Have you heard of the Mannequin Challenge? It's a fun activity that has overtaken social media. All you have to do is grab a group of people, have everyone choose an action or pose, and then instruct them all to stand perfectly still while you take a quick video.
Twenty-year-old Josiah Duggar wrangled 11 of his younger siblings, nieces, and nephews and helped them complete the challenge. What do you think?
Photo/video courtesy duggarfamily.com
I heard of the mannequin challenge... several weeks ago when people were still doing it.
ReplyDeleteWoW. They did great ! �� From Holland
ReplyDeleteI'm impressed! They did a great job keeping all of those kids to stand still especially little Israel. I even see that their dog joined in at the end.
ReplyDeleteI'm impressed even the little dog stayed put! My dog isn't nearly as well behaved 😂
ReplyDeleteThat is awesome! Well done Duggars, I'm impressed! By the way I love you all, watched you all from the very beginning.
ReplyDeleteSo cute!!
ReplyDeleteHow did little Israel stay so very still?! Way to go sweet boy!
ReplyDeleteEven the dog was still, very cute!
ReplyDeleteI have never heard of this but they sure have become experts! I think I'll get my family to try this😊
ReplyDeleteVery nice, super impressed the dog even laid so still!
ReplyDeleteThat was so cool! They did a great job!
ReplyDeleteEven the dog participated!!!
ReplyDeleteThey know a lot about trends and social media for "simple folk". Could they be becoming more worldly and slightly abandoning their values?
ReplyDelete"Simple folk"? Could you elaborate?
DeleteI also wondered how they would know about this if they are not allowed online. Or why they would want to follow a silly online trend anyway.
DeleteSeems a bit odd when they're not allowed TV or online access much. Maybe they're becoming more materialistic and worldly.
DeleteI was surprised they know about the mannequin challenge. I have barely heard of it myself. "Simple folk" means they were raised to not engage in most media, watch most TV or movies (even certain episodes of the Andy Griffith Show were banned), not listen to music except hymns and classical, etc.
DeleteLove it. Love this family!
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome! Can you ask the duggars to do the challenge with all/a lot of the Poole still living at home?
ReplyDeleteI love it!
ReplyDeleteCan't believe Little Israel totally understands the concept. He did a much better job than some of his aunts and uncles!
And even the dog is playing along 😉
SO cute!! Love the Duggar kids and miss seeing them on the show. Who is the dark haired girl behind Josie? Looks a little like Mackynzie but not sure. Also look at that sweetie Israel being a big boy with his cousins! Great going Duggar kids!
ReplyDeleteI Love It
ReplyDeletePretty darn good. Even the little ones pulled it off. Looks kinda fun.
ReplyDeleteOkay, just wondering how the heck you got the DOG to freeze!!??
ReplyDeleteI think it's ridiculous how they make their girls play in dresses. Give those poor children some pants and let them be comfortable! Wearing pants is better and more modest than wearing skirts and worrying that they are going to fly up when you're moving around, as all children do. If anyone has bad thoughts or temptations of any kind about a child dressed in a pair of pants, then that person has the problem, not the little girl.
ReplyDeleteI think it is ridiculous that you made a point to criticize them for their parenting choices on this post.
DeleteThis post was a fun display and I think they did a great job! Even the dog seemed to be taking part in it. Thanks for sharing Duggars.
Actually dresses and skirts are far more modest than pants and shirts!
Deletedresses and skirts for all little girls,teens,women are far less modest then wearing pants and below the knee shorts can still dress-up or down within simple guildlines of looking nice
DeleteIve worn dresses all my life and it hasnt stoped me from doing anything!
DeleteFor them, it's just as much about being "feminine" as it is about being "modest".
DeleteAgreed that pants are more modest on little girls playing on a jungle gym. What would be wrong with baggy sweatpants?
DeleteDresses fly up, as the reader stated. Which would you prefer to see, a girl in a pair of pretty, girly looking pants or a girl in a dress which flys up and exposes her leggings, which are more snug on her than a pair of pants?
DeleteTotally agree, 2:46. It defies logic how skin-hugging leggings could be considered modest. And it is a spectacle when a girl's dress flies up. That's not an issue with pants. Everyone sews in that household. They could easily make elastic-waist pants that were loose and normal looking, if they couldn't find any at the thrift stores.
DeleteI'm not religious at all but always found skirts and dresses more comfy as a child (15 yrs ago) and much easier to run around in. Pants are either fitted properly and not conducive to running or are baggy and look sloppy. Nowadays, everyone walks around in yoga pants or leggings so I suppose those are just as comfortable for running.
Deletevery cool!!
ReplyDeleteI would like to know from someone who knows, what is the Duggar childrens' weekly school schedule...Sunday to Saturday? Do they have fixed time daily for their education or is it unorganized time?
ReplyDeleteVery cool video!
ReplyDeleteI love it! They did an awesome job! So cute how Israel totally got it!
ReplyDeleteI also think that pants or shorts are far more modest than skirts and dresses to play in. The girls can't move around like the boys are permitted to do in skirts...They're wearing pants or leggings under a dress anyway, so just lose the dress and wear the pants already. No point to TWO layers of clothing, it just gets in the way to play. These people are very silly in this belief for young girls.
ReplyDeleteGood point. If it's wrong to wear them then technically it should be wrong to wear all the time. It appears that it's not wrong when it's convenient to them. Sad.
DeleteWhat's so sad? Does the Bible say for a woman not to wear pants? NO. Men wore tunics in Bible times. The Biblical prohibition is against men impersonating women and vice versa, not pants on a woman. All these made up rules give Christians a bad name. The Bible warns to not add or subtract from God's Word.
DeleteLooks like a good time was had by all. Lots of fun for everyone. When I was growing up we called a similar game "Statues"! Thanks for the video.
ReplyDeleteJoan,Marion and Marilyn
Was this recess during homeschooling?
ReplyDeleteIt's Christmas break. We homeschoolers take breaks too.
DeleteNice video, nice to see everyone enjoying themselves. Wearing leggings under a dress would reduce chances of exposure and allowing more freedom to move. The younger girls often do but don't get why the others don't.
ReplyDeleteWhat good are leggings if the dress rides up? Leggings are worse than pants then! When I was in elementary school, we were required to wear shorts under our dresses on the days we had gym class. And the boys were always trying to get a peek at our shorts. Dresses over shorts just made things more mysterious and interesting for the boys.
DeleteYou usually don't run up and down, as a grownup. Even if, what's wrong with showing a little knee? It's not like they're in danger of showing their underwear...
DeleteJust what we need to see. Children happy and having fun together. Much better than reading all the sad news that we have been hearing about lately.
ReplyDeleteI love skirts but it seems to me like every time I wear one I get more "looks" like it's more of a temptation for the male gender when they see a girl in a skirt... j/s but I love the duggars. The world would be a horrible place if they didn't see them on tv being a great example. Maybe I'm taking this too far.. Lol
ReplyDeleteWhat do I think?
ReplyDeleteI think the Duggars 'worldly' in the things they do. There was a time when this family was unique and different from what everyone was doing and it was refreshing. They showed they lived to please God and spoke of Him in all they did. I'm not saying they don't live to please Him, but they just don't acknowledge Him anymore the way they used to do. If they aren't allowed to anymore on their show then it's time to say goodbye to the show.
In an attempt to show them as a more "normal" family, the producers have ruined the initial concept of the show. And then the Duggars discovered what you can do when you have a ton of money. You can have huge houses; you can buy computers and the latest, biggest cell phones; you can travel whenever and wherever you want; you can eat out at restaurants constantly; you can forget all about your former humble lifestyle, where the focus was on values, not on things.
DeleteIt is time for them to turn off the camera and refocus. They of all people should be the first to realize this! All they're doing now is looking for more ways to make more money from their fame. Very disappointing.
My question is why only positive comments are posted here? I know, some of the replies to comments question the Duggars' behavior, but did no one say, "Pointing guns at little children, after Sandy Hook, is just not right"? Do the Duggars know about Sandy Hook? Do the bloggers here allow different viewpoints? Surely, someone must have provided a negative comment. I mean, even Jesus promoted questioning the behavior of others (ie the Pharisees, the rich, etc). Would the bloggers here allow questioning the Duggars' antics?
ReplyDeleteI think the Duggar boys pointing guns at the Duggar girls is no problem. I think it is actually a good thing. When they grow up, they'll know what to do if someone points a real gun at them. This is called "education".
ReplyDeleteThey did a good job!