
Monday, January 4, 2016

Israel's First Pickle

Israel Dillard is just two days away from his nine-month milestone! Watch Israel's reaction as Jill and Derick Dillard feed their son a pickle for the first time (YouTube video below).

If you have been following the Duggars for a while, you've probably heard about their pickle obsession. Click here to watch Jill and her buddy team make homemade pickles and here to view Jason Duggar's recipe for "quick pickles." The Duggars also enjoy slices of fresh cucumbers spritzed with vinegar.

Video courtesy


  1. Really? This is a milestone?

  2. Oh wow, what a choking hazard! Jill!!!

    1. A choking hazard really 😂😂😂

    2. choking hazard, seriously?! he's barely gnawing on it and he has teeth. she's his mom pretty sure she knows what's ok for him. back off.

    3. They are right there, and he is 9 mo old ,he can chew!!

    4. Not really. ..they are both watching him intently

    5. Not like she wasnt watching close... he only gas 2 teeth so probably didnt get any chunks off. My kuds tried everyghing at that age. He seemed to like it. You are a great mom jill enjoy every moment they go by really fast. Cant wait to hopefully see more of your family on tv again soon.

    6. Not a choking hazard at all! The gag reflex is there for a reason. Look up baby led weaning.

    7. Pickles are actually a pretty common teething food. He doesn't have the strength to take a bite out of it and obviously can't swallow it whole so he can just gum it. The cold feels good on inflamed gums.

    8. Wow he old enough for a pickle... I'm sure they just let taste it, and was not Jill who give to him the pickle...

    9. Yes it most definitely is a choking hazard, my 18 month old brother choked on a pickle a few months ago, it was a very scary experience, it is most definitely not a good idea to give young children pickles, the skins can get caught in their throats.

    10. Jill is a nRN & midwife I'm sure she'll be able to care for her son if he should happen to start choking on the pickle. Both of my children ate solid foods before they had teeth (7 months).

  3. He is such a cutie. Looks like he's a Duggar.....seems to like the pickle.

  4. Oh my goodness. That is hilarious!! :) I can't believe it has been nine months since he was born. He is so adorable and precious.

  5. I really like Jill...but seriously???!!! Giving a 9 mo old a pickle?

  6. Anonymous....don't be so judgemental, they are right there watching! I see nothing wrong with that! People should quit being so judgemental! I think he likes the pickle!

  7. Both parents are standing right there, stop being such a helicopter parent!

  8. I can't believe that they waited this long to let him try it, or for that matter any other solid food's. It's not a choking hazard when you are right there monitoring it.

    1. Yes it is, kids can still choke even if you are watching them.

  9. I have pics of both my daughter, and her daughter eating their first pickles around 5-6 months. Actually teething on them! Their face the first time is priceless 👍

  10. What a cutie!!!! What a blessing!!!

  11. Love his faces. It's almost confusing if he likes it or not. I wish they would do more specials with them. I love watching the Dillard's in Central America and I love seeing updates on Israel and Baby Seewald.

  12. What a cutie pie! And what a fun Duggar milestone. ;-)

  13. They were watching him eat it both parents were there calm down

  14. Even tho he's a Dillard he's a true Duggar

  15. I agree with Anonymous 2 pickles are a choking hazard
    Isreal shouldn't have pickles tell he's 4 years.
    Their was a kid in my hometown who was only 10 months old and died from eating a pickle. He choked on it. The other day.

  16. I LOVE his face! My youngest once ate a piece of jalapeño pepper thinking it was a black olive... he made some bad faces but wouldn't let me get it out of his mouth. lol

  17. Nine months is too young to feed dill pickles to a baby. Israel is still a baby. Was surprised to learn & see Israel eating a pickle.

  18. Choking hazard? Really? Anything you give a child at that age could potentially be a hazard that's why parents SUPERVISE their children. Stop with all the hyper vigilant parenting!!! Let kids BE KIDS!

  19. @Anonymous I'm pretty sure Jill knows how to take care of her baby. She does have 14 younger brothers and sisters that she has helped take care of. Stop judging and enjoy the preciousness of her little boy enjoying the pickle.

  20. Aww. How sweet and precious. Hugs to Israel from Auntie Katie. Thanks for posting!

  21. That is the perfect size for a baby to choke on! Wow.

  22. He is lovin it ! I did really think he would go for it and there he is ,hanging on tight. He's a smart lil guy. God bless him.

  23. @Anonymous
    No, he's 9 months, babies can eat proper food. You don't have to mash everything!

  24. Bless ALL the Duggar's for withstanding the harsh judgements of so many. Keep being YOU, and keep remembering there is only one whose judgement matters!

  25. He sure is a cutie! Made me nervous to see him holding it and eating it though! He is so young...

  26. This is so precious and he is a cutie what great parents you are God Bless you.

  27. Adorable!! Thank you for sharing!

  28. @Anonymous Oh my goodness. It is ok! Especially with his parents right there. This is the age to start giving new tastes, flavors, textures. It's all good. You keep doing what you know is ok Jill!

  29. @Anonymous

    New foods = milestone, so yes it is. ;)

  30. I would love for a duggar not to like pickles because they act like all duggars should love pickles

  31. Every first is a milestone! I wish negative nellies would stop crushing the joy of every single thing a Duggar family member does. I think his reaction was adorable! Dad was right there to ensure Israel wouldn't choke.

  32. Everyone keeps saying Jill was there, but I only saw Derrick. Not that it's wrong--Dad's are parents too! As a Recreational Therapist I do agree that pickle is a choking hazard. We have had children choke to death ( who were much older than Isreal) from biting off a very small chunk with parents right there supervising. It can happen so quickly. Although not everything needs to be mashed at his age pickles are not soft. Even a very, very small chunk can get lodged in the airway and cause terrible harm. I'm not accusing of neglect--just have seen to many "possibles" in my field of work.

    1. That was Jill's voice in the background.

    2. In defense of Jill, I think she was the one videoing it so that would place her there too. I heard Jill's voice in the background on the Dillard's blog site.

  33. Get a grip people...see what i mean...nitpick nitpick nitpick... Geeze!!!!!!

  34. He's not a "kid", he's only nine months old, therefore still a baby.

  35. For the love of Mike, folks, Jill and Derrick were right there. I don't see why people can't agree to let others raise their own kids without constant input - especially when it comes to such a nonexistent issue as how old you have to be before you can eat pickles!!!! I bet gnawing on a pickle is a lot better for the baby than the plastic teething toys sold in stores.

  36. I love it!! My daughter started enjoying pickles at that young of an age and still loves them today. Jill and Derrick are wonderful parents. They are very safe as long as you supervise them while they are eating them.

  37. Omg really kids was eating table food by this age...chops hot dogs cheese puffs and pickel along with everything we eat..keep up the good work jill...

  38. Jill has the camra. That is why you cannot see her. Him Bob does not like pickles. That was mentioned on one of their trips.

  39. @Tammy McFee

    I agree. They are his parents and know what to do. So relax and let them enjoy these things and firsts with their baby.

  40. Have you ever tried making fermented pickles instead of ones with vinegar? Sea Salt, dil, water, garlic, cucumbers and one week's time and you can make great pickles that contain live active cultures. You will never go back to pickles made with vinegar. You can search on Google for fermenting dill pickle recipes.

  41. Do you all hear yourselves?! Over half the comments on this post are of people either slamming Jill or slamming eachother. How awful! I come to this site because I expect the true Duggar fans to be CHRISTLIKE and RESPECTABLE. Let's stop judging both the Duggars and one another.

  42. Calm down folks, both his parents are with him!

  43. Jill do what you feel is right, only you know your child so if you feel like it's safe then do it. You and Derrick are watching him so nothing is going to happen to your precious little boy.

  44. Just adorable, sweet precious moment!
    You two are wonderful parents!

  45. With our first, at eight months old, we couldn't get her to eat anything. Saw some other parents giving their baby a pickle, so we tried it, too. She loved it! Fast forward eight years now, with our third, there is no way we would give her a whole pickle even at a year and a half. When you're young you don't realize how easily it can all go wrong, or how fragile life is. Please don't judge them harshly. This doesn't make them bad parents...just young parents. We ALL make mistakes when we are young we wouldn't repeat when we get older and more experienced.

  46. Even though the parents were near-by does not mean it was a silly thing to do. Do the parents know what to do if the child chokes? Most likely not.

    It is important that this hazard to pointed out to this young couple and to others so that a lesson is learned and they are more careful.

  47. He has two teeth people, calm down!!! The skins are hard and with two teeth you can't chew much. Seriously it's their kid and they should be able to decide what age he should be to do what! It's their life let them live it without your tearing them down!! They wouldn't tell you you're doing it all wrong!! Leave them alone!!

  48. I agree this was very dangerous!

  49. I have been eating pickles since I was less than 6 months old and so have both my boys and almost all my nieces and nephews. Seriously everyone calm down

  50. The duggers kind of have the hang of this baby thing I think they will be just fine

  51. To everyone saying it's dangerous yes it can be but both his parents were there and I mean come on Jill has 18 brothers and sisters most of whom are younger than her and she is a midwife I'm sure she knows what to do if something we're to happen. Everyone just needs to calm down about it.

  52. To everyone saying it's dangerous yes it can be but both his parents were there and I mean come on Jill has 18 brothers and sisters most of whom are younger than her and she is a midwife I'm sure she knows what to do if something we're to happen. Everyone just needs to calm down about it.

  53. My goodness people. Everyone needs to calm down. Jill and Derick were right there. I agree with julie letts. Littler kids eat more than that. My 1 year old niece was eating food a few months ago.

  54. You all need a life. Children have been raised without plug covers, playing in mud, eating whatever their parents deem appropriate for THOUSANDS of years. Guess what? They all turned out just fine. You do not need a thing to raise a happy baby besides two loving parents and Gods grace. Please look inside to see why such dark disdain comes forth.


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