
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Israel Reacts to Mama's Musical Performance

Back in the United States for the first time since last fall, Jill and Derick Dillard have enjoyed sharing new experiences with their son, who turns 18 months old next week. In this video clip, Jill pulls out one of her family's violins and performs the hymn "Fairest Lord Jesus" for Israel Dillard. He is completely mesmerized!

While in Arkansas, the Dillards are taking online classes and working with local mission organizations.

Photo/video courtesy


  1. What a gifted family! I believe the way they share their love for Jesus through music, posting scripture and through their speech is a ministry in it's self. Thank-you Duggars for being so open about your faith, you will be blessed. From Canada.

  2. He is sooooo cute. I don't mean to play favorites but he is my favorite "grand Duggar" :-D cuteness!!

  3. I was wondering how Jill and Derek get by with neither one having a job.
    Where do they live, how do they eat, and how do they pay medical insurance
    that is mandated by the government?

    1. They live in a house owned by Jim Bob. They're getting paid by TLC for appearing on the show. Beyond that is anyone's guess.

    2. They are rich. They are reality TV stars. Why is this still so confusing to everyone?

    3. The Duggars don't keep the money they get from TLC. Jim Bob said that years ago. They gave the money back that they earned from TLC.

    4. The situation is the same for Ben and Jesse and for Josh and Anna, for what we know. Ben has a part time job for JB, Josh is working on his marriage, and the women stay at home. It really seems like it's the show that pays the bills.

    5. 10:55, I'd like to see proof of your statement, like a video clip of him saying that. Which show?

    6. I think that would be a private matter. I'm so embarrassed by some of the questions on here. I've been watching this lovely family since day one. They're such nice people. They truly are! I wish they'd go to another channel so the entire family can be seen again!

    7. There is no way it is true that the Duggars don't keep their TLC salary. It has been their bread and butter for many years.

    8. This family was completely debt free, owned a plethora of businesses,bought and paid for their house with cash.They were millionaires well before the show.Every penny they received was put it on a trust for each child, so they would have a nest egg when the time comes to leave the coop.They give way more than we all know.So all of u speculating and or spreading false information can just maybe do your homework.And you want to know how I know, we'll my Uncle is best friends with one of the camera men.These monstrous trolls need to just,be joyful, it feels awesome to do so.

  4. It's conflicting that Derrick and Jill profess to be committed to missionary work of those struggling in middle America; yet, when living in America they live in a grand home with a grand piano! Lovely example of humbleness.

    1. That's Jim Bob's house, and the pianos were donated way back when they first moved in. But yes, you are correct in your observation that material humbleness has gone by the wayside, many many episodes ago.

    2. They are at their parents home.

    3. This is Jill's parents' house.

    4. wow how judgemental of YOU! where in the Bible does it say that you can't have a decent home (this is her parents home btw) and where in the Bible does it say that you can't have a musical instrument? you may want to think more about your attitude than the house these two wonderful Godly people are staying in!

    5. Just love Israel he is so cute! Love all the Duggars! What a talented and Godly family!

    6. And where in the Bible does it say that if you want something, you should ask around and pull strings and find a way to get it for free from someone else? Because that's what we're seeing on the show, and it's no secret.

    7. People are jealous because they could be possibly struggling in two-income households or like myself, single parent. The Lord blessed them with the show to help take care of their family, and they are responsible to Him only for how they manage their lives and money. But it does seem, and we only get a very small glimpse into their lives, that there have been some changes. This life is unfair, and God says it all through His Word that we are supposed to work, and I can understand possible feelings of jealousy to watch people just stay at home and shop whenever they want while others have to put in their 8 hrs. and come home and do more work. Read Proverbs 30:8-9. I do not watch them anymore, but I still like to read this blog, but I have seen some changes from the old shows. I don't agree with a lot of their lifestyle choices, but they have testified of the Lord to the world. So many people have put them on pedestals, but they are only imperfect humans. I would like to see more of the younger kids posted instead of just the grandkids. If people find themselves getting jealous of the fact that the majority of the Duggars can stay at home and live comfortably without physical labor, then the best thing would be to stop watching or reading about them. We are not supposed to tear each other down but to build each other up because life is not fair and we all need help and encouragement in this world.

  5. Genuinely are they making an income with neither holding a full-time job? Do missionaries make money, or is it a kind of volunteer based job? I suppose their income would be from their show? What to they say they do when people ask them?

    1. SOS Ministries pays them a salary, but they make even more money for being stars on a TLC show.

    2. Maybe they say "its not any of your business!". Seriously, what if those they minister to saw these photos or knew of how the live in the states? It speaks volumes to their character to even accept living in such a luxuruious style.

  6. So many VALID questions are asked on this blog, yet they are never answered. Why not?

    1. Just because people want to know something does not make the question "valid". Yes, the Duggars are on TV but that doesn't mean that every single aspect of their lives is open for the public to analyze and critique. They are allowed to keep certain things private if they wish. We are not entitled to know everything.

    2. They want something from us (money and viewership), so they owe nothing in return (a little explanation of what's really going on)?

    3. You all need to stop. Shame on you! What does it matter. Jim Bob has in the past done real estate deals, and car deals.

  7. This is her parents home.. how about commenting on how beautifully Jill played the violin??

  8. I think people have so many questions about their missionary work since they have come home several times for weddings, etc. Very untypical of missionaries to do that. Also, they have constant visits from family. Again, unusual for missionaries.

    1. They aren't normal missionaries. They are TV stars!!

  9. missionaries are supported by the church. They buy used and thats how they can have these pianos ect. (However this is their parents home.) Insurance is also provided by the mission organization they work with usually. It is their job just like any other. I find it funny people judge them on their nice things when the family lives debt free (even before TV) take care of their things so they stay nice, and give of their money freely by supporting many causes. We could all learn a thing or two from then even if you do not share their beliefs...

    1. TLC gave them those pianos.......

    2. What causes do they support? I've never heard them name any. And, they don't belong to a church so where do they tithe? To their home church (i.e., themselves?). I'm serious here.

    3. Yeah...they "home church " for a tax write off. I wonder if they do tithe to themselves?

  10. She played wonderfully! I feel like Jill would be such a good friend! :)

  11. Pretty soon it will be Israel playing with his Mom.

  12. We Catholics recognize that song as the hymn "Oh, God of Lovliness".

    1. Yep! You're totally right - it's one of my favorite hymns @sunnysideup I wonder what hymn they use it as? Hey! maybe Jill and Derick decided to become Catholic! They went down to South America (where they are mostly Catholic anyway) and THEY were preached to and CONVERTED to Catholicism! :D Wonder how their parents would react to that news... :P

    2. The hymn is Fairest Lord Jesus

    3. I'm not a Catholic, and I know that hymn as Fairest Lord Jesus.

    4. That's unlikely. Why would they want to confess their sins to to an intermediary -- a priest, another human -- rather than talking directly to the Father?

  13. I actually feel sorry for the Duggars, Seewalds, Dillard's and soon to be Vuolo's. They can pretend all they want that they are missionaries or run football camps or Preach, but not one of them actually works. They are all living off the fatted calf of TLC, but contrary to what they believe it will not last forever. Now they may have so much money acquired from their decade plus of being reality TV stars, but now the 2nd generation of children ( all those grandchildren) are being raised to believe they are entitled to a TV series and play, vacation, shop etc all day. None of the Duggar "kids" or their spouses have any kind of work ethic. It may be fun now, but in the long run its never turns out well

    1. I know a family with 14 children. You'd better believe that the minute those kids were old enough to shovel snow or mow grass or get a paper route, they were expected to do their share to support themselves and help the family. When they hit college age, they had to find a way to put themselves through. What have the Duggars done? Gone out for coffee, on camera. Gone to theme parks. Gone on vacations. The only "work" they've done is for Jim Bob (or something Jim Bob found for them to do), and what does that teach, other than you can never get fired (except for Josh) and you can have all the time off you want to do whatever you want? Some parenting. They have no idea.

    2. Your information is INCORRECT. Ben Seawald actually goes to school and has a part time job. Jim Bob DOES work as he owns several commercial properties and has his real estate lic. We know that Jeremy Vuolo works (minister) and will continue after marriage.

    3. I agree. My husband come from a very wealthy family, but we live on our own income, from our jobs. Yes, his parents do give us gifts that are as usefull as they are expensive to help us get a good start in life. But I wouldn't be with a man who does nothing because he's living on his parents money. I need to know he will be able to step up and take care of us if something happens. I need to know he wants to do something with his life. I need to know he is able to take care of himself without any help. I feel more secure.

    4. My husband and I refused to take money from either my parents or his. We made it on our own. When I think of what little he was making when we first got married... It was scary but we did it. I remember one time having our last $5 cash and having to decide between getting him a haircut and getting gas in the car. We were very VERY close to being stone broke. Hard work and scrimping and higher education was the only way out. The Duggar kids don't have a clue what those are.

    5. Yes Sharon, but Ben's part-time job is for his father-in-law. Ben is finished school and has his associate's degree. One person working part time, and the other as a homemaker, with one soon to be two children doesn't make sense to me.

  14. Jill and Derick are the only relationship on this show that I genuinely believe is based on true, mature love and connection and not just youthful silly crush or fascination. They just look so true in their love for each other and for their child. Bless them.

    1. Jess's/Jinger and Ben/Jeremy want more than just a sandwich making friend! I agree with you about the maturity--or lack thereof on these couples part. Jinger is embarrassingly zealous for "that special need" to be fulfilled. As most of us who are married know while the intimate part is important it is NOT a 24/7 availability issue. The majority of us do work ( husband and wife) outside the home. We then do have child, home, parental obligations to name a few. We do not cling to each other staring into each other's eyes. It takes a really deep, mature love to maintain a marriage. Something they don't appear to have the skills to comprehend.

    2. Don't worry, 5:56. They'll learn all that "deep" stuff later because they're stuck with each other for life now, better or worse. If it isn't a bed of roses all the time, then they can't say they haven't been warned. Personally, I can't imagine buying the first pair of shoes I ever tried on - er - the first man I ever met.

  15. What a sweet moment for the Dillard family. Jill plays beautifully and clearly Israel loved it!

  16. I can't understand all these haters. If you disagree with the Duggars don't watch them. I love watching them and God knows
    what they have and don't have. No one else needs to know anything.

    1. Please tell the Duggars that we don't need to know anything. Maybe they'll agree and make the cameras go away, finally.

    2. Why are you reading about the, and concerned?

  17. The song Jill was playing is also one I learned as a young child . Our church hymnal calls the hymn" Beautiful Savior
    So sweet to see Israel loving this song!

  18. you're not adding anything uplifting to the conversation either..

  19. Oh , how the judge(mentals) and jealous folks are at it again.Tis a sin to be so envious.The girls wrote a book remember, im sure the royalties from that and the show help some...who cares anyways they help more that most of you complainers anyways.. lol...bless you tho😃

    1. I think most of us are just trying to understand their lifestyle. It seems they say one thing and do another. It's just confusing to us viewers and I think that is why we ask many questions and comment to things that don't make sense!

    2. Thanks, Natalia, but nobody is envious.

    3. I'd be interested to see a list of who/what they support? Your statement is pretty broad and assuming that us commenters support less of those in need!

  20. Nope, not a Christian. Free to think whatever I want, "Unknown." Are Christians free to call other people names like you did above? I don't know, so please explain. Really, please explain, because the often-shifting rules of Christianity tend to confuse me.

  21. The rules of Christianity never shift; it's only people's personal interpretations of them that do. The Bible is unchangeable.

  22. I am confused. As viewers we are privy to maybe 13 hours of these people's lives and comments are made about how they live, spend money and their time. How much we don't see is much larger than what we do so how does someone make assumptions and comments like those posted? Just wondering.

  23. What is a sharp lounged asp?

  24. @6:13. I am a Christian and all the rule changing confuses me too!

  25. Jill looks preggers.

    1. She looks like this since she had Israel! Give her a break, she had a baby!

  26. It's funny to read all the comments here. My only thought after watching the clip was what a beautiful hymn that is.

  27. Ooooh does anyone know where to get that skirt?! Love it!


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