
Thursday, November 17, 2016

Michelle's Response to Heartbreak

Elise from Los Angeles submitted a second Duggar moment that has impacted her. Here it is:

Another favorite Duggar moment was the devastating moment when Jim Bob and Michelle were at Jubilee's ultrasound and they found out she had passed away. Michelle's response, through tears and utter heartbreak, was, "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord." In that moment, we saw Michelle's heart. We saw the heart of this family. I will never forget that moment. She could've chosen so many other responses, but she chose to praise Him.

What's significant to take into account about her response, is this woman didn't just lose her baby, but she knew she would now be mocked and ridiculed relentlessly in front of the world for her choice to even have that baby. She had trusted God, and in His sovereignty, He was allowing her to walk through something so painful and confusing. She could've been bitter, angry, humiliated. But she chose grace and praise.

Photo courtesy


  1. The way you phrased that as a favorite Duggar moment sounds pretty unfeeling. I know you guys didn't mean it but please change your wording.

  2. that should be a private moment not one for tv. sorry but some things should be kept within your family. Michelle should take a look at her other kids and spend time with them not Jana. poor Jenny does not even know her mother. instead of having more kids take care of the ones you have and not neglect them to older kids.

  3. What a powerful and gracious way to accept what God has given and taken from you. God bless your family.

  4. I will never forget that episode! We went through 3 miscarriages and I sat here and cried along with Jim Bob and Michelle. I know the feeling of not seeing a precious lil heart not beating, the heartbreak of having to go home and feel so empty. I have always thought of the Duggars as an amazing family and to see them go through the loss of a child made them even more real. The song they played at Jubilee's memorial service is such a special song to me too. How awesome is it that the first thing their eyes saw was the face of Jesus? I know without a doubt our 3 babies and numerous nieces/nephews are in Heaven and that one day we will hold them again. Until we hold them in Heaevn we hold them in our hearts. :)

  5. Dear Michelle, you are truly a spiritual inspiration. It is in times of loss and suffering that we have a choice, to praise Him and trust Him or be bitter and angry. You have chosen the best response. God is gracious and merciful and knows the end from the beginning. I am blessed by your strength and faith.
    God bless you dear sister in Christ.

  6. I remember this moment well. I watched it when I was pregnant with my daughter. We had just found out she was a girl. I couldn't imagine Michelle and Jim Bob's heartbreak but I was humbled by their response that honored the Lord so well. It made a lasting impact on my husband and I so much so that when our sweet girl was born prematurely at 32 weeks we named her Grace Jubilee. She's now 17 months old and doing amazing! Thank you for honoring the Lord in all seasons.

  7. God bless you Michelle. People that dont know God could ever understand your humbleness to Him during that most painful time. May He continue to bless you & your family in a time in the world when we all Christians are made fun of & called fools.

  8. I too, was impressed with how Michelle responded during that very difficult and emotional time. I know I did not handle myself that way when I lost my child at 32 weeks. My heart grieved with the duggar family and I was a basket case when jubilee passed. I don't agree with everything this family does, but I do agree that michelle was very brave and handled herself the best way she knew how and found comfort in the lord.

  9. Amy Tucker, Krum, TXNovember 17, 2016 at 7:58 PM

    This moment made a big impression on me as well. She had total trust and faith in God at the hardest moment in her life. I pray that I can be as strong in my faith as she is although I'm far from it. I would love to meet Michelle someday! She has always been an example to me and I've always looked up to her as if she was one of my closest friends. Hopefully she'll be coming to Texas more and I'll get my chance to visit with her, thank her, and give her a big hug!

  10. I too remember when they lost their little one. Her response spoke volumes to me I still remember the scripture she quoted. The very first thing she asked for was for Jim Bob to pray with her. So many times as I watched their show they would be talking about a situation and they would stop right there and pray for whatever the need was. I wish TLC would put them back on tv. Loved watching and learning from them.

  11. I remember that so well. As a mother who lost two babies I felt her pain. I was extremely angry when people were saying cruel things about her after Jubilee died. I had to let go of the anger towards them. I'm sure Michelle got angry at them too but has been able to forgive them. She is an amazing woman.

  12. Amen. I lost a baby just a few months ago, and while many don't understand and mock, the pain is real. We struggle with infertility and after 5 years to lose a little one we were so hopeful for, only the love of God can "heal" that pain. I don't know how someone can go through that without the Lord.

    1. Praying for you and your husband, Sarah. May He hear the cry of your heart, comfort you in your pain, and bless you with a little one of your own to care for.

    2. Sarah,
      I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet little one. I'll be praying comfort for you. (((Hugs)))

  13. That was my favorite moment, too.

  14. This was a hard episode to watch. I was bawling so hard. Jim Bob and Michelle were so strong, steadfast about their feelings during this tragic day. I couldn't believe how they reacted. I've never lost a child. I couldn't even begin to imagine their pain.
    Michelle held her love for God so close to her heart. I was honored to be able to watch this beautiful woman show us her weakest moment. I know I couldn't have done it, and if I did. I wouldn't have been able to do it so elegantly. God has really blessed this family.

  15. My opinion is that this is no picture to post. It is gruesome. Sorry, but some will be put off by it. Please exercise discretion. Thank you.

    1. Gruesome? A tiny baby's hand, fearfully and wonderfully made? Really?

    2. Agreed. This photo should not be shown on this blog.

    3. What is wrong with you?

    4. Don't look then, it's just fingers, nothing "gruesome" about it, she can post whatever pictures she wants

    5. I agree with Anonymous at 7:25. That picture never should have been made public.

    6. Wow -- people really look at things differently, don't we? Some see a tiny baby's perfect hand, and others see "gruesome." Just like some voted for Trump and others for Clinton.

    7. I see nothing "gruesome" about this perfectly formed hand. I was touched by seeing those sweet fingers and how precious an unborn baby is in the womb.

    8. I'm a regular reader and poster on this blog. Frankly, as someone who has lost a baby, I found this picture traumatizing. Doubtless, many other women in this position, coming to to this blog, will find it so also. While I appreciate the Duggars' need to memorialize Jubilee, the picture is inappropriate for a public blog.

    9. There is absolutely nothing gruesome about that beautiful, tiny hand. Personally, I am touched that they were willing to share her with us. Sharing helps with healing. (for them and also others who have or will go through something similar)

    10. Sweet baby fingers - nothing gruesome about it.

  16. That episode was heart wrenching and to close to my own reality. Despite the ridicule and ugliness, sharing their loss helped heal and helped viewer's that had survived the experience privately.
    The one fact that helped the family and upset some viewing was the dignity provided to the baby and family. That isn't common for most of us and causes the pain to linger.

  17. I'm uncomfortable looking at someone's miscarriage, sorry. That picture should be for the grieving family, not for the public. And no, I'm not being insensitive. I know about miscarriages. I wouldn't put a picture online.

    1. While I can understand where you're coming from, sharing may help others with their healing as well as the Duggar family. She is and always will be a part of them and their family. would you hide pictures of your family members when they pass?

  18. Thank you, Elise! That was the Duggar memory that stood out to me as well. How telling it was to see Jim Bob and Michelle in one of the most devastating situatuons any parent has to face, and to witmess the great work the Lord had done in their lives to have them respond so submissively. It was beautiful and still brings me to tears. Little Jubilee touched so many lives even though her life on earth was so incredibly short. Only the Lord could do that!

    1. All you saw was how they responded on camera.

  19. As a mother of 3 on earth and 2 already returned to The Father, I sobbed through the whole episode. Michelle's prayer was so beautiful and full of love.

  20. They handled this so well. I would not be able to handle it like she did. I remember watching them tell the family. God bless them


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