
Thursday, February 25, 2016

New Season, New Adventures

Have you heard the big news? The Duggars are coming back to TLC!

A full season of Jill & Jessa: Counting On is set to premiere Tuesday, March 15, at 9pm ET/8pm CT and will focus on the lives of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar's adult children. (Click here for details and to watch the promo video.)

What are you hoping to see during this season of Counting On?

Photos courtesy TLC


  1. I'm so exited about the new series!

    I really missed watching this family and for the next season I hope we get to see more of all the new grandbabies and it would be really great if Jana could find love, she's one of my favorites.

  2. I don't understand why Jill and Jessa's names are in the title when the show also features several of their siblings. They're not more important just because they're married. The show title should accurately reflect everyone who's in it. Jill isn't even in the promo pictures.

    1. You're right Jill isn't in the promo photos.

  3. Im hoping to see Courtships and babies!!

    1. Oh, that would be wonderful - me too!!

    2. But there's more to life than that, you know. Fulfillment of your dreams and talents, for starters. For a lot of women, that doesn't mean staying home changing diapers for the next 30 years.

    3. Courtships, marriages and babies yes!!!! Staying home, changing diapers, taking care of my husband and children has been a lot more fulfilling than sitting behind a desk all day.

    4. As long as there happy they can do anything they want to do
      Ps I'm super excited and does anyone know when it will come to the uk

  4. Can't wait because right after counting one is the Willis family is back on. I LOVE THE Willis family. I'm counting the days.

  5. Why is it call "Jill and Jessa"? When it'll focus on all the adult duggars

  6. I am so excited for this. I know a lot of people have been griping about it only being a few of the Duggars but I will take what I can get! 8 is better than 0.

  7. Looking forward to this! ♥ ♥ ♥

  8. Overall, I'm mostly excited to see my "extended" family again on TLC.
    Cheers all the way from Minnesota! #LoveTheDuggars #JillandJessa

    1. You are not in Ecuador anymore?

    2. For the time being. I'm on vacation with my family.

  9. Yay! I'm SO happy for them! Stay strong and remember that God LOVES you! Hope to see the episodes once they are out. :)

  10. I hope it will also focus on Jim Bob, Michelle, and their younger children too!

  11. Spurgeon for one and all of the kids esp the girls

  12. I'd like to see them use those blue flamingos again. That always disturbed me, using all that plastic for just one party, and the way Jim Bob expected Michael not to get paint on himself. I hope the flamingos aren't in a landfill somewhere. I'll be watching for flamingos.

    1. Holy COW, are you kidding me??? You honestly think you're going to see a bunch of blue flamingos in the show? As part of a large family, I can tell you as part of a large family, that they definitely didn't throw them all away.

    2. We are obsessing about blue flamingos? This is important?

  13. Anything they show will be good. I just hope TLC formats the show so that half of it isn't recap after recap. So, we actually get new information.

    1. I m hoping to god TLC will inter grate them all back in over time.

    2. We the fans💜💙❤️The Duggars!This makes me so happy!What great examples for my two daughters those Duggar girls are!

  14. I hardly recognize Jinger!

  15. I'm hoping to see a Duggar enroll I an accredited 4 year college!!!

    1. Wyy??! So they can accrue tens of thousands of dollars in debt and enter a marriage with that baggage - and then not be guaranteed a job in their "field"? College is not the answer to everything.

    2. Hope to see the children be blessed with opportunities for higher education. Certainly they can't all sell used cars.

    3. I'm sure the Duggars can afford public college tuition without going into debt. Several of the Bateses have attended Crown College which is more expensive than in-state public college tuition, and I'm sure they're not as well-off as the Duggars since their show is new.

    4. I doubt the Duggars would be taking out college loans.

      It's more important than ever for their generation to have a college education. They (and our country) now compete on a global stage. Do you want to see the brakes put on all advancements in medicine & technology because nobody wants to go to college any more? That's not the answer. Education is.

    5. Bernie will help us all with! Free college for everyone

    6. Lets not forget Joseph Duggar is either still attending or attended Crown College as well (I think during the time at least one of the Bates were). So one of them has already taken a step in that direction (leaving home to attend college). I know some women would like to see one of the females do it but there are plenty of Duggar girls left; therefore, if it is meant to be it will happen:-).

    7. Young people increasing need some post-educational training to even get a job these days. There are not enough jobs at Walmart to go around. So, yes, it would be great to see some of the Duggars go against their father's dislike of formal education. And I do not mean attending Crown College.

      Yes, students go into debt but it is a better type of debt than that incurred from buying stuff, like cars and houses. They can also work part time, take classes at night ect..
      A vibrant democracy depends on an educated population. A healthy economy these days require an educated population.

    8. How about all the trades, and hard work they have learned? These days man children can't even change a tire! These kids would know how to survive! College degrees aside, they do educate themselves in ways higher ed can't. It's called life skills.

  16. I would love to just continue to view inspirational stories and updates. I would like to see the family being more relaxed. I am so thankful the family is coming back. I would like to see the entire family and hear updates on all. Thank you Jesus for answering our prayers.

    1. Unfortunately the whole family is not coming back its only the older ones 😟 I don't even think Michelle or Jim Bob will be appearing on the show


  18. I would like to know if there are any duggar-bates courtships or any other courtship for that matter.!!! And also just to see what everyone is up to. ;) !!! Can't wait!!! I'm counting the days till March 15th!!!! :)

    1. I'm rooting for Joseph and Tori!

  19. I'm excited to see more into the lives of the adult children. I do hope we will get to see some of the rest of the family as well. Just Duggars, Seewalds, and Dillard's though, please. I hate to lose screen time on them for other branches of the family.

  20. I am pleased to see the Duggars will be returning to TLC. I hope that they will downplay their eagerness to gain ratings by trying to entertain us, instead of being realistic. Anna is one who over does it. Jim Bob is another one. Just be yourself. I find Jinger, and Jana to be very natural. They never put on. Joy Anna is another one who is very truthful and relaxed in front of the camera. That is what we are seeking. No matter how hard Derreck tries to come across as funny, he fails. Ben is a young man with much maturity about himself. He is better off not trying to be too funny or silly. It comes across wrong to viewers. Amy Duugar is the only one who can pull that off. She knows how to be playful and cute at the same time. I hope we don't see too much of Anna. She just likes the limelight too much. And her family, including her sisters are too much. They just chatter too much. Duggars be real. Be sentimental. Be honest. Be yourself. You aren't perfect so don't try to be. Be a family. Let us see how a large family live and relate to one another.

    1. Yeah, Amy knows how to be playful alright!!

    2. That was a bit harsh. You don't like to hear women " chatter"? They all like the lime light which is why they are reality TV stars. Hard to have a show if no one speaks.

    3. I totally get what you're saying (the "Be sentimental. Be honest." etc.) but to be honest, I always found Anna refreshing :) I don't live my life like the Duggars, but I still always loved & appreciated all of their unique personalities...heaven only knows how I would behave in the limelight like that! Thankful most of us aren't on live TV!!! ;)

  21. I really hope to see more of Jana <3 I'm just so happy that the Duggars are coming back to TV for a bit

  22. I want to see the WHOLE family, I miss the show so much

  23. I can't wait for it I am so excited

  24. The fans are very excited!We can't wait!Love,Love,Love this wonderful family!Very relieved that it is coming back.i was beginning to lose hope.

    1. what would you do if they never came back on tv?

  25. Ooooo im so excited i cant wait

  26. I am so excited for this !! Although I do understand that the main focus will be put on the adult children I hope we will be able to see Jim Bob and Michelle and the younger kids as well ! :) :)

  27. I'm wondering what is going on with Jana and Jinger. How do they socialize? What are they doing to stay productive and serve others. Also, are Joseph or John David Dating anyone? What are they doing to avoid the traps their older brother fell into. Can't wait to watch your show!

  28. Bring Jim Bob and Michelle too!!!

  29. Anna for one,Jana in a courtship, Jill and Jessa being moms, how the adult kids are growing up and same for the little kids. Maybe a kid sent off to college too! Branch out to be a more rounded human.

  30. This is so fantastic!!!!! I'm soooo happy!! :) love the duggars!!

  31. I'm hoping to see the truth being told about what goes on in that family, not some hyped-up, cleaned-up version. Is that too much to ask?

    1. Just watch carefully. What's not true will be apparent. TLC hasn't filtered the kids' social media, so everything ever said & shown on the show should match everything ever said & shown online. If it doesn't, well there you go.

  32. Please don't make half of the show "Coming up Next." That is just lazy production.

  33. I think TLC is very wise to slowly integrate the family back this way,before you know it, they will all be back regularly as a it should be.Looking forward to it...can't wait ☺

  34. Yaaaaayyyyy!!!!Soooo excited for their return!!!!We Love ALL of this family!!!!xoxo

  35. TEAM DUGGAr!!2016 very smart of TLC there has been nothing to watch on that channel without them and I know lots of people who agree!

  36. I❤️My Duggars,Dillards,And Seewalds!!So glad to be able to see the babies grow and all of the future marriages!Very relieved!

  37. Would like to see the whole family and see what is new with each one. Glad you are back on TV.

  38. I am very very happy the Duggars family coming back on tv yes yes yes. Excited hopefully will get to see the whole family an grandkids an courtings if any.. my favorite is Jana.. I also look forward to watching on tv The Willis Family I love that family also..

  39. So happy about this! Looking forward to whatever we can get. God bless you guys!

  40. I would love to see some of the girl sgoing to college. Ginger and Joy are so smart - they deserve it

    1. That will never happen. So very sad. I wish those girls would break away and go to college too, but just will never happen under JimBob and Michelle's rule.

  41. I want to see honesty........please show us you are human. Dance, listen to music, show conflict. Please show us you live like the rest of us.

  42. I am so happy the Duggars will be back on TLC, that was one of the best shows on television before and I was missing them. Yeah, that they will be back!!!!¡!!!!!!!

  43. I'd like to see some of the older kids going places alone without a sibling along.

  44. I want to see these intelligent, gifted young people find a passion in life. Not just a passion for a life partner, though this is certainly important, but a passion for a career as opposed to a job. Jill has shown how this can be done, and I would like to see it for all the siblings. For example, Jinger seems to have a gift for photography. I would love to see her take classes to enhance that gift. Jessa seems to be gifted in the area of public speaking. I would like to see her continue to use that gift. I would love to see the process that each of the Duggar children goes through to find the direction God has for their lives.

  45. I wanna see them going to college.

  46. It might be a legal issue. All of the "children" on the new show are 18 or older. They can sign their own contract with TLC. Wondering if that means they get to keep the profits....

  47. Everything on the subject matter of "Jill and Jessa" I see people bringing up Jana. Does anyone ever stop to think Jana doesn't want to get married right now? Regardless of whether or not she does or doesn't, getting married isn't her identity. It's not what makes her interesting. It's not what completes her. Quite honestly everyone who says they feel bad for her annoy me. She didn't ask you to feel bad because she hasn't made a commitment to some guy yet. I doubt she wallows in discontentment because she isn't married. You all should be admiring her (as far as I can tell from being a public spectator) graceful surrender to whatever is going on in her life rather than feeling bad for her.

    1. I don't feel bad that she hasn't married I feel bad that she is stuck raising her younger siblings and has no life outside the home.

  48. Jessa and Ben and their adoption process!

  49. Hoping to see Jana or Jinger in a courtship!

  50. They keep talking about adoption. I think that's a great thing! They would make good foster parents too. There are tons of children in the USA foster care system that need families.

    1. I thought they said they didn't qualify for adoption right now? Too young, and their own baby is too young.

    2. I think the duggar family will have a hard time adopting now that thier family name is tainted. Jessa and Jill may never have the chance to adopt

    3. Anon 9:21am - I wouldn't worry about the name being tainted. I know someone who had been in much worse trouble but later managed to adopt. Unfortunately, sometimes when there's a will there's a way, and agencies or individuals who will cooperate.

    4. Don't you have to be older to adopt?

    5. I disagree with that. It is still possible to adopt even if you're not perfect. My brother adopted a child from a relative of his wife who was not in a position to care for the baby she was carrying. He didn't have a lot of money but was able to give this child a home because he had enough room in his heart. 30 yrs later that child is a father as well and is caring for his brothers child. Adoption is not easy but it can be done.

  51. Coming up next!

    "AnonymousFebruary 25, 2016 at 6:24 PM
    Anything they show will be good. I just hope TLC formats the show so that half of it isn't recap after recap. So, we actually get new information."

    "AnonymousFebruary 26, 2016 at 2:37 PM
    Please don't make half of the show "Coming up Next." That is just lazy production."

    I noticed this as well. I remember timing one episode. I would pause for the coming up's and any double used footage (from previous shows future shows etc...) and the repeated footage. I think maybe a show can only stay fresh for so long and then it needs to be thrown up grab the good and given a new tweak. O this is not the case for all shows and I can't remember the episode but.... for something that is on for about 20-23 there was only 15-18 minutes of fresh footage.

    A big mistake could be to simply fall back on old habits. The kids are growing and it seems more about them. I think it would be wise to have a new look and interpretation.

  52. This is so awesome! I am glad they are finally getting their show back...why penalize siblings for one person's choice? (and I still pray for Anna & Josh often as well...)

    Thanks for keeping us updated :D

  53. With a plethora of viewers choosing to dump or delete the TLC channel from their cable systems, I don't believe the return of the Duggars will have a long life on TV. Too many lies & deceptions purported by the Duggars have been revealed. I believe there is more to be revealed.

    1. TLC really is trying to milk it dry, aren't they? "All good things must come to an end." Unless you made them sign an iron-clad, long-term contract.

    2. I think the problem is that the liberal left is going to keep the Duggars in their sights. They won't stop digging up stories, and people to badmouth them and everything else. They're not going to leave this family alone which is painful to watch.

    3. Well see, time will tell, there sure are alot of fans still.Have a lovely day y'all☺

    4. If the Duggars don't like the negative attention then they should stay away from social media and television, yet they don't. So it seems for some strange reason they seem to enjoy the negativity.

  54. Yes!!!☺!!☺..I've been waiting for the Duggars return..Have not watch TLC since they took the show off the air..Thank GOD!!

  55. I don't know about you guys but I get disgusted by the vile comments I read towards this poor family.I ve started to report every vulgar comment on youtube and Instagram.The whole family does not deserve this.i especially get upset when it's towards those poor girls.I think others should start reporting some of it too.Its just not right.

  56. Can't wait two weeks away!!counting down the days!!

  57. I'd like to see one or more of the kids, male or female, join the military and serve their country.

    1. Yes! They are obviously pro-gun, so how about carrying one to defend freedom? Some of the boys have been through that Alert Academy, so they would do fine at a military boot camp.

    2. Maybe they don't want to?

  58. Yay!!! Very excited to see them back. They show great examples of how to deal with the good stuff in life and how to overcome the tough stuff. The family seems to all come closer together when things get tough, I think that is a great image/example to project to this word now a days. When people seem to give up on each other too easily. God bless the duggars and the courage they have as a family in today's world.

  59. So excited about the new adventures of the older children!!! Buying wood at the lumbar yard,going to the thrift store, going to a baby shower. How much more exciting can these new adventures get???

  60. I am not going to watch it. And my daughters neither. Since Super-Tuesday... supporting the Duggars is supporting GOP and Trump. My girls are ready for Hilary! Hilary Clinton is the kind of woman Anna Duggar should look up to. She suffered the same, but look at her now. Great mother, great grandmother, a great wife and a great woman in every way.

    1. You're kidding, right? You do know that Hilary supports partial-birth abortion, don't you?

      Ellie and Lily, did you really mean to let this political statement pass by you?

    2. @Annonymous March 2 6:55AM. Do you even know who the Duggars are or what they believe? Surely you jest thinking any of them would look up to Hiliary. She wears PANTS for goodness sake!!

    3. No offense, but why is it wrong for women to wear pants? I still don't understand this? I think it's about modesty, but why is it ok to wear a skirt that shows some skin from the knee down, but you can't wear pants even if it shows ni skin at all?

    4. Thank you Lily and Ellie for posting this. What is the point of having a discussion if it is all one sided.
      I ask you all really: Donald or Hillary? Not great choices but I follow politics very closely and really is Donald "more" Christian than Hillary? He divorced his first wive because she wasn't ok with his philandering, left a second wife, and is now on to wife 3. I honestly don't believe he would do anything about Roe v. Wade and the laws pertaining to abortion, nor do I believe he would touch any gay marriage laws. Personally I would be content with that but if one wishes to vote for someone who cares about the poor and wants to take care of others, Bernie Sanders is the obvious choice. When reflecting on ALL the teaching of Jesus, who has continuously been steady? Jesus was a radical in his time, families worshiping together is a major factor in the spread Christianity. I am Canadian so I won't be voting obviously but who would have Jesus thrown out of the temple?
      Thanks L.

  61. I´m so excited! I hope that I can watch it in the Netherlands soon. I hope you post the episodes soon on your website so that I can watch it :).

  62. Hi great the everyone is coming back Dow you know whan it be on Irish tv it be great to to see it as we never got to see jessa and ben wedding I love to see it hope you allhave a blessed st Patrick day


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