"You have taught me what it means to give of yourself to others and shown me what true joy and satisfaction is, trusting in Jesus for daily strength and looking to Him for happiness," writes Jill in her introduction.
Now a mother herself, Jill recalls the early days of her childhood, when Michelle had a houseful of young kids and somehow managed to be both their mom and teacher.
"I remember those afternoons when I could tell you were super tired because you’d have to stand up at the end of the table versus sitting in a chair just to keep from nodding off," continues Jill. "But you kept pressing on with a joyful attitude! You made learning fun!"
In her books and on her family's TLC reality show, Michelle Duggar has explained how she strives to lower her voice, rather than raise it, when disciplining her children. Jill writes about the positive impact that principle had on her as a child: "I remember that when I disappointed you, you didn’t use demeaning words, but would say something like, 'That’s not like you to act that way, you’re a sweet girl!' This allowed me to feel sad for disappointing you, but also made me feel valued by your praise."
Even though she is the fourth of 19 kids, Jill shares how her mom has always made her feel cherished, during her childhood and now as an adult.
"When I was in labor with Israel, I wanted you there because your presence brought peace, prayer, encouragement and comfort," says Jill. She closes the letter by telling her mother how much she loves, admires, and misses her. She also includes Bible verses:
“Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies…Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.” (Proverbs 31:10, 28)
Visit Jill and Derick Dillard's website to read the full letter.
Photo courtesy TLC/dillardfamily.com/duggarfamily.com
So sweet!
ReplyDeleteOnce again I have to wonder why they feel the need to share such personal letters publicly if not to continue to garner support for their ratings. This letter should have been cherished just between mother and daughter, but instead it's posted to social media. They are starting to come across as desperate for public affirmation.
ReplyDeleteIt's really sad to see. Such a letter should be very personal and NOT become public: just awful. I just can't understand these parents....
DeleteHave you never posted something positive or a glowing praise of someone on social media or written down your thoughts and then shared them publicly to bless someone you love and admire? This isn't any different. Maybe she simply wants the world to know how awesome she thinks her mother is. How inspiring her example was. How meaningful her love is. Allowing your praise and love for someone to go public, especially on a holiday meant to express such sentiments, isn't begging for affirmation.
DeleteThey have mentioned on the show before, and demonstrated in their own family, that they discipline privately and praise publicly. They do this because they feel it amplifies the power of the praise, the more people it is shared with. I think it's sweet.
DeleteA lot of people share letters like this on Facebook daily!! It is a very common thing. Haven't you ever been on social media?
DeleteI never publish very personal, intimate letters or messages on social media--nope. It then is no longer personal or intimate. Intimacies and sweet affirmations should just be for those involved--not seen globally.
DeleteIt is sad to see what lengths they go to in order to remain in the public eye. The letter should have been kept very private.
DeleteA lot of people do a lot of wrong things on Facebook, 11:38. Just because a lot of people do something doesn't make it right.
DeleteI thought letters between two people were supposed to be private. Why would Jill feel the need to share her private thoughts about her mother? This really should be none of our business. Kind of takes away from the tender meaning of the moment between you & your mother, when you post it online.
ReplyDeleteI so agree- it shows you how their public life and the need for fame and fortune runs their lives. Deeply disappointing. They have their priorities completely wrong and sad that most fans don't want to see this.
DeleteBoo boo
DeleteIt's encouraging and uplifting I would rather be reading this then junk all over the media right now
I completely agree... I have three daughters and our bonds are very strong. Their letters to me are extremely private and which I treasure.
DeleteSo beautiful
ReplyDeleteO My, that was so beautiful what Jill Dillard said of her Mom. It brought tears to my eyes.
ReplyDeleteThe letter Jill wrote to her mother is almost making me shed "liquid pride".
ReplyDeleteThose are such impactful words she used, and I wish I had a mother like Michelle.
Thank you Lily and Ellie for keeping us posted on this AMAZING family.
Cheers all the way from Ecuador!
That's an old picture of Derick. He sure looks different now. I wonder why such a radical change in his appearance.
ReplyDeleteHe had extensive dental and jaw surgery
DeleteJill and all the Duggar children are blessed to have the parents they do. I admire Jim Bob and Michelle so much and they have been such witnesses to me and many others. Their love of the Lord and their children is clear. I pray the entire family is back on television soon - this nation needs role models like these people.
ReplyDeleteAhhhh I seriously love the Duggars! So sweet!
ReplyDeleteI dare anyone to find fault in this post.So sweet and heartfelt, I see horrible mothers everyday yelling, beating and or neglecting their children, and Michelle is the total opposite of that.Those children are so very loved.
ReplyDeleteThe letter should have been kept private- something just between a daughter and her mother- no one else and certainly not the public- such a shame..
DeleteAre you saying you don't find it odd that kids need to look on the refrigerator to find out when their one on one time is with their parents?
DeleteI agree that responding with a negative comment is not a good response to their lives. I have felt that negative tendancy in myself too. I think that is why the Bible commands us to be quick to listen and slow to speak. I need to remember that this is the behavior commanded in the Bible.
DeleteThe love and respect Michelle and JimBob have shown all their children is now bringing back bucketloads of love and respect for them from their amazing grownup children. It's so true that we do reap what we sow. In Josh's case, he is reaping the consequences of his adult choices.
ReplyDeleteThe constant publishing of these written and video messages makes them come across as insincere. What's the verse from the sermon on the mount about making a show of fasting? Why send notes of love and praise to your mother in public just as a way to drum up publicity and attention?
ReplyDeleteNothing is cherished as private to them anymore, not even a letter from daughter to mother.
DeleteI'm beginning to wonder if when writing these things or doing public video messages if they are thinking the whole time how much publicity this will gain for them? Nobody should be constantly sharing private messages between family members. It's just sad and wrong to crave so much public affirmation.
DeleteNo matter what the Duggar Family says or does someone has to complain. By posting the message from Jill it could help another family to realize there's another way to discipline other than yelling. Josh was a juvenile when the one incident occurred. Would YOU want everything you did as a juvenile broadcast? I wouldn't.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, I didn't see this much criticism of Tiger Woods, who certainly did way more than Josh. The wonderful thing about Josh is he believes in the Lord, who I'm sure he has asked forgiveness to, as he has to his wife, Anna. This is no one's business but those two people in the marriage. Has everything You have done as adult followed God's word? Somehow I doubt it. When Christ died on the Cross he took the responsibility for ALL sin committed by man. Josh has confessed his sins, not only to his wife but basically to the world, who in actuality had no right to be involved. It is time to bring the Duggars back, Just as it is time to forgive Josh as Anna did and to pray for his success at turning his life around. We all do things we regret yet most people don't even confess them, most definitely not to the world. I pray that Josh and Anna work through whatever they need to and they go on to have a long life the way God wants them to. This is none of our business.
I'm glad that you wrote this. I don't even try to justify the world, because people of the world make no sense. They are ruled by emotions that ebb and flow, pride, greed, you name it. They judge when they are engaged in the same behaviors, but are unrepentant, and feel justified. That is how the world behaves and when they do, I am not surprised at all...because that is what the world does. Expecting the world to offer grace and mercy is like expecting a dog not to bark. It ain't gonna happen.
DeleteI'm glad that you wrote this. I don't even try to justify the world, because people of the world make no sense. They are ruled by emotions that ebb and flow, pride, greed, you name it. They judge when they are engaged in the same behaviors, but are unrepentant, and feel justified. That is how the world behaves and when they do, I am not surprised at all...because that is what the world does. Expecting the world to offer grace and mercy is like expecting a dog not to bark. It ain't gonna happen.
DeleteI love the Duggars they are so encouraging to me and my faith in Jesus
ReplyDeleteThat letter brings me so much encouragement being a parent myself! We need more parents to be like this. I wish more mothers and fathers had role models like Mrs. Duggar. Thank you for sharing!! If an adult child still looks up to you and brings her comfort and peace, you know you did it right!! I pray my child feels the same about me.
ReplyDeleteWriting a public letter is no different than posting public comments on Facebook or Twitter. My Facebook was saturated in Mother's Day posts about how wonderful each person's mother is. I think the letter is super sweet, and it reminded me of all the qualities I saw in michelle when I first started watching 19 kids and counting. Her personality is so different from the world. You can see her love for Jesus in the way she chooses to act. I enjoyed this post very much!
ReplyDeletePlease stop feeding the sharks with constant public letters, social media, interviews, TLC.
ReplyDeleteThe feeding frenzy is difficult for many of us to witness daily on one media form or another.
I can't imagine how difficult it must be for all of you.
As anna would say, " Do and say the next right thing for the next 15 minutes.
And deliberately stay out of the limelight and lead peaceful lives. I wish you well.
I agree so it leaves you to wonder if they are real naive about these things and that's why they provide the sharks with something to go after not realizing it could be to a much lesser degree if they stopped putting themselves out there constantly.
DeleteDon't think they find it difficult because they keep doing it.
DeleteBy the way folks, Mothers Day is about honoring all mothers, not just yours...so what if the grandkids want to honor their grandmother too,,,she is a mother.Oh, and my condolences to all the people who dont have mothers or who have lost theirs...some people dont know how truly blessed they are to still have a mom....so all the negative nitpicky haters give us fans a break and let us be free of the hurtful remarks and let us enjoy this blog and the Duggars...please!
ReplyDeleteI admire Michelle too she's so sweet and calm and soo organized!Shes a huge inspiration to me!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you she is a huge inspiration to me and to my family wish I had her sooner change my parenting skills forever good job Jill mamas always need to hear it especially when they're down