
Friday, October 23, 2015

Jessa (Duggar) Seewald on Adoption

Jessa and Ben serve in Central America, July 2014
Jessa (Duggar) Seewald and Ben Seewald have more siblings that the average American--although Ben's family of nine is significantly smaller than Jessa's super-sized clan of 21--and they have both said that they love kids.

The newlyweds have expressed their hearts for adoption multiple times since their engagement in August 2014 and their wedding in November 2014. What are their thoughts on this subject, now that they are just nine days away from the due date of their first child? Jessa shared the following with us during a recent interview.

Jessa: [Adoption] is definitely something that is very dear to our hearts. As Christians, adoption is a such a beautiful picture and reminder of God’s love for us in adopting us into His family. Over the past months, we have been doing research and studying up on the adoption process. We have been so blessed to be able to talk with other adoptive families, to hear their stories and learn from their personal journeys. Since we are soon to have a baby of our own, things are on hold for a time--but we plan within this next year to take some adoption classes and begin working towards this goal.

One of the things that really sparked the fire of adoption in my heart was through the times me and several of my siblings spent volunteering at our local children’s shelter. Seeing these kids walking through tough times and so hungry for love really opened my eyes to the need. I think that just as my parents did for me, I want to provide opportunities for my children to reach out to people around them and offer hope and comfort to those in need. 

Jessa (Duggar) Seewald in Central America, 2013
My parents were such great examples of this to me—getting us involved in community outreach from a young age and providing us opportunities to give back to people in our lives. My parents have huge hearts, and they’re so attentive to the needs of people around them. They would often take us to the homes of widows to help out with whatever needs they had, whether it was stacking their firewood or helping them shop for groceries. 

They encouraged us to express gratefulness to public servants, such as the men and women on our local fire and police departments. We would go shopping for the needed ingredients to bake cookies and then deliver them hot and fresh along with a note of gratitude for their service to our community. 

**For those of you who have asked for updates on Ellie, check out her blog at

Photos courtesy


  1. My children became so through adoption. I know that Jessa is very sweet and would never intentionally be offensive so I want to try to say this as respectively as possible. When she said "since we are soon to have a baby of our own," I would suggest a different phrasing next time. Maybe just say "Since we are pregnant." Even though my children didn't come from my body, they are still my own. And if Jessa and Ben adopt, they will quickly see that they just have children, not adopted or biological, just children and just a family.

    1. I thought the same thing as I have three children brought to me through adoption.

    2. Not flesh of my flesh nor
      Bone of my bone, never forget for a single minute, You didn't grown under my heart but in it!

    3. Very good point. I have foster children along with my biological children. .. quite often people will say, are they all your children? Or which ones are your? They are all mine. Nobody means to be offensive with their questions. .. but such questions could be hurtful to the young ones listening.

    4. I had the same thought as I read. I agree, probably not intentionally insensitive.

    5. Call me old fashioned: I prefer expecting over pregnant.

    6. Except that "expecting" can be used for moms-to-be via adoption too. We were chosen to be our son's parents 4 months before he was born and we were "expecting" but certainly not pregnant (my son's first mom was pregnant though).

  2. I wish all people would teach their children the importance of giving to others. Jim Bob and Michelle have done an awesome job of that as will Jessa and Ben.

  3. I think Jessa should consider seminary does her particular faith allow women to be ordained? If not, they should find a denomination that does. Jessa would be such a good minister. She and Ben would be a great clergy couple.

    1. I don't think that will happen. They seem to desire to follow God's word in all areas of life, and the Bible is clear that a woman is not to teach a man or be in a position of authority over him in the church. 1 Timothy 2:12 "I do not allow a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; instead, she is to be silent." To do so would be a violation of this Scripture and of God's created order. Man was created first, and woman was created out of man. Man is to lead (bears the responsibility) and the woman is to be his complement/helper. It isn't a popular message today, but it is what the Bible teaches and it works beautifully when each person fulfills their role and responsibilities with love and joy. She could have many roles in the church as his wife if he were a pastor, but she could not be a pastor.

    2. Missy, you couldn't have said it any better! Agreed 100%

    3. I appreciate that you have your particular understanding of this passage. I really do. I would never criticize someone's belief system. I could argue with other quotes from scripture that support women in ministry; and you could come back with more scripture; and we would get no where. I think that different faiths will respectfully have to agree to disagree on the interpretation of this passage from Timothy. That being said, I still see Jessa as the called minister of the family.

  4. I am so glad to see Jessa & Ben looking into adoption it is truely a great thing.

  5. @Anonymous
    Hi Anonymous! Since the Duggars are Independent Baptists, women do not serve as clergy. Since 1 Timothy sets forth the requirements for being a pastor (one of them being that they must be male and elsewhere that women should not hold a position of authority over a man), the Duggar ladies would probably see it as being disobedient to God's command to pursue a pastoral role. Women can take the role of teaching other women and/or children within the church.

  6. This has been on my heart for quite some time now.. I can't help noticing that there never seems to be any pictures of Jessa with Jana. I hope that she has outgrown her rivalry with Jana and treats her with kindness and respect. Jana seems so very sweet, but never gets to speak, as Jessa always seems to cut her off in any interview. I hope I'm wrong, but as a Christian mom, I would like to see and hear more of Jana, and perhaps a little less of some of the others! Thank you & God bless!

  7. I love this show but in reply to one of the comments everyone is different and speaks differently, she was fine in what she says and how she says it. Jimo

  8. I think it is wonderful that Jessa and Ben plan to adopt. There are so many children who are in Foster Homes right now, who need parents, I believe they will be wonderful parents to all children in their family!

  9. I hope Jessa and Ben adopt a child who is awaiting a home, a child whose parents don't have parental righs. Not a newborn. As the vast majority of newborn adoptions wind up being totally unnecessary and leave a legacy of generations of pain. Most first moms get it together a few years after the adoption. It's so painful for the natural mom and her family, the fathers family, both sides of the family and the future siblings. I pray they will carefully consider the impact of their actions & that they'll take the opportunity to rescue a child truly in need of a home. I pray they'll consider the need for children to stay with their God given mothers, less extreme circumstances. Your sister in Christ, J.

    PS: Thank you for the blog. I miss seeing the Duggars on TV. It's nice to have a place to go "visit" them online.

    1. I just wanted to say that sometimes you are right. Some newborn adoptions cause a lot of regret on both sides. There are cases though where a newborn adoption is the best idea. My daughter is 7 and I have contact via texting with het first mom. Her first mom has told me on multiple occasions that she has no regrets and completely believes that God gave her the honor of carrying my child (since I was unable to). Her first mom does have her life together now and she is proud of her decision. She looks forward to building an adult relationship with my daughter some day. I think the key to newborn adoption is really trying to make sure that you have the right situation and a good, reliable adoption agency or lawyer. I also think some degree of openness post placement is also important. No one wants to deprive biological parents the chance to raise their own child. That being said, there ate many children in foster care in need of homes. I'm sure God will lead Jessa and Ben in whatever direction is best for them.

  10. both ben and jessa are fully aware they cannot adopt until the teen ben becomes 21. they always omit that significant fact.

    1. Also in arkansas I believe it's the law that you have to be married for two years before you can adopt. Not positive but I think that's the case.

  11. We have a adopted granddaughter who is our pride and joy, blood makes no difference. GL Jessa and Ben.

  12. Will Jessa's biological kids have time to bond with their mother before she starts adopting?

    1. My twin sister and i were adopted and my two older brothers too

    2. It has already been stated that they cannot be considered as adoptive parents until they have been married for two years, which is another year from now. Also, families frequently have children close in age so there is no reason to think that Jessa and Ben will not be able to bond with all of their children, no matter when or how they become part of their family.

  13. I was going to say exactly what the person in the first comment said about "our own." However, I will also say that until I started considering adoption as the way to build my family, I hadn't thought it through that thoroughly either. Knowing Jessa and Ben's open, loving hearts, I have no doubts that they will realize that all of their children, whether adopted or biological, WILL be their own. Blessings to you,

  14. I see her point but agree with Bec and the first poster about her wording. I hope they look into older children and not just infants. My husband was in foster care and most of the time boy past the age of 5, never got adopted.

  15. They might want to try being foster parents first to an older child or sibling group. There a lots of older children who need a good home.

  16. Have the Duggars ever said anything bad about their parents?

  17. The Bible is also very clear that is not Gods will for allpeople to marry.

  18. In response to anonymous poster #4, Ben is not a teen. He is 20,and will be 21 in May. Jessa said that they hope to begin taking classes in the next year. It all adds up to me. This was a rather short article. I don't think it was necessary for her to share every single minor detail.

  19. What if a woman has strengths in areas that "her man" doesn't? Is she to remain silent and allow the man to lead them astray? One can't rely on direct intercession from the Almighty, He has stated that we are here on earth to live and learn...also, to utilize the talents,, education and abilities we naturally have or have studied is certainly NOT A SIN for a woman to teach a man....why then was it OK for Michelle to be homeschooling her sons? If she had a skill or a talent that Jim Bob did not have nor was more proficient than her, why should she let him do a lesser job? Please explain that.

  20. Since Jessa and Ben have been talking to other parents who have experience with adoption, they have probably already figured out that adoption is mot a process for the faint of heart. It is time consuming, complicated, emotionally and financially draining and sometimes unpleasant. If they end up adopting from foster care, the financial burden is signicantly less, but sometimes, depending on a specific situation, the emotional stress is more. It's completely worth it ( I wouldn't have been able to become a mom without the miracle of adoption), but I would be lying if I said anything about it was easy. Jessa and Ben can only benefit by being married a little longer and getting a little older and wiser. I know they will be great parents to children, however they join their family, when the time comes.

  21. I would love to see them adopt a foster child. What a blessing that would be all the way around!!

  22. LOVE & Miss your family Gods Blessing on the birth of your baby Quincy I wish people understood the concept of forgiveness we all make mistakes, it is not up to us to judge each other our father is most capable of that.I would not want to stand in judgement of another. Josh too he made some mistakes terrible they may be we can hate the sin not the sinner he must regret hurting his family God forgives Gods Healing Blessings to all of you


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