
Monday, November 21, 2016

The Vuolos' Love Story

Here's a cute video to brighten your Monday afternoon. Take a look back at Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo's love story, starting with the first day of their courtship and ending with their first kiss at the altar and a couple wedding snapshots. What do you think of Jinger's hot pink high heels?

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. I think we have all had enough of Jeremy and Jinger for a while. Please discuss something else, such as the Duggars' Thanksgiving traditions.

    1. I love hearing about Jeremy and Jinger. I think there story is awesome. So different from the other three. I'm so happy they are going to be living in Texas and starting a life away from the Duggar clan.... I do enjoy watching the show but ready for story lines about each of the older children not just the whole family. Keep the news about those two coming. I'm anxious to hear about their home in Texas her being a preachers wife.

    2. Agreed...I don't need to watch that stuff for the umpteenth time.

    3. Stay positive or stay quiet.

    4. Agreed, I'm exhausted, no more Seewalds or Vuolos for a while please,lets talk about Thanksgiving with the Duggars and then Christmas with the Duggars!

    5. We have been saturated with Dillard's and Seewalds It's very new to see Jinger /Jeremy How long we're the others drawn out?

    6. I LOVE THE DUGGAR FAMILY! It is a joy to witness Ginger and Jeremy's love for one another and to see how they have put Christ first in their relationship! They are a beautiful, sweet couple and I pray God will bless them always in their journey through life. I have enjoyed watching their relationship progress. Loved Ginger's choice of different colors and LOVED her shoes! It is an expression of what a fun and joyous woman she is! This family is a blessing to all of us and an example for everyone to follow. Can't wait to see the new relationships and the progression of everyone's lifes! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!

    7. Totally agree!!!!!!

    8. I definitely am not tired of seeing the special joy in the various details of the wedding being shared - thank you for posting them! Jinger's shoes were so fun and cute! She was thinking of Jeremy when she picked them because he loves her in floral prints so she found a way to wear them on her wedding day. Good for her! So happy for them.

    9. I loved Jinger's wedding shoes as well.
      Lots of Brides now are wearing colored shoes, rather than the traditional white shoe along with the white gown. I love this new fashion trend.

  2. Love her shoes! Go Jinger!

  3. Oh, my... TLC certainly knows how to rehash the rehashed. Move on, folks!

  4. Jinger's wedding look was gorgeous, but since you asked, the floral pink shoes didn't match with any of the rest of the theme - especially Jeremy's red tie.

  5. I look forward to your program every week. It is the best thing on TV.

  6. Please post more pictures of Jeremy and Jongers wedding/reception/honeymoon!

  7. Sweet! Love this song - who is it by?

  8. I love your show also and look forward to it every week. I talk about you guys like you are part of my family, LOL!

  9. They really look in love!

  10. Loved the wedding beautiful couple gorgeous couple , loved the shoes and now on to Joy's courtship and hopefully Jana and Johns courtship dating soon

  11. I loved Jinger's shoes, it doesn't matter if they didn't match anything. They were pretty, they made her happy, that is what was important.

    1. I read in an article that the reason behind the floral shoes was that Jeremy loves her in floral prints. This was her way of getting in the floral touch. I loved them. Especially the heel! I've never seen any of the girls in heels. I'm so glad she stepped out of the box on a lot of things.

  12. Super sweet to watch.

  13. The shoes didn't match other colour's in the décor but they were her own personal wish. No matter what, I'm respectful.

  14. Loved the shoe's,and the whole wedding!!

  15. I loved Jinger's pink shoes! I also wore bright shoes under my wedding dress.

  16. I absolutely loved her shoes. It was a creative way to add a bit of color and spice to her white gown. Please no honeymoon pics ;)

  17. God bless you guys💗

  18. Are they the first couple to hug like "normal" people lol? They seem so genuine. I love it!!

  19. I love jinger's shoes!
    I know some people say they don't go with the rest of the colors but you can't really see them under that dress. But they look great in pictures.

    I also liked seeing how jinger doesn't sweat the small stuff. When they couldn't get the candles loose to light the unity candle she just grabbed the lighter and smiled at Jeremy 😊
    I would have panicked and would have asked someone else for help.

  20. Absolutely sweet. LOVE your shoes Jinger. I wish yall the best in this new journey in yalls life. God bless

  21. Loved the shoes, the wedding. ...Praise the Lord!

  22. I'm a big "shoe confused here". Do the Duggar parents not allow their daughters to wear grown up high heel shoes? I ask because the older girls recently commented (Jinger included) that they don't know how to walk in heels and that's why they don't wear them...but obviously, Jinger knows how to walk in them and wore them for her wedding and now we have seen her in heeled pumps on her honeymoon...Doesn't add up. Please clarify..thanks.

    1. Well I don't know about how well she "walked in the heels". If you watch the footage Jinger tripped at least twice in them, once going down the aisle with Jim Bob and once leaving the pulpit after the ceremony. Apparently not too many noticed this. ;-)

  23. Jeremy is a very good looking man! Jinger was a beautiful bride and I hope they have a blessed future together :)

  24. Jeremy and Jinger have a beautiful love story and wedding. They are so very blessed and i love them.

  25. It is funny how she married in laws named Charles and diana because jinger does look like Kate middleton.!

  26. I believed that wedding has alot of people to copy. It was star quality!!

  27. Please give us updates about where jinger and jermy going to spend thanksgiving. Please some updated not just wait for 3 months. Dying to know


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