
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Recap: 'Courting Jinger'

Tonight on Counting On, "Courting Jinger," we watched Jinger's transformation from young teenager to soon-to-be-married woman...

  • The Duggars all agree that Jinger is bubbly, expressive, and dramatic. “It’s really cute to watch her personality when she goes into a situation that is a little stretching for her,” says Michelle during an episode filmed seven years ago. Do you remember watching Jinger learn to drive a stick shift with Jim Bob and Amy? That’s a prime example of her bubbly personality.
  • A few years later, Jessa and Jinger volunteer at Mama Carmen’s Espresso Cafe to raise money
    for Mama Carmen’s orphanage in Central America. They learn how to make a variety of beverages as they work behind the counter for the day. “Probably out of all of us in the family, Jinger likes coffee the most,” says Michelle. According to Jinger, coffee is largely responsible for her bubbly personality. She consumes a ton of caffeine as she mans the cash register.
  • Another memorable moment is when the siblings pull off a dinner theater for their parents. Jinger and Jessa are in charge of the food, and they have a blast prepping in the kitchen together. The steak is a little tough, but Jim Bob and Michelle are appreciative of all the work their kids do so they can enjoy an entertaining evening.
  • When Jessa and Ben get engaged in August 2014, they call on Jinger to take their engagement pictures. Just over one year later, the Seewalds ask her to snap Christmas pictures of newborn Spurgeon. A few months later, Jessa assists Jinger as she does a photo shoot for Mark and Sierra Dominguez and their five kids. (Sierra has helped plan weddings and other parties for the Duggars.) 
  • In early 2016, Jinger and Jeremy become an "unofficial" couple, and they are engaged in July. The wedding took place on November 5th and will appear on next week's episode of Counting On!

Photos courtesy TLC,


  1. Total waste of TV time- turned it off after 20 minutes.

  2. File that episode under Who Cares. All recaps. History is being made elsewhere tonight.

  3. BORING!!!!!!😫😫

  4. Same old..... same old...... what a waste!!

  5. Did anybody else notice when Jessa was talking about jinger not taking any money for pictures and she said ok you take pictures and I'll matchmake you with someone. And she realized OH NO. Then she said actually I don't remember what I said. During that time Jinger was already getting to know Jeremy. Ben and Jessa introduced Jeremy to her. Oops it slipped out!
    But no one really knew it.

    1. I don't get what you're implying with, "_Oops it slipped out! But no one really knew it". Huh? They have been open with the fact that Ben and Jessa introduced them. What's the big secret? What "classified" info slipped out? Thanks to TLC, we get to see events unfold over and over and over and over for at least a year, yet what they call Season 3 is just Season 2 over and over and......well, you get it! We've seen these episodes so many times that either what they say just goes in one ear and out the other, or, I just quit watching!

    2. She was clearly joking!!! It's called sarcasm!

    3. Apologies for not seeing it was sarcasm! I took it totally out of context..again, SORRY !

  6. What's the difference between being an "unofficial couple" and an "official couple"? Either you are or you aren't a couple.
    Sadly, this was another wasted episode. We didn't need to see yet another retrospective episode. This could have been better filled with airing the preparations for Jinger's wedding, ie, dress shopping, planning,, etc. Then next week's episode could have been devoted entirely to the wedding day events. TLC isn't doing a good job at all IMO.

  7. I forwarded through it for any wedding preparations, saw none then deleted it.

  8. These recaps are pretty boring for any fans who have been watching for awhile. Seems like this whole season has been one big recap leading up to yet another wedding.

  9. Wow, she can drive a car! Wow, she likes coffee! Wow, she takes pictures! Wow, what an exciting episode! As exciting as that time they drilled holes in the ceiling!

    (That's for TLC, to make them feel not so bad for the nonsense they just aired...)

  10. Boring boring boring

  11. What is going on TLC? We have all had enough "recaps" this season. What they need is more storylines or I'm afraid this show is a sinking ship. Is TLC purposely doing this so the show will be cancelled but yet they can say "We tried"?

  12. This new season has only had about 20 minutes of new footage. Tired of seeing footage of old clips. Just make specials from here on out. Every 1-2 years maybe 5, do a special about weddings, babies and courtships! We want NEW episodes! Not rehashed ones or worse, watching the duggar kids watch the old footage. And "surprise" guest that are no surprise.
    Doubtful a 3rd season is possible with nothing but jingers wedding to see. I'm sure they have chaperones aka tlc film crew following them around like they did Ben and Jess in Paris.

    1. All we really need is an occasional 1-hr. special to get people caught up on the news. If that. This second season really makes us wonder if TLC was filming under threat of breaking a contract if they didn't. Did you (TLC) sign a lifetime contract with the Duggars or something??? And now, instead of being let out of the contract, you decided to show recaps and not put any effort into filming? You do realize what this has done for your ratings, don't you?

  13. incredible to me that they can market this as a new episode full of old footage...
    it's like the laziest show now... they do the least possible and bookend it with previews and summaries..

  14. I doubt TLC reads this site. If you want the show to improve please contact the executives at TLC. If enough people voice their displeasure, maybe things will change. I wonder if they don't have enough advertising dollars to pay for new episodes so that's why it has devolved to its current state.

    1. Don't worry, lots of people have contacted TLC. But for some never-explained reason, they are still airing this stuff. Also, if you buy advertising on TLC, you can't always control when your ad will run. Some companies had no idea their ads were run during that show.

  15. Something isn't adding up. Jessa said (to People magazine) that Jeremy & Jinger met on a mission trip, and then were "officially courting a few months later." Jeremy was in the picture of Jessa's baby shower, fall of 2015. He was in pictures taken at JB & M's before that. I think they were "officially" courting long before Jeremy sat down with JB and ate a muffin, then went back to the house so the little kids could spy on them out on the front porch. I think they were courting since the early or middle part of 2015. What we saw on TV was a reenactment of Jeremy asking JB if he could court Jinger. TLC twisting time again.

    1. Not much adds up time-wise on the show. It was pretty clear that the "can I court your daughter" talk in the coffee shop was staged. More of a muffin eating opportunity for Jim Bob than anything!

  16. The blog said it was a recap show. If you're on here complaining I want to know if you even read the posts by lily and Ellie. I have skipped the shows that were announced on here as recaps so I don't waste my time as some of you put it.

  17. Why are you all do HATEFUL? literally, this is a beautiful family that we love each other and show respect to each other so whether or not you agree with their beliefs does not give you any room to right nasty things. If you don't like the show, change it. I for one love this family, I love how they treat one another and the respect they show for each other. If you have nothing better to do than write hateful comments, right it about "Toddlers & Tiaras" for crying out loud.

  18. Just heard they had a 7.4 earthquake in new Zealand are ginger and Jeremy and others okay


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