
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Sneak Peek: Jessa's Labor Begins

Tune in to TLC this Sunday at 9pm ET/8pm CT for the third and final segment of Jill & Jessa: Counting On.

While Jill and Derick Dillard adjust to their new life in Central America, Jessa endures a long and painful labor. She delivers a healthy baby at home but is rushed to the hospital because of excessive bleeding. Check out this preview video:

Video courtesy TLC


  1. Anna looks stunning! She's gorgeous!

    1. Anna really is becoming more beautiful as she ages. She will be one of those women who will always look way younger than she actually is
      : )
      It's sad that she is making herself over so josh won't stray again....
      While I admire and respect her courage, willingness to push through and loving attitude in the midst of everything I do think god understands that you can forgive someone and still get a divorce with biblical causes. Until josh gets professional help- a treatment center that actually has qualified individuals( where he is at now has no medical or professional staff do the research if you don't believe!!)- he will be not be the best person as a husband and father. That doesn't mean josh can never be turned around. I believe he can with the right help. But until he gets the help he needs he will continue to hurt Anna and her children deeper than words can express. Anna is indeed one strong beautiful woman and mother. She can make it through anything, overcome anything with faith, a good support team and without josh.

  2. Why would anyone be okay having their labor/birth shown on television and why would it be allowed on a family show?! It's disgusting and totally inappropriate. It's frustrating because I love the Duggars but watching births is totally intrusive.

    1. Not every episode is OK for everyone. Jessa probably allowed it. It is gross (labor, not the duggars), but I am sure tlc wouldn't show labor without her consent.

    2. It is up to the family and it is a learn experience for mother to be what labor can be like. I know for me it hurt when I was in labor tell I got pain meds.

    3. Discusting? Inappropriate? Seriously?!? Birth is a natural and beautiful beginning for a sweet baby, and they have always been careful to be modest. I was just thinking how pure and beautiful this preview was. So excited to watch the last episode!!! Im so glad they share their lives with us, such great examples and testimony. Such an encouragement!

    4. Turn it off if you don't like it. It's that simple

    5. Seriously? It's their choice to have as many people involved in their birth experience, be it just the couple or 100,000 viewers. I'm sure they don't show anything worth censoring anyway. It's also your choice not to watch it.

    6. Maybe you shouldn't watch then. Other people enjoy the miracle of life.

    7. I don't understand what you feel is "disgusting" about labor/birth...based on previous Duggar birth episodes, nothing graphic will be shown. I understand that many people wouldn't want other people watching this process, but you can't make generalizations about everyone. After seeing several of her siblings births filmed, Jessa certainly was able to make an informed choice about allowing cameras to be present.

    8. Record and fast forward at that time of program.

    9. So don't watch it...

    10. Because it is a natural and beautiful thing. Why don't you google childbirth and see how many hits you get.

    11. The miracle of birth is disgusting and inappropriate? Wow...
      Besides that, they are some of the most modest people on Earth. Nothing is shown. P.S. your remote has a channel button and and off button. If you truly find it that offensive, don't watch it. Not saying this in an angry or hateful tone. Just surprised your by your thoughts.

    12. No one said you had to watch it.

    13. I'm truly and deeply sorry that you hold such a negative view of birth. It is truly a miraculously beautiful thing, and it is very unfortunate that our culture has warped that view. If your opinion is tied to a personal experience, I sincerely hope you are able to find peace and healing.

  3. Some things are not meant to be seen by others. I know that this is
    natural, but this should be done in private with your husband.

    1. It's on so many shows, its not new. And seam so natural to me cause dhes and Jill are mid wifes.

  4. I just noticed on my DVR that the final episode of "Counting on"is only an hour long...really! We waited all this time and it's possibly the last time we will ever see them:'( I am totally disappointed with TLC,If i know them and their past record they will waste our time with repeat previews, then wait until the very last ten minutes for the actual birth, so all the after joy will be very short lived.A two hour show would have been much better ,that way all the other stuff unrelated to the baby, like hopefully (the rest of the family)and then the last hour could be mostly about the birth...just my thought on the matter.Does this bother anyone else or is it just should be grateful that we even get to see them again...and I really am;-)

    1. It's probably a test run to see if there is interest they will probably come back with a series.

    2. Yes I agree wish that it was longer and back on. I think it will be just not with josh.and not so much with jim and michelle. Tlc lost a lot of money with them not being on.Prayers for all the Duggar Family.

  5. It will be good to see Quincy's birth. Hope Jessa & Jill continue to be on TLC. A good show compared to a lot of the other trash that is on TLC.

  6. Showing the birth on National television is so raw and real. So many women want 100% natural, but are afraid to do it. The Diggers/Sewalds are doing so many a favor showing that it's not easy, but it can be done under the right circumstances. God bless them!

  7. What mother wants her birth documented on TV and out there for the entire world to see? That is a private moment between your spouse and relatives and you. I can't believe there are people who eager to sit back and watch this young woman cry out in pain.

  8. Has anyone herd of a baby story? Just wondering! It may no longer be on TLC but not that long ago it was a show came on every afternoon and a new family having a baby each story different as well as family situations. Not sure how having a baby is offenive, but I do know if your Americain you will find a way to be offended by anything anymore! Each to their own. You always have the option of changing the station if it's to much for you! Still a free country.

  9. Not watching the birth. It definitely is a private thing. This clip was unnecessarily intimate and personal. How could Jessa relax and get to the business of birthing a baby with TLC cameras in her face? Especially since she had never experienced birth before.

  10. I love the Duggers and the girls taking in new lifes and adventures. That's what life is all about. If ever I was in need I would trust them with all I have. Good people.

  11. I can't begin to explain the encouragement I receive from this family. I became a Christian after years of marriage and already having a child. I didn't know exactly how to raise my daughter in the Lord, but I have been taught so many lessons through this family and especially through these girls. We have learned about modesty, family scripture study and prayer, and to be patient and kind. I'm glad we all have been blessed with the opportunity to be with them one more time. Thanks to TLC for a chance to "count on" and thanks to the Duggars for their example on dealing with family tragedy while still showing love and mercy with others.

  12. I'm thankful proper care was in place and I guess like other delivers it was thought by the family and TLC the arrival was a public event.
    Wish them all a blessed holiday. Ladies as always you have done a lovely job sharing and wanted to sincerely thank you and prayers to you both.

  13. @Anonymousbirth is a natural and beautiful part of life. No one says one has to watch and there is a warning at the beginning of the show. All babies are gifts from God.....

  14. This better be a 2 hr show.....we waited so long to see this show. Baby Seawald and Baby Dilly are both so adorbs.

  15. I wish you all a blessed merry Christmas. And pray you all prosper in all your ways for standing and blessing us with your life through all you have endured!

  16. Viewing labor and delivery doesn't bother me in the's part of life. I agree that it would be nice if it were a two hour show so we could all see and hear about the rest of the family as well as the birth of Spurgeon.

  17. There is no need for all this drama. Everything about Jessa has to be so sensationalized.

  18. I so hope that a new series is created because of the high ratings of these three episodes! God bless this family and give them favor. I love their ministry, their openness and humility. Love the Duggars!!!

  19. I can't wait to watch the duggars!!! They are my favorite show ever. So excited to watch the birth because I have always wanted to be a labor and delivery nurse!! Thank you for doing this segment.

  20. I have always thought them filming and airing their births is so immodest. The film crew is right in the room. For ladies that are completely modest in every other way, they really let go of the modesty when giving birth. Also, seeing Michelle and Jill breastfeeding in the room with others, even men, is also very immodest. Why can't they go do this in private. You have to be so careful how much you show. People will always fill in what they cannot see.

  21. Bring them back....we miss them. They shouldn't be punished just because Josh screwed up.

  22. Birth is part of life. Nothing wrong to want to share.I love the Duggars

  23. Why would you such an intimate first event such as the birth of your first child but would not share your first kiss with your guest at your wedding because it was just to itimate and personal for the two of you. Just wondering.

  24. watching births is beautiful, I only wished I could've had video of my cesareans.(I have photos though, thank goodness)

  25. I love this family. Their faith is real and inspiring. I recently had the privilege of meeting Joseph Duggar and he is as genuine as they come! God bless you all. I'm so happy for the new additions to your family!

  26. I enjoy the Duggers, hope it continues.

  27. They will do a lot of rehashing old information then show the birth fast. Afterwards everybody will be happy their is another baby. What about the birth of Meredith? Did Anna have a home birth or go to the hospital?

  28. seriously on comment # 3,,, how can you possibly refer to ANY birth as if u find it so repulsive why did you watch ? Move on if you can't handle it..I had 4 natural childbirths and never considered 1 of those gifts from God to be ' disgusting '.....Congratulations Ben & Jessa !

  29. I hope there will be a rerun. I have someone taping it, I HOPE. I will be out of town and do not want to miss it. I also thought it would be longer then 60 minutes. I AM glad to be getting to see them at all. I still love and pray for ALL the Duggars. God is with you! Lois in Kansas.

  30. I love the Duggers.. their amazing I use to want to marry one of their sons

  31. Whoa, if we never see birth, we will never learn and be subject to horrible practices. Yea, scare young girls by shunning their eyes from birth! They don't see their moms birth, they don't see aunts, or sisters. How can they learn. I bet people like to see them kiss, but breastfeeding and birth ewwww! God's creation really grosses many Christians out, and I am speaking as a Christian. More girls should see more births, then the births would get better!

  32. Everytime I see this , it bring tears to my eyes because were used to seeing Jessa so joyful and she's n pain :(

    But ik it's for a great reason.

    I can't believe when I used season finale u was like What ?!?! Then I remembered reading a report saying that this would just be a pilot show to see if they would actually make it a real season going show ....
    I love it but it's just a lil to quite uI think there should be an intro ...

    But thanks for letting us see I to ur life again , such a blessing

  33. This is truly beautiful and inspirational. God has used the Duggar girls so much in my life, but perhaps the biggest impact they have had on my life has come through watching their labors, births, and doula/midwifery work. I gave birth to my first recently, and I was very thankful to have been able to apply some of their advice during labor. God has also used their view of birth to help bring me from a place of fear to a place of awe and pure joy regarding birth.

    1. That is sweet☺I have always said that if this show has helped even one person in any way...well then, it was all worth it and their message has been received... Kudos to the Duggars:-)

  34. Can't the Duggars ever keep anything private??

  35. Because childbirth is such a beautiful miracle, I find it interesting to watch. But I too feel it's also VERY intimate, private, and sacred. Allowing me and the rest of the world to watch seems to distort the very miracle of it...

  36. Why is this the final for this season? Its only number 3. Will there be more?

    1. They said from the beginning that there would only be three specials....

  37. I don't think Ben will cheapen his relationship to his family.

  38. Why broadcast this video? We already know what she had months ago. For some of the people here, they don't get the fact that a private comment like this one should be kept personal not shared with people they don't even know. Would u like to have your birth shown to the whole world not knowing that a pervert could be watching? Does anyone care about them having some privacy? Did they get a big check for exploiting a moment like this on TV? This is really takes the whole concept of giving birth to your first child impersonal.

  39. I would not have wanted my labor on film, but I think that it is very brave of Jessa to allow that. I really feel like the Duggars are willing to take the bad with the good of reality TV for the primary sake of showing love and promoting the gospel of Jesus Christ. Only God ever knows our true motivations. I pray for their continued wisdom with life's unexpected issues. If their house is built on the solid rock of Jesus it will stand. Those whose house is built on sand will not last. But both the Christian and nonChristian will get the "rain" of life situations. Keep on with the good fight Duggars! Praying for you all!

  40. I watched this video and felt so upset and sad. My husband never shied much care to me at all when I had my twins. Jess'a is blessed with a good guy don't make the mistake I mad and become unequally yoked like me. I'm born again and my husband is a nominal christian

  41. I pray TLC does keep it going. This world needs more programs such as this. If there were more reality shows like this, there would be far less trash in this world. This is the ONLY show (reality or not) that doesn't just talk about being a Christian, they're actually doing it. Super good example of how a Christian family functions through tragedy. I went through a lot of the same stuff growing up in a huge family & I guarantee you that I'd be in a completely different spot, had I had this type of Christian family standing behind me. Good job ladies! Anna, you're an AMAZING woman, mother, sister, daughter, aunt, niece, cousin, friend, & wife, but most of all, your are an AMAZING Christian lady & GOD has you in his arms right now preparing you for something that can only be done by the grace that he beholds. Thank you all for being TRUE Christian role models.

  42. Not all people feel that it's too private to show partial births, we all have differing opinions on the matter.Remember,there will never be 100% of people who agree on any subject, ever ever.Thats what makes us all unique. We should however respect all other views, even if they differ from our own.

  43. I'm just glad we get to see Jessas baby belly. She looks beautiful pregnant and her having a husband that seems to be an awesome husband, is a plus. Hopefully we get to see more of them. Well all the Duggar kids and gramma Duggar. Can't imagine what they are all going g thru after the news of Josh.

  44. I'm just glad we get to see Jessas baby belly. She looks beautiful pregnant and her having a husband that seems to be an awesome husband, is a plus. Hopefully we get to see more of them. Well all the Duggar kids and gramma Duggar. Can't imagine what they are all going g thru after the news of Josh.


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