
Saturday, April 23, 2016

Season Finale Sneak Peek

At four months old, Spurgeon Seewald has his first passport photos taken in preparation for a trip to Central America. "It's not the safest place in the world, but I think we'll be pretty safe," says Jessa in the video below.

**Tune in to TLC on Tuesday, April 26th, at 9pm ET/8pm CT for part one of the two-part season finale of Jill & Jessa: Counting On.

Photo/video courtesy of TLC


  1. It's not safe - it is safe - which one is it?? They've said this over & over! Who knows what to believe any more.

    1. No place is ever completely safe. Compared to US it isn't as safe. There are dangerous areas I'm sure they will stay away from but in general, if you're careful, it is safe.

  2. I sure wouldn't take my family there, especially a baby? I don't care who was there.

    1. Didn't Jill and Derick say they were coming back to the States this summer? Considering the zika virus, the danger and violence in central America and the fact that Spurgeon is so young, why didn't they just wait until this summer to see the Dillards? Has Spurgeon been vaccinated?

    2. Why doesn't Ben visit the allergist and take care of his allergies? Those red eyes and stuffed nose--just make an appointment and go!

    3. Wonder if they really got rid of all that mold that was in the house? Didn't some horrible black stuff fall from the ceiling when they were cutting the hole to install that light?

    4. I know Anna and Josh vaccinated their kids in prior shows but remember when 11 of the duggar kids got chicken pox at once? That tells me that they arnt very concerned about vaccinations. Hope for Izzy and Spurgeons sake that are over in central America

    5. Haha ! I keep wondering the same thing !

    6. Not sure, but aren't updated immunizations required to enter most other countries? I do believe that is the case when you enter the U.S. legally. I would want to protect my kids - especially if going to a country that sees the very diseases you are supposed to be immunized against.

    7. You know you can pick and choose vaccines right? All because they didn't get the chicken pox vaccine doesn't mean they don't get any of them.

    8. I wonder why they didn't get the chicken pox vaccine. That one has been around for a long time and is proven. Chicken pox opens you up to shingles later in life -- not fun.

  3. In the 'old' Duggare days, which I miss so much, God would have been first in this comment. " it's not safe, so we trust in God he will protect us." Why does it seem God has taken a back seat in all they do? Just my thought.

  4. He is sooo cute!! :-)

  5. Ben still sounds surprised he is a Dad--as if the reality of being married with a baby at 20 is just now hitting him.

    1. You would think marrying a duggar you would expect to have kids young..he should get used of it as I expect many more kids in their future!

  6. Are they going for a missions trip, called by God, or just for pleasure? If the former, I can understand following the call, but if the latter, then I'd say too risky for a baby.

  7. The safest place you can be as a believer in Jesus is in the center of Gods will no after where that is. We are missionaries with six kids, three of whom were born in this other country. It's a very dangerous place. But we feel His wings surround us. How awesome that we decided to step out of our "safe" American box to take the gospel to the Middle East, where it first came from. Having been to Central America twice myself, it is fine. Yet, there can be danger in the mountainous regions. Yet, again they will be protected by our Heavenly Father, remember, if something does happen, if you're a believer you trust your life with Jesus and He will care for you, also, life in eternity with Him wil be amazing.

  8. Taking an infant down there is wreckless. Even if he has had all his shots it not a wise thing to do.

  9. Wonder why Aunt Jinger the professional photographer didn't take the passport picture?

    1. You need to go to a place that specializes in past book pictures.

    2. Jigger is not a professional photographer. She takes pictures. And passport pictures have to follow certain strict guidelines.

      I am surprised that the child required a passport. He should be travelling under his mother's.

    3. Actually, all US citizens, even infants, require a passport to travel to foreign countries.

    4. That depends on the country your traveling to, I live in the Netherlands and the have changed the rules a few years ago and now require that all children have their own passport.

    5. The guidelines aren't so rigid that you can't take a photo at home. The rules say you can take or scan a photo that you've taken yourself in the last 6 months, as long it has a plain white background, is basically a head shot, and you crop it to the right size. They don't want "selfies."

    6. In my country, the passport rules are stricter in order to stop fraud. Young children change sonany picture of them would not be at the representation of what they look like now.

      Any passport photos can only be taken by approved family shots or scans. I am surprised how lax the US laws are. Passports are legal documents.

  10. I would be interested to hear more about the finances of a young family starting out. Obviously Jessa and Ben have good income from their television show to afford many trips abroad, but it could be misleading to young fans who might think they too could easily afford a comfortable lifestyle after marrying and beginning a family at a young age without established careers. I think this could be a good opportunity for Jessa and Ben to minister as a couple and encourage young people to be wise about their finances. The truth is most people will not have income from tv shows or fans sending piles of gifts for weddings and new babies.

    1. Excellent point! I absolutely agree!👍🏼

    2. My husband and I were married at 21 and 22. We both worked full time jobs until our first son arrives nine months later ;). We are now 25 and 26 and days away from having our third child. We don't receive government assistance, we live off of my husband's income. We don't have a TV show and we live comfortably on a lower-middle class income. I think a lot of young people have substantial student debt, something which we had very little of but paid of aggressively first thing. Now, this is not all to say we are great haha...I know God has blessed us! BUT we've also put aside a lot of thigs we would love to have it so in order to start and care for our growing family. A lot of young people see why their parents have and want it NOW. Havings a family as a young person doesn't HAVE to cost a lot. We don't have a whole lot to kick around at the end of the month but we are healthy, well fed, and taken care of on a modest income. I just hate to discourage young people from establishing families for the sake of establishing wealth. Is rathet have what I need and my babies than I fancy car or house and no kids!

    3. ...I guess my point is they might not necessarily be living off of the income from their show. They rent a teent home from her parents and have only one small child who loves off of breast milk. If she cloth diapers and breastfeeds it's almost like he doesn't even cost them anything yet. (That's what I've done with my little guys)

    4. I truly think you have been blessed ml griswold and I pray it continues. Most people married that young with 3 children do struggle with finances especially if they are uneducated and unemployed. I still don't understand what job Ben has do you? Children cost more money as they get older I had 3 and I am now 60. We had our ups and downs financially but were able to weather the downs because of our education and savings. I am not discouraging anyone not to have a family either but the reality for us was thank god we waited and could provide for ours during good and bad times. Now I know people now a days get ill and put it on go fund me but the harsh reality is sometimes you really need more than you can get from others. Lucky the Duggars can financially help the kids.

    5. I agree! We married at 19, and had 4 babies by 29. We have lived on my husbands income alone except for a few months. Neither of us hold a college degree, and we have lived a luxurious life. We travel, go to museums, eat out, own a home, and are givers. Young people need not fear the finances, just walk in wisdom. I am 38 now and have no regrets over living on one income- we have missed out on nothing but gained a lot of family closeness.

    6. Gee, Catherine, you could have 19 kids and your own TV show by now! :)

      We always had one income - we rarely traveled - almost never ate out - socked everything away for retirement which is never a bad idea. A lot of kids these days seem to lose sight of the fact that they'll be older & unable to work someday. Then you have to rely on what you saved. There are kids who can't deny themselves anything right now, no matter how much it costs. I see some of that in the Duggars now, carting around their fancy phones and laptops, drinking expensive coffees, taking trips, driving all sorts of big vehicles... All with no visible means of income via "real" jobs. Not really setting a good TV example for other kids their age.

    7. If you live in an area where to cost of living is low (live a rural area) then it is possible to live fine off of one income.

    8. We married at 21 and college education! Just a hard work ethic and Christ! We have never been on any government help at all... today 8 years later my hubby makes 130k and building our 2nd home! We are beyond blessed

    9. Anonymous 9:59, I totally agree with you. I never regretted my decision to wait till having my family. We had the resources, like you said, to weather the downs. Plus,our children had the best education, debt-free. They also had parents who were not stressed and who were there for them. Because of our education, one of us was always home after school with them.

      Our children are now multi-lingual, well-adjusted thoughtful young adults. They are givers of their time and energy to make this world a better place and are in no hurry to start families.

      In this day and age, it is increasing paramount that children have more than just a basic high school diploma to make a living above the poverty line. Good and responsible parenthood plan for the future of their children. They do not only live in the now because babies and toddlers may be cute but, as they grew up, they become expensive.

    10. Ms Griswold, I don't mean to undermine anybody but truth be told if you have 2 or more kids the govt pays you well. Of course I mean in taxes. Most people I know get $8000 to $ 10,000 EVERY year. That is the equivalent to a minimum wage job so yes that makes it possible with kids to stay home. When I was growing up (in the 80's) my parents had 6 kids and barely got $500! That was scraping to barely get by, on one person's income. Honestly, it is because of our govt. So many mothers can stay home with their kids, whether you get assistance or not.

  11. I love the Duggars/Seawalds/Dillards...they grow, change, learn and most importantly love wherever they're at...all without compromising their faith. They're not afraid to be who they are even in difficult or different than their usual situations. Their light shines, they think of others, they give of themselves and share who they are and what they've been given (love & forgiveness from The Savior) without letting fear paralyze them. Our God never promised us safety or comfort, rather He tells us that there will be pain, struggle and trouble; whether that be because He's called us to walk right into dark places to be the light He's called us to be or because the foolishness & sinfulness comes right to our front door. The Duggars are such a beautiful example of imperfect people shining the perfect love of Christ to each other, those they come in contact with and the world through this show. God Bless you all. Keep being a light & an example!

    1. Beutifully said! I cant agree more! :-)

    2. True words spoken, I love this family too. People don't understand that they are only humans and not angels.

    3. So aren't the Duggars teaching America that it's OK to commit a bunch of awful sins but everyone will forgive you and you can still be on the air?

      What's the point of not sinning then, if you don't get any kind of lasting punishment if you do sin? I'm seeing a family go happily about their business here. And there was sin by more than one member, since not telling the truth and covering bad things up and hiding them from the law are sins, too.

    4. Actually no the Duggars aren't teaching that it's ok to sin. They have always called what Josh did as sin. Even Jill stated that "everyone is free to make their own choices but they are not the only ones who suffer the consequences (good or bad I would add) of those choices."
      JB & Michelle did NOT hide his offense. It was because they took him to the authorities to confess that there was even a report to be leaked! And you're pretty sad if you think that just because he didn't do jail time for that or his more recent terrible offense if you think they have not & are not suffering consequences.
      Seriously people the Duggars have never claimed perfection nor have they claimed that everyone has to believe as they do! They've made it clear in print & on tv that they know & believe there's a difference between Gods law & personal conviction. They do their best to live true to both of those things. They also call sin sin and appropriately offer grace & forgiveness as the Lord enables. This is why they can do the show. This and the fact that the Bible says no less than 365 times (that's 1 for every day) Do not be afraid. They can live in the public eye (they were asked to do so...not the other way around), this is why they can boldly go to dangerous places they're called, this is why they can live through, no THRIVE through the scandals AND all the naysayers. They know where their call & help comes from.
      I too wish people here would stop the negativity. There are plenty of hateful blogs to make those comments on. This blog (not just this thread) should be for those who have appropriate questions, helpful comments and well wishes.

    5. When are we going to stop talking about sins and start talking about crimes, the law, wrong behaviour with consequences?

    6. To the commenter at 6:42 PM -- Those are good questions and probably ones that your local Bible-preaching pastor could answer. Charles Stanley, at www.intouch,org, is a great resource for getting questions answered.

  12. I agree- the baby is far too young for that area. I hope they aren't doing it just for the show. I ? The Dillard's ministry- so
    Insecure that they need family running to them. My family has had missionary's in Africa and they are in the boonies doing hands on work.

  13. If the Lord never promised us safety, then why did the Holy Spirit inspire David to write Psalm 54, 91, 140 as well as other scriptures? How about Isaiah 54:17? And you are correct: we are shining lights in the darkness.

    1. That's a great question! Those scriptures do not indicate that the Lord promises safety, rather He promises deliverance WHEN not IF hard, trouble comes. The Lord called David to be king and yet He did not remove Saul from the throne for 10 more years! This is why David was running and crying out to the Lord! Also some of these Psalms are not just about David but are also prophetic relative to the coming messiah at that time. Of course the Lord doesn't promise us safety...we all live in this sinful, fallen world, with sinful people (myself included) and only some of us (myself included) call on the name of the Lord and accept His gift of forgiveness & salvation. Since sanctification is a process that won't be completed until He returns in His glory, we are all always in "danger" of attacks be it physical, mental or spiritual! The Lord is my Shepherd, whom shall I fear....has nothing to do with being guaranteed safety, rather WHEN the danger comes AND WHEN He calls us right into it (think about the great apostles and the great commission) we have only to remember that He is with us and for that reason alone we need not be afraid.

  14. Hey this is not a good idea to take Spurgeon to central America. Even if this is supposed to be part of the tv show plot, it is not a good idea. For one, the CDC., is constantly learning about the ZIKA virus. Second, even though they are married the ZIKA virus can be transmitted sexually. It does not make any sense to just have faith in the Lord. He advises us but at the same time I have not heard of a situation where people should put themselves in danger when as (fans) we have been told that Jill and family would be coming back this summer. I really hope that this family starts to consider what is best for the family instead of what is best for fame or fortune. This trip is not wise nor is it a good example in a tv show.
    Sincerest Regards,

  15. Will there be a season 2?

  16. Finally, a comment that isn't negative and nasty! Why do you people even come to this blog if all you are going to do is rip them apart? I guess it must be intentional. There sure are an awful lot of ugly, hateful people in this world. Whether they do or don't go to Central America is certainly none of your business is it? Maybe you should try praying for their safety.

    1. Just because we don't agree doesn't make it negative. When they air their personal lives on TV for money it opens the door for public opinion.

    2. I thought it was Ellie's job to decide what gets posted here? I'm glad she considers all viewpoints, including those that are constantly critical of other posters.

    3. People have different options. It is not "nasty" to disagree with someone. Just so you know the health and safety of an infant is everybody's business.

  17. Spurgeon sure looks like a Duggar! What a cutie. :)

  18. Doesn't seem like the season should be over. Hoping to see more seasons to come. God bless.

  19. We are so glad that this family had the strength from our Father to get through the storms that were so strong this past year. The girls all look so wonderful and their families are handsome and glowing. Hope the trip to Central America is a good one and free of violence and illness. They are doing Gods work and I am sure he will protect them.

  20. Dear jinger.
    i am your biggest fan

  21. Wow tlc knows how to hype up things. I wouldn't even dare to bring home something let alone risk my life just to have ratings.

  22. I love this family

  23. Wow, the comments on this blog are mostly SO negative. It's becoming a free for all for people to just spout off any rude comment they want. I know it's intended to be a positive representation of the family, but the comments that are posted are sometimes so toxic that it pollutes the whole blog.
    I hope in the future, the blog owners will work to create a more positive environment that is encouraging instead of it being a a place for hate filled people to spew hateful things that are doing nothing but tearing others down instead of building others up.
    May the Lord have His way here and be honored in ALL that is said and done.

    1. I don't see mostly negative comments. I see a nice balanced mix. Maybe the negative ones are sticking in your memory more than the positive ones?

    2. Agree please do not posted negative comments about these beautiful family. MAY GOD BLESS ALL THE DUGGARS,DILLARD'S AND SEEWALD FAMILY ALWAYS!!!!

    3. I wholeheartedly agree.

    4. I thank God and the people who made it possible in history before us that we now have freedom of expression.

    5. That's ridiculous. I'm glad Lily and Ellie understand that all views (if expressed decently) should be shown. That's how it works. You don't only get positive comments.

    6. Don't you think the Duggars and their "people" would like to read everything they can about how their fans feel, good and bad? Not everything they have on their show is going to go over well with all the fans. The show probably welcomes all feedback.

  24. I think this picture of Spurgeon with Jessa would be perfect for the new header! What a cutie!!!

  25. Jinger will you marry me

  26. Most of the comments are positive, but you have to expect some negative or questioning comments when you come to a forum like this. The whole point is to have a discussion about the subject matter.

  27. It really does blow my mind that there are so many comments here about what the Duggars should or shouldn't do with their family. Isn't it their business between them and God. Who are you to decide what God has or hasn't called them to?
    I personally find the show to be a great encouragement and am content to let them wrestle with whether or not the Lord has them to do this show, go to Central America etc. And yes Josh's offenses came to light partly due to this show...but that first report was about a time before they were famous and even since then its important to remember they've never claimed to be perfect! Folk who want to bad mouth them can take a look at the lives Josh "ruined" and see that they are not languishing in agony over hidden sins. Even courageous Anna is brave enough to step out into the light and not be defined by her husbands foolishness and openly acknowledges the pain and help she's getting. So I'm glad they're still on the air. What a testament to the Lord's faithfulness...even when we (humankind) are not.


Thanks for leaving your comments! We answer as many of your questions as we can, but due to the number of comments we receive daily, we are unable to answer every one. Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.