til Jeremy and Jinger move closer to the Arkansas home. Jim Bob and his friends will find an opening for them somewhere.

    3. Anyone know how much they make off the show? I wonder how they will support themselves once the show is canceled some day.

    4. They need to stop asking for money for the mission that no longer exists. Life is not about people handing you money "just because."

    5. Again...they were millionaires before the show...the show was just bonus some research.

  14. Thank you so much for diligently working to write your blog posts. I looked on your blog first thing this morning, and the recap was here from the show last night! Ellie and Lily, you do a great job! I don't have cable, so these recaps and blog updates help me to feel like I am still in the loop.

  15. So did Jeremy's family never meet Jinger's until just now? I would feel scared bringing two families together who have never met.

    1. Who's bringing families together? it's called leave and cleave

    2. This is how it usually happens. Couples dating seriously or planning to marry may get introduced to each other's parents, but other family members frequently don't meet until later.

    3. I thought the 2 families met right after the engagement (while still in the NY/NJ/PA area), and they were both in Laredo together at some point last summer.

    4. I think both families are very similar in their lives and belief systems, so probably nothing to worry about.

  16. The three "sample dresses: the same dress, different lace on them.

    1. Totally agree, 3:31. Not much else different about any of them. A change of lace, a longer train. So?

    2. Don't most brides try on a few different silhouettes or dress shapes til they narrow it down? That was one dress, plus or minus lace pieces here or there.

  17. As always, I loved seeing the Duggars. They are so wholesome and positive. I'm looking forward to all the episodes to come!


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