
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Jim Bob and Sons Attend Aircraft Convention

What were the other Duggars doing while Jinger Duggar announced her engagement to Jeremy Vuolo?

Last week, the Duggar men spent three days at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. Known as The World's Greatest Aviation Celebration, this annual convention is attended by more than 550,000 airplane enthusiasts from more than 80 countries.

Jim Bob Duggar--along with his 10 sons (Josh Duggar, John-David Duggar, Joseph Duggar, Josiah Duggar, Jedidiah Duggar, Jeremiah Duggar, Jason Duggar, James Duggar, Justin Duggar, and Jackson Duggar) and two of his grandsons (Michael Duggar and Marcus Duggar)--drove up to Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, for the event. Several friends of the Duggars also attended.

Here are a few pictures from the convention...

To view more, visit (These photos are property of and may not be used without written permission.)



  1. I'm glad to see everyone is doing ok! Hope it was fun!

  2. Nice that they can live large!

    1. They are wealthy.

    2. Absolutely...and have paved their own way!! It doesn't bother me when the "wealthy" spends their own money. I'm more bothered with the entitlement mentality of so many in this day and age, that spends our hard earned money. All the while thinking the "government" is "giving" it to them.

    3. right long with thousand of others, they know how to manage money. lots better then most people.

  3. I hope josh also must comply with and not have to stay home on hiding to avoid nasty comments

  4. Josh looks...well, different.

    1. He's in the first group pic. Josh is the big guy in the brown shirt and ball cap behind the stroller.

    2. He is behind the stroller, in the brown shirt and hat, with the beard.

    3. In many photos, he's the one wearing shorts I think.

    4. The first picture.

    5. Can not see him , chances are good that he can not be with the pictures. Or he may stay at home on everything they do

    6. The first. He is the one with the brown shirt.

    7. In the first picture he's the one wearing shorts on the far left, next to his sons.

    8. Thank you! I would have never guessed that was his photo!

  5. It's odd that Jim-Bob didn't go to NY with the rest of the family for the filming of the engagement. Wonder how they'll explain that on the show?

    1. NYC was filmed awhile ago. I'm sure JB was there.

    2. He didn't appear in any of the pictures they took there, not even with Jeremy's family.

    3. What's to explain, even if it was the same weekend?

  6. Looks like everyone has a wonderful time. The smile on everyone's face says it all especially the young boy; priceless.

  7. I was there in 1981. Had interesting time camping beside our airplane. Found out I was pregnant while there.

  8. Take the money spent going to an aircraft show.
    Give it to a homeless shelter.
    Give it to disabled vets.
    Give it to a women & children's shelter.
    Change someone's life.
    Our world needs more of that, not more posed pictures.

    1. Actually they give to a lot to the needs of others, they simply do not broadcast it, which is truly the Christian way.

    2. Don't you ever take trips or go on outings with your family? I'm glad they are bonding and building great memories! :)

    3. To be fair, wealth and waste are relative. Give up the phone/computer you're using (and the monthly connectivity fee) and donate the money to feed someone.

    4. Really? You are implying nobody can spend their money on enjoyment.

    5. The Duggar's have paved THEIR OWN way financially in life. They have also did several charity fundraising events over the years. Be happy that they were able to spend quality time on vacation as a family.

    6. I'm grateful everyone doesn't think as you do. I miss seeing Jim Bob! I think he's funny

    7. Okay, so I'm not really a fan of the Duggars. I really only read this blog to see what other dysfunctional things they're up to, but I do have to make a remark against your comment. Just because somebody is going out with their family to enjoy an outing doesn't mean they lack compassion or a giving heart. So what if all the men drove up to Wisconsin to have a weekend at an airport show? I'm sure you have done tons of fun things yourself and had your own little adventures where you could have easily taken the money spent on those, turned around, and given to the poor as well. Nobody held it against you when you didn't. And if they did I guarantee you would have defended your right to go out and have a good time. So how about let's talk on the way this family spends their money and more action on trying to improve your own neighborhood.

    8. Actually, EAA does a lot to help vets and women. They only way they are able to it is with all the money they make from hosting the yearly airshow.

      They go out of their way to do it and never publicize it.

    9. If that's what you expect of others, then I would hope you would take any money to be spent on fun outings for your family and give it away just the same as you expect others to do.
      Everyone is entitled to a wholesome fun day out with family. It's not like they went to Vegas

    10. Do you ever spend money on yourself? Do you ever go to a movie? How about a trip to the coffee shop? Maybe a new shirt? I mean, how much of what you buy do you REALLY need?
      If you NEVER spend ANY money doing anything fun and you spend ALL your expendable income on helping others, then you are in a place to tell the Duggars they shouldn't go do a fun thing as a family. Otherwise you just come across as someone looking for something to criticize in an innocent picture of a family trip.

    11. So you, you Never do anything fun with your family? You give all your money to change other's life? I'm always for helping others, but you don't have to make your life miserable, on can enjoy life too!

    12. Take the money YOU spent going on your last vacation, event, or activity.
      Give it to a homeless shelter.
      Give it to disabled vets.
      Give it to a women & children's shelter.
      Change someone's life.

    13. Really. And what good cause did you donate your vacation money to? The family is allowed to have fun. This sounds like a nice father/son bonding time.

    14. They do all your people think they know them by rag tag mags...oh is key. Always know the facts and then you can give them people your betterthan that....blessings☻

    15. So you're saying the Duggars should never go on fun family outings, paid for with their own money? Anybody who would require this of somebody else should be willing to do it themselves.

    16. Because wealthy people and people who vacation and fly planes don't need God? Because God only cares about poor people and people who need help meeting physical needs? Because the acts we see people doing are only the acts God sees even though He says He looks at the heart. Because no one can enjoy their life because other people are suffering? The world needs more joy not more judgement.

    17. Do you truly believe the Duggars don't give to any of these things? They're allowed to enjoy their lives, you know. Honestly, TLC probably paid for this anyway.

    18. Ya ya ya... they are welcome to spend their money however they like.... you just make sure you don't have one ounce of fun with your money

    19. Make a tangible, positive change in the world for people who are hurting - amen to that!

    20. Anonymous on August 2, 2016 at 8:10 PM: I SO agree with everything you said. Me too I don't support them or their lifestyle, but this is actually one of the most normal things they do, and when I see them criticized for innocent stuff like this it blows my mind.

    21. The Duggars are in the public spotlight. They could be such an inspiration to others when it comes to giving and selflessness. But all they want to show lately are their own lavish lifestyles. One group's in New York at a private rooftop engagement and another has taken their personal tour bus to an air show, because they own planes. Fame has changed this family forever, and their once humble values appear to be in question now.

  9. They probably do support charities; they go on mission trips. Anyway, just like the rest of us, they are entitled to enjoy the money they earn after paying bills and such. Life isn't fair. Some have more money than others. God says we are to be content with what we have. It's not easy. I've been praying for YEARS for a vacation; hadn't even had the money to go to the beach in 10 yrs, and I live just 2 hrs. away. But I was in a situation, but God was good to me. I went on a two week vacation in several states, and I was able to go to the beach for a day. This trip was a gift to me by others, and I'm so grateful to the Lord for this blessing. It was extremely difficult to be happy for others doing the things I so much desired. I work hard and I want to enjoy my money also, but life happens. And I do give to local charities in my community. It might be a widow's mite compared to others, but I want to bless someone else.

  10. Only boys can have an interest in aviation, I guess. I wonder if they asked any of the girls if they wanted to go.

  11. Not a single Duggar daughter (or Michelle) is interested in aircraft? Were they busy attending a gender reveal party planning convention?

    1. Wow I didn't know it was a major sin for a dad to have guy time with his sons. I must have missed the memo regarding that.

  12. I'm shocked at Josh's weight gain. I get that he's lost a lot but part of recovery is treating your body well. His self control is obviously still not in check. That's a shame.

    1. Could be meds doing it, too.

    2. Meds---LOL!! It's called gluttony. That, too, is a sin by the way. Agree with the OP Josh clearly has self-control issues.

    3. You can have weight gain on antidepressants.

    4. I learned the food in this faith-based rehab Josh attended is very bad and unhealthy. No fruits, no fresh vegetables. Only starch and cheap oils like junk food. And inmates must not complain.

    5. Yes, but he's not in rehab now, and had looked much thinner when he first came out. Something else is going on, some sort of struggle.

  13. Not the least bit interested in hearing anything about Josh. I don't hate him or wish him ill, but know from others experiences he's got a long, hard, daily road ahead of him for life. It's like an alcoholic, they have to refrain from drinking for life. Josh has to refrain from the slightest thing concerning his issue.
    Always praying for Anna and that Josh doesn't crush her heart again. Time will tell. Hoping for the best for him, but don't care to hear about him for a good long while. -Becky

    1. For those who still stand behind Josh, and behind Anna's decision to stay married to him, would you feel as strongly about that if there had been physical abuse in the marriage? Because things can hurt in many different ways, and not all bruises and scars are visible. So you feel that what Josh did is something you stay married after, but would you feel the same if there had been physical abuse? Would you still be advocating for Anna to stay, get counseling, etc.? I'd like to hear your thoughts on this and where you'd draw the line with any kind of abuse, physical or emotional, in a marriage. How far is too far? (Some people feel Josh already went too far.) I'd like to see a good discussion on this issue, thanks.

  14. Not trying to be rude but did the duggar boys always wear shorts? I thought I remembered an episode where they were filming a scene for the movie courageous where they said shorts weren't normally allowed in their family for the boys.

    1. If they want to co-mingle with hip, Christian athlete/pastors they've got to loosen things up just a bit. Like Tim Tebow is going to ever marry Jana if she were still rocking those prairie dresses with the lace doily collar and home perm frizz hair!

  15. they should be allowed to take a vacation just like everyone else. they do allot for the homeless, and other places. most likely more then anyone else, it's just told about. as that is the way is should be, you help in secret, for your reward is in heaven, not here on earth.

  16. That's great to make some great memories with your sons.

  17. thought the duggars are not allowed to wear shorts? why are some of the boys wearing shorts?

    1. I guess they must be allowed to, after all.

    2. I think during/after that movie the Duggars realized it's okay to wear long shorts.

  18. Everyone deserves to have fun as a family. I'm sure they do much more charity actions than many of us here. God bless you! Have a nice day!;)

  19. I think it's so nice that all the guys went together. We see so much of the girls' relationships with each other, so it's nice to see something about the boys, too!

  20. They donate time and money to the types of organization on a REGULAR basis!

  21. It looks interesting. Nice to see them all out and going on with life, and encouraging to see some of the boys wearing shorts on a hot day! Maybe more has changed than the headlines lead us to believe.

    1. The girls still don't wear shorts, which is wrong if the boys can do it. I seriously doubt Jesus would frown on girls being comfortable in hot weather. He himself wore something that looked like a loose long dress, right?

    2. No, the girls don't wear shorts. The boys wear shorts to the knee, and have for years. The girls wear dresses to the knee. End result? Everyone is covered to the knee! Not new, its been that way for quite a while

  22. And the "girl´s" are in the prepare wedding stage,now!

  23. I live about an hour from there. I love the museum, but have never been to the show. Glad they had a wonderful time.

  24. I was working for EAA during the Airventure!

  25. Some of the comments are so petty, its laughable😂Comical at best.Blessings people blessings.


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