Thursday, October 20, 2016

25 Weeks Pregnant with Baby Seewald #2

"We were both excited and surprised [to find out I was pregnant] because Spurgeon was just a little over six months old. For my sister-in-law Anna and for my sister Jill, they didn't get pregnant right off...and so, I guess I'm built more like my mom."

-Jessa Seewald

In mid-spring, Jessa and Ben Seewald found out that they were expecting another child. Fourteen weeks into the pregnancy, they broke the news to the rest to the rest of the Duggar family, as seen on Tuesday's episode of Counting On.

The young couple says they are looking forward to having two kids who are only 15 months apart, but they also understand that being parents of two babies will present plenty of challenges and new adjustments (video clip below).

For those of you who have kids who are close in age, what were some of the greatest challenges you faced when your children were infants and toddlers?

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. Jessa, you got pregnant because you didn't use birth control, not because you're "built" like someone else.

    1. I think she was trying to find a way to not make Jill feel bad that she will have #2 first. I hope she stops talking about adoption until they have signed papers. It clearly wasn't a priority for them like they said it was or else their homestudy wasn't appoved with Ben working only part time.

    2. She was referring to being able to get pregnant while nursing - some women use it as a natural birth control, but it doesn't work for everybody.

    3. But Anna and Jill didn't use birth control either, and that's who she was comparing herself to.

    4. She didn't mean to be so literal.Just wish them happiness and a healthy pregnancy ...Blessa Jessa😉

    5. I don't think Jessa meant anything negative towards Jill or Anna. Let's not forget that the first time around, Jill got pregnant "right off". Circumstances have been very different for The Dillards and The Seewalds after the births of their first sons. What I do hope is different for Jessa this time around is her birth plan. I know that's her own personal decision; I would just hate to see her go through the suffering she did and the emergency afterwards that she experienced with Spurgeon. She should have an obstetrician, or at the very least a midwife who will respect her. She knows her body and knew she needed to go to the hospital when she was in labor with Spurgeon. But her midwife talked her out of it, and poor Jessa had to suffer through a horribly agonizing labor and severe blood loss that sent her on an emergency trip to the hospital. I was cringing as I watched poor Jess go through it. I hope and pray that she has a MUCH easier and healthier labor and delivery this time around and that her OB or midwife respects what she needs in labor & delivery. God bless Jessa, Ben, Spurgeon, and Baby Seewald #2.

  2. Jill just said she was nursing Israel on the plane home, so it's possible that's part of what has delayed her from having baby number two. Jessa was shown on the last episode shaking up a bottle of formula for Spurgeon, so it's no surprise she's pregnant again. Do these girls get any basic biology lessons before they get married?

    1. Not to mention the exposure to ZIKA and the health warnings to not get pregnant for 6 months if you/partner have been in one of the regions with the virus. I hope they are purposely being smart and delaying pregnancy.

    2. Did you think that maybe she quit nursing, because she is pregnant? Of course, they already know what you stated. Their mom has even mentioned that in the past in regards to her own pregnancies.

    3. I think she recently stopped nursung in light of the new pregnancy.....The sem happy and I'm happy for them :0)

    4. She was already pregnant in that episode. When you get pregnant your milk may decrease and you have to supplement with formula. She may very well have been exclusively nursing when she got pregnant, which is why she wasn't expecting to get pregnant so soon. I am sure she knew it was possible.

    5. Sometimes biology dictates to ones body if they can nurse or for how long, I couldn't nurse anymore after six months with all my kids, that was my biology, so unless u know Jessa's then maybe your comment would make better sense.Just be joyful and happy for others...feels pretty awesome to do so.Blessings y'all 😉😆

    6. Maybe they both do what they do on purpose.

    7. I had a hard time getting pregnant so I assumed that I didn't need birth control. I was actively nursing when I found out that I was pregnant with baby number 2. My firstborn was 6 months old. My milk must have changed because he suddenly refused to eat. Our pediatrician told us that it is common for the milk to change or decrease when pregnant. It didn't happen to my friends, but it did happen to me. I had to find other ways to feed my firstborn.

    8. Basic biology has actually taught us that breastfeeding is not a means of birth control. It's very likely Jessa got pregnant while nursing and her milk supply dropped, hence the bottle of formula.

    9. It's also likely Jessa didn't nurse for long and switched to formula, signaling her body to go back to usual.

    10. Hello as someone who has some knowledge in the area of breastfeeding let me point out a few basic biology facts that those commenting above who suppose themselves to have a better knowledge than Jessa.

      1. There is nothing in anyone's biology that makes it suddenly impossible to breastfeed at 6 months if one has previously been doing so successfully - outside factors and personal decisions affect ones ability. Many women feel pressured to stop at this age (if not earlier) for various reasons! Milk changes and adapts to meet your child's needs. Jessa may have chosen to stop breastfeeding due to pressure/personal choice/pregnancy although it is possible to successfully breastfeed while pregnant and also to tandem feed more than one child of varying ages. She could also of simply been warming up some expressed milk as she didn't want to nurse on tv who knows it's her business!

      2. Breastfeeding is a natural form of contraception- however as the period of time breastfeeding before a woman's cycle returns differs so much between woman it is not very accurate form of this. As most women should know no form of contraception is 100% accurate read the box - and even then the accuracy is completely dependent on correct (100% correct usage) - you can get pregnant even if you are trying to prevent it because ultimately God is in control of all things. The main issue with using breastfeeding as a means of contraception is you have no idea of its expiration date for want of a better term - women's fertility varies widely.

      3. Therefore jessa would be right in saying her body may be more like her Mum in that her cycles have returned to normal as had her fertility level more rapidly than other female relatives despite nursing! She may have similar fertility levels!

    11. Not always true.. I got pregnant about 3 months after my first was born and i was told not to breastfeed while pregnant because i was high risk of miscarriage.. we don't know her medical history so maybe she was told the same thing..
      My milk dried up with my last child at 4 months for no reason what so ever.. I nursed him 48 hrs straight before we realized i was dried up. I nursed all 4 of my kids and at some point for no reason my milk will dry up. it happened at various times with each child.

  3. We had 5 kids within 5 years and the closest 2 were 10.5 months a part. The biggest struggle we faced was balancing out who's cry to respond to first. Which one I could let cry for a minute while I tended to the needs of the other. Babywearing was a lifesaver.

    1. If I may ask, why not choosing to distance your kids more?

    2. Did you rotate so one child didn't begin to feel worth less than the others? Or, how did you determine who to respond to first?

    3. My first 2 were 11 months apart.. How rude to say why not distance them more.. My first 2 were close together and i was breastfeeding and taking birth control.. I got sick and was put on antibiotics.. bam pregnant 2wks later

  4. I have 4 kids, ages 5,3,2 and one inside mama!! the biggest challenge was having 2 in diapers at once... the last 2 are one year apart... its hard but totally worth it!

    1. I am one of FIVE daughters and we are all a year or less apart! The two oldest are only 11 months apart! My mom would line us up like stair steps wearing our white gloves, Easter bonnets and frilly dresses every year and by the time we got to church, someone would be missing a shoe or a sock, always something! My mom said she loved our close ages and only when we got older did we realize she gave us "best friends" for life. My dad? All I can say is - MY POOR DAD once all us girls were teens! With one bathroom, my dad had to get up at 4 in the morning to have his turn!

  5. My two boys are 11 months 28 days apart. My biggest issue is my oldest will do something and then the youngest will do the same thing. Monkey see monkey do.

  6. The biggest help is having a husband who is very patient with little kids/babies, and Ben certainly seems patient and kind. Jessa is also very patient, and they have a loving, supportive network. Just remember to put both kids down at the same time for their naps, and Mommy should nap too!

  7. Jessa is a fun person to listen to. I enjoy how she shares her stories ,etc.

  8. Two of my kiddos are 1 year and 2 weeks apart, and I actually found it was easier with them being closer in age. The hardest part of it all was grocery shopping with 3 under the age of 3 1/2. I'd push a cart with groceries and a toddler in it and pull a cart full of babies.

    1. No offense intended, but why couldn't the kids stay home with their father on a Saturday or at night while you shopped? I've never understood moms taking so many little kids out. Do the fathers not want to stay with the kids or feel it's your responsibility to take them along?

  9. My 2 girls are 12months apart I gave birth 2 days before my daughter turned 1. Learning to share has been our biggest struggle, they are turning 4 and 5 in January and are finally starting to come out of that struggle, now that their interests are changing and they are becoming polar opposites of each other.

    1. I think it would be so much fun for them to do something special on that day when they are the same age.

  10. How can I watch the new season in the UK please

  11. How can I watch the new season in the UK please?

  12. For me it was having more than one in diapers and making sure I had enough diapers for each little one. I found that labeling a ziplock bag with their names helped. I would check the bags before we left the house to make sure each had an ample supply of diapers,wipes and diaper cream if needed. These went into my larger diaper bag or diaper backpack.

  13. We had a newborn and 18 month old twins. All I can say is get them on the same schedule. That was our biggest issue besides having 3 in diapers.

    1. You're right. A schedule is KEY.

  14. When they both had immediate needs at the same time.

  15. My youngest boy is 14 months and my older one will be 3 in march , when my youngest was born my older son wasn't walking yet so I lived by organization and I just put my faith in another power. My boys are happy and healthy and we are blessed. Ultimately it doesn't matter how close in age ur children are as long as u have a great support system, which we had... I wish them happiness

  16. Congrats to Priscilla and David Waller! ( Anna's sister) they had a baby boy on 10/19 and he weighed in over 9 lbs! Phillip Andrew us his name.... " happy healthy home birth"!

  17. I have three girls the first one and second one are 13 months apart and the second and third rae 12 months apart. You need a base schedule, but flexibility too. Try and get them on the same sleep schedule is key so you have at least 1-3 hours in the afternoon to yourself.

  18. Frankly, as highly valued as having children is in the Duggar family and subculture, it was very offensive that Jessa framed her pregnant right away "success" in terms of Anna's and Jill's "failures". To women who want a baby (particularly those raised to be measured by the number of their children-a.k.a."blessings"), this was a cheap, cruel shot by Jessa. What kind of sister, friend, sister-in-law is so thoughtless and self-centered? Much less one who professes to be a Christian?

    1. My take was that Jill was sad in those scenes. She wasn't her normal bubbly self and seemed withdrawn. I think it is bittersweet - happy for Jessa but sad for her own situation.

    2. Great question, good points.

    3. I think you're overreacting. It seems to me as if Jessa was just surprised that she got pregnant so quickly....she was expecting it to take longer since it did with Jill and Anna. I don't believe she was putting them down at all.

    4. The Duggars are good at the passive-aggressive comment.

  19. My Anonymous post above- Jessa's comment that I was referring to:
    "We were both excited and surprised because Spurgeon was just a little over six months old. For my sister-in-law Anna and for my sister Jill, they didn't get pregnant right off...and so, I guess I'm built more like my mom."

    1. Interesting, because it suggests Jill was trying while she was in central america (even with the zika virus concern).

    2. I don't get how that is a cruel insensitive statement. I think people are too hard on this family. LOOKING for faults to criticize everything. No wonder Jinger wants privacy for her wedding! That is nitpicking to a fault!!

  20. My girls are that age gap. I loved it as they both had naps at the same time and are absolute best friends even as teenagers

  21. My mom had my sister just below me just 21 months after she had me. and that was number 5. so i bet Jessa will really have her hands full with those two. =)

  22. Those days are a distant memory, but hands down the biggest challenge was lack of sleep. I was also very glad when they were both out of diapers!

  23. I don't think Jessa getting pregnant so soon after Spurgeon has anything to do with her "being built" like her mother. Hopefully she has chosen to be under the care of a obstetrician this time around. Her last delivery came dangerously close to being her last.

    1. Amen, you hope both her and Jill learned a valuable life lesson with their first pregnancies being what I would call emergency deliveries (Jill) and emergency care (Jessa).

  24. Congratulations Jessa and Ben Seewald.

  25. Ben is still so young.....

    1. Yeah, it's really shocking that he'll be 21 and a father of two...

    2. At least he's married.

    3. Longer ago, it wasn't considered young. Today many people are waiting longer to get married which makes 21seem young.

  26. I understand that using any form of birth control would be against the family's religious principles but does that mean they also oppose natural methods of family planning? While Jill and Derrick are in Central America it could be very dangerous for her to be pregnant with the prevalence of the Zika virus. Do you know if the family is against counting the days in a woman's cycle to try and avoid intercourse during her most fertile days? I know they always say they like to leave things in the hands of the Lord so I'm curious if they would be against all forms of family planning.

    1. Jill has been nursing this whole time, I think she said. That could help matters.

    2. No, I don't think they are against it, I remember Michelle making comments in older episodes about it.

    3. Health recommendations are to wait 6 months after returning from a country where ZIKA is prevalent. Or, they may have both been tested and maybe one/both is positive so they are waiting until it is out of their system. This may explain why Jill seemed so depressed/not lively.

  27. I am so excited for y'all. I think y'all should move into the guest house since it is so big and y'all are wanting a big family. Can't wait to see what the future holds for y'all.

    1. Then who would live in the revamped rancher? Oh, I know - single ladies Jana and Joy! And they could work in that design store Jana is going to open.

    2. I feel bad for Jessa that she is still there yet Jill once again gets the HUGE, NEW, granite counters, fully decorated large home. Did you notice Grandma asked if they would need more space (grandma owns the ranch house). But, Anna lived there with 3 kids so they can definitely follow her lead too.

    3. Yes, I want to see what Jana is planning for that building she bought in town! Is anyone local that sees any signs/remodeling going on? I'm excited if she does something on her own!

  28. Does it really take two o them to dress one kid? The poor kid's clothes are so stiff and tight he cant even sit.

    1. I've noticed that his clothes were tight, too, since the get-go. You'd think that there would be boxes and boxes of all sizes of hand-me-down baby clothes around that Dugger attic and closet somewhere. Not to mention maternity wear that isn't skin tight. "Modest" clothing, until you're pregnant and you purposely show every lump and bump. I don't understand that.

    2. Yes, what is with the tight tshirts as maternity shirts? There are adorable tops and dresses out there that are pretty, modest and very affordable. Would she wear that tight of a shirt without being pregnant? If not, why is it ok when she's pregnant. Very strange to me.

    3. It seems Jessa likes Jeans and stiff button shirts for the poor little guy--making it about the fashion instead of the comfort, which is so important for little kids. They need to be able to move around.

    4. I wondered the same thing about dressing the baby. It never took the two of us to dress our kids.
      I agree about the maternity clothes. When Jessa was pregnant her first time there was one picture where could see right through her light colored top. There are certain parts of a woman's body that can change colors (darken) while pregnant. We must be aware of these things if we are trying not to call attention to our bodies.

    5. I agree that their maternity clothes are too tight! Not modest at all.

    6. The tight clothes during pregnancy are to show off the big stomach. Not sure why they are trying to draw so much attention to themselves as Christians. Also, the tight shirts worn during the last pregnancy were shocking.

  29. Why is she comparing herself to those other women in the family? This is not a race or a competition!!

    1. Maybe for them it is. They really value pregnancy.

  30. I have six awesome kids (thank You Jesus) right now and just gave birth to number six about two weeks ago. My three youngest are ages three years old, one year old and 2 weeks old. The biggest challenge I am seeing is time. I feel like there is not enough of me to go around and sometimes EVERYONE needs me all at one time. By God's grace He is giving me the strength to lean on Him and allow Him to meet our whole family's needs. For me to let go of being the family "need filler" , do what I can do, & leave the rest to Him. Sometimes us Moms are so hard on ourselves... We were never meant to do everything or be everything to our families... That puts us in a place we don't belong and causes our spouse and children to make us their idol instead of God. There are days you will not get everything done that you think you "need" to and that's ok. God wants our hearts not our checked off "to-do" lists. Life is messy but is beautiful.

    1. Congratulations on your newest blessing 1Corinth16.4! Thank you for your mini testimony. I'm sure your post will encourage some moms who really needed to hear this. May you continue to be a blessing and an encouragement!

    2. Thank you, I needed to hear that! I only have one sweet 8 year old Daugher and a wonderful husband, but sometimes trying to "meet their needs and fulfill them" is so completely overwhelming. I had never heard it put that way, but that really blessed me and I'm going to change my mindset. Thank you!

    3. That is a beautiful statement. I love it. You have made me feel better about my short comings as a mom and wife. With 4 kids sometimes I feel like I don't get as much done in a day as I would like and my house is not perfect or too much laundry in the hamper. I needed that. Blessings.

  31. It is kind of a blur...but we survived! Lack of sleep, making meals...going grocery shopping. I have 5...when they were little, 5 kids, 6 and under. The hardest was the the first 4 kids..they are the closest in age. 19 months apart for the first 2 and then 15 months apart for 2 to 3 and 3 to 4. They are all friends now and that is the best part!

  32. I wonder why Jessa isn't posting bump pictures this time around. We still haven't seen any!

    1. She's dialed back on the daily selfies, after taking heat for them.

    2. They probably have an ultrasound in their near future. The pregnancy is also around five months along since due in February. Timeline of episodes in way behind. Selfies should not be a priority right now. I sincerely hope they have one healthy child and twins are just a rumor. They aren't financially prepared for one. There's no assurance next season will happen. I do keep them in our prayers. I'm sure the family will help no matter what happens.

  33. I am just stating my opinion here, but I've always felt that Ben and Jessa were really too much in a hurry to marry and I felt like a big reason,(not the only one I'm sure) was because they also had a huge physical attraction toward each other and to handle that they got married. So now Ben is 21 and they soon will have 2 kids and no stopping there and Jessa will stay home and tend to what they consider her role I guess, whatever that may be. Why do I feel like sulking or letting out a big sigh? I feel like there is so much more potential for both of them in this world,maybe we are missing more information from them as to what their plans are career wise for their future. Is Ben planning to be a paid Pastor of a church fulltime? Does Jessa have career plans outside the home? Would be neat to find out!

  34. Isreal is too old to be nursing!

    1. Whooo boy, are you going to get an earful about that comment, 5:05 (if Ellie posts them).

    2. ouch I agree, the teeth! When there is teeth,then yeah definately!

    3. In most Latin American countries nursing to or in some cases past 2 years is common. Formula is expensive which is why Jill was probably nursing.

    4. No he's not world wide health recommendations state that it is recommended that ALL children are breastfed until a minimal of 1 yr and preferably into toddlerhood (meaning as old as 3yrs!!!)

  35. My two oldest sons are 11 months apart. When the first baby was two months old I found out I was pregnant with the second baby. The hardest thing for me was not getting enough sleep or support, and feeling overwhelmed. May God bless you Jessa and Ben to raise both these babies for Him. As you probably already know it gets easier as they age. Plus as you continue to add to your family you can teach the older ones to help out around the house and help with the younger children, just like you learned to do from your Duggar upbringing. I know you have an awesome support system through your families.

  36. I say a hearty "Congratulations!" to Anna's sister and brother in law on son Philip Andrew! And to Ben and Jessa on their pregnancy! I had 3 sons in 3 years and for three months of the year they are consecutive ages. It was a joy having them so close. They never lacked for a playmate. I also found that when you change your whole life with your first baby, the adjustment for the second was simply to add another diaper and bottle to the diaper bag. Life goes on...with joy!! then when #3 came right on the heels of baby 2, same story third act...add two more diapers and 2 more bottles...or some bottled water and the whole can of Infamil powder!I guess it took longer to go places and loading up 3 instead of 1, but I had adjustment time and it just felt normal. One child was always entertaining the other two and son #1 was always glad to grab this or that for me or lug the diaper bag to the car. It was just what I had wanted from childhood...a houseful of kids! I was also teaching 3rd grade during all this so I was used to being surrounded by life's dream. Now I am surrounded by grandchildren. Still living my dream at age 72. That's what we do...we adjust. Jill and Jessa and Anna were raised with siblings and a baby drooling and crawling on the floor was as natural as stepping over a beloved pet. Years later, my daughter was born. My biggest regret has been in not having on more child after her. If you can have 4 children you can have 5! She didn't have a playmate. I regret that. One more wouldn't have hurt a thing. There was 8 years between her and her next older brother. Big gap. My prayers are for a healthy baby and an uncomplicated delivery. Life goes on. And I know Jill and Derick will have another one when they are ready. Me? I was always ready to have another. God bless these families! I really wanted a dozen after reading Papa was a Preacher and Cheaper by the Dozen when I was a teenager!

    1. Bless you for sharing your sweet story. I have four boys whom I home school. I love them dearly, yet long for more time with my husband. There are so many people who constantly ask me if I'm going to have more, and say things like your almost there...I am there...I am completely full...I have more than enough children...more than enough diapers to change, more than enough dishes to wash, more than enough clothes to clean, more than enough spills to wipe up...When they grow up and move out I will be excited because then I can enjoy life again with my husband. Go out on dates again, enjoy walks on the beach holding his hand, eat meals uninterrupted...being able to hear myself think...YES, its going to be great, and I will not have empty nest syndrome...

    2. Thank you for sharing- I enjoyed reading your perspective :)

    3. You sound like a neat person, Carolyn. God bless you.

  37. As a retired Police Officer/Detective/Sergeant I am hurt and appalled at your support of the Black Lives Matter movement. This is an insult to me and my family and the career where I and other police officers tried our best to help our communities. The BLM movement says that police are hunting down and killing black men for no reason. Gee, I guess not only I but the entire police department from the date it started to the present day have failed. Not once have any of us killed a black man and we were one of the largest cities in Michigan. You have caused us to turn off your show forever. We can no longer look at any Duggar without thinking of your insult.

    1. First, sincere thanks for protecting and serving the public, and putting your life at risk for everyone. When we call 911 or need help, we can't thank you enough for responding. Second, I'm not sure what "insult" the Duggars did or said. You know this not their own blog, but a blog run by friends of theirs? And I'm not the blogmaster, just a confused reader. What did the Duggars say or do that has you upset?

    2. Unknown, you're probably a good person and a good police officer/detective/sergeant, and maybe the colleagues you met while working were too, but this doesn't mean everybody is. It's a fact that black people keep getting killed for no reason and this doesn't happen in the same capacity with white people. This is a fact.
      I don't support any violent way of protesting, but this is a real issue and something needs to change.

  38. I am happy for you that you are so happy with your choices. It sounds like you also were able to choose a career on top of your busy family life. I was a teacher, too, before retirement and raised two children with my husband. That's what life should be... the opportunity to decide for oneself what is best, without the pressure of others. Based on what we know about the Duggars from their many years in the spotlight, it is a safe bet that the daughters have been conditioned to think that their only path in life should be directed towards marriage and many children. Until that is accomplished, they must live under their parents' roof providing assistance for the household. When we see at least one of the Duggar daughters move out, get an education or job on their own, and live a life independent from the parents or a husband, then I will believe otherwise.

  39. I am a retired Police Officer/Detective/Sergeant. You have insulted me, my family and all of the others I worked with when you support the lie about BLM. I never shot anyone much less a black person. I worked in one of the largest cities in Michigan and don't even know of any case in a nearby city from me. Your insult to support this lie and anti police group who think that police and white lives don't matter because only black lives are the ones that matter is attrocious. As a Christian family we watched your show but no more. Can't take your insult.

    1. "Black lives matter" means "black live matter too", doesn't mean "only black lives matter".
      In other words, protecting the weaker cathegories, like black people, or women, doesn't take away anything from the stronger groups of people (tipically white men).

    2. What insult is this poster talking about? I feel as if I've missed a chapter. What happened?

  40. I've noticed Jessa smiles a lot more when giving interviews since she's been married. She used to not smile as much. :-)

  41. Don't you think it is an insult to all of us police officers out there that you support a group that celebrates when one of us is hurt or killed. As a result I won't watch any show anymore and neither will my family or any officer I know. You have no idea how painful it was to hear that a 'christian' no longer supports law and order.

    1. When has the Duggar family ever "celebrated" when a police officer is hurt or killed? Your statement blows my mind.

    2. My mind is blown too...what??? The Duggar's would NEVER celebrate when an officer is hurt or killed! What in the world are you talking about?? You obviously are not a regular viewer of this Christian God centered family!

    3. Not following things here. What did the Duggars post or say or what group did they support to start these comments? Let us judge for ourselves by reading that first.

    4. Is this in reference to something Ben said?

    5. Thank you for serving others in their time of need and putting your lives at risk. I love police officers. They are humans and do the best they can to serve and protect as well as make it back home to their families at night. I think maybe Ben worded his tweet different than he meant it. I pray so at least.

  42. This whole show seems to now be about who will get married next and who will have the next baby.


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