
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Spurgeon "Beethoven" Seewald

Happy Hump Day! If you're looking for a mid-afternoon pick-me-up, check out this adorable video clip of Spurgeon's piano "lesson" with Mama Jessa. If he keeps practicing, Spurgeon might just be the next Beethoven!

Photo/video courtesy


  1. Jessa sure spends a lot of time back at the main house. Just noticing.

    1. Good idea, great for Spurgeon to be around other people.

    2. It would be a good idea if the other people weren't always his family members.

  2. Aww, cute. I always love playing piano with babies too.

  3. I thought they were only allowed to play religious music? Beethoven was/is not that.

    1. Of course he is. He wrote some profound Christian music and called his Missa Solemnis "the crown of my life's work". He often wrote dedications on his music like " in thanksgiving to the Almighty for the end of the storm".

  4. Funny how one has yet to hear the Duggars play any classical composition. Always religious hymns. I thought they were allowed to listen to and play classical?

    1. Beethoven is one of the very first classical musicians. Along with Bach, Mozart, Handel, Chopin, etc.

  5. Can't help but think of the Breaking Bad character Spooge every time I hear them say "Spurge." But I guess they wouldn't know about Breaking Bad...

  6. Oh how precious! He seemed to enjoy the piano but made it clear lesson time was over. Such a sweetie😊

  7. It looks like we have a musician in the making. Spurgeon is adorable and looks so much like Jessa.Thanks for sharing this.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  8. Hump day? Ewwww. Maybe you should try a different phrase.

    1. I hate that term also. Sounds raunchy to me

    2. There is nothing sexual about the phrase "hump day." It's referring to Wednesday, because it's the middle of the week and once Wednesday is over, you are "over the hump" and closer to the weekend.

    3. I agree. I've always disliked that term.

    4. Get your mind out of the gutter. Camels have humps. There are speed humps on the road. Etc.

  9. On another note here, I respectfully have to ask: For a family who is quite vocal about their NOT watching TV AND not having any cable hookups available in their home, why then did they post two photos that clearly showed that Jim Bob and Micelle have a tv in their bedroom AND a giant TV in their living room? They were watching the election results, which means they have access to broadcast and cable TV? Something they neglected to mention. A clear contradiction. Thank you to anyone out there who knows what the truth is here.

    1. I wouldn't be surprised if they hid or removed the living room TV during filming days. Sometimes they go to great lengths to make their viewers believe something. Then other times, they totally let their guard down and viewers notice stuff like this right away. Yes, another contradiction. Why pretend? It's really hard to remember everything you don't tell the truth about. Eventually you slip up and forget your own statements. You don't have to worry like that when you simply tell the truth all the time.

    2. We don't have cable but we have a TV. Dvd.

    3. The Duggars stated years ago in their first book that they have an old rabbit-ears antennae that they only pull out to watch certain political events such as elections and assumingly inaugurations. The Duggars have TVs to watch family approved and educational DVDs on

  10. Replies
    1. Wednesday. Because the week has reached the hump and is on the way to the weekend>

    2. Yes,hump day. It's to do with a camel's hump.

    3. A common phrase that refers to Wednesday, the middle of the week.

  11. My son aged 16 mths does thumb and two fingers and back at sturgeons age did the exact same thing..... it's absolutely adorable... I think if mummy/another family member plays music even if not very well (like me) they quickly pick up the basics and want to do it too!

  12. What a cutie!!!
    He could totally be a baby model!
    Highly doubt he will know who Beethoven is when he is older though. His parents aren't that secular.

  13. Very sweet. Always believed music is great for math skills, attention with tasks and self esteem.

  14. Miss your famiy but constantly praying for you all. Love your Godly and inspiritional living. Praying for Josh and Anna, praying that he is able through Christ to be victorious over the Devil, who wants to rob, steal, distroy and kill their marriage, I am praying that he has turned from his wicked ways like we all need to do daily, but sexual sin is harder, especially for a man. I pray Anna can forgive him, not listen to all the negative people, but truly seek the Holy Spirit. Marriage isn't easy and with this on top of it, harder, but I really believe the God I serve can heal their marriage and your entire family, it's what I am believing for. It will take time and now that we don't get to see much of you, harder to know how this is going, but still praying for God to be VICTORIOUS IN ALL YOUR FAMILIES LIVING FOR THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. I LOVE YOUR FAMILY AND SOMEDAY WOULD LOVE TO MEET YOUR FAMILY ALONG WITH THE BATES, BOTH OF YOUR FAMILIES ARE SO ENCOURAGING IN MY WALK FOR THE LORD. WE KNOW WE ARE GOING TO BE PERSECUTED FOR OUR FAITH, BUT SO GRATEFUL TO GOD THAT I CAN BE PERSECUTED FOR HIM AND THAT HE CHOSE ME TO BE HIS OWN. BLESSINGS ON ALL AND ALL YOUR MANY ADVENTURES STILL TO COME. GOD BE PRAISED FOR GODLY FAMILIES LIKE YOURS AND THE BATES, I ADMIRE BOTH FAMILIES. YOUR SISTER IN CHRIST JESUS, ELISE C LARSON, CLEARWATER, FL

    1. Well said Elise. Thank you for posting this. The Lord will get them both through this.

  15. Be careful with that statement about Spurgeon being the next Beethoven. Beethoven would not have fit into the Duggar family at all. He was baptized Catholic, he fell in love with a married woman, he drove his nephew to attempt to take his own life, he became unkempt and ill-mannered as as adult, and he drank heavily.

    1. The reference was about musical ability. You understood that, right?

  16. I just had a general comment.I truely love this family.My daughter and I have watched ever episode from the very beginning and have followed the family through the years and birth of babies and marriages and life's trials. I have seen how harsh the haters and comments and people judging them have been.I myself have grown up in a conservative christian faith and I have valued my relationship with Christ above anything else I ever have had in this life, so I really think I understand the Duggar's morals and values and way of life and why.

    This is my person feelings on it and I hope they don't feel judged but I am judging so I do apologize but I do so to help give some sort of insight that might help in a small way.Being in the public eye and with your Christian values,it is a great responcibility I am sure that you feel having all those eyes on you but I think an important think to remember with Christ and anyone's relation with him and keeping the commandments,it must be their choice and is between Christ and that person and no other has a right to judge because no one knows their heart,their past,their pain like Christ.We cannot nor should we ever take that job from our Savior but I see many judging others verbally about transgender,abortion,and other sins.I am not saying the scriptures do not condemn and call them sins but they are also very clear how to treat our neighbor, the golden rule and who is the judge of all. PLus I I strongly feel if you want respect from others to HEAR your message, you must show respect and love for everyone.Be an example of what and how Christ would want you to live.That is how you show people the path to Christ.Live by example and other's will follow your example but as soon as you start calling out the sins pf others and judging others,your character is now tarnished because you broke a major commandment of not judging and looking down on others especially without knowing them or their story or pain or life.To them, it would feel like the poor people being left out of the temple by the Jewish leaders during Christ time.Then resentment and anger is now set in and people will never come unto Christ.Be an example,Be kind,be a loving neighbor to the whole world living the golden rule to Muslims,Gays,Transgenders,all men women and children of the world and let Christ be the judge.We are all sinners.Is their sin greater than mine???Just something to think.I think Thats why so many haters have worked so hard to try and be negative with Josh and the Duggar family and they don't understand with Christ a hurt man can become a good man and a good man can become a great man!I think if they Duggar family JUST led by example that is all they need to be great missionary's of Christ.There is no need to preach the sin's of the world and remember when the haters are vocal and mean....Don't fear men.Only fear God.Which I am 100% sure it is a motto you all know and live by for many years now.I hope we get to see the whole family and kids on the show and some family trips.That would be amazing.I am bored with the re-runs of past shows.I want new shows with all the kids!!!Take a few fun trips!!!We will be watching!!!God Bless you all and Peace <3


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