*Visit our recipes page for more Duggar family favorites.
Jim Bob: Tater tot casserole
Michelle: Ice cream (and homemade chicken and dumplings)
Jana: Italian or Mexican food
John-David: Italian food
Jill: Mexican food
Jessa: Mexican food (Specifically fajitas, fresh salsa, guacamole, white queso, and pickles)
Jinger: Mexican food
Joseph: Italian or Mexican food
Josiah: Cheesy chicken spaghetti
Joy-Anna: Chicken and sweet potatoes
Jedidiah: Steak
Jeremiah: Stouffer's lasagna
Jason: Hot wings
James: Stuffing
Justin: Tater tot casserole
Jackson: Salvadorian bread and refried beans
Johannah: Lasagna
Jennifer: Green bean casserole
Jordyn: Pancakes
Josie: Macaroni and cheese
Photos courtesy duggarfamily.com, theseewaldfamily.com, TLC/Scott Enlow
Jim Bob's favorite is tater tot casserole? That stuff is so bland and tasteless.
ReplyDeleteIf you make it bland then yes, it would be bland. You can use whatever spices you want and whatever vegetables you want to give it the flavor and texture you want. I love Jim Bob's favorite its always a hit in my family and extended family too!
DeleteNot if you consider "salt" and "fat" as tastes! (yuck)
DeleteMy favorite pizza is definitely 109% Veggie pizza with a thin whole wheat crust. Sometimes, I prepare my own version of Veggie pizzas that includes artichoke hearts. Very tasty.
DeleteYum I love tater tot casserole!
DeleteI'm sorry, but the Duggar diet it way too full of processed food, salted food, canned food, sugar-laden food, carb-laden food, white bread, and fast food. That's all we ever see them eating, and that's 90% of their recipes. The episode where someone came to teach Anna how to cook healthier ended in tears, and that style of cooking and eating never caught on with any of the Duggars. Surely they can afford to feed their family fresh vegetables and non-processed, home-cooked food with some nutrition & fiber in it. I hope the married girls are exploring that dietary territory.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts exactly!! I'm floored at the trash they eat. Their pantry was repulsive. My kids asked what all the stuff was in the cans. How about teaching the kids to garden? It's easy and rewarding.
DeleteY'all do realize that this is supposed to be a list of their FAVORITE foods? It doesn't mean they eat them every day or even every week! My favorite foods are ice cream and hamburgers, but if I get them once a month, I'm happy. The rest of the time I eat pretty clean. Just sayin' maybe you shouldn't judge based on a favorite foods list and what little we see of them on TV.
DeleteWhat was on TV was not "little." They've made a point of showing their pantry numerous times, including when they were moving in & stocking it for the first time. The kids took us on a tour of the pantry in one of their online videos. They've taken cameras with them to the warehouse club or to Aldi's when they've shopped. They've featured Tater Tot Casserole start to finish. They've shown family meals many, many times. They've been photographed eating at Chick-Fil-A, Krispy Kreme, and ice cream parlors more times that you could count. It's still the same processed & fast-food stuff. The only time there was anything healthy was the time Josh & Anna went to the farmer's market in DC for that one show about trying to eat healthier. You probably saw the junk food that trainer threw out of their pantry in that episode, too.
DeleteEven if they only eat their favorites once a month, with 21 (and more) people, that means it takes 3 weeks of those meals, just to get through the favorites. Then you might have 1 week left in the month for the healthy stuff? Not that they've ever shown.
As I recall one TV episode, the Duggars were planting a vegetable garden. Was this for real? If so, what happened to their garden?
DeleteI am with Jennifer and Michelle; I love Green Bean Casserole and Ice Cream :P
ReplyDeleteLove little tidbits like this! I always thought Josie was a Mac n cheese gal!!!
ReplyDelete: )
Also thank you for including josh in the line up. I know he is an outcast to the majority but this gives me slight hope Jimbob and michelle don't ever turn thier back on thier own son.
I would have to agree with Jana...however my number favorite food is mashed potatoes
ReplyDeleteI would have to say Josie I LOVE Macaroni and cheese
ReplyDeleteNot a great example to be setting and promoting for their children! Tater tot casserole? That cannot be good for your arteries...they don't seem to eat much fresh, whole food! I'm an nutritionist, so I have a different opinion obviously, but I digress.
ReplyDeleteThe question was what is your favorite food, not what is the food you eat most often.
DeleteThey don't appear to eat anything natural or fresh!! Any casserole is disgusting but tater tot?! Yuck.
DeleteI'm sort of a health nut myself, but my favorite foods aren't really healthy. But it's all good 'cause I don't eat them that often, and it's probably the same thing for the Duggars.
DeleteI have to go with Jennifer on this one. Green bean casserole is one of my favorite dishes. I like pumpkin pie too!
ReplyDeleteI think i'm with Mrs.Duggar. Ice cream is my favorite too!
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear they are coming back to TV. Since I do not have the opportunity to meet the family so far I like seeing them on TV. I like their program a lot and look forward to one day meeting them and sharing my love of god with them. blessings and prayers
ReplyDeletedo not see any homemade recipes from any of the kids favorite recipes. would it be cheaper to use homemade food. do the diggers grow a garden. the duggars could benefit from farming if they used the land they had wisely. they do not even grow a garden or even have one cow. image how much money they could save if they used this land wisely.
ReplyDeleteI think they recently re-posted something about growing cucumbers, and then making pickles out of them. But there you go - taking a vegetable and adding a whopping amount of salt to it. I wonder if they're "on the road" or otherwise too distracted to take care of a garden & livestock. We keep seeing dogs & cats that seem to be there for awhile, but then not...??? And yes - the pantry they've shown looks like it was all donated by Campbell's. Everything canned & processed & salty.
DeleteI believe they have a garden and cows :-)
Deletenever saw a cow or a garden. they went to a farm and jim bod came back and said they could not do that to difficult.
DeleteOn there Facebook they said they have cows or (cow) and a garden.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised that even though I'm a HUGE Duggar Fan, our taste buds are actually quite different.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for the show to come back on the air!!! #JillandJessa(andJoyAnna)! ^_^
Cheers all the way from Minnesota!
That was fun! Good post! :)
ReplyDeleteYa. Good post.
DeleteI miss you guys and your show.Hope they put it back on!!!!!! I also love
ReplyDeleteYour recipes. I've tried some and they were just great. Everyone have
a great holiday with you families. GOD BLESS Things will get BETTER!!!!!
Wow, that's a lotta processed junk! Thank the Lord for creating junk food! Take that, veggies!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this little clip of the family.
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice if they shared their land and equipment to provide a community garden. The children would learn so much while others had food for their tables.
It's actually less costly to prepare fresh and as children we always enjoyed the gathering canning and freezing for the winter. Wonder if the kids ever participate in a shucking party? Great way to socialize.
I love these kinds of posts! I'm laughing too because so many folks have commented in other pieces that the Duggars are doing TV for only money. Well, look at their diet. They're not eating prime rib or lobster but they're happy. Yes it's a lot of processed foods but they all appear healthy. If they're so money driven then where is the prime rib or lobster?
ReplyDeleteEating those things (or not) isn't an indicator of wealth. If we all ate according to our bank accounts, then my chicken would be gold-crusted. Besides, all those "convenience" foods they buy are expensive enough. So the prime rib & lobster money is going to the grocery store anyway.
DeleteThe Duggars may appear healthy to you, but are they really? Eating habits have a way of catching up with you eventually. I just had my arteries scanned and for my age, they scored a wonderful big fat zero for signs of clogging. Thanks, wild arugula and every other fresh vegetable I love! I wouldn't touch 99% of what the Duggars mentioned they love to eat. Ugh! I'd feel ill.
I eat really clean and live a healthy active lifestyle. I wouldn't make a habit of eating everything on that list, but about the only thing I wouldn't "ever touch" is the green bean casserole, and that's because I don't like the taste of it! Ever heard of the 80-20 rule? Not saying that's a rule the Duggars follow, but even health nuts "touch" unhealthy food sometimes.
DeleteI guess I have a hard time understanding this being a fan blog, why people insist on finding fault in everything. This is there favorite foods. It does not mean a all the time thing. We all have our indulgence food's. I remember watching a few episodes with Jessa she was fixing healthy meals. She even stated they try to indulge once a week type thing. It just makes me feel bad that every post someone is saying something negative it seems.
ReplyDeleteIt's not finding fault it's noticing these aren't just favorite recipes it's clearly the norm for them. Look at their pantry or refrigerator. It's all the kids of processed, fake, disgusting food type things. I've never seen them make anything but garbage. Even if more happens behind the scenes, the pantry speaks volumes.
DeleteI try to eat healthy and "clean." But what I also try not to do is rub my healthy eating ways in everybody else's face. Just because I might eat a fruit smoothie for breakfast while they reach for the box of cheerios doesn't make me any better than them. Nobody in the Duggar family is overweight. It is NOT our place to try to regulate what they eat or don't eat. It's their food, they bought it with their money, and that's that!
DeleteNobody's overweight? Did you watch the episodes where they were trying to get Josh & Jim Bob to lose weight? And Michelle's been very public with her struggle to lose weight, even after having bulimia as a teenager.
DeleteThey're a family of 20+ people, and as a whole they're doing great. I've only seen two of them that needed to lose -- Jim Bob and Josh. Michelle uses Weight Watchers to keep her weight under control. She looks great for any age, let alone a woman having had so many children. Life is hard enough -- cut these people some slack.
DeleteI agree with Jill and Jessa on Mexican food!! Also I was wondering if I could have Jill's email/sending address?
Hi Grace,
DeleteThe best way to contact Jill is through the Contact page on her website, although she and Derick are unable to read every single message that they receive. http://dillardfamily.com/contact-us
Lily and Ellie
Gee louie, cant some folks just have fun, lighten up...go with the flow and not take things so seriously.Its just a fun post...for pnce can all the negative people just for once chill and be positive for a NICE change.Be pleasant it feels grrreat☺Such a sad way to be to find fault with every innocent post.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah...gooday and blessings to ya😊
ReplyDeleteI can't believe anyone expects this family to raise all the food they eat. If the kids did that, they'd have no free time to do what they would like to do. They wouldn't be flexible to travel or explore any of their own interests. Farming is serious work and time consuming.
ReplyDeleteVeggie recipe... Preheat oven to 400 degrees. baking time, aporox 15 to 20 minutes. center of pizza should be bubbling. when done, let pizza rest for 5 minutes. Whole wheat thin crust prepare yourself or purchase from a grocery.. Tomato sauce from fresh tomatoes prepare in a sauce pot. Add to sauce fresh chopped garlic, fresh kosher salt & ground pepper. Ingredients... Finely chopped 1 med size red onion, med chopped artichoke hearts, med sliced mushrooms (your choice), 1/2 cup sliced black olives, 1 sliced zuchini top with freshly sliced motzarella cheese (or cheese of your choice). Very tasty. Serve with beverages of your choice.
DeleteI guarantee most of the posters favorite food is the same. I looked back and saw one of the kids said steak, a couple said chicken, one lasagna, and the majority picked mexican. Those are all most average Americans favorite foods as well! Some of these posters are so negative when in fact I bet they love the same foods!
ReplyDeleteI have to laugh at some of you. They listed their favorite foods and some of you seem to think they eat this everyday. My favorite is lasagna from Olive Garden but I don't eat it everyday. Just sometimes. I think that's what is asked here. So many people judge this family on just the little bit they are seen on tv.
ReplyDeleteIt's wonderful to hear normal "everyday" aspects of their lives again! Thank you Lily & Ellie
ReplyDeleteMy favorite is also tater tot casserole. Happy Birthday Josh!!
ReplyDeleteHow come you haven't done Josh's birthday blog!
ReplyDeleteDuggars...that is why so many people love you! You are so down to earth even in your food/cooking choices. There are other reality TV people who eat things 1. I can't pronounce(and it sounds disgusting)!
ReplyDelete2. It looks disgusting but they eat it just BECAUSE it is expensive and the in thing to do.
I truly admire your family. You are a lot like most families. Please don't change. It is nice to be able to relate to a descent, moral family. Thank you!
People, just relax!!! It's their FAVORITE food, not the food they eat every day! I can remember a few episodes of 19 kac where I saw them eating fruits and vegetables, I don't think they are as unhealthy as people think they are. And seriously? I'm impressed nobody said CHOCOLATE! That is and will always be my favorite food of all, hahahaha!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Jana.Yum!
ReplyDeleteI have to go with Mrs. Duggar, ice cream all the way!!!
ReplyDeleteI have seen them eating a lot of fruit and vegetables in different episodes...in fact in one of the videos that was posted Johanna chose to have several different kinds of fruit for her birthday instead of cake!
One of my favorite foods is lasagna. I prepare my lasagna with high grade ground turkey (fat thoroughly drained), chopped yellow onion, chopped green pepper, thinly sliced mushrooms. I make my own Red tomato sauce with 1/4 cup red wine. In place of ricotta cheese, I substitute low fat small curd cottage cheese (slightly drained ). I mix the cottage cheese with 1/2 cup of grated Parmesan cheese. I prefer the creamette brand of lasagna noodles. My spaghetti sauce is similar to the lasagna sauce minus the cottage cheese.
ReplyDeleteTurkey Chili recipe.. 2 lbs ground turkey prepared & fat drained. One large yellow onion chopped, 0ne large green pepper chopped. 2 cans (yes cans) Brooks chili hot & mild beans (drained), one large bottle V-8 vegetable juice, 1/4 cup red wine. 1/2 tsp chopped garlic, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, brown sugar to taste. Several dashes of Franks hit sauce to taste, Salt & Pepper. By choice, red wine may be omitted. However red wine does add flavor & alcohol is cooked away from the chili. Cook chili on low heat for approx 1 to 2 hours. Once chili has cooked for some time, add one to 1/2 cup Creamette elbow macaroni & stir into chili. once chili the macaroni is a thickener. Once chili is cooked to your satisfaction, serve with your favorite cheese, chopped green onions, sower cream , crackers or baked bread. Serve with favorite beverages. BTW: if any leftovers, chili will taste even better the next day.
ReplyDeleteI prefer Frozen Yogurt vs ice cream.
ReplyDeleteMany years ago, I stopped (by choice) eating red meat. I do eat foul & fish. I do not miss red meat & I feel better since having made this decision.
ReplyDeleteSuggestion re eggs... I now purchase EB Eggs or Egglands Best. These eggs are cage free & a much better tasting egg & they remain fresher longer in the fridge.
ReplyDeleteRecently, I switched from regular cows milk to Unsweetened Almond milk. I am lactose intolerant & so thrilled to know there's an option for me in the Almond milk. When recipes require milk, I now use the Almond milk. Yeah!!!
ReplyDeleteFavorite fruits: Kiwi, seedless red grapes & Halo oranges. Favorite Veggies, Asparagus, snow peas & freshly snapped green beans.
ReplyDeleteFave coffee & tea... Starbucks Italian dark roast that I brew myself with distilled water because the tap water in my city is just awful. The water makes a huge difference. Tea.. Celestial seasonings Bengal Spice herbal tea with distilled water. Most groceries stock this tea.
ReplyDeleteNo one said sushi, huh?
ReplyDeleteI'm with John David, I love italian food!!