
Monday, November 14, 2016

Remembering Grandpa Duggar

 The Duggar kids celebrate Grandma and Grandpa Duggar's 48th anniversary

During our blogging break, we are sharing content from our loyal readers. Here's a message from Candy:

One of my favorite moments is the way the Duggar family handled themselves with such grace when Jim Bob's father passed away. I have lost my grandparents, and the ache was so bad, but just like the Duggars did then, my family and I held tight to our faith and trusted that our loved ones were in heaven and that we will see them again! 

The strength they showed when Michelle lost Jubilee was another, and the grace sweet Anna has shown in the trials she has experienced. On a happier note, I have enjoyed the weddings, the births, and the Duggars sharing how they save money and do many things for their larger family.

 Grandpa Duggar with twins Jedidiah Duggar and Jeremiah Duggar

 Grandma and Grandpa Duggar with their grandchildren

Photos courtesy


  1. I don't think it was quite as graceful when they pushed Grandpa out in his chair, on camera, and he was missing one slipper or sock, or otherwise not in good condition. They didn't need to include that in the show, when he was having his problems. How about giving some privacy and dignity for someone who couldn't decide about that himself?

    1. I agree 100%. I remember feeling very uncomfortable at the time, feeling that the TV cameras should not have been there when Grandpa was so extremely ill.

    2. I didn't see that. Why did they push him out of his chair?!

    3. Yeah, I hope my family would not parade me around like that on television were I in that position.

    4. In my opinion, the Duggars will do anything for ratings.

  2. Nicely put, grace. Even in the midst of deepest loss they showed grace and the peace of God.

  3. I know how i felt when i lost my mom.God seemed soo far.... but now so near...thank you

  4. Jinger is the grandchild who looks most like Grandpa Duggar!

  5. Do the children have grandparents on the other side of the family? I have never seen mention of Michelle's parents.

    1. I wondered that too.πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

    2. They filmed some family reunion or birthday party or something with her side of the family. It looked like it was held in one of the Duggar storage properties. Remember, Michelle has a sister in that "love the sinner; hate the sin" category, so I don't think we'll be seeing much of her on the show.

    3. They took a trip and visited Michelle's family reunion in one of the first seasons.

    4. Both her parents have passed.

  6. In their book; JimBob shares his dad ran them into poverty. I wonder if he, his mom and/or sister were ever bitter about his behavior and choices???


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