
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Seewalds Share Wedding Memories


Yesterday was Jessa and Ben Seewald's two-year wedding anniversary! To celebrate, the couple dropped Spurgeon Seewald, who turns one in three days, off at the Duggars' house and went on a dinner date. Watch the video below to hear the Seewalds share memories from their wedding day.

We do remember standing outside in the cold with hundreds of other guests, waiting for the church to open so the ceremony could begin. It was definitely worth it though. The wedding was absolutely beautiful.

Photo/video courtesy


  1. Am I the only person who found that extremely awkward??

    1. Nope, steaks and eggs? And the kiss? Don't they normally kiss or why does it look like a first try????

    2. This is why you should play spin-the-bottle in middle school. That's when you go through the awkward kissing phase. Not 2 years into marriage.

    3. 3:12, That's what I was thinking. Most first kisses are there or in the back seat of a car, not on national TV at your wedding. "Practice makes progress, and progress makes babies!" Or whatever pearl of wisdom Anna gave us.

    4. I feel awkward kissing on camera or when a bunch of people are watching expectantly too.

    5. I'm sure it's only awkward because they are doing it in front of thousands of folks, AND they know they will be judged as usual.And lookey,here I was right...ridiculed already...WOW...What ev😬

    6. No, I think we all did find that very awkward, for a couple who's been married for two years and two children they did not look comfortable at all and the kiss.... yeah very awkward

    7. This comment made me laugh out loud! It could not be more true!

    8. Super awkward. That kiss... very forced and unnatural.

    9. Well if you don't want to be judged, don't plaster it on the internet! Just anniversary kiss in private, like most people do.

  2. The kiss was awkward lol! After two yrs. they still can't figure it out!

    1. That sideways tilt of the head...

    2. I have to agree lol so so awkward. Married 2 years and going to have 2 kids and they r both so so young. They had no time as a married couple.

    3. I wouldn't kiss anyone with bristles on their face like that. What is with men thinking that women enjoy encountering all that scruff? Maybe we should adopt a similar look for our legs and underarms...see how they like it...

    4. Oy!!!! It was awkward!!!

    5. (1) they both mentioned in the clip that they are sick
      (2) if they like it, why should it matter to anyone else?

    6. You turn your head right, no you do it, ok now you purse your lips, wait, not that much, there that's better, SMOOCH. Yep, what normal couples do after two years. On camera.

  3. It almost like they felt they had to kiss for the camera. It wasnot spontanious at all. Maybe they are not comfortable with public display of affection. And if it's the case, they should respect themselves.

  4. Happy anniversary to the young couple. Another chapter has opened in their lives and I hope they can embrace it.

  5. The whole video clip seemed very awkward. It always disappoints me that the main focus or highlight of any video or picture of the married couples has to be a KISS! They can kiss in private instead of making a big show for all to see. I would of liked to hear them mention how God has blessed them in their two years of marriage and give all their praise to HIM.

    1. Yes!! On mentioning God, they don't do that any more.

  6. Why did their wedding start an hour late? I don't think this was covered on the wedding recap...

  7. Not sure what state Jessa was in, but Weather Underground has 23 for a low and 58 for a high for that day in 2014 in Arkansas.

    1. Perfect weather for ice cream in the parking lot! :(

  8. I think the duggars talk very awkwardly they never seem genuine. It's like they're afraid of saying something wrong that would ruin there image. I just wish they could be more open and relaxed with it. Because it comes off as fake. The Bates are much more genuine in there talk.

  9. ♫♪ Happy and Blessed Anniversary, Ben and Jessa!! ♫♪ :)

  10. I thought it was fine. Kissing on camera is probably not comfortable for most.

  11. So happy for you two!!! <3

  12. For pete's sake -- do you all want them to french kiss for the camera? They did fine!

  13. Ya i agree the kiss was awkward but still beautiful couple!!!

  14. I'm happy they're celebrating 2 years but my gosh that kiss was one of the most uncomfortable things I've ever witnessed!!

  15. I think they are just awkward knowing it is being filmed.

    1. Um...I really don't think that is true. Jessa gave birth while being filmed--can't get anymore awkward ( or intimate) than that.

  16. Just as staged and awkward as their show.... I don't understand why they continue to publish this stuff. They don't seem to enjoy being in front of a camera.

  17. Happy Anniversary to you and Ben may God bless your marriage with many wonderful years to come and with your children cute couple

  18. Yeah, majorly awkward kiss!

  19. One baby for each anniversary for the next 25 years or so? Dear me, I've seen that show before...

  20. Happy anniversary to you Jessa and Ben. May God continue to bless your marriage throughout the years of your life. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

  21. I think the kiss was meant to be silly

    1. I think it was meant to be publicity.

  22. Such a sweet couple! (and oh...Jessa's weddingdress was sooo amazing).
    I wish them along with their cute boy also for the next time God's blessings!

  23. I wish them all Tage best and hope that they'll keep their kisses of camera. Just like the first one.

  24. Weird kiss... What was that??

  25. That was awkward.

  26. What kind of disorganized family (or wedding planner) lets the guest stand around outside in the cold before opening the church?! They could have at least have let people into the the hallways, if not the sanctuary. Found folding chairs for the elderly. Opened a nursery room for the tots. Let people use the rest rooms. That was a huge church. Surely it had somewhere to let people in from the cold. Jessa said they were running an hour behind schedule. In that case, you bend over backwards to make your guests as comfortable as possible, all the while apologizing profusely for the delay and keeping them updated as to when things will begin. How rude not to!

    1. I agree. 10:13. You're invited to a wedding in a church, not an outdoor freeze-fest. Never make your guests uncomfortable is rule # 1 for any event!

    2. It was two years ago....why are you complaining about it now? You weren't nice.

  27. I have my 'own' royal family (I'm not from USA) but more and more my interest is for the 'royal' family Duggar (don't tell it my king ^^).
    Their Christian testimony is valuable and I share that with them.

  28. I'm sorry, but a 2 year marriage is nothing...these two are just babies out the gate of life. Memories? This fond reminisce are recent a bit longer in marriage and in life, perhaps 20 more years, THEN look back and see the outcome of the decisions that you have lived out. THEN, it's time to be the advice givers...not now.

    1. Remember being 20 and knowing everything there is to know about life? Well me neither. I would never have even pretended to speak about marriage at that age or try to give sage advice. That's just silly.

    2. Oh, my goodness. A memory is a recollection of past events. They've certainly made memories in their first two years of marriage. And surely they've learned a thing or two about marriage after being married 2 years. A 2 year marriage is not "nothing." Of course they'll continue to learn and grow as they continue their marriage, but that doesn't mean they can't share things for those who can learn something from them. There is always someone ahead of you on the path of life from whom you can learn, and there will always be people behind you whom you can teach.

  29. That kiss was so awkward!

  30. Happy anniversary to you two!

  31. Best wishes to you both.

  32. Aww happy anniversary! May God continue to bless your marriage. I'm sure the two young love birds know how to kiss :-). They are going to have two babies. They probably don't want to publicly show how they kiss but leave it for their private moment. Not everyone feels comfortable showing public displays nor is it always neccessary.

    1. If they didn't feel comfortable they wouldn't have tried to kiss for the video. They did, though, but in a very weird way. I don't know what technique is that, but that wasnt a real kiss.

  33. "I'm getting married in the morning! Ding dong the bells are gonna chime!" Have fun at the wedding this weekend....

    1. Oh now you've done it! Probably have a knock at your door in a little bit, wanting to know why you gave away the biggest secret of the year.

  34. Happy Birthday Jessa!

  35. Steak and eggs that is so weird for breakfast. I think they should have had just the eggs.

    1. haven't you ever seen a breakfast menu at a restaurant? steak and eggs is quite popular! my son loves the combo!

    2. That is too much meat for breakfast. My sister said the samethino I said.

  36. congratulations on your two year!!🎉And the kissing, just keep practicing eventually it'll come all all natural God bless you guys💕

  37. Wishing you a day of happiness and a year of blessings. God bless you and yours.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  38. While celebrating two years of marriage is exciting to them I'm sure, it's not a major milestone like 25. Today I attended a funeral; the couple had been married 56 years and the surviving spouse described her husband as her best friend and the love of her life. The foyer table was full of scrapbooks detailing their 56 years of adventures together. Those two people spent a lifetime together, building a marriage that went the distance. Just because you're old enough to get married doesn't mean you're mature enough to get married. Mature people work full-time jobs and stand on their own two feet financially (sometimes working 2 jobs in some cases to do so). Barring the death of a spouse or major medical bills, they don't "bounce back" to their parents for housing or anything else- Leave and cleave. It's called growing up and being a responsible adult.

  39. awkward as always, that kiss was strange. and what is up with Jessa and that nervous giggle all the time.
    I can't believe they made their guest stand outside for an hour, everyone should have just said forget about it and left.

  40. This is a couple who allowed all to watch Jessa give birth on TV...and yet they still are so awkward and uncomfortable with each other. If cameras aren't filming do they have any communication? They aren't even cohesive trying to talk to each other. Forced is the only word that comes to mind.

  41. All couples in this family constantly kiss for the camera. By doing so, they are themselves opening up to the scrutiny that will follow. Don't want it, then don't kiss constantly for the camera.


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