
Friday, April 15, 2016

A Unique Care Package

While Skyping with her sisters and sister-in-law, Jill mentions a number items that are either overpriced or unavailable in Central America. She emails her list to Jana, Anna, Jinger, and Joy, who enjoy purchasing the items and packaging them up to deliver during their upcoming mission trip. Check out this video:

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. Sorry to have to point it out, but the packing had to be staged. There is no airline that would let you carry on large jars of pickles and a big bottle of cider vinegar. They exceed the 3 oz. liquid rule. If you packed large glass jars like that along the outside edge in a checked duffel bag (which still had its tag on it), they would never survive the first baggage handler. The whole plane would smell like pickles!

    I know they showed Israel eating a Vlasic pickle, so they managed to get a jar there somehow, but the packing we saw had to be for the cameras in the US. Do the TLC producers think we wouldn't notice? Who hasn't flown or packed a suitcase or had something, even a little travel size bottle, break in transit? Why not just say and show what they were taking? Why stage the packing?

    1. John David has his own plane. He probably flies it down himself. Or TLC does it for them. I am sure they have a private plane as well.

    2. The girls even looked uncomfortable tucking the pickle jars in that bag, like they knew it was all for the camera. Silly of TLC to feel they needed to stage that.

    3. Why couldn't Derick just get pickles and candles at Walmart when he went there to buy OFF so they don't get the Zika Virus? I'm sure they sell those items in Central America!

    4. I thought the same and you certainly wouldn't pack them in the luggage. thing that there's NO WAY you could bring that giant jar of pickles on board a flight. Sometimes I just feel like we are being lied to.

    5. Pickle jars would be no different than snow globes (glass plus large amount of liquid), which are banned from passenger compartments in planes.

      The pickles got down there somehow, because we saw them in a photo & video. I wonder if a film crew drove there with a tuck full of equipment, and pickles for the filming. If so, then why pretend the girls were packing for a trip or a flight themselves? Just explain how the bag was really going, which would have been the truth. Not that hard!

    6. Responder who mentioned John David: I don't think he's licensed to fly internationally, and I'm sure the family's little planes aren't up to the long trips.

      My husband flies corporate private jets. They are not large enough to take the Duggars and their luggage. They have shown the family walking through airports upon arrival. The private jets have separate hangars and different arrival and departure procedures. Even Trump's large private plane is kept on the tarmac well away from the terminals.

    7. Just maybe John is taking the items down

  2. Jinger and Joy look so much alike in the interview at the end of the clip

  3. Is this what mission donations are paying for? Pickles? Scented candles? Cute diaper wipe holders?

    1. Or maybe, just maybe, the family is paying for it themselves as a gift to their family members? I realize that doesn't fit in with the agenda to put everything this family does in a negative light.

  4. So dangerous down there that they need pickles & vinegar & flyswatters for protection.

    1. Anon 11:40, you made me chuckle! :)

    2. A care package typically contain things that people miss from home or need. Danger has nothing to do with it. It's about showing you care, not protection.

    3. Can we have one episode where things aren't dramatized for effect? Do they really think the viewers believe everything they're shown or told at this point? This show has sunk to new lows. I can't see it continuing, at this rate.

  5. Do you know if Ben and Jessa will vaccinate Spurgeon? Apparently Bens family are anti-vaxxers :(

    1. I sure hope they vaccinate. If you have to vaccinate your dog & cat for rabies, you should have to vaccinate your children, too, even if they are homeschooled. We used to have measles cases under good control, but not any more. We can't slip backwards into the 1950's with polio, either. I just heard that there are 26 studies now showing no link between vaccines and autism, despite what some fervent parents are claiming.

    2. May I ask how that affects you and why you need to know that information? :)

    3. Vaccinations of individuals affect everyone in our society. That's the point.

    4. Agreed. Anti-vaccination is causing society to see a reemergence of diseases basically eradicated by solid wisdom and science. " Anti-vaccers" should be held accountable for any diseases they spread through their lack of public safety.

    5. And it's also everybody's free choice, and nobody else's business. Also, some vaccinations come with bigger risks than it's worth! And they don't always work, as I can attest. Whooping cough went through my old school years ago - every single kid had been vaccinated, and every single kid got it! So it's a personal decision every parent has to weigh out.

    6. If vaccines work then how is my unvaccenated child going to hurt your vaccinated one?

    7. 2:45pm, the answer to your question is too complicated to go into here. Look up "herd immunity" and the numbers needed to achieve that. Understand that some people, even though immunized, do not develop immunity, for reasons not fully understood. Research measles outbreaks and how they spread. Also research how illnesses in young people can harm older people around them.

    8. 1:42, How many of the vaccinated kids died? Any? How virulent were their symptoms, compared to those of a non-vaccinated child? You can't dismiss all vaccines based on one unstudied incident.

    9. It affects kids too young to be vaccinated and people who can't be vaccinated for medical reasons.

    10. If an unvaccinated child contracts a disease but doesn't know it yet and then exposes an infant too young to be vaccinated or a child who can't be vaccinated for other health reasons, there can be fatal consequences...
      But as someone earlier pointed out, this thread doesn't really have anything to do with this blog post! Lol! =P

    11. Anonymous@2:45-
      By not vaccinating your children, you are allowing dangerous diseases to once again take a foot hold, such as polio or whooping cough. You are also placing newborns and infants, who have not yet been vaccinated, at risk. I remember well the polio epidemic of decades ago. It was devastating.
      Regarding whooping cough, we have learned that children need booster vaccinations at a certain point to ensure effectiveness.

    12. Then don't take your infant out if you're that worried. I'm not anti vaccine but I pick and choose after research. I'm not going to put toxic stuff into my child for someone else's child.

  6. I really enjoy watching Jill & Jessa Counting On, but it would be nice if one day it would go back to 19 Kids& Counting. It's nice to see all the Duggars!

  7. So sad to read all these negative comments. I'm speechless.

  8. I applaud Jill and Derrick for sharing the gospel so far from home and all their loved ones. They don't look for approval from anyone but Jehova. He will reward each one of us on that day according to what and how much we did for Him and His kingdom.
    Or maybe He'll just be ashamed of us because all we did was put down those that did work for Him.

  9. There is no reason why missionaries cannot have some of the things they like. Care packages are not apart of the regular financial support given to missionaries. People send them to be nice.

  10. This is the most thoughtful, caring family I have ever seen. I would love to be in this family

    1. You and me both Anonymous 5:55

  11. Hi Guys
    I just want to said u guys are great sister and I miss u mom and dad on the show hopefully will see more of everyone God bless always guys

  12. Wow, is that Marcus and Michael? They are getting so big, I wish you'd post more pics of them and their siblings :)
    Thanks for all ya'll do!

  13. It is very sweet of the women to get things for their sister, but this scenario just shows that this is not a "normal" family but a reality television one. Regular people don't hand-deliver giant care packages during weeks-long, recurring visits to their missionary sister in another country. We have things like work, school and responsibilities, not to mention those trips are expensive even for just one person let alone several. I would certainly imagine living on modest means in another culture is difficult for them - I have done it myself - but that's assumed to be part of he missionary sacrifice. If charitable service were well-paying and comfortable, it would just be another job rather than a selfless calling. I don't doubt Jill and Derick have real intentions and interest in doing good, and I don't doubt the sisters are being caring with their gift, but this family is far from normal. They are wealthy television stars.

    1. Exactly -- they are wealthy TV starts, which is great, but the Duggars of today are a far cry from the 14 Kids days

  14. Jessa can make her own decisions. But there is nothing wrong with not liking vaccinations.

    1. You can "not like" them, but you should still get them. You can't start a child in public school without them, for a reason - the health of the child and everyone that child has contact with.

    2. She will be doing home school and its her baby so she gets to decide.

    3. yeah that's what I was saying. she has her own child and she shouldn't be forced to vaccinate her own child. if other parents don't want their kids around her that's their choice. And if they believe vaccines work and vaccinate their children then why would they care?

    4. No..children are not possessions. They have a right to be protected from serious diseases.And it is no one's right to put others at risk. They may be homeschooled but they do go out to restaurants, to amusement parks, to community events etc..

      The Duggars, if they have not been vacinatef. are putting others at risk. They could be carriers.

      Child abuse is abuse,wheither the parent is aware or not.

    5. To all you anti-vaccers--take a good long, hard look at photos of all those children and adults living with an iron lung due to polio and other diseases wiped out by vaccines. Take a look at the disfigurement of those who did survive small pox. Do you want your children walking with braces on their legs due to polio? How quickly you forget the reality of these very, very serious diseases.

    6. I'm not anti vax. I pick and choose after research. We really don't need every vaccine they try to pump into us. Polio is definitely one to get.

    7. Parents still worry. Whether they vaccinate or not. Its not like they don't weigh pros and con's constantly.

    8. Its a parents job while the child is a minor to make choices for them. You say children are not possessions (which they are not) but parents don't want them to be possessions of the state. If you want to vaccinate do it if you don't don't.

    9. No not an anti vaccine person. I pick and choose after research. We really don't need every vaccine the doctors try to pump into us. Polio and small pox vaccines are definitely taken though!

  15. You don't know that she'll homeschool. That's a long way off, and lots can happen between now & then.

  16. What's the item Jinger said she used to love? Wipe holders?? Part of the fun in getting to take care of your little sibblings?


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