Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Recap: "Israel Meets Spurgeon"

Jill & Jessa: Counting On "Israel Meets Spurgeon" (Season 1 Finale)...
  • The episode picks up where last week’s episode left off. Derick has met Jessa and Ben and several of the Duggar siblings at the airport, and they are en route to see Jill and Israel.
  • When everyone arrives at the Dillards’ home, Israel meets his “Spurgie cousin” and gives him a bunch of kisses.
  • “He is a chunk!” exclaims Jill, as she holds Spurgeon for the first time. Jill gives Jessa a tour of her home, which has three bedrooms but is still very small. It also does not have air conditioning.
  • When asked if she would travel halfway around the world to meet her man, like Jill did while Derick was in Nepal, Jinger replies: “Well I don’t think I have to.”
  • The Duggar siblings join the Dillards in helping prepare for the ministry’s annual women’s conference. When the women arrive, all five of the Duggar girls sing a song for them, and Jill shares a message.
  • Jessa looks back on the mission trips the Duggars took to Central America when she was a teenager and remembers Jill telling her how much she loved the area and wanted to live there someday.
  • How do the Duggars describe Jill? “Bubbly, loving, sweet, the one you can depend on for an encouraging word, so much fun, and patient” are some of their answers.
  • On another day, the Duggars, Dillards, and Seewalds visit the orphanage where Mike and Sandy Schadt, founders of SOS Ministries, adopted their daughter.
  • Jill says she is not pregnant but that their next child will probably be natural, rather than adopted, although she and Derick are still hoping to adopt someday.
  • Derick, who says he has not played soccer since fifth grade, and the Duggar boys organize a soccer tournament. The Central American team beats the “Doringos.”
  • When asked who they think will be the first to have another child, Jill and Jessa say they don’t know. “I think we’ll probably be pregnant at the same time,” predicts Jill.
  • When it comes time for the Seewalds and Duggars to leave, they are sad to part ways with the Dillards. “I have milk, I can keep you!” Jill tells Spurgeon, jokingly.
  • The Dillards admit that they don’t know what the future holds for them. “For now, God has us serving on the mission field in Central America, and we’re taking it day by day, week by week,” shares Derick. 
Will Counting On return for a second season? Click here to find out how you can help convince TLC to bring the show back. 


  1. Someone please tell me I missed something. I was so excited to hear something life changing. I'm extremely disappointed in these season finale episodes.

    1. No you didn't miss anything..just tlc lying again to win fans over. Disappointing

    2. I knew it was just clickbait!

    3. Tell it to TLC. They'd love to hear your comments.

  2. What? What happened to the life changing event tlc kept mentioning?? Real disappointed..seems they care more about viewers then being honest with viewers 👎

  3. Not trying to be rude but how was that "life changing"?

  4. Really disappointed with TLC. All the episodes are recaps full of old footage and lying about a life changing event just to win over viewers!? I don't like liers..

  5. I couldn't watch it, can someone tell me what the life changing event was??

  6. tlc begin back 19kids and counting and jim bob and michelle duggar to on tlc reality show it enjoying to watch the show

  7. Also very disappointed with TLC's programming decisions!! There was so much filler of old footage in Counting On. So little new footage presented. I suggest the young adult Duggars who are interested in continuing a program for their many fans turn to another network or to VLogging on YouTube.

  8. Sorry but I definitely will NOT be watching another episode. A total build up to what! Life changing? Total disappointment and a waste of time.

  9. Way too much time airing stuff already seen. Lots and lots of repeats.

  10. Is Jinger courting?!

  11. As Jill would say, "Totally!" recaps.

    They left it hanging at the end, too. Just hanging. Like, "who cares any more" hanging. Good work on this show, TLC. Not. If you didn't want to produce it, if your heart wasn't in it, you should have said so.

  12. What was "life changing"?

  13. Dear Derick, please look up the meaning of "naturalized." You used it wrong last week when you talked about your nephew and you used it wrong this week when you talked about your next biological child!

    1. Yeah. I wondered what that was about.

    2. I heard that & cringed.

  14. What happened to all that time and money spent on Spanish lessons? They hardly said 2 sentences in Spanish all night. And at one point, did I hear Derick joke about how little Spanish he knew? Did anyone else catch that?

    1. More "embellishment." So tired of these shows making everything seem so big and wonderful.

  15. Strange editing in tonight's episode. At one point, Jill's hair was down loose, and the next second, braided. Tells me they did all kinds of takes. Even the hello hugs looked limp, like it was the 10th time they filmed that scene. Watch Jessa's & Jinger's expressions. So scripted.

    1. Someone else said those sisters looked so "cold" with each other. Bet it was because they had to film some scenes over & over, until the girls were only going thru the motions. That's not "reality" TV, that's acting for the camera. Let's see Take 1 and be done with it.

    2. My sympathies. Once you notice an edit, you start to notice more and soon you loose interest in the show. For me it started with Michelle's birthday episode. The good news is there are lots of other ways to stay informed about what is going on with the family than via TLC.

  16. So when Jessa was in the orphanage, she talked about how sad it was that "the kids don't have anywhere to go." What? They're living in the orphanage - how is that not having anywhere to go? Having nowhere to go would be living in the streets.

    1. You're rude. Being a child and HOME-less(no place to go to) has to depressing and lonely. Imagine no parents, siblings, or family and furthermore having to adjust to any kid that gets put up there. No child should ever have to experience that!

    2. I too heard Jessa say the kids had nowhere to go, and I also wondered why she'd say that when those kids were being taken care of and did have that place to stay. There are kids in other countries who are truly homeless, and nobody takes care of them at all. Did you see how happy Sophia was to see the woman who had taken care of her at the orphanage?

    3. 9:07, you do realize that sometimes kids end up in orphanages even though they do have parents, siblings, and family?

  17. Jill and Derick said they did not know when they were coming back to the USA during the interview questions, but when Jessa asked they clearly said five months. That is confusing. Why give two different answers to the same question?

    1. Maybe they are coming to visit in 5 months. And don't know how long God is going to use them in the mission field.

  18. Adopted children are natural. That was insulting to adoption.

    1. I agree. Would the poor little tyke always be referred to as our adopted child?

    2. I was going to say the exact same thing. There are a few things they've said about adoption that is totally appalling. I hope they take some good required education classes before adopting.

    3. Honestly though, I hear people all the time separating an adopted child from natural born children. I know people who have "day you were adopted" parties. Like... isn't that alienating them? Their siblings don't have that.

    4. It's a reference to the birthing method. I know a couple who decided to adopt. They will say "We couldn't have children naturally, so we decided to adopt." It can also be used by people who use IVF treatments and declare "We were unable to conceive naturally." Leaving it in God's hands doesn't mean the couple will have a large family. He may only bless a couple with one or two, may put it on their hearts to adopt, or God may perform a financial miracle and enable a couple to be able to afford IVF.

  19. This wasn't the right show...right? Please tell me this really wasn't the finale! I cannot even begin to say how disappointed I was in this show. The seasons started out semi-good, but it has declined ever since. The shows just get more and more staged and the plot lines are repetitive. I always loved the duggars, but I just don't think Counting On is making the cut. I think this family needs to step back from the limelight and take some time to heal together as a family. Worry less about the public and more about your family. Maybe in a year or so they can come back, but I think right now they need to spend some time together as a family without having a camera always in their lives. God bless, Duggars! I wish you the best.

  20. I enjoy following the lives of the Duggars and I've definitely found them encouraging but many of these episodes, including and especially the finale, are so filled with recaps it really feels like a rip off. I've seen all the footage of those recaps when they were airing live so it's a bummer when half, if not more, of "new" episodes contain old footage. We're watching Counting On to see how their lives are progressing forwards, not to watch essentially the same episodes we saw last year. Disappointing

  21. Snooze fest. No wonder the ratings have gone down. The episodes just get duller and duller, filled with false promises of "life changing events".

  22. This was so boring, and everyone tuned in because they thought they be telling if they are pregnant or courting. So, I think it was a bait and switch.

  23. She said "natural citizen to her family" that's very weird how she worded it.

  24. Jill is beautiful but she needs to take better care of her health.

    1. What are you referring to?

    2. I was trying to not say her weight. If you gain a lot of weight between pregnancies it can be dangerous. Not saying it for aesthetic reasons, but health. Seriously, look it up.

    3. Really?!?!?! Jill is so not heavy. If anyone knows how to take care of themselves it's Jill. Don't try to hide your criticism in false "care and concern." What is your real issue with this family "Look it up."

  25. The relationship between Jill and Jessa seem really chilly.

  26. As someone who is 26 and trying to get ahold of Mr. Duggar, I'm glad the "life changing" event wasn't a courtship.Honestly I really love this family, but the new show format really stinks. I feel like we have seen maybe 2 episodes of original footage. Way too much backtracking and repeating. I'll take what I can get however. Such a blessing to turn on the TV and having something respectable to watch.

    1. Are you trying to get "ahold" of Mr. Duggar because you want to court one of the girls? This could be the biggest breaking news yet in this series!

    2. Well I suppose to cut to the chase yes sir/mam. I would say rather that I'm attempting to contact Mr. Duggar in order to get to know the family and let God determine the outcome of the situation. I certainly want nothing that the Lord doesn't have in His plan for my life.

    3. That sounds a bit creepy.

    4. I’m not sure I follow. What exactly do you find “creepy” about getting to know a family that holds the same beliefs I do, with the intention of finding common ground and compatibility? It seems perfectly reasonable and logical to pursue a relationship with the family first, as I do not know any of these people outside of their tv appearances. After all, a marriage is not just about a covenant between two people before God, it is also about two families coming together. I guess I just can’t find anything creepy about going about things in a slow and exploratory fashion. To each his own way I suppose.

    5. I would be looking elsewhere, too. What's wrong with a local girl? Have you given them a chance?

    6. I can assure you that I am looking "elsewhere". I find that when you desire something you pursue it where it can be found. And I see nothing wrong with a "local girl". If God brings someone into my life that bears the fruits of the spirit than I will consider her just as anyone else. I feel as if its fairly rare for an individual let alone a family to believe as I do in today's society and because of that I am pursuing the Duggar family until God shuts that door. As for whether or not I've given other girls a chance I absolutely have in the past and I will continue to do so, up until the time of this post I have yet to find a woman who personifies what I am looking for in a wife in my local area. My lack of omnipotent observational skills prevents me from knowing where exactly the woman I will marry is at this time, therefore I will take as many roads as I can travel.

  27. Love love love The duggars I want to keep watching just please TLC no more old footage!!!!

  28. Really, TLC? That was all?

  29. Give us a special when there is something interesting to see. It is a waste of my time to watch these.

  30. I was waiting for the "life changing"news. What was it?

  31. Counting on was the boringest seadon yet, full of repeats and old footage. And the lies about a life changing event just turned me off completely Why lie tlc??

  32. Since I live in Europe I did not see the episode. However, reading the recap I see that I missed absolutely nothing. I wish the Duggars a happy life, but I think it is time for them to step out of the spotlight and focus on their family.

  33. waht?? and the life changing? is just a recap of old news. i'm really disappointed

  34. What was the life changing event? I must of missed it.. :)

  35. I too was waiting for something life changing and am disappointed too. It's not good to deceive your dwindling dedicated viewers.

  36. I guess the saying "Desperate times require desperate measures," took on new meaning for TLC's advertising of this show. I find the whole situation sad on so many levels. I wish the Duggars well and healing in the days to come.

  37. I am surprised that the Duggars would do business with TLC, consider they are downright deceitful in an effort to promote a TV show. There was no "life changing" event and this talk about adoption is just that, talk to pique viewership. These young women are concerned only with pregnancy and giving birth. Trying to spin it any other way is disingenuous.

  38. None of that seems life changing to me. I really love the duggars but I don't see the show lasting unfortunately.

  39. As far as the "life changing event" I took it as what the past year or two has changed THEIR lives, us as viewers and or fans of these families can see that the choice for Hill & Derrick to leave the US and live in Central America has changed their lives n it of their family Jessamine and Ben however still live close to the Dugger and they are enjoying their lives for it changed being newlyweds and new parents, kudos to these families for allowing us back into their world. GOD BLESS YOU

    1. That's a giant stretch. They promised an event not just flashbacks. I could watch old episodes if I wanted.

    2. what about people with out old episodes

  40. What a boring show !! They really must have nothing else to show us if they show us that much old footage. There was nothing LIFE CHANGING in The show ! I don't appréciante being lied to. I won't be watching anymore

  41. The lifechanging part was either the 2 cousins meeting each other or the emotional visit to the orphanage...?

  42. I generally liked the episode - I didn't even mind the Jill & Derrick flashbacks because it's been a while since I saw them originally - but I too was waiting and waiting for the "life-changing" part of the episode. TLC lied!!

  43. Won't be watching TLC anymore with or without the Duggars.

  44. If you don't have an hour of new coverage, then cut the show back. No earth shattering news - what a joke

  45. I am a little upset that I feel like I paid for 2 episodes in which a great deal of the footage was from the previous episodes. I know buyer beware..... I live in Canada so I pay on iTunes...We don't do cable. In the future I wouldn't pay again. I understand why Scott ended the show the way he did. It was hopeful for the fans that there could be more Duggar TV. It left a door open for the future, however, the whole show seemed that way. Flashbacks, "who know what the future hold?" and repeat. To each his or her own I guess. I just want to see the children raise their children from the beginning.

  46. I think the life changing event is going to be Jinger has a man. I'm sure we'll see more about it next season.

  47. I watched with great anticipation. There was nothing life-changing. Nothing.

  48. Really disappointed with TlC.With what they said.Felt missed led.

  49. What was the life changing thing? Jinger being in a relationship does not seem completely life changing to me. Well, it is for her but not for all the others

  50. I love the recaps of old footage. It's nice to see familiar scenes. I think since tlc is a commercial network the teaser is just business. I wish the Duggars could move to a different network and forget about tlc. The only thing I watch on tlc and discovery networks is Jessa and Jill.

    I really don't believe that any of the Duggars will ever adopt. I even recall Jim and Michelle talking about it. It in my opinion will never happen. Jill even said as much so I think it was quite random that they visited the orphanage.
    I do wish the kids would take a few steps and follow through. I still don't see jessa's husband even starting on a path. They are like so many kids today lacking direction.

  51. And the life changing event is what?

  52. This show is so boring, so much old footage. 19 Kids and counting was much more interesting. I think the family needs to heal and give TV a rest for the time being.

  53. I also am very disappointed in TLC. I too thought I had missed something. It is really too bad that they put so much old footage on the show, I enjoy seeing the current stuff.

  54. What was the life changing event????
    One thing for sure is that if the show does not come back, thier lives will really change!!

  55. As previous posters said - what/where was the life changing event? And who is Jinger courting?????

  56. Is the "life changing" event supposed to be Jinger courting? She hinted at that aspect.

  57. There is never anything "life changing ". Another false advertisement to try and bring in viewers.

  58. I want a second season

  59. I think they just said there would be something "life changing" to get more viewers. Sad

  60. Isreal kissing his cousin was so sweet😘😙😚

  61. Everyone feels so lied to regarding the "life changing episode" that had nothing life changing in it. Of course you were lied to! It is the Duggars!

    1. Sadly, very true.

    2. Umm, what on earth is that supposed to mean???

    3. Dont blame the Duggars for the deception, it was TLC call.

    4. The Duggars are not responsible for what TLC puts in their promos.

  62. I didn't see a life changing event on last night's episode. I was a bit disappointed with all the recaps of past seasons. I would have preferred more new footage however I Love watching these children. We have watched them grow up and and I would love to continue to see them as they grow and branch offices into their own families. Please TLC give them a chance with a season two.

  63. Maybe the "life changing" thing they hinted at was that all the camera crew got put on hiatus or laid off? Because I saw nothing else last night that fell even near that category.

    Watch them come out with some crazy big announcement today about seasons 2 thru 200...... Maybe the Duggars are adopting TLC as family and there will be no end to this filming.

  64. Jinger did hint that she is courting. I hope she is her and Jana need to find a good husband soon.

  65. The "life changing event" was that millions of viewers lost an hour of their lives watching mostly old footage.

  66. Maybe TLC meant "diaper changing" event?????

  67. Been waiting to see Israel and Spurgie together-Cute-looks like Spurgie is about to bust out of that outfit.

  68. Lots of love and prayers.

  69. Too much recaps the last 2 episodes.

  70. I loved listening to the sisters sing.
    Joy is a very strong and beautiful singer.

    1. I wonder why they didn't learn to sing a song in Spanish. Those women didn't understand any of it.

    2. Give the Duggars a break. I sure enjoyed it when Mexican missionaries came to my church and sang in Spanish, though I didn't understand most of it.

    3. My cousin once performed a song in German, I didn't understand it but it was still beautiful

  71. Hi, to the creators of this blog. What is your take on TLC calling this episode "life changing?" What do you think they meant? Maybe you can calm everyone's frustration! Thanks!

  72. The network was most likely referring to the Dillards' and Seewalds' plans to adopt and the unmarried kids' hints about courtship. We agree that it was anticlimactic and will be sending our readers' feedback to TLC.

    Lily and Ellie

    1. Thank you for your take of the finale. I appreciate knowing that we were not alone in our thoughts.

    2. Yes, anticlimactic for sure. Thank you for expressing your opinion. And thank you for passing along your feedback to TLC.

  73. Spurgeon is a cutie. Israel is also cute but he looks like he may have some form of Downs. Does anyone know anything about this? It's hard to believe that no one else has noticed this. I hope and pray that at the very least they get him tested. I wish nothing but the best for them all.

    1. That is very rude to put your thoughts into words about Israel. Do you go up to people and ask similar questions about whether or not they may have Downs Syndrome, or something else?

    2. As I said before no one has noticed because it is ridiculous. Israel is fine and his development apears on track. I'm sure he under the care of a pediatrician. You should stop trying to start rumors without facts.

    3. I do not think Izzy looks like he has Down's Syndrome at all. He looks totally normal to me, with a light complexion, and almost white hair, making a contrast with the darker complexion of the children he is around. He is so bright, very aware of his surroundings. All kids learn things within a range, and Izzy seems right on target, from what we get to see of him. If any of their children ever has special needs, you can be sure that Jill and Derek will be aware of it and seek whatever help they need. It's what loving, caring parents like them do.

  74. I thought it was what Jinger said in the recap that Lily and Ellie posted. That she may not have to go halfway around the world.

    Also, TLC and People magazine have exploited these people a LOT. People Mag (PM) keeps putting out "articles" and people keep thinking the Duggars are media hungry; I highly doubt that. I think PM takes one big interview and breaks it into 500 "articles" to try and get people to buy their magazine.

    TLC is the same way. I don't think the Duggars really pursued TLC, they were a cash cow before. They still may see a show as a way of ministry but TLC has perverted that and twisted them into a money-hungry-reality-show-desperate-baby-making family.

    That's just my thoughts.

    1. People Magazine isn't exploiting the Duggars! That's not how it works. They pose for those pictures and willingly give interviews that they are PAID very well for! That's how it works! Cousin Amy had her turn too! People mag did an expose' with her and her new husband too, a few months ago! And yes, they were paid well for that - posed for pics and gave interviews. Bottom line, I'm the last one to defend these tabloids, but be fair and get it right! The Duggars posed , gave interviews, were happy to get the publicity and were paid handsomely for it. And that's how it works!And YES! Just maybe they are media hungry!

  75. Honestly I love the Duggar's however, if this is how TLC is going to keep putting out their shows I'm okay with them not coming back. The shows are horribly put together. A new episode should be new content and actually deliver on the promise of something life changing, not flashbacks about how their lives have actually changed. I was sad that I didn't really enjoy this season because I loved the old shows. I enjoyed how they were produced and seeing all the family members. If TLC can't get their act together I'm okay with not watching new shows and helping TLC with their viewership.

  76. "Natural" is the term used for how the baby was born. "We couldn't naturally have a baby, so we decided to adopt." It can also be used as a reference to how the baby was conceived. "We couldn't conceive naturally, so we did...."

  77. Yes this episode was disappointing in regards to a life-changing event that they advertised...but as usual I was blessed & encouraged by their love for each & love for others. I do think it'd be great for the show to include some more of the Duggar guys instead of just comment clips. I'm encouraged watching the ladies but I am a mom of 3 boys and they like go watch with me; I think it'd be good to see a little more of what the guys are up to as well!


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