
Monday, May 9, 2016

Josh and Anna Duggar in TN

We know that thousands of you have been praying for Josh Duggar, Anna Duggar, and their four kids and that you have been eager to hear how they are doing. One of our loyal readers who attended Trace and Carlin Bates' graduation party last weekend in East Tennessee shared the following with us: 

ALL the Duggars (except Jill, Derrick, Israel, Amy and Grandma) were in Tennessee. Only a few were at the party. All were at church. 

I did get a chance to talk to Josh and Anna--Josh looks really good, he has dropped a LOT of weight. Josh introduced me to his family. It was obvious the kids were thrilled to have Dad back. He was in good spirits and was surprised I talked to him--they said most people had been avoiding them. I didn't grab a photo, and if I did, I wouldn't share it, as I don't want to stir the pot. But yes, he was there.

Photo courtesy


  1. The kids all look so big. I cant believe how fast they have grown. Im happy to hear the family is spending time together.

  2. Lots of people who repent are trying to produce fruits that befit repentance. In the Bible the person with one talent was afraid to invest it and gave it back to the Lord unmultiplied. It might be more uncourageous than prudent to refuse to be in the company of some other people. Some repentant sinners are getting busy and investing their talents in multiplication. I'd be wiser to learn from them and their good example than to cower.

    1. I have no idea what you are talking about? What talent does Josh possess that you think he is getting ready to multiply? You don't know if he even is repentant. What the public does know is his history of spinning a good story of about being a faithful family man. Only time will tell if he has changed, but it is way to soon to hear from Josh about anything.

    2. We trust in Gods timing, not our own. God has given us all talents. Even David, the man after Gods own heart sinned & God still used him after he repented. All have sinned & come short. Even Paul did the things he didn't want to do. God will use Josh, but the repercussions/ramifications of what he did will follow him just as they do for many of us all. What would any of us do without the power of the blood of Jesus, and the gift of Grace? Glory to God!!

    3. In Jesus' parables a talent is a unit of money, not an attribute or ability, like singing.

  3. Thanks for sharing. God can heal their family. I'm glad that Annie is giving God a chance to do so. I'm also praying that Josh will let God make a true transformation in his life. Josh cannot do it in his own strength.

    1. He needs professional help.

    2. He has been away for several months receiving professional help!

    3. Michelle said after he left rehab that he was getting professional help while in rehab and would continue to. my guess is it was an outside therapist working in collaboration with the center.

    4. Her name is Anna.

    5. No, he needs GOD'S help.

    6. He has gotten professional help.

    7. he is getting it... in an intense and long-term way

    8. I agree God created psychiatric professionals to help folls like Joshua and me.

    9. Psychatrists can help him

    10. Quite true. A good psychiatrist respects their patient's religious beliefs and teaches them to intertwine them with their life choices. I know because the first psychiatrist I went to did NOT allow me to talk about God or AA and very little got resolved. It took marriage counseling (Christian counselor), some individual counseling(never did find out what, if any, beliefs she had) and an 8 week Christian marriage life group course to finally get things resolved.

  4. Good to hear .. So happy for them. Praying for them daily

  5. I am so glad to hear they are doing well. I hope they can continue to heal with the Lord's help. :)

  6. Thanks for the respectful update. :)

  7. Thanks, Ellie, for posting this and to the reader who shared this! I've been praying for Josh & Anna and wondering how they are doing. I'm so thankful that Anna has made that decision to stick by Josh! That is the way God Almighty intended us, as Christians to live our lives... being a little Christ, forgiving, and working thru relationships patiently and giving God the honor and glory for it all!! Praise the Lord for their restored marriage! Anna you are a great example to all those looking on! I'm sure you face many struggles (let's just say I know I would) but keep looking to Jesus - He will always be there to help you know what the next step will be! God bless you as you work to make your marriage THE BEST!!! :)

  8. Praying for restoration for this family. Thanks for the update.

  9. Thank you for the update. Glad to know they are ok.

  10. will keep praying for all of the Duggars

  11. It's so nice to hear that Josh won't be held accountable for his actions.

    1. He's lost friends, a job, his reputation, etc.

    2. I am sure the fam is glad not sad Dad is back. If Dad stays faithful now and ever that is accountability.

    3. Please justify that. We all need to be held accountable for our actions. I understand your desire to extend grace toward Josh. ...but for the grace of God there go I...
      Yes we all make mistakes that's true. That does not mean that there will be no consequences for our sins, however.

    4. I get the feeling this is a sarcastic jab unfortunately. He is certainly being held accountable. He has been judged and found guilty in the court of public opinion which will forever effect his social standing. On top of this, he must face God's judgement and consequences. Asking for and receiving forgiveness does not exempt a Christian from consequences. He spent years digging this hole and he will spend years with God fixing it, not according to our judgement and standards, but God's.

    5. @Annonymous 10:53. I am sure the children are glad Dad is back too. However, being faithful to Anna should not be the biggest concern. Safety for his daughters should be monitored very closely by outside sources. This is not " hating" or "unforgiveness". This is out of real, honest concern for innocent little girls.

    6. @Annonymous 10:53. I am sure the children are glad Dad is back too. However, being faithful to Anna should not be the biggest concern. Safety for his daughters should be monitored very closely by outside sources. This is not " hating" or "unforgiveness". This is out of real, honest concern for innocent little girls.

    7. There is no outside source in society that would closely monitor Josh, he has not committed a crime. I think it is actually exaggerating to use that category here. People are human and may have some problems but over reacting and overstatements are harmful. As an adult there are no convictions. The ten commandments say not to bear false witness against your neighbour.

    8. I would trust Josh with my little children. I have an understanding of the situations as they were and those issues
      do not mean Josh is not safe with his children. There is
      no reason to panic now. Calm down and see things for what they really were and are.

    9. @Anonymous 10:25 I sincerely hope you are joking. Please do not put your children in danger to feel like a non judgmental person. Their safety is most important.

    10. @annonymous3:38. You are so very correct. It's unfathomable to me how so many on this blog completely justify and defend Josh ---saying they would trust him with their daughters to prove he deserves forgiveness. However, I would strongly suspect these are the same people boycotting Target. Now I am in no way in favor of men in a ladies bathroom or vice versa, but what Josh has done is predatory sexual violation of young girls---what they are rightly wanting to protect their daughters from. Forgiveness does not in any way equal foolishness.

  12. Thanks for shearing it is so nice to see that other people care too! Love them!

  13. It's nice to see that some people are still caring and don't try to put others down for the choice they have made. None of us are perfect and shouldn't be treated badly because of it. I'm so glad he is doing well and in good spirits. I'm glad you all shared the loyal readers story.

    1. I agree! This family is wonderful! I hope this can all be resolved with love. prayers for them all

  14. I'm rooting for them. Will be glad when they can get on the other side of this. God bless them!

  15. In a while this will all blow over.

  16. These kids are adorable. Josh and Anna have a beautiful family. I'm so glad to hear that they are doing well.

  17. WONDERFUL NEWS. Thank u so much for sharing and showing respect to the family.

  18. That is so awesome! I think they should post a picture somewhere of Josh and Anna and the kids. Yes, Josh made a mistake but was man enough to seek help for the sake of himself, his marriage to Anna, his kids, and the rest of his family and the world that has been involved in his life more importantly God above. John David was so right when he said in the GMA interview that "the Devil took his best shot". Little did the Devil know that The Duggars came out like a Phoenix and rose from ashes stronger than ever. ;)

  19. Well its great to hear that he is doing a lot better. Ppl can change with a little bit of help. Everyone does deserve a second change. And he had god on his side to help him with his journey. I have watched the show since day 1 and I always enjoy to hear great things gs I would love to met the whole family one day. God bless you all and I am very happy to hear how well everyone is doing.

  20. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Only a true Christian would stop and talk and give them a big hug. He without sin cast the first stone. ALL have sinned and fallen short. We as Christians need to go out of our way to show the love and understand that God has shown us. God bless them and so glad to hear he is back with the family!! We are still praying for them and the entire family.

  22. Thank you so much for sharing this. I'm glad to hear they are well. I love the boys' new haircuts and Meredith is getting so big!

  23. We are all sinners and Josh is no different. I feel because he's in the public eye and people are always looking for something to criticize Christians for that it's worse for him and his family. Josh he made mistakes hold your head high and remember that are Christ Jesus died for our sins that means all of us including Josh. I love this article and hope I will see more like it. Josh Anna good luck to you... I will continue to pray for your strength

    1. Josh made it worse for himself by placing himself in a position with the FRC. This position gave him many opportunities to advocate for family values, all the while he was cheating on and betraying his poor wife. He also betrayed the values he claimed to represent. He also made things worse by not coming clean on his own, rather he was forced to when he was named in the Ashley Madison scandal. I find his behavior absolutely reprehensible and if I were married to such an individual, I would be finding a good divorce lawyer. ASAP. Someone like that cannot be trusted...ever.

  24. I'm glad you took the time and spoke with Josh. I hope that all will work out for Josh and Anna. They have 4 beautiful children that love both parents.

  25. I am in no way defending Joshua's actions but I must defend his privilege (not right) to be forgiven and to even one day (far in the future) be trusted again. I heard Anna say that it was her desire to let Gods love and forgiveness be shown to Josh through her. What better example is there than that, of being "Christ-like". Too bad all Christians ( who were not even the one betrayed) don't have that same desire.

  26. I'm glad to know he is back with his family, and I continue to pray for them as they move forward.

  27. Keeping them in my prayers!

  28. What is your plan to bring Josh back into society as a contributing member?

  29. Thank you for sharing. I'm so glad you treated him like a humsn being. How terrible it must be to have everyone svoiding and hating you.
    We don't know where his hesrt is. He needs the benefit of the doubt which is what Anna is doing and trying to work through a hard situation. Only God csn know. God bless you.♥

  30. i'm actually really glad to read this! while it's sad people are still avoiding him, it could also mean they just don't know what to say. i'm sure it meant a lot to both josh & anna that you didnt avoid them.

  31. Glad that you are all together again. Hope the process of healing goes fast. Anna you are truly a women of God. Josh, remember to love your family daily, you are a very lucky man to have them in your life.

  32. Praise God! :D God is SO good. :)
    ~Red Headed Girl

  33. Well this was sort of encouraging..?

    Glad he wasn't in hiding but sad to hear that our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ are avoiding a family they loved because one succumbed to their sin nature. Isn't that when us "Christians" are supposed to circle our brothers in grace? Sheesh... No we don't condone his actions, but to avoid them is rediculous. This is why I stayed away from the church as a kid. This is why I was so angry and hesitant to befriend any of them (the "Christians") when God called me back into His arms. This is why I struggle so much with being an antisocial at church, when before I was a social bug and had deep friendships. I am afraid to share in church. I am afraid to let people know when I struggle.... It bothers me so much because the Bible says these are the people I am to share my burdens. But I know they are not interested in lifing up unless it is something that they approve of. So sad!

    1. You clearly are going to the wrong church. Keep looking there are hundreds of churches.

  34. It still baffles me that most of the people that used to watch the show are so against Josh. He's a Christian, yes but christians are sonnets too! What happened is no one's business unless they were involved.

    1. Right, because as Christian we should turn a blind eye to other's suffering. Sorry, I was a fan, but the way Jim Bob and Michelle handled the situation was entirely wrong. Josh went on to become an adulterer and abused his wife and family. So far we haven't seen him repent or atone for his sins in anyway. Maybe it's not my business, but I can choose to not watch any show he appears in and encourage advertisers to withdraw their revenue stream.

    2. I agree completely.

    3. There was a pattern of doing wrong and being given second & even third chances, but Josh took advantage of those chances in all the wrong ways. That means there are issues deeper than what simply "forgiving" him each time can fix.

  35. Good. May I encourage them to keep going. We went through things in the first 5 years of our marriage, but we rebuilt an have a wonderful marriage full of God's blessings now. Praise God. Any time they want encouragement, by all means, you're not the first, you wont be the last. Ben Molesworth, Melbourne Australia.

  36. Good. May I encourage them to keep going. We went through things in the first 5 years of our marriage, but we rebuilt an have a wonderful marriage full of God's blessings now. Praise God. Any time they want encouragement, by all means, you're not the first, you wont be the last. Ben Molesworth, Melbourne Australia.

  37. Happy to hear that Josh and Anna Duggar are doing well because i like this family we all have problems all you can do is pray and leave it in gods hands

  38. I wish the Duggars would stay away from TV and the cameras if for nothing else the sake of their brother Josh. Keeping themselves in the spotlight constantly fuels the issues with their brother. I hope he can go on with his life but don't see how it can be done if his wife and family keep themselves under the constant scrutiny of the public eye.

    1. Why should the whole family give up their TV show for Josh? He's done enough damage to them.

    2. Because family should come before tv. Their family's heart and spiritual repair should come before a television show. Some of ya'll are so caught up in YOUR wishes to watch the show then for the healing of THEIR family. Reality tv has done no good for families...check out all the stats from reality shows. Marriages ruined, families broken. I WISH the Duggar's to heal and move forward out of the public eye. TLC does not use the Duggar's to minister to other families as God is rarely brought up in the show. However TLC USES the Duggar's to make their network richer. As soon as TLC doesn't like the ratings, the show will be over and then what happens? Again, no good could ever come from a reality show that features one family. TV ruins things.

    3. I totally agree that the family should remove themselves from TV, Magazine covers, Facebook and every other form of social media. They really need to heal and being in the spotlight will rob them of that chance. I love the Duggars, but it is time to move on with their lives in a private manner. I wish them all the best.

    4. No Josh Duggar is the one who hurt this family. They should not give up TV for him.

    5. I couldn't disagree with you more. Josh has proven how he feels about family. They should not throw everything away for him.

    6. The selfish fans want them to stay on TV and in the public eye, only for their own entertainment. The sincere and loving fans will advise the family to leave the spotlight and return to a normal life, away from constant scrutiny and criticism that will never go away.....please think of the future happiness of this family- help them to put family first and not fame and fortune! God bless them.

    7. The time and effort spend promoting their public image is time and effort not used to focus on and strengthen their family.

  39. actually there is nothing to say. Thats thier business/ If she wants to go back to him thats her right. Myself personally , it would never happen.

    1. So if you since and do the wrong thing... should God keep coming back to you???? I guess you don't deserve it hey?

    2. Until you keep relating everything to God you won't understand the point we are making, I'm afraid.
      I'm a believer, but certain matters are really just earthily matters that need to be dealt with throuh the law, psychological assistance and things like that.
      If you keep relating everything to God than you'll convince yourself that all the problems in the world can be solved through prayers and forgiveness... Which sadly isn't true.
      I hope this gets published!

    3. You can forgive someone. You can pray for them and even love them but that doesn't mean you have to put up being lied to and dishonored. Anna chose to stay but she would still have been a "Good Christian" if she chose to leave Josh. Forgiveness comes in many forms.

  40. I will still be praying for ya'll. It's along journey but keep leaning on Jesus. I like what Anna said she heard a preacher said. Just keep doing the next right thing for next 15 minutes. God Bless the entire Duggar Family! Love the show!

  41. Glad to hear Josh & family are doing alright. Time will tell whether is heart is truly repentant...I pray so. And I pray his friends & family all heal from the hurt & extend the Lords grace & forgiveness. Be strong Anna & Josh. Go boldly to the throne of grace and obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. - Hebrews 4:16
    Glad also to hear this friend extending grace...not snapping & sharing photos & stories as the tabloids do. Bless you, friend of the Duggars.

  42. What a nice story! Thank you to the person who wrote this. You showed kindness to a family who deeply needs it. You may never know how much that meant to all of them.

  43. I hope he got the help he desperately needed and his family will heal from this terrible ordeal. I wish Anna and her children peace. Not our job to judge last I heard God was not hiring or taking applications.

    1. I can personally attest to the program Josh went through. It is very Christ-centered and Bible-focused, addressing the issues related to addiction. I've been praying for him and the family from the beginning and will continue to do so. They have a lot to overcome but nothing is impossible for God.

    2. It is not run by doctors/psychiatrists, is it. What if you're not willing to embrace all that Bible stuff? What if an atheist went there?

    3. Kindly provide additional details. Did Josh receive counselling and help from qualified medical personal? A pastor with the "word of God" isn't the same as someone who has attended many years of school to become a psychologist or psychiatrist. Clearly he has addiction issues, as fans we'd like to know if he go the help he requires.
      PS It's likely expensive but in light of the fact that he and his family have been on reality TV for several years I would assume he has the money!

    4. Sad commentary that people trust man to fix man's problems, but don't trust that God & His Word can do it.

  44. Christian people should act as Christ would. What would Jesus do if he met Josh? I am positive He would not try to avoid Josh. He would love Josh and if asked he would forgive Josh just as he has forgiven all believers. We need to all remember that it is God who has the right to judge and not other people because we have all sinned fallen short of the glory of God. To those who think Josh's sin is worse than their on please remember no sin is greater than any other. The Duggar family is amazing and how Anna and the rest of the family have handled this very public trial is nothing short of amazing! Pamela Lyon

    1. Wonderfully said. Thank you for saying what is also in my heart. Blessings to all😊

    2. While I agree with you about not judging other people and their sins, I think Josh appears entirely unrepentant. I mean, we have not seen him in a TV interview apologizing to his sisters or wife. We're only seen Jessa and Jill downplaying the abuse and Anna's weepy facing trying to hold her family together. I personally don't want to see him back on TV unless it's to see him go to jail for the abuse he inflicted on his sister's.

    3. Exactly Andrea!!! Why does know one else see this.

    4. Why does Josh have to apologize to his sisters and wife on TV? Can't he do it in private?

    5. The family is astute enough to know that watching the girls cry is more valuable TV time than watching Josh try to explain his actions away. The girls will garner more sympathy from viewers. Otherwise, why let the pubic watch your daughters go through all that "pain" in front of a camera? What other family would put their kids on TV for that reason?

    6. This is true- but if you are a married woman and Josh happened to be your husband- how could you share your bed with him? I couldn't. He would be on the sofa.

  45. Awesome! Thanks so much for telling us. So many of us have been praying and wondering how they are doing. But God knows and has a plan. Amen!

  46. SOOOO Good to hear news on Josh and family!! We pray for them often and really believe they should be on the show and sharing how they are walking through such a difficult situation. We believe Josh's story could help so many Christian men who have the same struggle. May God bless all the Duggars - they all are much loved and missed!

  47. Still a long road ahead for Josh and Anna. Praying for them. It takes a great deal of faith, trusting in the Lord's strength, courage and forgiveness to work through this. May God be glorified.

  48. I've had the family on my mind so often. Happy they are back together. Wish Josh nothing but the best, Thanks for sharing,

  49. I don't condone what occurred in his past or present, but I am not without sin and so there will be no stones thrown by me. If I saw him or his family I would make a point of saying hello and tell them I am praying for them. I feel they will need all the support and prayers they can get to walk through the shadow of this valley.

  50. How sad that most people at a church would avoid Josh and his family.

    1. Maybe they are just concerned for their own children's safety. I wouldn't put my children in his presence since he is a sexual predator. He deserves forgiveness, of course, but doesn't mean need to risk own's safety

    2. If they had small children I don't blame them.

    3. Come on... It's not risking anyone's safety just to say hello to someone at church, hold your child's hand, and continue on your way if you feel uncomfortable.

    4. I agree, you can bet lots of children were there. I would avoid Josh completely. He could have visited the Bates family another time, not on such a busy, weekend. What were the Duggars thinking.

    5. I would not want my child standing in front of Josh because I would not be able to fully answer the inevitable questions from the child about "what happened" and "why" and "why is he here today" and all that. Some adult things can't be adequately explained to a child, even though they are old enough to grasp some of what happened, through media or online. You end up only confusing the child more when you try to explain the very adult concepts. Plus children have a way of blurting out their questions on the spot, when it's not appropriate to discuss them.

  51. Thank you for sharing, the Bible teaches us as Christians we are to forgive and pray. This family does deserve our prayers and we need to remember that we "All have sinned and come short." God forgives and so should we.

  52. Thanks for sharing!I'm glad to see them together as a family! The bible said that the devil came to destroy but jesus came to give us eternal life!May God bless Anna and Josh and their four children. Can God continue restoring your marriage and keep loving each other and you can help other young couples in a similar situation like yours. Praying for both of you.

  53. Glad to hear Josh and his family are doing well. Praying for them would like to see Josh back on TV

  54. ~Hello Lily & Ellie~

    Love this photo of the kiddos! They surely have grown! They are all beautiful!
    My Love and Prayers to Joshua & Anna. I admire Anna's courageous strength through all she has walked through and her devotion and godly love to her husband. She has set such a beautiful example (to me) of a woman walking in Christ and a Christian Wife who (no matter what) honours her marriage vows before God and her husband. Anna isn't a woman who follows the ways of this world but truly a woman of Gods Extended Love...and for this I'm inspired.

    From Melbourne, Australia ~Motia~

    1. I don't think God never intended for a wife to be a doormat, nor a victim. Josh completely betrayed his wife....and not just on one occasion. To suggest that her only choice is to stay with him because that is the Godly thing to do is incomprehensible to me.

    2. Agree with anonymous. The Bible actually speaks of divorce in this situation.

  55. I am glad to hear this, have been praying for Josh Anna and their family. It just shows the power of prayer and how God can work in our lives if we truly believe and trust in him. Will continue to pray for them and the whole Dugger family.

  56. Wonderful! You handled that so well in respects to them . Also Wonderful that Josh was there. Praying them all the time. The Lord loves reconciliation and I hope that happens for them in full healing.

  57. Thank you so much for sharing this update!

    Lori in MN

  58. People don't seem to grasp the Scripture: "ALL have sinned and fall SHORT of the glory of God." That means no matter how HOLY we think we are, according to God, WE FALL SHORT. We need to OBEY Scripture; Only the Blood can save us. Also, we need to NOT JUDGE others; that's God's job!

  59. I'm so glad that Josh and Anna are back together. Now he just needs a lot of love. He's had a tough road to walk down. Heck he's still walking down it. This walk is going to be hard, but if anyone can do it. Josh and Anna can. Josh is a good person. He just took a wrong turn, and I know that he will do better. He has a strong support system, and he has Anna. This is going to be a bumpy road, but I know he can do it.

    1. I totally disagree with you. How is a child molester a good person? How is molesting your sisters just taking a wrong turn? Josh should be sterilized and thrown in jail.

    2. I think it is Anna that needs lots of love right now. Her husband has put her through outright misery. Whether or not Josh is capable of repairing his relationship with his wife, or even is able to commit to marriage over the long haul, remains to be seen. I am afraid that I would not have had the resolve to stay with a man like that, one who had so throughly betrayed me.

    3. Anonymous 9:31 couldn't have said it better.

    4. To the person on may 10 at 9:31am, I sure hope you know that by your judging words you too will be judged! Remember that in life. And if you do something wrong someone may also say about you " throw her in jail!"

    5. I will speak on this only as a person who was molested as a child by 2 of her teenage brothers. When I was younger and into my 20's, I struggled horribly with trust issues and insecurity. Every family gathering was tense and hate for my brothers was always looming in my mind. I was angry when they had children and my husband and I struggled with infertility. The betrayal of them doing what they did broke me in so many ways. In my mid 20's I confronted them and it was a huge blow up. They expressed no remorse and I felt I had only lost control by confronting them. That's when I set out to work on me. The sexual abuse wasn't my core issue. It really came down to my brothers, who I trusted and loved, used me as an object and betrayed my love/trust in them. I looked up to them and cared about them. So, deep down, I was angry that they took advantage of that.

      Years later, after many years of suffering and building a bitter heart that spilled over to many areas of my life, I decided to work on me. I needed to surrender the bitterness and betrayal to God. And it took a long while to do so. During this time, God blessed me with 4 babies.

      Now, 28 years later, I look on my brothers with pity and forgiveness. They never found the healing I did. I saw broken marriages in their lives and drug addiction/alcohol addiction. I feel they turned to those things because deep down, they needed something to free them of the guilt. One of my brothers actual died of a drug overdose.

      Once I reached a place of forgiveness, I was pained by the sad, lonely lives my brothers lived. There was no content or justice to see their suffering. My brothers were not reported or labeled sexual predators, but I can't see how that would have changed anything for the better. I don't believe either went beyond what they did to me.

      So, from what I learned, Josh doesn't need to be shunned. Quite honestly, he will do enough of that to himself. He probably hates himself and his addiction to porn was probably how he tried to deal with his inequities. And now that the world knows, I see much sadness in his eyes. And I pray for him. I think, like my brothers, josh took advantage of what was available to him at the time. I don't believe he is a child molester, but rather used children because he knew he could. I truly feel he did what he did because he is broken inside and it's deeper than sexual urges. Forever he now must live with the world knowing what he did. Being shunned by friends, family, and now the public. I pray he can heal and feel God's forgiveness. Hate and fear is a trap and it hurts anyone who lives with it.

      Today, my brothers lives/death is an example of silent suffering. I learned much about myself and God through my journey to forgiveness. I learned about charity, faith, trust, forgiveness, empathy, and freedom in a way I wouldn't if I hadn't gone through what I did.

      I had much guilt and shame through the early years. It's a horrible, horrible way to live. Josh is facing this walk now publicly, which I could not imagine. But I trust God will turn this tragedy into a blessing. No need to heap coals upon his back also. I know suffering and there is no joy in seeing another suffer.

  60. A note to Josh and Anna: Josh, I know people are "shunning my" you. I am sorry that a lot of us feel like we have to judge others. To the adulterer woman who Was caught in sin, Jesus said (paraphrase). I do not condemn you. Go and sin no more. Pornography is a trap. It is a battle of our minds. I have been there and I know. Anna, I am so glad you didn't abandon Josh. God heals us very specifically according to what we need. He doesn't just throw a blanket out there and tell us to take what we need. He heals us each personally because our wounds are personal. When I came to have a relationship with God, and truly understood what grace is, I am so free now. Free from the "rules"... The "performance trap". That doesn't mean I don't try and follow Gods rules. It just means a change from the inside out. God took my hard heart and gave me a new one...squeezably soft. Now instead of keeping the rules hoping that will make me better, God changed my heart and THAT made me better. And every day I embrace that grace and thank God for his gift. I know I do not deserve it...a second chance...a do over...but that makes it more special. He came to heal the broken hearted and set us free. So I am keeping you and Anna and your children in my prayers. I pray that God will bring people into your love vets that will encourage you and pray with you. And most of all you have to forgive yourself. Keep on.....

    1. Beautiful soul reaching words of encouragement to Josh and his family. Thank you for saying these things and sharing.

  61. If God can forgive, so should we! We are not better than God. I forgive you Josh Duggar and wish you the best!

    1. God only forgives if we repent and are truly sorry.

    2. What makes you think he hasn't repented and asked forgiveness??

    3. Did Josh ask you for forgiveness? Seems like probably not.

    4. And only God can judge a persons heart to "know" if they are sorry no us.

  62. Glad to hear the update. I hope Josh (& Anna) can both grow and learn from this whole situation and hopefully, one day, people will not treat him like garbage. People need forgiveness. I hope he earns it.

  63. I will pray for them! :-) Thanks for the update:-)

  64. forgiveness is the only key! shame on all those people for trying to destroy this family, you only made them stronger! ahahahaha the laugh is on you!

  65. Many fans have been wondering and praying for Josh/Anna and the children and hoping that they can walk through it. Thank you for this post. And for your discretion.

  66. I think the "shock" is beginning to wear off. The Duggers are not perfect. Who is besides Christ! I am so glad they are finding ways to heal. I would love to see them on TLC again. My kids have grown up watching them. Honestly, TLC has shows that depict acts much worse than the mistakes of a young boy. I am not condoning what Josh done in the past; but who has not sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

    1. Your post says it all. TLC has awful shows and they (TLC) are in it for the money. The Duggar's aren't on tv because of their beliefs. They are on tv because TLC knows their views are very different from the rest of the country and can even be seen as controversial for lack of a better word. Controversial in the sense that the program creates talk and discussion on their lifestyle. TLC wants to keep that "drama" going because unfortunately that's what keeps the ratings up. TLC won't keep the show just because they like the Duggar's. I can't back TLC anymore. Some of their shows are just down right filthy. I'd rather read a good book then turn the tv on for a reality show.

  67. What happened to living and acting each day in a way that won't require people to later forgive you or pray for you? How about being on your best behavior so that these things don't even become an issue? That's what should be admirable and be a goal - how many days you did the right thing, not how many days you spent in rehab.

    1. Because none of us are perfect except Jesus

    2. Unfortunately, there's not one person on planet earth who lives that way. How about recognizing that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God?

    3. I agree to both responders, Amen that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.Jesus died on the cross for all our sins that means yours mine and everyone's!

  68. Man, I should just come here to read comments instead of to the Facebook page. Thanks for filtering comments. And while people do have a right to say what they want, I do feel that maybe you ought to block a few people on Facebook. There is a difference between speaking your mind and then being mean or an outright troll

  69. that sounds like a great visit for him with his children... will keep praying that this will start the healing process and the beginning of a new start for your family.....

  70. So glad you are reporting on Josh. Everyone can receive redemption and healing through Christ!! Praying for the Duggars

  71. Great News! Will keep praying for him and his family. I hope everyone can forgive him for his actions, he at least deserves that.

  72. Michael is so sweet. I always feel for him. I hope Josh smartens up.

  73. Sounds like encouraging news! So happy for them.

  74. He can take what he went through and use it for ministry purposes.

    I've used my negative experiences for counsel.

  75. To all the people who avoid Josh I just want to say: Maybe you should read Luke 6:37 again.

    1. Maybe we should care more about protecting innocent children then hurting Joshs feelings.

  76. Ellie, Please put a new picture of Meredith in a blog header. She is much bigger now. And the boys have different hair cuts.

  77. I'm happy to hear Josh and Anna appear to be doing better then they were at this time last year. "Sometime the bad Things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the Best Things that will ever happen to us".

  78. Godly-Young-WidowMay 10, 2016 at 4:08 PM

    Thank you for this report. And thank you to the reader who "won't stir the pot". Building trust, and re-building trust takes time. The Apostle Paul had to do that too. He declared, "Jesus Christ came to save sinners of whom I am the worst". Thank you for being a "Barnabas" to him. It will be a long road of learning to re-build this family, but it's good to know that they're making progress. God bless.

  79. Praying! ❤︎
    So happy to hear the news!!

  80. I have a comment that I hope will get posted. I mean no disrespect but my question is to the Christians. How many times are Christians supposed to forgive a husband before they realize that forgiveness for some souls is lost. Yes I'm speaking of Josh but many have stated on this forum that he should be forgiven because everyone sins. When someone is brought to confessional unwilling and in this case through a tabloid should he be forgiven. As a religious Jewish woman if my husband commits adultery I am allowed and even encouraged to divorce. I have very few rights in Judaism but I hold the marriage rights and the marriage license is all about the bride and is actually given to the bride at the end of the ceremony and not the groom. The religious ceremony is all about what the groom is to do for the bride bairly states anything about what she is to do for him. And part of that is when a divorce happens The groom is to give the bride another document releasing her from the marriage in front of the rabbis. When A secred vow is broken divorced does happen. So again I have to ask how many times do Christians forgive their spouses of infidelity and wrongdoing. Keep in mind his confession only happened because of external information he confessed because he had to not because he wanted to. I always thought orthodox Jews and Christians very similar but now I don't believe that. One of the reasons why people don't hear about Orthodox Jewish divorces we are very private. Yes I have been witness to two orthodox divorces. One of my sister and the other of my cousin. In both cases the wives decided they could not live with a man that did not regard their marriage as sacred. I would really appreciate a response to my question.

    1. We are to forgive to the extent we have been forgiven. It is not an easy task. But our God is faithful and we can depend on Him to help us. I keep sinning daily, even though I know what not to do. I feel guilty when I badmouth someone, even though I am one to jump on the bandwagon if everyone else is. He forgives us, when we repent,and is lovingly, tenderly, molding us by lopping off the dead branches in my life. I NEED my Lord because I can do nothing on my own. He has forgiven me, even though I don't deserve it. That is why I need a Savior, a Deliverer, a Redeemer, and I give my all to Him. He made my trash into treasure. And I need Him and as I get to know Him more and more, my very small love grows.

    2. In Christianity,no souls are lost. Forgiveness is always possible if one repents. In some Christian traditions, divorce is not possible. The couple separates but remains married. For Catholics, it is possible to have the marriage annuled under restrictive circumstances.

      Of course, divorce does happen,even amongst conservative Christian. We have a family friend, a southern Baptiste, who has been divorced twice. However, conservative christians believe that marriage is before God and is till death.

      Most non-conservative Christians would have kicked Josh to the curb.
      Forgiveness is different from forgetting. You may forgive someone, knowing that we are all not perfect but the trust is gone.

    3. From my point of view forgiveness is a provate fact: it's up to the persons involved to forgive, and I do think forgiveness is necessary to move on, BUT:
      1) forgiving does not mean that things should go back to how they were before;
      2) for the public, or the people not involved in general, it's not a matter of forgiveness, it's a matter of whether these people deserve to have a public space or not, whether it's good for society that these people have any form of influence.

  81. Here's the truth; no one knows if he really has changed, will cheat again, whatever things he did in the past that he hasn't confessed because he hadn't been caught on that. He only ever apologized after he was caught. He has to earn his families, friends, and the publics trust back.

  82. How. Many other men's names do we still hear on a daily basis that were involved in the Ashley Madison scandal? Of course josh was wrong to cheat on his we're many other men but josh seems to be the only one who is paying for his mistake publicly like josh. far as his actions with his sisters

    1. Many of those men are dealing with the fall out from their cheating. We do not hear about them because they were not reality stars that preached family values and purity. Josh did.

  83. Seriously? People think he hasn't had consequences???? I wouldnt want my sins publicly displayed for all to see. I'm pretty sure that's one of the worst consequences a person could have. And the prostitute at the well, Jesus said "Go and sin no more" Let's give Josh that chance. I'm sure glad I'm forgiven of my sins. Just because your sin is different than Josh's sin doesn't mean you don't sin. Not forgiving is a sin. Give me a break. Why are people so judgemental???

    1. Why would he be forgiven if he hasn't been repentant. He only seems to be upset of his lost reputation.

    2. Not a Duggar hater by any means, nor a stone thrower and I understand your loyalty. The reality is that to be forgiven, one has to be filled with godly sorrow over one's behavior and that leads to repentance...not the impending threat of your sins being exposed. James 1:14-15 "...but each one is tempted, when by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and entice. Then after desire has been conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full grown, gives birth to death." There are very real consequences for our sins. Josh knowingly and willfully committed both a private sin against Anna, his sisters, and family friend, and a public sin against his family, fellow Christians and the general public, by hiding known sin and claiming to be following Jesus, and by publicly preaching against others' sins. He has brought the consequences upon himself (the Duggar family losing the show-the platform and the income,the loss of his job, Anna and the children losing income/their home/relationships/respect of the community, the Duggar family taking an integrity/credibility hit,and defaming God and His followers in the process. As you, yourself, said, "Jesus said, 'Go and sin no more.' "-Is that what Josh did after his first confession at 15? After the second offense with his sisters (that his sisters reported to the parents)? After the July 2015 public revelation? Or after the Ashley Madison revelation? I think you're confusing repentance, forgiveness, and restoration. Forgiveness is recognizing that we have each fallen short of God's perfect holiness and what He intended us to be. Repentance requires be willing to do whatever it takes to restore what it is that you destroyed or stole from the other person, expecting nothing from the injured one and fully recognizing you deserve nothing from him/her. Following a period of demonstrated repentance (which is very individual based on the sin you committed, who you injured, and how), you may be blessed with Restoration (the other person extends trust). Neither Forgiveness nor Restoration is your right, "owed" to you...there are precious gifts bestowed on you by the other person. Neither should anyone be guilted or manipulated into forgiving another or "receiving" the offender back.

  84. Unfortunately, no one will ever know if Anna is truly happy or not. She has been trained to smile and show no other emotions. Being joyfully available for your husband is the message. I believe in my heart that Christ would want us to love and forgive Josh, but not to forget or to lie down and allow him to abuse his wife further.

    1. It is a perversion of Scripture to teach young women and wives to be cheerfully available to meet the husband's physical needs. Husbands are commanded to love their wives as Christ loved the Church. God and Jesus do not force themselves, much less someone who is tired, sick, or heavy with pregnancy. While husbands and wives are not to use intimacy as a weapon or to selfishly deprive the other, neither are they to "use" the other person to gratify their physical need...that's called prostitution. She is not a body for her husband to meet his needs and God is not honored when she is treated and devalued as such.

  85. I think this is great. They have no reason to hide. Everyone looks so happy and I'm happy for them. I hope to see more of Josh and fam in the coming months :) Also glad to hear that most people are giving them privacy in public.

  86. Poor poor kids. Poor Anna...

    1. Thank you!!!!! I'm sick of the poor Josh mentality.

  87. I love Anna and her sweet children. I wish Josh well and hope he can find healing. But I don't trust him and have no interest in ever hearing from him again in the public setting. This may sound harsh but he broke my trust in pretending to be something he was not. He nearly ruined his family and his Duggar family with his devious behavior. I can't even imagine how those who know and love Josh feel. So I wish him well in his private life. I can pray he becomes the father, husband, man his courageous wife deserves.

  88. Bring back 19 kids and counting!

  89. To those that fans that feel the whole family shouldn't be punished for Josh's actions: just face it the media loves scandals and tlc just picked up the tab. No matter how much they say they moved on and such there will be no peace because the media is a dugger's playground. If this family truly followed the word of God why would they chose to continue to surround themselves with the "devil's advocates?" If they preached about the importance of keeping Christian values why do they talk to sinful.magazines that are the exact opposite? This family in my opinion is beyond the realms of preaching God's words. They are the puppet of the network which that to me shows their weaknesses to the devil's sins.

  90. Thank you for sharing this. It's good the family is together and getting the help they need to rebuild. They deserve less outside influence while healing.
    Josh has a long road ahead of him restoring relationships and building trust in his marriage.
    He needs to stay out of the tabloids and privately focus on his life choices and commitment.
    Prayers are with them but his actions and choices will be the ending truth.
    Blessings for Anna and prayers for strength and clarity.

  91. May God continue blessing josh and anna and their four beautiful children!good to see you always together...........

  92. Josh does not possess the fruits of Christianity the Bible speaks of. Why does everyone keep calling him a Christian? He seems more worried about his ruined reputation then the fact that he hurt his family.

  93. It is interesting to me that Anna is praised by some conservative Christians for sticking with josh and keeping the family together while, at the same time, I have been reading that some conservative Christians, at the same time, are finding fault with Hillary Clinton for sticking with
    Her cheating husband to keep HER family together. You can't gave it both ways, folks. I admire both of these string women personally, perhaps because I know I could not do what they did and stick by a man who cheated.

  94. It's funny how so many people think they are God.God is Josh's judge but yet y'all are in judgement of his sins. This is between God and Anna, Josh. Pray for there strenght and healing in his holy name amen

  95. The sad thing is at first the law was broken as underage victims should never be put through what the girls were put through. Funny how I don't see any feelings for their rights being violated. Josh and Anna have to find their way through this and they have chosen together. All of our points of view are unimportant. As a Christian we forgive but the talking about this and making their decision is not Christian. Look into yourselves and I am sure we will all find things we wish we had not done. Let them find their own way and I personally wish them the best on the long road ahead

  96. I think it's very sad to see Josh back where he can hurt his own children like he hurt his own sisters. Of course, he could hurt his own children worse since there is no one there to monitor him with them. Yes, the Bible says to forgive, but it doesn't say to be stupid and forget everything that was done.


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