Thursday, December 1, 2016

Dillards and Seewalds Are Ready for Christmas

The Dillards and Seewalds are getting ready for Christmas! Jill, Derick, and Israel Dillard have been home from Central America for almost four months. They are living in the home that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar refer to as their "guesthouse," located next door.

Both Jill Dillard and Jessa Seewald are proud of their Christmas decorations. For both of them, this is their third Christmas as married women and their second Christmas as mamas. Have you decorated for Christmas yet?

 Jill (Duggar) Dillard and Israel Dillard with their newly decorated Christmas tree

 Jessa (Duggar) Seewald's Christmas decorations...notice the four stockings :)

And here's a cute picture of Grandma Michelle Duggar and grandson Israel Dillard...

Michelle Duggar and Israel Dillard

Photos courtesy,


  1. I guess they don't use that woodstove. If they did, just locking the door wouldn't be would need to be gated off. And that nativity set would be fried!

  2. Jill never looked that happy in El Salvador. Wonder how close they are to going back out as missionaries again somewhere? Guess they're living off the TLC paycheck in the meantime. A free house doesn't hurt, either. Wonder if they feel obligated to pay their share of the utilities and insurance and tax bill while under that roof?

    1. Who care really, no one's buisness but theirs eh...keep smiling y'all 😉


    3. That's none of your business. Gees....

    4. Legitimate questions. If you're asking for money from the public to fund your endeavors, the public should be able to get a full accounting of how it's being used. Other 501(c)(3) charities HAVE to report that, and it has to be available to the public!

  3. Michelle looks more beautiful with each passing year!

    1. I agree! Her enviable diligence in exercising has paid off, and she's looking good.

  4. It would be nice if they could give you a video to post of Israel and Spurgeon so we could hear and see how they are doing with their speaking and see how Spurgeon is doing if he is walking.

    1. Yeah and a lot of people would be criticizing them if their kids don't speak or walk how they want. I would not post such video for nay sayers to pick apart.

    2. Personally, since little ones grow and change so fast, it's neat to see them come into their own, developing their own unique personality. If the Seewalds and the Dillards are okay with the videos, it's fine. My only concern is their security and safety- it's a crazy world these days!

  5. 😀one of the stockings has a bow on it!
    Is it Jessa's or does that mean she's having a girl!

    1. I'm guessing the polar bear one is Spurgeon's for this year and the one with the bow and the 'S' is his from last year.

    2. Yes, maybe two people gave them stockings for Spurgeon, or maybe it's even for Seewald.

  6. Michelle looks really good

  7. I'm not putting up a tree this year.
    I have a very active one year old...enough said. Lol.

    1. Try having 3 very active cats in the house and a tree. Can't be done! I know someone whose cat hung himself on the light strands, too. Christmas decorations and pets or small children do not mix!

    2. Well, we put it on the porch that year. More fun for the neighbours and less worry for us.

  8. Very nice and glad most of the family is home.
    I returned from work today to find the tree up and decorated. Such a great time was had working together to surprise me.

  9. Why do Jill and Derick not feel an obligation to their missionary work after soliciting so many donations to finance it? At my job I get four weeks of vacation a year (not four months), and that's after earning several years of seniority. If the Dillards are putting up Christmas decorations I take that to mean they'll be in Arkansas through the holidays at the very least. How can they take off 5+ months from a job and expect anyone to take them seriously?

    1. Can't this family post just one pic and not have any remarks that are not just pleasant, that because the commentors must not be in a good sorry. Happy folks post happiness...just the way it is...blessings for sure.

    2. My husband has done various forms of ministry for over 25 years, and I would like to share that missions work is very different than a regular 40hr a week job. With missions work, you put in far more hours and are ALWAYS "on call". It's a way of living and every part of your life becomes intertwined with it, not unlike full time pastoral ministry. Some countries carry with them a risk of danger so there's that element as well. Due to the high physical, spiritual, and emotional demands of the job and the toll it can take on a family, it's not unusual for missionary families to return home on furlough for several months or even a year. This is a time when they can emotionally recharge, "sit on the other side of the pulpit" to be spiritually fed, and get some physical rest. It's also important for them to reconnect with friends and family. During the furlough, they also spend time speaking at churches sharing testimony of the work God is doing through them in the missions field. Furlough is also a time when they work on raising the financial and prayer partners they'll need for support when they return to the mission field. One cannot compare a "regular" job with missionary work. It's apples and oranges. I am saddened to see how quick some people are to condemn any blessings they see the Duggars or others receive. We need to cultivate a culture where we can rejoice in the blessings of others without criticizing or becoming jealous. I believe most people would gladly partake of similar blessings in their own lives if given the opportunity. Just because our lives don't unfold in the same way doesn't mean we should begrudge the Duggars, Dillards, Seewalds, or Vuolos the ways in which God chooses to bless them. Our Heavenly Father gives us each different paths and in those we'll find our own difficulties yes, but also our own blessings.

    3. Very valid concerns when donations are solicited. You can tell Jill was extremely unhappy there. Most missionaries really have a heart for where they serve and want to get back. She looks so much happier here.

    4. That was my thought too. I don't know any missionaries that come home for 4 months unless they are raising funds. They do mission work inbetween all the many trips they make home.

    5. Anonymous @3:48 PM- I know several missionaries and I do agree about those in full-time service. They do have furloughs to reconnect with their families and to fundraise for the next year (or 5yr stretch depending on the organization and their commitment). Sometimes, but not always, they are able to fly home in an Emergency situation (like pregnancy problem or death of a parent). Rarely, if ever, do they get to come home for a wedding though. Honestly, I think Derick and Jill (maybe more so Jill) just got in over their head- not faulting them at all. I feel very sorry for both of them. The first year or two of marriage involve a lot of adjustments, learning to live with someone you're not related to, who does things differently, and comes with different baggage (and everyone has some kind of baggage). Adding in a baby, losing the daily/weekly face-to-face chats and sister time she was used to all her life, culture shock, and being unused to the dangers that can exist for any American in a foreign country was quite an adjustment in a short time. While the Duggar family is close, they're not good at teaching and allowing their children to become independent of their parents or the family unit. Because they're not encouraged along those lines and never get a chance to practice, long distance separations (cross-country or out-of-the country moves) are going to be a very big deal. Derick and Jill are blessed to have supportive and available parents on both sides should they actually really need them (some people don't), but the Duggars should really be encouraging their children from the teen years up to work things out themselves. Mom & Dad are supposed to be transitioning responsibility, self-control, time management, personal character and integrity, financial responsibility, and independence to the young adult themselves. That doesn't mean abandoning them, it means guiding with a loose lead. :) Often, in the challenges, is when a couple grows the most and it solidifies the marriage foundation (something about knowing there is no running back to Mom & Dad, it's up to us to make this work). There's something gratifying for the young adult too in knowing that they can stand on their own two feet and make it (not in a prideful, rebellious way, but a secure prepared for life way).

    6. To anon @3.40pm. Maybe the Dillards were not able to solicit that many donations for their work in Central America, and maybe the funds have long been depleted. How do we know they raised tens of thousands of dollars, maybe they only raised $2,000.00 and they're broke. People are always talking about all this money, and their obligation to continue their work in Central America because of "all this money".

  10. That's a good sign that Jill is preparing for Christmas...that must mean they are staying!!!! Their original plan was to return to Central America right around now I believe. Hopefully this means she is expecting!!!!! Blessings to them.

  11. Jill and the baby both have bags under their eyes.

    1. Lest judge your pics now...come on post them, we want to see...really.How would u feel...what is wrong with people...oh I know it's Christmas time so we must all be alittle meaner around the holidays...not😬


    3. It could just be a thing in their family, my brother, sister, and me both have that because of genes in our family.

    4. Maybe God made them that way. That's how he made me, no matter how much sleep I get.

    5. God didn't make you that way, period. There's a medical reason for it, and it can be helped. Allergies, vitamin deficiency, etc.

    6. You post comments on how Jill has bags under her eyes but you took down a post where the question was being raised, out of concern,if Isreal had some form of down syndrome. I know it was taken down because I replied to it and now it's gone. Is there something wrong being concerned for a child who may have special needs. Well I guess you must feel that way because why else would that particular post be taken down. Very sad.

  12. The Dillard and Seewald homes looking very festive. Love the four stockings Jessa has hanging up. Merry Christmas to all.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  13. We haven't decorated for Christmas in 3-4 years. #NoSnowHere #SouthAmericanHeat!

    1. You don't need snow to decorate Christmas! I'm Australian and I will never ever have a white Christmas here.

  14. We are in the process of decorating. We are excited about living where it actually snows now. But we only get a little but I'm relieved because the locals here say the snow storms can get old after awhile.

  15. Thought they didn't want a Christmas tree because it was a Pagan tradition.

    1. The girls are out from under their father now. They can do their own thing.

    2. The Duggars were raised not to focus on traditional decorations but the "real reason for the season." Michelle said so herself in one of the episodes. They were making "Happy Birthday Jesus" banners, not putting up a tree.

    3. The Duggars still had garland and lights, candles and poinsettia plants . Even without a Christmas tree, their home always looked very festive. They still had some "traditional decorations".

  16. When do Jill and Derrick plan to go back to Central America?

  17. Idatel Dullard is adorable and so is sturgeon...The great looks run in the family. I don't think there is one duggar in the family that isn't attractive. God Blessed you all with great looks...And FTW. People need. To forgive Josh and be kind to him and Anna. They have suffered enough...

  18. Love the Duggars so much and appreciate that they share pictures with us fans. Especially love the picture of Michelle with Israel! So cute - can't believe she is old enough to be his grandma - she looks younger and younger. Beautiful woman inside and out.

  19. Must be hard on Israel going through so many moves. And he will have to move once again, as obviously Jill and Derrick won't probably want to stay at their parents place forever

  20. 4 months? Are the Dillard's planning on returning to the South American mission field? Will they be staying in the USA for good? Where is Derrick working meanwhile? Is he still working as a substitute teacher?

    1. I really hope they decide to stay. Its so dangerous over there. And they all look healthier and happier now. With being home they can think about there future and possibly more kids. I think it is good that Derrick is working. He understands that everything cant be handed to him. Yes it seems like ever duggar child gets a house. What is Ben doing? When he first met Jessa he didnt have a job. He was working for jimbob but you cant always do that. And honestly with soon to be 2 young kids. It gets expensive. I would like to know what Ben is doing to support his wife and kids because before long that small house they will out grow as did josh and anna.

  21. Please respond to this legitimate question: When are the Dillards returning to Central America? The SOS missions begin on 12/3. Shouldn't they be back by now?
    Also, I thought the Duggar family doesn't believe in Christmas trees. The reason they gave was because their children knocked them down..I had small children in my home and they were TAUGHT to not do that. Why weren't these parents successful in that? I also believe because a tree is a secular symbol of Christmas and they are against all secular symbols of Christmas. Thank you for posting this and please respond to the Dillards' departure date. Most of us suspect that they aren't returning...just for the short 2 week missions. Let us know what's up with their "ministry".

  22. Wow!! Jill and Derrick sure do vacation longer than they do missions. I've never known "missionaries" who live such leisurely and oppulent lifestyles. Good for them, but whom have they truly helped in any realistic way??

  23. So glad the Dillards are still here and get to spend the holidays home.Any news as to their return to Central America? I selfishly hope they stay abroad, I sense Jill's happiness is favorable to being stateside.I guess we will have to wait until January to find out.I hope the new season will focus more on the littles and middles this time😊God bless y'all and be merry😄

  24. Really festive !! Is real will really enjoy the holidays this year!

  25. Oh my goodness! Now I'm really confused! I thought the Duggars don't celebrate Christmas because it's not Jesus' real birthday?! Didn't Jimbob say that it was a pagan holiday, from the solstice celebrations?

    1. They are Dillards and will have their own traditions, why do people not get that... once they marry they are out from under their parents rule and are free to do their own thing.

    2. You must not have watched the show. They celebrated every year, with Happy Birthday Jesus banners, presents, etc.

    3. To 6:23's comment - Jimbob may have said they don't celebrate Christmas because its not Jesus' real birthday and it is a pagan holiday. I would say, What does Jimbobs beliefs have to do with the DILLARD household and what the DILLARDS celebrate? I think Derick is his own man, the "manbun" proves that lol!!Derick is the head of their household, and maybe he grew up celebrating Christmas and wants the same for Israel. Same with the Seewald household!

    4. That's what I thought. Jill seems happy enough to share with her son.
      I have friends doing mission work in the same area. Their contracts are rarely the same but do overlap which is nice for company overseas.
      The family may share more with the general public once date's are confirmed.

  26. Four stockings in the Seewald house?

    1. She's pregnant again so I suppose its for the child she's carrying !

    2. Jessa is pregnant.

    3. It is unusual to put up a stocking for an unborn child.

  27. Was the Dillard's "missions" just another publicity stunt? Not trying to be cynical, but truly curious. For the sake of the people in Central America I hope they do not return. They have been in incredibly disrespectful...calling Catholics non-Christian...Jill hiding in her home...using deragatoey racial terms etc. They have not provided any real help in the form of better medical or housing care. Of course Jill had all modern appliances and air conditioning. I hope they leave the missions work to real missionaries...not reality TV stars who are just using it for advertising for their TV show.

  28. When are Jill and Derick heading back to Central America? They should have returned already.

  29. To me something does not seem good, Jill and Israel are happy in this photo but we ALL have seen Jill weep on TV.

    1. She's happy because she's back in AR and not in Central America. She does like it there.

  30. "Well we celebrate Jesus's birthday," answered matriarch Michelle. "So we have a big Happy Birthday Jesus banner and we really try to focus on the real meaning of Christmas ". Michelle explaining to TLC why they don't put up a Christmas tree--Dec 2014. Hmm...

    1. This is in Jill's home. The offspring must think differently.

    2. While I am understanding that the Dillard's and Seewald's have every right to their own family traditions regarding a Christmas tree etc. we once again have zero explanation from the families. And, yes, as fans we do have the right to explanations as to shifting and changing ideologies. Many of us really do research and try to raise our children as Godly as these families and for many of us there has not been any other compass to be guided by. Not everyone is raised in a loving Chrstian home. The Duggars and their now grown children have been influential for over a decade later n right/wrong...moral/immoral...Christian traditions vs pagan traditions. So, while they certainly do have the right to think differently this should be backed up by Scripture.

    3. Just a note:
      The Bates children that are married all have Christmas trees as well...Zach&Whitney, Michael&Brandon, Erin&Chad, Alyssa&John all put up Christmas trees, and Gil and Kelly Bates have talked about hanging their own Christmas lights. They follow the same ideologies as the Duggars, but they celebrate differently.

    4. Anon@10:07- Why look to the Duggars as a moral compass? They are simply human beings with the same complexities and frailties as the rest of us. Do what you think is right based on your own "research". If your are looking for the perfect Godly family to idolize, I am afraid your search will go on forever.

    5. It's called leaving and cleaving. The stockings could be a Sewald family custom which Jessa has chosen. I didn't grow up being read "Twas The Night Before Christmas", my husband did, as is our son. My husband was appalled at the idea of candy on Christmas morning, for me it's normal. Our son thinks Christmas Chocolate is a breakfast appetizer. I had a real tree, he had a fake tree. We have a fake tree with lights because my husband is, umm, particular when it comes to lights. The Duggars have never claimed to be perfect. They have said "This is the way we do things." None of the Duggar women have said "We will 100% do as our parents did when we get married."

  31. So when are Jill and Derick returning to CA? The weddings have been accomplished and their time is up here.

    1. Never; they'll be releasing a pregnancy announcement soon enough.

  32. I just hope everything works out for yourfamily God bless y'all

  33. Have a happy and safe Holiday merry Christmas

  34. Here is a real, legitimate question and deserves an answer: Have the Dillards been asked back to Central America by SOS or any other "missionary group"? Are they returning, if not, why not?

  35. I to am wondering if they are expecting since they will be here through the holiday season, a baby girl would be nice

  36. Beautiful family blessed by the Lord!!!

  37. What happened to that one girl who lived in extreme poverty in Honduras (Central America, part of North America)that Jill cried for leaving behind in one of the episodes where they go and drastically change the lives of the poor by giving candy and manicures? Did Jill helped her out while she was in that violent part of the world, sacrificing herself?

    1. I remember that girl and the sweet friendship they had. I've wondered the same thing.

    2. With no disrespect- how did Jill sacrifice herself?

    3. Poor Jill, only had Skype available part of the time, and got scared by a falling shower rack. I don't see how her nerves could take it.

  38. Awwww, how pretty! I think it's sweet they have a stocking to honour the new arrival coming in a few months. I can definitely see how Jill and Jessa are cleaving to their husbands.

  39. Aww, I love the photo the Seewalds have up on the mantle. :)

  40. Congrats on the baby.

  41. Congrats on the baby. When is it due?


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