
Monday, August 8, 2016

Summer 2016 Header

What do you think of our new Facebook and blog headers? We always appreciate the diligent work of our creative web designer, Rachel! She's the mother of an infant son, a member of the musical Wissmann family, and a friend of the Duggars.

Photos courtesy


  1. Not a fan of the picture of Spurgeon but the rest look great!

    1. Really?! I thought he looked adorable! He looks like a mini Ben!

  2. It's tiny & harder to see than the last one. It should fill the page more, like the other did.

    1. I completely agree. It looks good but much smaller than it used to be. It would be better if it filled the width of the page.

  3. Why is it so small at the top of the site? Love the new pics of Meredith and Spurgeon.

  4. nice job as usual rachel! love the new pictures!

  5. So cute! I love Baby Seewalds pic.

  6. Yey!!! Israel has clothes. But I don't think Jeremy should be included, he is not part of the family. Otherwise really nice,

    1. Family is what you make of it. You do not have to be married to be considered part of a family. I consider some of my friends to be family.

    2. How is he not part of the family, he's engaged to Jinger?
      It's obviously much more practical to add him up now with the new grandbabies pics, rather than wait a couple of months and bother the webdesigner again.

    3. But he'll be a member of the family very soon. Why wait?

    4. I don't think it matters. Why are people so quick to criticize the Duggars on every little thing?

  7. Happy Birthday Jennifer. I believe Josie didn't want her big sister to put her down. I don't think Jill could be mean to anybody. Jill has alot of patience and kindness.

  8. Photos are so small that its difficult to view clearly.

  9. I'm surprised it's smaller than last time but it's nicely done with updated photos of everyone changing,so very nice.

  10. Awwwww, what an adorable picture of baby Spurgeon!! <3 :D

  11. I'm surprised Jeremy's picture is on there before they get married. We're the others fiancee pics listed before marriage?

    1. Whats the diff, who cares, we all know that marriage will be around the corner,such a small thing that so many are having problems takes time to do a header so why not put him there. There are no specific rules, its Lily and Ellie site to do as they please, when they please.Really people to get so concerned about that is just plain ridiculous, come on, lighten up, relax a bit. I was actually happy to see it on there,feels good to be happy dud- in -it?

    2. You captured it perfectly!

    3. Exactly, they're probably getting married before the end of the year, this way the webmaster only has to do the changing operation once!

  12. Love it! I can't believe how much Jackson has changed! Everyone looks fantastic and all these babies are precious! ♥

  13. Love the new header!!!!

  14. I like it! I do like the white background on the Bates' photos. It would look great if that could be done for the Duggars as well.

    1. The Bates photos are professionally taken, while most of the Duggars' aren't.

  15. Looks great! Love the colors and some of the updated photos!

  16. It's okay, but the cover doesn't cover the banner of the blog. It needs to be wider and is also so light that it's a bit hard to read. I wish some of the other pictures were updated instead of just Israel, Meredith and Spurgeon.

  17. the grand-duggars are all getting so big and cuter (if that is possible) also great to see jinger and jeremy's picture together. it is just so good to see ALL the duggars now that TLC has cut most of this wonderful family out of the show to appease a bunch of radical haters.

  18. That is a wonderful new header. Thanks Lily and Ellie for your good taste!

  19. Meredith looks terrified. Would love to hear about how Anna is doing. Is she expecting?

    1. Same here. She already has four kids and Josh does not deserve any children at all, let alone any additional ones.

    2. After all she's been through I hope she takes precautions and makes sure things are good, before getting pregnant again.

    3. You hope she's not expecting?! Why?

    4. Response to Sarah Liston:
      Why bring another child into this situation? Anna recently suffered the intimate betrayal of her husband. He has a long way to go before trust can be earned, if ever. Having another baby so soon would be completely unfair to the child.

    5. We hope she's not expecting because she isn't exactly in a good marriage situation, which would make it very hard for her, the baby itself and the four already existing children.

    6. Why not bring another child into this situation? How would it be unfair? Each child is a blessing from God! Anonymous 10:32, I pray that you won't do anything so bad that people will say that people will say that don't deserve children.

  20. Love the new header especially Spurgeon ,Meredith and Israel new photo,

  21. I love the new header and updated photos! I think it's so sweet that you put a picture of Jinger and Jeremy on there together!

  22. Looks beautiful, I love that the background of it is tan/light brown. Just one sugestion, please update the pictures of Jill and Derrick, Mackynzie, and Michael. Just a suggestion.

  23. Love the colors!
    Rachel did a great job.

  24. I think it's to small. Liked it better filling the whole upper part of the website.

  25. I think it's too soon to add Jeremy. Derek and Ben weren't added until after they were married to Jill and Jessa.

    Otherwise it looks great. There was nothing wrong with the other pictures of the babies, but I really like these new ones too.

  26. Love the header...Great job ladies, and a BIG thank you!🤗😁

  27. Love it❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  28. That is the best looking header ever made. Did Jinger and Jeremy say when their wedding will be?

  29. Well since you asked.... I liked much better at it the regular size it was. Unless Jinger is married, I think Jeremy should not yet be in the header. It has a 'moved in together' vibe. Just my opinion. That's all it is. I do like the colors!

    1. Ben moved in but wasn't allowed on the Duggar page until legally wed. I agree--seems strange to already add Jeremy.

    2. There is nothing wrong with living together prior to marriage. I believe that everybody should live together prior to getting engaged, so that they can determine if they are truly compatible. Also, Jinger and Jeremy are already engaged and committed to each other, so I don't think there is anything wrong with including his picture.

    3. Well my opinion is there is something wrong with living together before marriage. I don't think everybody should live together before marriage. If you can't tell if you're compatible before then somethings not right. Also, I believe his picture should be added after the wedding. Tomorrow is a new day. You can never tell what will happen. You gave your opinion, I'm giving mine.

  30. The picture of Josh sitting there grinning as if nothing ever happened makes me queasy; I must be honest.

    1. I'm just as upset as the next about Josh, but how is he supposed to look in a picture, think about it , is he suppossed to have his hand over his mouth like oops guilty,seriously how should he pose for a pic that would please the masses? Just wondering, your answer would be interesting.

  31. Love the new header! But the dimensions are kind of off. It appears much smaller than they normally do.

  32. It's beautifull, but small.

  33. Like it. But it's kinda to small....

  34. I like the new pics.

  35. The banner is very nice, everyone looks good but why is Jeremy in it, shouldn't he be added once they are married. It's too bad you cannot remove Josh, he does not deserve to be there.

    1. I hope you never do anything wrong in life,or someone might say that about you,that you don't deserve to be in your family photo.

    2. None of us deserve God's grace but he forgives us our sins. Shouldn't we simply pray for and love Josh the same way we pray for and love everyone we know? May we all reflect Christ's love!

    3. I agree with you 100%.

    4. He is part of the family. You can not excluded him from his family.

    5. Yes, no matter what he is part of the family. Yes, I know it caused the Duggars so much pain and sorrow but they have forgiven him and put it behind them as best they can. And it would help if the rest of the world put it behind them too. It's a beautiful picture of Christ. Josh didn't deserve to to be forgiven and caused pain just like we did against Christ. But we were graciously forgiven just as Josh was. Christ forgave and forgot our sins and that's what we need to do too.

    6. Agreed, Sarah Liston! You know, Josh's issues is an excellent opportunity for the Duggar's to teach the world about Christ's love. So often the world condemns Christian leaders for human imperfections when it is through our weakness that God shows his love most clearly. The message is simple, the Duggars love Josh, God loves Josh. This is what it means to be Christian. This is what the world doesn't understand. Let them know us by our love!

    7. Absolutely! I pray that us Christians would be a shining light for Jesus in this dark world.

  36. Thank you for the new pics of the 3 new grand kids!! Much better!

  37. LOL I noticed the difference but wasn't sure and I didn't see any else say something so I thought people might think I was crazy. Loving the uodated photos of Israel, Meredith and Spurgeon. Thanks a ton!!

  38. Aw! Spurgeon's pic is so cute! :)

  39. Michelle is now "Grandma." The one you have marked "Grandma" is "Great-Grandma," or her first name.

    1. I have never heard Michelle refer to that woman as anything other than Grandma. Wonder if that's what she calls her when they are speaking to each other?

    2. Yes, why can't she have her own identify and just be Mary?

  40. I love that you have Jeremy with Jinger! Thanks so much for all of your hard work with the blog. And Rachel is talented with making the header look nice.

  41. Love that pic of baby Seewald. It looks great. Rachael did awesome.

  42. I like it but it is small on my computer screen, weird. Everything else looks normal. Josh is part of the family so others will have to deal with that truth. Love the Show!

  43. I love the new header! Especially the pictures of Jinger and Jeremy and Spurgeon! Fantastic job Rachel!

  44. Maybe Jeremy is in the picture because they are technically already married. Wouldn't be in there yet if not married.

    1. I think it's more because once the Duggars are engaged, they'll be married within a few months. Courtships, engagements, marriages, etc always happen months before we see them on the show. They've never hidden something like this until it airs on the show so I don't know why everyone thinks they're doing it now. I'm sure they'll make an announcement about when they'll be married as soon as all their plans are set.

  45. Love it and appreciate the effort to create and launch.
    Fonts and photos will continue to shrink as the family grows. The header or banner only has so much space without dropping down into the articles published.
    I just appreciate the fact your site is free to access.

  46. Well done but it is so teeny my senior eyes have trouble seeing the individual faces.

  47. CURIOUS. Why do the pics of Jimbo & Michelle and Josh & Anna have the men's name first and Jessa & Ben and Jill & Derick have the girls names first? Same with Jeremy & Jinger. The men's pics are first, shouldn't their names be first? They are the head of the households too, except of course for Jeremy. Really curious because with the way the Duggars see the man as the leader, shouldn't his name be first? Also, the new header looks GREAT!

    1. I think it is because Lily and Ellie want to keep the kids in birth order.

    2. I think the intent was to put the name of the Duggar in each relationship first. Josh's name is before Anna's because he's a Duggar by birth and she is not. Jill, Jessa, and Jimger's names are first because they are Duggars by birth.

    3. Lol you think the man's name should go first because they are "head of household."

  48. I wonder what the header will look like when there are 150 duggars.

  49. I like the header although I think if everyone keeps having kids the header is going to get REALLY big. I think maybe you could just put a family picture for the married kids or a picture of all the kids in a family next to their parents, instead of individually. Just an idea because I foresee the header taking up the whole screen itself!

  50. The header looks nice, I'm just wondering ic it could be made in the same dimensions as e old one, it's kind of small.
    Plus, aren't there new pictures of everybody? It's not just the 2015 babies who changed with time.

  51. Why were all of the photos not updated? I noticed really only a few of them were. The oldest grandkids don't look like that anymore. Marcus is much bigger, for example. And most of the youngest Duggers have the same photo as before. With all of the cameras constantly around them, new photos can't be hard to come by.


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