
Saturday, November 19, 2016

Photo: Vuolos in Australia

Following their beautiful Northwest Arkansas wedding last weekend, Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo are enjoying a wonderful honeymoon Down Under. Their plan is to visit Australia and New Zealand, but thankfully they were not yet in New Zealand when the earthquake struck. (Were any of you impacted by the natural disaster?)

A reader named Antoinette happened to run into the Vuolos in Sydney and sent us a photo to share (above). Here's what she says about the encounter:

We were at the Sydney Opera House watching a Sydney Symphony Orchestra performance, when we spotted Jeremy and Jinger in the front row. We had a lovely chat with them, they were so sweet and friendly and we got a photo inside the concert hall! They said that they were having an amazing week in Sydney and looked so relaxed and happy together.

In case you missed the video that the Vuolos made when they arrived in Sydney, take a peek below:

Photo courtesy, video courtesy TLC


  1. Thanks for the video, they look so content and happy.Maybe they will be blessed with a honeymoon baby like Jill.I'm sure some will comeback and say that they need time together first, but whatever God decides will be best for them as he knows what's best.As much as this family loves children I'm sure they will take it as a blessing if it does happen, so I will be happy for them either way.Only wish the best for this young couple in love as we all should☻🕇

    1. They need more time together first! I doubt God keeps track of a woman's calendar and decides when things are "best." These things just happen as they always have in the animal kingdom.

    2. Well as this comment is meant for a family who's belief is children are a blessing by god, so let's just leave it at that, no need to be so literal with every comment, no need to dig so deep. It is what it is, lighten up...blessings y'all 😆

    3. But we are not animals! Read Jeremiah 1:5
      He knew us before we were in the womb. He already knew the number of our days!

    4. Actually, if you trust God's will for your life, things will happen in HIS timing, which is always perfect.

    5. We're not vegetable or mineral, so that only leaves animal. Go look up how much DNA we share with pigs and apes.

    6. No, we are not animals; we are human beings. The phrase "animal, vegetable, or mineral" is a human construct.

  2. Earthquake is NOT a storm!

  3. I'm so glad they were not in New Zealand. I wish they would visit Austraila Zoo send us pics. That is the one place I would love to visit outside the USA. I love the Irwin family and their message of conservation.

  4. {shock} Jinger's dress is above her knees! {shock}

    1. Jinger is second from the left in the photo.

    2. You're looking at the wrong person.

    3. Ummmm....are you sure you know which one is Jinger im the pic? She is dressed as modestly and beautifully as ever.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Her dress is not short. You are looking at the wrong picture, I think.

    6. No, you can definitely see her left knee. Her skirt is higher than ever.

    7. I know what picture you are referring to & I think she looked absolutely stunning as usual...Why try to destroy a beautiful persons confidence & self esteem is so shocking to me & Jinger I really hope you don't let this affect you in any way because you are such an amazingly beautiful person with a style & personality to match & lots of people look up to you, so don't change anything about yourself because if my daughter had lived & was like you I'd be extremely proud of her!!! Congratulations on being you & your marriage also... :)!

  5. For some reason they don't look as excited as they looked when they were courting. Hope everything is okay

    1. Probably reality, fatigue and balancing difference.
      Hope they are provided the privacy to bond closer.

    2. Jinger actually looks stressed at several points in this video while Jeremy is speaking in his lines. I've noticed that each time it's their husband's turn to run their lines, all the Duggar wives "gaze adoringly" at their spouse on cue...but they're actually looking at their mouths, not their eyes as you would in a normal conversation. It's obvious they're waiting for him to finish his lines, o they can speak theirs. It's kind of sad that they're not being "real" with each other or the viewers.

    3. I noticed as well.

    4. I think they just look reeally tired. All that travel catching up with them.

  6. Who stops in the middle of their honeymoon to make a video for "their public"?! And she sure has a grip on his arm. Is she worried he'll try to get away?

    1. I know I thought the same thing about the video.

    2. Why are most of the "Anonymous" people so critical and negative? It's really sad.

    3. Adding a name doesn't make a person any more positive.

  7. the video didn't work, so I couldn't see it. try again please. thank you for keeping us informed on this wonderful family

  8. As an Australian the idea the Jinger has of holding a kangaroo is a little funny. They are a very large animal that you can't hold.

    1. You can hold a joey.

    2. yep as an aussie I know that you shouldn't even go too close to them as they can be very dangerous.

    3. Not really, no. While they are small enough to hold they generally hang out in their mothers pouch where they should be.

    4. There's a zoo in Georgia (USA) that has a kangaroo center. They let you hold a joey. There are other zoos in the US that let you feed adult kangaroos by hand. I'm sure they were raised around people, not like a "wild" kangaroo.

  9. Is an earthquake a storm though?

    1. Absolutely not, in the meteorology sense. A "storm" of events or emotions or trials, maybe.

  10. Hi! Yes I was in New Zealand for the earthquake (it is not called a storm - it is a natural disaster!!). A difficult time for our country right now. Would be fun to see Jinger and Jeremy here!

  11. Any honeymoon footage planned for future Counting On shows?

    1. Naturally we'll see honeymoon footage! Who do you think paid for the honeymoon!

    2. I'm sure they are being paid for the coverage and videos.
      Part of being a TLC asset.

    3. Cool...I hope TLC gave them the royal treatment and paid them dearly...good for them lovlies...blessings y'all 😆

  12. So sad to read Joy-Anna is courting.

  13. There is quite a time difference between the States and Australia, so Jinger and Jeremy are suffering from major jet lag. it would be impossible to appear peppy for a video, when they are exhausted.

    1. Why are they making videos on their honeymoon anyway?

    2. I have a friend who posted several pictures every day on Facebook of her and her husband on their honeymoon. It was fun to see, but I will tell you, I didn't post pics til after we returned home :)

    3. Because they get paid to put on a TV show.

  14. Hope they are happy. Jer doesn't seem to be as hands on as he was when they were courting.

  15. What is going on with Ginger's hair in the video? It's not as bad as the last video, but has she stopped doing her hair since she got married??

  16. I would love to meet ANY of the Duggars, but I live 6 hours from Sydney. They're not likely to travel out this far. Ah well 😍

  17. Ginger is probably to exhausted to worry about her hair!
    She looks very happy, and very much in love .

  18. I live really close to where the earthquake was in NZ. It has really affected some of the small towns in the south island of NZ where I live, but thankfully the major city I live in escaped major damage. The earthquake went for about 3 minutes and was a lot like being in a boat in really stormy weather! In Christchurch where I live, we had major earthquakes in 2010/2011 so our city is being built at the moment. Please pray that our country may be kept safe from quakes and the people whom this quake affected may find peace and comfort in troubling times, with aftershocks continuing.

    1. Glad to hear you're okay, Olivia. We will be praying for your country.

      God Bless,
      Lily and Ellie

  19. It was very kind of the Vuolos to respond graciously to a picture request from someone who recognized them from the show. And I have friends who have flown that long flight to Australia and they said the jet lag and different time zone took a few days to adjust to. But no doubt they are enjoying this once in a lifetime honeymoon adventure! I am so happy for them!

  20. I live just South of where the earthquake occurred. They are not much fun, but part of our lives here in NZ.

  21. hope the vuolo's are enjoying the get to know each other phase of their marriage. It really is no one's business if and when they get to the point of expecting a baby. Let's just let them get their lives together and settled and become comfortable with each other. It's quit a journey learning to live with a person that you haven't grown up with. My husband and I enjoyed 49 years before the Lord took him home. You never really know the other person you live with day in and day out. That would take a mind reader. Just trust in the Lord and you will not go wrong.


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