
Monday, March 14, 2016

Duggars Return to TLC Tomorrow

The season premiere of Counting On airs in less than 36 hours! The Duggars have a lot of exciting milestones to share, as Anna Duggar and Jim Bob and Michelle's adult children, excluding Josh, show viewers how they are stepping up and moving on after a difficult year.

One of the many highlights of the new season will be Jessa and Ben Seewald's adventures in parenting. (See preview video below.)

Click here to read the summaries of the first two episodes and here to watch another promo video. What are you most looking forward to in the new season?

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. I want to see some new courtships!! There hasn't been a serious courtship or wedding since Jessa and Ben in 2014!! <3

  2. Can't wait to watch as long as excluding Josh remains.

  3. They never aimed to be perfect at all. They never claimed it either. I think Robin came across one sided and rude and you could see it in her body language. She is not perfect herself no one is. So don't go casting stones. There is no reason to judge them on any level because it is no ones job. I pray this takes off with a huge success. I pray peoples lives are changed from it as well.

    1. Thank you! Couldn't have said it better myself.

  4. Anna's advice to do the next right thing for the next 15 minutes is a wonderful example of what to do and how to handle a crisis.

  5. I am so happy! Our prayers brought us back a christian family on TV. Something me and my family can watch again since a long time. I love the Duggars and hope TLC and Discovery networks will always keep the family on screen.

  6. Anyone know what happened to Marjorie?

    1. I believe it was on her (Marjorie's) Instagram I saw that she said something to the effect that she was not ready, and pulled away from the relationship. Don't quote me on it though.

  7. We love support and miss you all so much!The real fans do not believe the trash the tabloids are writing about you!We realize they are twisting and making things up for profit.I ve seen them do this to so many stars!You are a fabulous family who I have watched helped so many less fortunate in the last decade.You do not deserve this!

  8. Please if you are a fan of this family please watch tonight at 9:00!

  9. When will it be shown in the UK miss watching them feel like I have seen them all grow up like my own family

    1. Hi Karen,

      It usually takes a significant amount of time before the episodes make it to the UK. We will make an announcement if we hear anything. :)

      Thanks for reading!
      Lily and Ellie

  10. 7hrs.and 44 go and counting☺Ecstatic...cant wait!☺💙❤💚💛💜

  11. I would like for Jim Bob and Michelle to be left out also. Just the kids, minus Josh.

  12. Omg Omg Omg 2day is the day. I can't wait I'm so excited 2 see all the duggars back on t.v. I hope all the duggars will b coming back soon Jim Bob & Michelle & josh every1. Stuff that happened was no one's business only the duggar family's business. I can't wait 4 2nite, my t.v. is set 2 auto tune. I 4 sure will not miss it. I hope you all the best, I'm so happy ur whole family is back 2gether. U go josh u have an amazing heart, u Will Get Though EVERYTHING. U have such a big family you r all so strong. only 1 hour and 50 minute till duggars r back. Yeah I can't wait ehh. I can't wait 2 see anna and her little ones again.

  13. So excited to see the Duggars! Love love love that they're back! God bless their family!

  14. So happy your back on tv. I have missed watching all of the daggers growing up. Glad everyone is doing good and sending love and prayers to Anna and everyone. God bless the Duggars.

  15. I I do love to watch the kids. The children have all grown up and they ar raising kids of their own.
    It's nice to see them enjoying life. I know the last year was very hard and especially for Anna.
    Just my,opinion but I think it's inappropriate to try to sell things on this blog.


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