Jessa Seewald is just shy of her 26-week milestone in her pregnancy with baby No. 2! The photo on the right shows her baby bump now, and the one on the left was taken when she was 25 weeks and four days along with Spurgeon.
The Seewalds say they might end up announcing the gender to their family (and to the world), but they also may choose to keep it under wraps until the birth, as they did last time around. What's your guess...boy or girl?
Photo courtesy
The Seewalds say they might end up announcing the gender to their family (and to the world), but they also may choose to keep it under wraps until the birth, as they did last time around. What's your guess...boy or girl?
Photo courtesy
ReplyDeleteYawn. I'm more interested to see them getting jobs and buying their own house.
DeleteI agree with you 100%. What is ben doing to make money kids are not free and you cant always live off your parents. Yes they make some money from tlc. But that wont last forever. Kids are not cheap. It would be nice to see Ben go off to a job in the morning make a paycheck.
DeleteThey do have jobs and their father isn't the first to help their children out in buying a house.
DeleteThey didnt buy that house. Jim bob owns it. And they probably dont pay him anything for it. As for jobs. This show isnt going to last forever.
DeleteTheir father did not help them buy a house. They do not own a house. They are living in one of Jessa's parents' homes. And remind me what their jobs are, again?
DeleteSo last night, how far along did she say she was? 17 weeks? Meaning that show was taped about 8 weeks ago? And Jinger said last night that her wedding was coming up in "weeks." So I'm guessing the wedding has already happened. And I'm guessing that Jessa might be having a girl. She looks smaller this time than last time. Either that, or she's purposely not pushing her stomach out and arching her back as much this time around.
ReplyDeleteMy guess is they will do whatever brings in the highest ratings. If suspence keeps people tuned in they will keep it secret. Ratings start to fall they will have a several episode drag-it-on gender reveal show.
Deleteat the netherlands it is 'normal' to dont tell the name or even the gender of the baby.
People magazine probably offers to pay them more if they don't release the gender. Better traffic to
DeleteYou trolls are like broken records. You keep their ratings up lol. Go hate somewhere else.
Delete@11:13, instead of calling other people names (which I thought wasn't allowed here), why don't you study how the Nielsen TV ratings system works? You might see that unless you're enrolled in their monitoring program, you have no influence on the ratings one way or the other.
DeleteI second that notion, hee hee😉
DeleteI think they also tabulate ratings based upon what people DVR.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why but I'm thinking another little boy 👶 A little brother for Spurgeon:)
ReplyDeleteI think so too, I can only imagine what they'll name him/her. But the name Spurgeon is actually growing on me, it's actually pretty cool. I think if they have a girl though, they should name her Sarah or Savannah.
DeleteOh i love Savannah! Spurgeon and Savannah! :)
DeleteMy guess is another boy 👶🏽🍼
ReplyDeleteEither way, she should not attempt another birth at home. Hospital, epidural, surgical team on hand if needed, and blood bank down the hall if needed. She'd be crazy to risk things, given what happened last time. The fact that she hadn't had an ultrasound yet makes me wonder what kind of antenatal care she is getting.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree that Jessa should have a hospital birth with a dr, epidural, etc. It is possible she's had an ultrasound (in fact, they probably already know what they're having, and I'm thinking another boy 👶💙🍼), and they're just keeping that private. I'm praying for a happy, healthy birth for Mom and baby.
DeleteGasp!!!! Oh the humanity! No ultrasound yet! Meh.....non issue as is home birth. Epidural interfere with bonding and the more interventions one has the higher one's risk of a CS. In America it's really sad that over 30% of our uteri are broken. I work in OB and see maternal mortality, hemorrhage....why everything you espouse as a danger during home birth. Research, research, research.
DeleteHow do you know she has not had an ultrasound?
DeleteMore women and children die in hospital births with unnecessary interventions that birthshe at home or in a birth center.
DeleteI was wondering the same thing and beliefs aside she needs to have this baby in a hospital!
DeleteWhy does having an epidural equal a safe birth? Nothing wrong with them, but you can have a perfectly safe birth without one. And obviously she has had an ultrasound by now, or theu couldn't be considering revealing the gender of the baby...
Deleteshe has she just hasn't reveal the gender 2 the public
DeleteI think she should have this one at a birthing center. They generally are only around the corner from the hospital, so all the same securities are there. But it's so much like a home birth. She should also go with a water birth instead. It eases the labor pains greatly and makes labor easier naturally. Epidural is actually not that safe. Read more here:
DeleteShe can still have Jill there, but have another midwife, too. But this is her birth, not ours. We can only advise her with our knowledge through Ellie and Lily.
ReplyDeleteGirl, for sure!!!
ReplyDeleteI think Girl. Her bump is smaller
ReplyDeleteI GUESS GIRL or TWINS (one of each, or twin girls)
ReplyDeleteno its too small 4 twins
DeleteShe is carrying different than she did with Spurgie. Hopefully a girl!!
ReplyDeleteI say girl this time <3
ReplyDeleteA healthy baby! Blessings to this family! I just found out our grandbabe #9 is a GIRL! We already have 8 grandgirls. Whats another? Love them all
ReplyDeleteIs John David courting?
ReplyDeleteno or not publicly
DeleteGirl! She looks to be carrying the baby higher than when she carried Spurgeon, can't wait to find out the gender and baby name!
ReplyDeleteyup that's what I was thinking
DeleteGirl! She looks to be carrying the baby higher than when she carried Spurgeon, can't wait to find out the gender and baby name!
ReplyDeleteI pray that the baby is healthy and beautiful like mommy and handsome like daddy but i believe its going to be girl (or twins) maybe boy and girl
ReplyDeleteI think girl this time!
ReplyDeleteI think it will be a girl!!
ReplyDeleteI think its a girl.
ReplyDeleteGosh it's smaller than last time! Usually bump2 is bigger etc but clearly not.... I'm guessing a girl as it's so differently shaped!
ReplyDeleteme too
DeleteLets say girl this time?
ReplyDeleteIt worries me, the way the Duggar women tax their bodies with continual pregnancies. Children need a healthy mother with the time and energy to raise them, not a record number of siblings.
ReplyDeleteyou don't have to put your body thru pregnancy every 15 months or so. Enjoy the kids that you have and you don't have to add to the #. Take time indivitually to be a mom or dad to the ones you have. How can you be a connected parent to 19 kids?????
DeleteMichelle seems in fantastic health and shape, don't you think? Better than a lot of women her age who've had only one or two children.
DeleteFamilies have been doing this for years. My mom comes from a family if 14.
DeleteRemember when Michelle said the babies were her "buddy" for a certain period of time, then they became another child's "buddy"?
DeleteThat's you're opinion and it seems to work for them. If they want to have lots of children, that's their decision. Our ancestors had lots of kids and worked farms for living etc etc etc. Back then, money was hard to come by.
DeleteShe did not say that xD
DeleteCongrats Jessa, Ben, and Spurg, and all the aunts, uncles, and grandparents!!!!!!!😊 I think Jessa will have another boy!!!!!!!!😁
ReplyDeleteI think it's a baby girl this time
DeleteI think it's a girl this time
DeleteI hope what ever the gender he/she is healthyp.....I wish them a safe delivery, perhaps a hospital this time?
ReplyDeleteGirl! :) She's carrying this one differently. Congrats!
ReplyDeleteGirl. She is carrying higher this time and is smaller.
ReplyDeleteMy guess is another boy but like someone else mentioned I hope she has a registered nurse close by her or goes to the hospital one or the other, to help this time around!
ReplyDeleteThat's what midwives are for.
ReplyDeleteI keep thinking boy because Ben said he wanted 12 sons. 😂 I do like the family but after the Josh scandal they all act so differently. I have similar beliefs but wish they weren't all carbon copies, if that makes sense? I am excited for Jana to get married one of these days but she is starting her own business! I hope Jinger and Jeremy wait awhile before having kids. I wish them all the best though.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how the Duggar's would react if one of their children did not want kids. Do they expect everyone to have children?
ReplyDeleteI think they would respect that decision. They don't force their beliefs. Heck, Jeremy and Jinger made their own court ship rules.
ReplyDeleteI think it might be a girl, by the way she is carring. When Jessa was pregnant with Spurgeon i thought it was a boy and then i was Right.. so i Hope with this one to!! Congrats to Ben and Jessa and of course Spurgeon! Enjoy it Jessa!! Lots of love from the Netherlands (Holland,Amsterdam)
ReplyDelete50 percent of the time, it works every time.
DeleteI'm guessing boy. She looks almost identical to last pregnancy congratulations Ben, Jess and Spurgeon!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great growing family! I'm guessing a girl!
ReplyDeleteBoy 🐶💙🐌
ReplyDeleteJill looks pregnant on last nights show. Just hoping that Jessa and Ben select a "normal" name for their boy or girl. I actually feel so sorry for "Spurgie" to go thru life with that name. Just my opinion and no reason not to print it.
ReplyDeleteAgree with regard to the child's name. I hoped that they would call Spurgeon by his middle name, Elliot, but that hasn't happened yet. Surely Jessa can take a couple of years to raise her babies before she feels obliged to produce more, I do hope so.
DeleteWell, at least it's unique and something different. It could be worse lol
DeleteI wonder why Charles would have been so bad. What happened to the nickname Quincy?
DeleteGirl this time.
ReplyDeleteA girl
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one who doesn't like the term "baby bump"? It's offensive and seems so demeaning to me.
ReplyDeleteReally? Of all the things that are offensive surrounding this family, baby bump is one of the few things I find neutral. Genuinely curious why you find it demeaning?
DeleteNo I'm with you. Can. Not. Stand. The. Term.
DeleteThank you for saying that. I hate the term. Also, the obsession with posting the progress of your pregnancy seems so self absorbed.
DeleteI've been thinking about the term "baby bump" too and I can't figure out why it bothers me. I guess it sounds tacky or something.
DeleteMaybe because it sounds as if, in our narcissistic culture, the "bump" is a part of the woman's own figure, so to speak, instead of another actual person in there?
DeleteMy guess is a girl
ReplyDeleteHope she has a girl this time.
ReplyDeleteHer belly looks smaller (or just different, maybe a little higher?) so my guess it.... Girl!!
ReplyDeleteA girl
ReplyDeleteWell, well, well... it was just a matter of time before the baby bump selfies commenced.
ReplyDeleteI think girl. She is carrying higher.
ReplyDeleteI am saying girl!!
ReplyDeleteTwin a girl and Boy Names Jacob and Brittany:)
ReplyDeleteOr Sullivan and Sarah. Maybe they'll keep with the "S" theme.
DeleteI think Jessa looks like she's having a girl.
ReplyDeleteI am going to say it is going to be a girl.
ReplyDeleteA girl would be nice, so spurgeon could be her protector:)
ReplyDeleteHopefully not like Josh protected his younger sisters.
DeleteHo hum
ReplyDeleteI think girl or twin girls
ReplyDeleteI think it's another boy.
ReplyDeleteI think it's another boy.
ReplyDeleteI just hope Jessa has an easier labour this time around & the baby is healthy.
ReplyDeleteJust praying for a healthy baby and healthy mama❤
ReplyDeletei'm guessing a little girl
ReplyDeleteI agree with the poster about these people taxing their bodies with back to back pregnancies. We are built to have children, but there should be proper rest and recovery from one delivery to another. This family, and those like them take unnecessary risks. I don't think the Almighty would want us to do that. Practicing proper spacing between children is responsible and does a world of good in many ways. Not wise, IMO. I hope all goes well, of course, for this child is an innocent of it's parent's actions.
ReplyDeleteIf you think that way, then why are you here? I don't know where you are getting "taxing their bodies with back to back pregnancies" because that's their choice to not to use birth control and have children. Back in the old days, people had lots of children and was living off farming and crops. Of course, you have a right to you're own opinion but that's what you believe and they believe something entirely different and so did our ancestors.
Delete"Back in the old days," women died in alarming numbers during pregnancy and childbirth, and so did the babies. Men were often widowed and children left motherless because of repeated pregnancies and poor medical care. I was at a cemetery this week with "Infant Child...Infant Child...Infant Child" all over the headstones. Unnamed babies, some born and died on the same day. Not even named. One headstone had 3 of those in a row, 1913, 1915, and 1917. Cannot imagine the heartbreak... We have much better systems in place these days, and women can use them to choose when to have children and how many to have. I don't believe God wants a woman to give up her life EVER in a failed attempt to produce a huge number of children. He's not that anxious to get souls back.
DeleteAnon@11:26 I suggest you read a little history about the "old days". Pioneer women had many children because there was a lack of birth control, not necessarily because they consciously chose to have a big family. Women did, indeed, wear out and their life expectancy was much shorter than it is now. Between brutally hard work and relentless childbearing, their lives were no where near as easy as you suggest. My own great-grandmother lamented at the fact that she was at the mercy of her own reproductive cycle.
DeleteOur ancestors didn't have a choice and many babies and moms didn't survive. We do have choices now and should use the choices to make good decisions. I don't understand why some posters get so offended if every comment isnt full of adoration for everything the Duggars do.
DeleteWe're no longer "back in the old days." We have more knowledge and information now.
DeleteGIRL! Her bump is so small this time!
ReplyDeleteI hope thats Jessa will seek better medical care this time. Prenatal check ups and a professional birth team are important. This is more pressing than the question whether it is a boy or a girl.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. It's important to both momma and baby.
DeleteJessa doesn't seem as excited this time around. No ultrasound, very few pictures, and they waited 14 weeks to tell their family. I feel sorry that she has no choice in spacing her pregnancies. She even admitted they were not ready!
ReplyDeleteKids are always excited about new things and then quickly tire of them.
DeleteI'm wishing them the best however I know what is in their future balancing two babies in diapers. I hope the care they both need is received and the sisters help.
DeleteHer pregnancy selfies always looked the way. She's trying to focus on getting a good shot of her belly. And with the whole no ultrasound thing, maybe her and Ben wants to keep everything a surprise? And they made a choice to have many children. It wasn't her parents or Ben forcing her into anything. She is a adult and makes her own decisions and even ADMITTED that she is going to raise her children differently then her parents did with her and her siblings. Even Jinger is following her own path, clearly, because her and Jeremy made their own courtship rules. I think they are doing just fine. People assume and claim to much of this family.
DeleteIt's NOT modest for Jessa to post selfies showing her changing body. This family is so vocal about NOT calling attention to their bodies with their awful dressing style, two shirts, not wearing modest shorts, capris or pants, yet they publicly post photos in waaaayy too tight spandex shirts and flaunt their expectant bellies..How is this modest? It isn't. Pleas quit doing so.
ReplyDeleteWho cares. Why can't the producers provide a different family announcement????
ReplyDeleteIf she can have the baby witout an epidural then she needs to go for it. I have 3 girls and I had an epidural with each one and with the third one the doctor didn't get it in straight so know I have lower back pain along with 2 bulging disk. So go natural if you can.
ReplyDeleteMy guess is a girl.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely a boy
ReplyDeleteGIRL! Awesomely cute!!
ReplyDeleteYou guys are adorable. Good luck with your pregnancy, new baby, and all your other awesome endeavors.
ReplyDeleteIt's the Lord's will for a boy or girl.God bless you all.
ReplyDeleteA girl
ReplyDeleteI think it's a girl, and hey! There is a 50% chance I'm right! Lol!
ReplyDeleteI find it quite worrying esp after last birth that she was 17 weeks and she hadn't had an ultrasound.. Most people have had at least 2-4+ by then
ReplyDeleteThe only question for Jessa at this time is: What prenatal care have you been receiving so far, if any?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Jill has pulled out her stethoscope. That's probably enough to satisfy everyone.
ReplyDeletehow do any of you know if she had an ultrasound or not. I'm sure she has, its her choice weather to announce the gender or not. Maybe she waited to tell her family longer this time cause she wanted too. OHHH THE HORROR
ReplyDeleteShe stated that she hadn't when she had her family over to tell them.
DeleteAnother observation here: why is there a refusal to use the phrase "sex of the child"? This is correct English. "Gender" would not be appropriate here. Are there people who are afraid of the word? When used in this way, it doesn't refer to marital relations..get over it.
ReplyDeleteits gotta be a girl. She's smaller than when she was pregnant with Spurgeon.
ReplyDeleteTwins, one of each!
ReplyDeleteIts not twins. Her baby bump is smaller than when she was pregnant with Spurgeon. Its gotta be a girl.
DeleteHere we go. Loose "modest" tops when not pregnant. Skin tight tops when pregnant. I guess from now on that's the clue. Overly tight--show everything--equals pregnancy
ReplyDeleteI think it shows that, in their eyes, the feminine form is only worth showing off when pregnant.
DeleteThey live off TLC royalties. Why do they not show more shows about military people. They had a show about giving mmoney to deserving families. This family needs to go off the air. Boring!!