
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Ark Encounter

Hello loyal readers! It's Ellie, coauthor of the Duggar Family Fan Blog. It's hard to believe that we're coming up on our 7-year anniversary in just a few months. It's always a pleasure to share the latest Duggar news with you all.

Many of you follow my personal blog (, through which I share recipes, DIY tutorials, money saving tips, and much more. I want to alert you all of a post that I released yesterday about the trip that my husband and I took to the Ark Encounter, as it is very much Duggar related. (The Duggars have made multiple visits to the Creation Museum, the Ark Encounter's sister site.)  

Click here to be redirected to my blog. :)


  1. Here we go again. People claiming that our ancestors lived to 900 years old vs. people who actually know about science....

    1. Well, that's what the Duggars believe. #facepalm

    2. In the beginning our bodies were pure. They ate pure and everything was good. Now, we poison our own bodies with the chemicals of convenience and the diseases passed down I'm our genes. Praise God I don't have to live for hundreds of years on this earth! Mr anonymous, science is factual until it comes to your faith. Each person has faith in different things. For instance,you have faith that as you are reading this, your blood cells are moving throughout your body keeping you alive. You should have the faith in God Almighty who created you,your blood cells and the ever amazing and intricate systems in your body. You are a creation. Not a chance of happenstance.

  2. Wow that sounds amazing! I hope to go there soon!:) And 7 yrs of blogging? That sounds like a pretty long time and it makes me realize that time flies really fast! Thank you Lily and Ellie for all that u do on this blog. God bless u both:)

  3. What an ugly thing to leave parked there. What a waste of good wood, not to mention money.

  4. Thanks for sharing this.

  5. Making a post like this just to get more readers to your blog is pretty sleazy, Ellie. Not a fan 👎🏻

    1. That's very rude to say. If you don't want to read her blogpost then don't. She runs all 3 of these blogs so it's her right to cross promote them. If you're not a fan stick to the ones you like. Saying she is sleazy is very rude and uncouth.

    2. That's so rude!! Who makes u go on blogs?! Nobody what u please...if u have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all.

    3. What??? Besides being nasty your comment isn't even logical. Ellie is the writer of this is posting a picture of herself on her blog get more readers? And how is that in any way sleazy! Apologies are due to Ellie in my humble opinion.

    4. @6:39, Did you mean using one blog to promote the other?

  6. Welcome to my area! I live about 30 minutes from there. Really hope you enjoyed it as much as we here do!

  7. To believe that ALL OF THE ANIMALS of the Earth were on the Ark, and Noah's family alone with them, is a far stretch. I believe in God, and in the PARABLES of the Bible, which were spoken to pass on a lesson to learn. It didn't actually rain for 40 days and 40 nights...the number 40 in the Bible means "long time". If this group of people actually studied the bible and the language of that time, they would know this already...3 means unity and 7 means complete.
    I also agree that the money this venture cost that man, was mostly a waste of it, a donation to medical research for cures of illnesses and diseases of today could have done a whole lot of good. This does nothing but entertain a small group of people. Not a good return on his investment. The Lord would have appreciated the donation to help all who suffer.

    1. What the Bible says is what it means. How others choose to promote the Bible and their beliefs is none of our business. You can believe how ever you choose to but don't be rude to others. It doesn't help your cause at all.

    2. This is a ministry for this group. Even one person turned to Christ is worth the money spent, I'm sure. How do you know what the Lord would appreciate?

  8. I wish you continued joy in your marriage

    1. What do you mean? @anonymous 2:46 pm

  9. Thank you Ellie for allowing the great discussion that's going on over there! I hope you haven't gotten too many nasty comments that you had to filter out.

  10. I really want to go visit this, mostly for the craftsmanship. Hope yall had a good time.

  11. There was an article in National Geographic last year about creation museums and it had a picture of a painting from one that depicted Adam and Eve sitting with dinosaurs. My 5 year old saw this picture and said "This picture doesn't make any sense. Diosaurs were extinct before the first humans evolved." My husband and I were thrilled that he recognized this falsehood in the picture by himself. We are members of a Lutheran church, attend every Sunday and our kids go to Sunday school. It just goes to show that you can have a Christ and faith centered home and still respect scientific truth.

  12. Dear Lily and Ellie,
    I was wondering if you know anything about Amy and her husband if they have a blog and if so please put a link. Thanks so much!!! PS thank you Lily and Ellie for keeping us updated on the duggars so thank you so much!!! ♥♥♥♥


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