
Thursday, October 1, 2015

'Everything's More Dramatic At Night'

How do Jessa and Ben Seewald avoid conflict in their marriage? The couple responded to this question during a Q&A session at the Southern Women's Show last weekend in Orlando, Florida (video below). The Seewalds will celebrate their one-year wedding anniversary on November 1st, which is also the day their first child is due.

Video no longer available


  1. Why is everything about Jessa now? Would like to hear about the rest of the family too!

    1. Sadly I agree. Would love to see the rest of the family.

    2. Currently, Jessa's life has the most going on, when her child is born we will hear about him/her. We will continue to hear about the Dillards on their mission, because they are doing something exciting. We are probably not hearing much about Anna and her kids because they are going through a really tough time and worried more about what they're going to do rather than inform us about their every second. And most of the other older kids seemed to be ok with staying under the radar, on the show anyway. As for the other kids, they are still minors and probably monitored by Jim bob and Michelle so that they don't accidentally put out something bad before they have enough maturity to think it out well enough on their own.

  2. We are saturated with the Seewalds. Can you not find more to talk about?

  3. Thanks for all of the updates on Ben and Jessa. I know they are probably thrilled to be able to continue on TLC. I hope you will soon post an update on Anna regarding how she and the children are doing. I know she has had lots of prayers. While I know that this topic brings lots of opinions on what she should do, I am only asking about her welfare and the children. I really do not want to do any searches to find out because it will probably only get gossip. If you can't tell, then just say you can't tell.

  4. I agree the Jessa stories are overblown

  5. I wish both the Duggar's and TLC would come to a decision to just be back on TV again. Or the Duggar's would decide to go to another network too either way. I'm sure it was partly the Duggar's decision to not come back to TLC. I believe a majority of people have already or would forgive Josh and still watch the show with EVERYONE in it and no one left out. If we are all honest people here, we all have done "bad" things and we are all sinners. We are to ask God for forgiveness with a sincere heart and then try not to repeat the same wrong doings and dust ourselves off and carry our crosses. I am not better than the people reading this, nor are any of them better than me, in the eyes of God whom is most important, we are all ONE. Thank God for His mercy and forgiveness.

    1. I agree... God sent His only son to die on the cross for our sins. What Josh did was his past and yea they still may be going through problems, but to be fair everyone goes through problems. Why is it any different if a celebrity does something wrong and someone else do the same??? We are all humans and make mistakes in life, but that is the purpose behind it, we learn from our mistakes. What we need to do is put Josh and his family in our prayers and hope for the best. There is a purpose behind everything and maybe God is trying to put this family under a test. We neer really know what plans God has for each and very single one of us. Just trust The Lord and put it in His hands. Without him we are nothing and we need to remind ourselves that everyday.

  6. Why all the stories about Jessa, how about the rest of the children I hope Anna is doing well, inspite of everything.

  7. I look on et and they didn't discuss baby names!! Yes please stop all about Jessa!! More about the other family.

  8. Very good advice from this young couple. They are so cute together and obviously in love. Wishing them many happy years together and a very healthy baby. ( I think it's a girl!)

  9. Thank you for your diligence in posting new content every day. I love checking in on this blog each afternoon! :)

  10. Really tired of hearing about them...there must be something more interesting to discuss!

  11. you two are sooo cute together. Not sure if I maybe missed it..but you all should maybe do your own internet tv show of your pregnancy and live birth. I know a lot is happening in your family right now but it's your first baby and some fans would like to see the special moment. Be Blessed.

  12. I'm sorry but sometimes you need a bit of conflict. It is unhealthy to avoid it. Besides making up is the funniest thing :)

  13. If you don't like it, it's fine but not everyone think the same way as you ! I like to hear of every dugear family member. Can you bring us an updated of anna and her kids!!!

  14. There is a good point - don't raise yourself up in pride. I hope they can stay humble. It won't be easy given all the attention and money they are getting.
    But a camel might be able to pass through the eye of a needle.

  15. People are never satisified. The rest of the duggar may not he doing anything news worthy. They may not want much written about them. We do not have any right at any of this info. Be happy with what you get.

  16. Good advice from the young newlyweds!

  17. Does Jessa show her knees knees now?

  18. Maybe the rest of the family wants a little privacy after all they have been through. Jessa is willing to be out front for now, for the sake of the rest of the family. They don't owe the public anything. Why can't people just be happy? Why take the time to complain to these ladies who are running the blog? All some people on here do is complain because they don't get what they want. You are not entitled to ANYTHING. Be content with what you get.

  19. The Seewalds and the Dillards seem to be the only Duggars that we keep up with.
    Joan and Marion

  20. Very sweet! Thank you for the update! We appreciate your time and effort in bringing us these updates. May God bless you.

  21. I'm so sick of hearing about Jessa. How about we take a break from her until the baby is born?

  22. I love the Duggars, don't get me wrong, but I'm kind of tired of hearing "advice" from newlyweds. I remember when Josh and Anna gave all sorts of advice, and now we know their marriage was far from perfect. Hope for the best for them.

  23. Anonymous #14 - take a chill pill.

  24. I wrote a comment directed at Anonymous #14, but now that person's comment has changed to #19. It's hard to respond to each other here, when comment numbers are always changing. SORRY to the person who is now #14. My comment was not directed to you!!


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