
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Dillards Discuss Family Plans

In this clip from last night's show, Jill and Derick Dillard dress up for a fancy dinner at a Central American resort, where they are celebrating their two-year wedding anniversary. While trying to keep Israel happy, the Dillards enjoy a delicious meal and discuss their roles for the upcoming year. Both agree that they would love to have another child. The Dillards also exchange letters that they wrote for each other.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. I hope they follow the World Health Organizatio's guidelines and wait at least 6 months from their return to conceive.

  2. So is she pregnant or not? They didn't give a clear answer. But I don't blame them. I would probably keep it a secret for some time too. Just to enjoy the pregnancy just my husband and I. Or maybe she's really not but she hopes it'll happen soon.

  3. Wasn't Josiah courting someone not that long ago

  4. The footage was from June and I was surprised to hear Derrick say they'd have a baby by next year. Is Jill already pregnant? If not, medical warnings are now to wait 6 months after leaving a Zika infested area before conceiving. So they shouldn't conceive until they are home 6 months, whether or not they have had any symptoms. They didn't even mention Zika or it was cut out. Also interesting that Jessa conceived in May but would have been within the 6 months since returning from there. Be SAFE!

  5. I never thought there would come a day that me (a Duggarfan) would ever say that I think the show has run its course.It's not their fault either, but it is TLC'S.They are grasping at straws to make the show exciting, its just more of the same.The Bates show has the family doing fun things together every episode,they cram more into their half hour show than "Counting" on does in a full season (not really) but close, lol.They needed the little ones on the show and maybe some big new family vacations.There really is so much they could do but they don't.The networks heart is just not into it anymore and you can really tell.This all just makes me sad.

  6. Oh no, I can see the flood of negative comments coming with that statement.If they do get pregnant, then why not wish them well, whats done is done and it's not anyone's buisness anyways.Some people just want to complain or judge just to a appease themselves for whatever silly reason.

  7. Jill and Derick's love for one another is so evident.
    Wonderful to see.

  8. They'd better heed those warnings about the long waiting period between coming back from a Zika area and trying to get pregnant.

  9. Why did they have to endure cold showers at the mission house? Why didn't Jim Bob see to it that solar panels were put somewhere on that property to make hot water? Even the survival-trained brothers could have shown them how to heat water outside on a sunny day. I've done it after summer storms knocked out power. All you need is a kiddie pool, a tarp, or some big black canning kettles. It's not rocket science. They even sell solar-heated showers at any camping website. "The Lord helps those who help themselves."

  10. What about zika? Is that a consideration?

  11. Love and Gods blessings to you three!

  12. Hahahaha that part with Israel's diaper lol

  13. I hope they can settle down and enjoy expanding their family. I understand they would like to do more mission work. I'm sure after having a child already they recognize the limitations to do both. Having older children is more of a group or family effort serving.

  14. It's too bad that the Dillards filmed during their one night at the resort. They had camera crews with them when they were eating and swimming. They weren't alone at all. What kind of an anniversary get away is that?

    1. They did it because they get paid for it. They have the option to participate or not.

    2. It was a group celebration of their 1st anniversary. Not what a typical couple would have had in mind.

    3. Derrick looks very healthy in this episode. He strikes me as a gentle free spirit, very thoughtful. An excellent match for Jill. Sweet family.

  15. I'd be totally bummed if I had to bring my child along for the anniversary date. BUT, I appreciate Jill's wonderful attitude about the situation. Happy Anniversary to Jill and her husband Derick.

  16. It was so staged. I think they had another day in that resort in privat. Bless TLC and the many commercials.

  17. Well she didn't answer the question about being pregnant and normally they do when they are not. Unless it's on another part of the clip not shown here. (I haven't seen the episode). I predict a strategic announcement before the season finale. ;)

    1. If she is pregnant there, or within 6 months home, she is at risk of ZIKA virus affecting the baby so let's hope that is not the case. I think that's why she didn't answer. They are waiting until they are 6 months home but don't want to talk abut ZIKA on the show.

    2. Actually, there is strong evidence that the Zika scare has been greatly overblown. I read of a study of thousands of pregnant women infected with Zika in Central America, and only a single-digit percent of them had babies with microencephaly.

    3. I don't agree that it's been overblown. Any health risk like that can't be handled too cautiously. I'm sure I saw on the news that there were many, many babies born with defects. It may only be a single-digit percent, but it's still a big number of babies. Even one baby with this is too many!

    4. They should minister in the US! El Salvador is violent, not to mention Zika, dengue fever,& other diseases. I would not put my baby at risk. You can do good here. God knows that there is plenty of need in our country. Stay home while you have young ones to raise.!!

    5. If it's only in the single digits, then there could very well be something causing the microencephaly besides the Zika virus, couldn't there?

    6. There's speculation that the birth defects are caused by the chemicals that are being used to kill the misquitos. Most of the chemicals have been banned in the US as being too toxic. Zika has bee around since the 1970's, and onlu recently has there been all the birth defects.

  18. Don't they believe in telling their toddlers "no"?
    Yes he is a baby, but lifting the table, twisting and standing up over and over again in the high chair is dangerous and he should have been corrected for his own safety and he needs to learn to sit and eat. Not once in all that wiggling did Izzys parents tell him "no"

    1. Agreed. Makes you wonder.

    2. This shocked me as well as she would have said no plenty of times when she was put in charge of all the little duggars!

    3. What happened to Michelle's philosophy of teaching "the littles" to sit still and be quiet and not move?

    4. The Dillards are their own family, they are not the Duggars!

    5. They still are Duggars or they wouldn't be on the show all together........

    6. Even Anna was teaching her kids the same thing as Michelle. I can't imagine Jill didn't want to follow her mother's footsteps as well when it came to discipline. Maybe it's Derick's idea to let Izzy act however he wants. Jill would have to defer to Derick's wishes.

    7. Anna conforms a lot more, while Jill and Jessa are more indipendent, which is a good thing. You don't need to be a copycat of your parents, it's actually healthier to find your own style of doing things! The style that works best for your family.

    8. Ummm... this is an edited version folks--> a little less judgy, judge & a little more understanding... you do not know what happened when the cameras were/weren't rolling.

  19. For a family who believe in letting God control the number of children, they sure do talk about wanting to have more babies a lot..

  20. Im little worried how Jessa got pregnant only weeks after visiting south America. With the risk of Zika and how the duggars go through home birthing I doubt they got themselves tested. I sure hope they do test themselves

  21. I love Izzy he always is so funny!

  22. I think Jill needs to think long and hard before adding to her family. She just didn't seem too happy living in Central America and what's worse than being isolated all day with a child? Being isolated all day with two children! I think Jill is finding motherhood more work than she realized. She has no family around to help out either . Jill and her siblings were a tremendous help to Michelle and Jill doesn't have that kind of help.

  23. Did anyone else notice that Izzy's high chair didn't have a safety strap between his legs? That child could have slipped out from under that chair and have fallen to the ground.

    1. Yes, the restaurant should have more secure high chairs.

  24. Still waiting for her answer... Derick asked what are your plans for future Jill????? No reply . then she says whatever your plans are 😯!!!!

    1. i know right she should answer like oh ..

  25. Jill appeared kind of down during this episode; as though she has lost her spirit.

  26. Probably had at that point. Not easy raising a baby in a foreign country. Isolation from family must be difficult.
    Hope they focus on each other and Izzy once settled back home instead of considering another pregnancy.


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