
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Staying Fit, Duggar Style

While watching 19 Kids and Counting and Counting On, you have probably caught a few glimpses of the Duggars' home gym, which is located in one of the buildings on their property.

Jim Bob and the older kids, including the married Duggars, enjoy making use of the various types of equipment that the family has acquired over the years. And working out is not just for the menfolk, as you can see from the photo below....

Joy-Anna Duggar, Justin Duggar, Jason Duggar,
and Jessa Duggar (not pictured) hit the gym in October 2014

In the following TLC webisode, Joseph Duggar and Ben Seewald show off some of their favorite machines at the Duggar gym. 

For those wondering how the Duggar mom stays fit, she often rises at 6:00am and exercises on the elliptical, a birthday present from Jim Bob the year after Josie was born, before the rest of the family is awake.

Back in 2011, the Duggar parents told us in an interview that they were inspired to get in shape after consuming hospital food while Josie was in the NICU. Michelle and her childhood friend Cindy became exercise accountability partners, encouraging each other via text during their early morning workouts. In this TLC video from last year, the two ladies meet up at a local gym.

Photos/video courtesy TLC,,


  1. Get back to us in 20-30 years when you need hip replacement, knee replacement, or shoulder surgery!

    1. I think this person is referring to having children right after another can deplete your body and bones of the nutrients that it needs. But with that being said, most active people will need a hip or knee replacement as they get older in their years.

    2. What a comment

    3. People exercise to avoid having to undergo those procedures. You could not be more wrong.

    4. Too much exercise done the wrong way will speed up needing those procedures.

  2. @ Anonymous why would they need a hip or knee replacement? The Duggar's are doing great if they are exercising.....and continue to exercise.....good for them.

    1. The decade of your 20's is when you start losing cartilage between your bones, and exercise is not going to stop it. In fact, one of the risk factors for how fast you lose cartilage is how physically demanding your job is, or how much you work your joints.

    2. It depends on the type of repetitive physical activity and/or individual proclivity to bone loss. My dad was a gymnast in his younger days and ended up having both shoulders replaced by the time he was 55. I have osteoporosis at 62 and have to avoid certain exercises in my routine, especially those that are high-impact or require twisting of the spine.

    3. Be sedentary or choose to live an active, healthy life. Make excuses if you want to. Your choice. I and my family will chose to be athletic and active despite the "risks"

    4. I would rather be healthy and have a replacement than more common diseases (such as heart disease, diabetes, etc) from not exercising regularly.

    5. "Regular exercise" has never been proven to be the one thing that prevents "common diseases." If that were true, then every sedentary person would have those things, and they don't. It's more complicated than that.

  3. Wow that eurly in the morning thats great Michelle, you go! ★

    1. 15 minutes on the elliptical isn't going to make a dent in a serving of tater tot casserole.

  4. Not all exercise is a good idea. Repetitive motions cause problems. Can you think of a single athlete who hasn't had injuries or surgery or at least needed physical therapy?

  5. Are the younger duggars exercising too? Not enough children are getting the recommended 90min of activity per is so crucial for development and health, and for developing good lifelong habits. Working out shouldn't feel like an obligation, it should be something you enjoy! Im a physical education teacher :)

    1. Children should get their exercise through regular play, not gym equipment, which is sized and intended for adults. This is why organized sports and other activities like dance are so good for children of all ages.

  6. Time to work on the soda machine. Acne & early receding hairlines, can all be made better with better nutrition "eat food that's alive feel alive". And don't tell me it's all genetics and there's nothing they can do about it because I've seen it work I seen bald men grow their hair back.

    1. The Duggars are under continual scrutiny. It's ridiculous. Just enjoy them. They don't need to do everything exactly as we think they should. And, if you don't like them, find something else to do with your time

  7. Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting something from Michelle even though it's older. I really miss her. She has really been an inspiration to me. You both are doing a great job. Keep it up!

  8. How wonderful that Ben is able to fit in near-daily workout visits to his in-laws' house with his busy schedule of full-time work, spending time with his wife, caring for his son, and pursuing ministry efforts on the side. So much can be accomplished with careful time management. Way to go, Ben!

    1. Don't forget the inspirational youth football camp and the filming of Counting On, too! Plus travel to record rap music. And making videos of deep, meaningful talks with youth ministers. Oh, and the well-thought and wise blog posts, as well as all the entertaining Instagram photos. Almost forgot Date Night, too! Wow, that boy gets more done before noon than most people do in a whole week! I don't know how he does it. My daily accomplishments feel so inadequate by comparison. :)

  9. I think it's great that they are promoting exercising, but not so great that none of these young adults have jobs beyond odd jobs they do for Jim Bob. They should be promoting one more health habit to the public and their fans, supporting themselves.

  10. Why does Ben hold his breath for the whole exercise? Thought you were supposed to exhale at some point.

    1. Ben has probably never had proper weight-lifting instruction. I hope people don't try to copy his techniques, and use an untrained spotter, too.


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