
Friday, October 28, 2016

Duggar #9 Turns 19

Wishing Joy-Anna Duggar a happy 19th birthday! Now that she has graduated from high school, Joy-Joy (as her family calls her) spends her days taking online Bible classes and helping out at home. Her future goals are to be involved in missions and politics, as well as to be a wife and mother. 

Photos courtesy, TLC/DCL/Scott Enlow


  1. Happy birthday Joy!
    Keep on shining 🌞

  2. All of the Duggars, especially the daughters, seem to have the same goals. There's nothing wrong with being a missionary, wife and mother, but I wonder if any of the members of this family have had other aspirations that would involve leaving home, getting a post-secondary education, establishing a career, and becoming independent. Are they discouraged from doing this? It looks as though their opportunities are strictly limited.

    1. Well said. I don't know many 19 year olds (or 26) whose sole ambition is to basically wait for prince charming to come along. It's like they're scared of what's out there (you

    2. The bates girls did college and jobs before getting married. Michael was a nanny, Erin a music teacher plus college and still is a teacher and Alyssa was working in a flower job. Don't know why the duggar girls do nothing, need to explore the world.

    3. Yes you are so right.. Why don't they encourage their children to further their education. They all seem bright enough to well in college.

    4. I sensed sadness in the group interview when Joy said she wasn't going to college like friends but would be at home taking online bible classes and helping raise the younger kids. I think she may marry soon to expand her horizons.

    5. Those are not their desires, priorities or interests. On the day we stand before our Lord we will have to account for our lives. We must do what the spirit is leading....and that may not be the way you see fit.

    6. It may not be the way but at least other girls get the chance to decide for themselves. These girls' fates are sealed by their parents from the get-go. But I guess, as you say, the parents will have to stand before the Lord someday and try to justify their actions.

    7. Their sole job is to fall madly in love with the first boy/man who can successfully fill out the 50-page application, then get married and have back-to-back babies for as long as they can. Doesn't that sound great!

    8. Anon@5:28
      How on earth can one know where "the spirit is leading" if you are never exposed to anything more than your parents' home?

    9. Amen to that, 6:28. Their world is purposely kept small and tight so their choices are limited. Yes, they may have traveled growing up, but whenever they were in another city or country on their show, you got the feeling the underlying parental message was "look but don't touch" when it comes to the rest of the world and how they (we) live.

    10. So true. Jim Bob always made fun of other cultures when they were traveling, whether it was food or dress or language or customs. It really bothered me. How about giving your children the gift of an open mind, instead of teaching them that other cultures are inferior?

    11. Many of you see only what is shown on TV. You can't go around judging other's life choices. It sounds very controlling of you all to voice your opinions of what they should and should not do. It is their life...not ours. Are you being led by the Holy Spirit to say all that you're saying? At the end of the day THEY, each one will stand before God. Just receive other's the way they are without trying to change, control, and make decisions for them. Hence why children turn out disliking their parents. If you read your bibles, or not, you should be careful not to become their enemy, lest you become their footstool! Which many already has.

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOY-ANNA!! May you have many blessings today!!

  4. Happy birthday, vibrant Joy! Sending you wishes that you will continue to grow into the wonderful woman you are becoming and that with every day you draw nearer to God and His true will for your life. I believe if you listen you will see calling in every talent, interest, and opportunity that comes your way. Those are all gifts and messages from Him! Don't let anyone translate God's messages for you!

  5. Wishing you a day of happiness and a year of blessings.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  6. Happy birthday Joy-Anna! I hope you are blessed today and may the Lord give you many more birthdays.

  7. I'd love to see her in politics. A higher education would help with that career. How about Hillsdale College?

    1. No more politics for this family, please. They've had enough trouble with that already.

    2. The duggar girls will never go to a real college, which is a shame. They should take a page out of the Bates girls book who all did college and or jobs before getting marraged! You don't have to sit at home until you get married!

  8. Happy Birthday Joy! You are so beautiful and such an inspiration! Love ya!

  9. Nineteen, studying the Bible and babysitting. She could be in college, having the time of her life with friends, going to football games and frat parties, dating whoever she wants.

    1. Is that the highlight of life? I know I didn't want to date even though I went to university I stayed home.

    2. Yes, having fun with friends IS one of the highlights of life.

  10. Happy Birthday Joy

  11. I cannot believe that she is 19! I remember her being six on the first Duggar special. I hope that she pursues all of her passions and that her dreams come true. I had no idea she was interested in politics am curious about who she will vote for.

  12. Will there ever be a Duggar girl with aspirations different from God, wife and mother?

    1. I don't think so. Its the way they are brought up. The only thing they seem to wanna do is get married, no life goals or careers in mind

    2. When you are raised to admonish and follow Christ, you go through stages but ultimately do what you believe. There is no real substance in living out life with God. The call to serve as a wife and mother is a great one. Not everyone can last in those fields. By the spirit of God we desire to do great things for God. It is a pleasure to one whom processes Jesus as Lord.

  13. Happy birthday, Joy! You're strong and smart; go expand your horizons!!!

  14. Happy birthday!
    I hope Joy has many opportunities in her life.

  15. Joy was texting someone in the episode where they were redecorating the guest house. Is she the next to be courting???

    1. Good speculation...look at the necklace with the heart...

    2. Probably her family

  16. I was really sad when Joy said she wasn't even thinking about college. It's like the girls are thinking about getting married when they should be learning more about the world and who they truly are. A husband does not define you.

    1. Neither does college define you. If today's graduating group think, safe space, brats are anything to go on, college is the worst place to be. I am 26 and just now attending university and while I've learned a few things, the big take away is college age kids are still moldable and the professors know it. I'm not saying don't go to college, it is nessesary for certain vocations, but not all by any means. You will be much better off figuring out the world through the wisdom of elders, rather than through kids your own age. Who they are can be found in their ever deepening walk with God. And while a husband does not define you it does compliment you, as does the wife to the husband. God made Eve because no suitable companion was found among creation for Adam and it was not good for him to be alone. Humans were not designed to be alone. I suggest Genesis 2:15-25 for this subject. Which one of the resolving statements of this passage is the command that a couple when married will leave their parents and cling to each other.

      God bless

    2. Totally agree! I wish the girls would spread thier rings and experience what life has to offer. All the girls are so beautiful and talented. Seems such a waste they can't have the opportunity to experience college, careers, being able to leave the house or go on the computer in chaperoned. There's so much more to life than trying to find a husband and having as many children as you can.

    3. I agree. I was sad to hear she is staying home raising the smaller kids and taking bible classes online. She has such potential. Anyway... Happy Birthday Joy.

    4. Anon @10:55
      One does not need to be cut off from "wisdom of elders" when obtaining and education, some independence and ability to provide for oneself. God expects us to be responsible. Regarding your statements about marriage, not everyone is cut out for it and are no less a person for it. It depends on the individual.
      Also, young women need to know that they can never rely on a man to take care of them forever, because "stuff" happens... divorce, illness, death, loss of a job. It's just common sense to be prepared for the unexpected and have some solid job skills in your arsenal.

  17. ♫♪ Happy and Blessed Birthday, Joy-Anna!! ♫♪ :)

  18. Happy birthday Joy-Anna hope you had an amazing day with your family and friends and I hope the best for you and I know you will be successful in anything you do!! Love you ♥♥

  19. Happy 19th Birthday, Joy-Anna! You've grown from a cute tomboy into a stunning young lady. May God bless you with many more years of life to enjoy times with your family.
    Cheers all the way from Ecuador! <3

  20. Happy Birthday 😘🎉🎈🎂

  21. Just curious, where does she take her Bible classes from? That sounds really neat! Happy Birthday Joy! Know that you bring joy, grace, and beautiful helpfulness to your lovely family.

  22. Happy Birthday Joy! <3 My daughter was called Joy-Joy also as a nick name...prayers for many more happy healthy Birthdays...much love to you! Xx

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Happy birthday Joy anna... hope it was a great one. sending love to the whole Dugger clan.
    love always.
    Teresa McHugh

  25. Love your family thank you for sharing your lives with us

  26. Happy birthday, Joy-Anna, and may God bless you abundantly!!!!!!

  27. Happy Birthday Joy Anna, blessings upon you. Continue to grow in your walk with God, lean on His understandings and follow steadfastly to the path He has laid for you.

    God bless

  28. A little late, but Happy Birthday Joy! Hope it went great.

  29. Happy Belated Birthday Joy! I hope you had a nice day yesterday


  31. Happy birthday joy

  32. Happy birthday to a great role model.

  33. Watching one of the counting in episode's joy looked so sad when she said this that she was going to stay home and help look after the kids. What 19 year olds do you see with no ambitions?! Nothing wrong with helping family but seemed like she had no choice.

    1. She may have seemed sad answering that question because she's tired of people (outsiders) ragging on her for it. I think the girls should be encouraged to do more, but I can synpathize with her being tired of having to justify her life.

  34. She went to high school???


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