
Saturday, September 19, 2015

Talk Like a Pirate Day

Today, Krispy Kreme is giving away one donut to each customer who talks like a pirate and one dozen donuts to those who dress in full pirate attire. Jill and Derick Dillard took several of the Duggar kids to a nearby Krispy Kreme location to take advantage of this unique offer.

Photo courtesy of


  1. Leave it to Jill and Derek to do something so creative and fun with the kids! Arrrrrrrgggg.

  2. What are they going to do with 14 dozen donuts?

  3. I live in central Arkansas and went to get my free dozen today, too! There was a guy walking in that resembled Derick, so it's funny that he was actually doing this today.

  4. Not sure why they took all those donuts. Those kids can't possibly eat them all.

  5. I'm sorry, and I'm not trying to be mean, but I would like to know if the Duggars understand what kind of a person a pirate is. It seems that they make all kinds of rules about certain things but other stuff gets by them completely if there's not a specific rule. The principle of the thing is that pirates were and are the worst kind of human beings. They are lawless murderers, among other things. Why would you dress up like a pirate to get free food you can't even finish eating. This makes no sense.

    1. They are just having fun! I don't see how you can say that. Well yeah pirates were not good back then but as I said they are just having fun.

    2. Really?!?!?!?! There are plenty of fun, fictional pirates - think Hook and Smee. Those are the pirates this day is based on. Lighten up, Matey!

  6. So cute!!!! So good to see the Duggars having fun! God Bless them all!

  7. More freebies for having many kids! Tax breaks, TV shows, donations, oh my!

  8. Oh my goodness how awesome is that!!!!!!!!!!!tha looks like sooooooo much fun!!!!

  9. My Krispy Kreme was only giving a dozen per family, no matter how many people dressed up. I read that the Duggars got 14 dozen. That's not fair. Although a dozen doughnuts was plenty for my family of four. :-)

  10. That is just adorable! I'm glad Jill and Derick make time to spend with her younger siblings. So sweet! Bless you all!

  11. Everybody looks like they are having such fun dressing up and acting like pirates! Plus you get a free donut - win, win. If I would have known I would have dressed like a pirate too!

  12. They look so cute. I find them taking so many donuts or eating out for free to be very uncomfortable. I grew up in a large european family and find this behavior selfish. The business owner has expenses and a family too. I find it to not reflect the values of consideration for others circumstances. We all know that restaurants and shops have a fixed margin or profit which is why so mny fail.

  13. I find it very surprising they would dress like pirates knowing the kinds of things pirates did. Quite surprising for the Duggars and Dillards. Sends message that they condone what the pirates did by dressing up like them.

    1. Good heavens. Don't be so judgemental. They were just having fun with the younger kids - totally innocent.

  14. I'm sure they gave the 12 dozens to a deserving organization like the local fire departament or something

  15. I am so sorry and not trying to be rude at all. I have 5 children and we could not afford to go to a funeral several states away. How do they just fly in and out like its nothing?

    1. I am sorry for your loss and I am very sorry you couldn't attend a funeral that you really wished to go to. Its difficult not being able to say good-by in that way. But Jill and Derek were home for her Midwife final exams. This is training for their mission work - not just a social fly-in.

  16. Way to go ! What a fun family thing to do , Very creative outfits too ! You folks know how to have good clean fun !

  17. It's adorable that Jill and Derick make time for her younger siblings! So happy! Love you guys!

  18. Don't understand the connection between pirates and Krispy Kreme - but it is awesome, that Jill & Derick (extra great btr-in-law), take the time to do these fun things with her siblings. AND they all get donuts too.

  19. I know that the Duggars didn't dress up as pirates to make a statement that the wicked lives of pirates are acceptable; I know they didn't dress up as pirates to cash in on 14 dozen donuts. They dressed up as pirates because it was a fun activity to do with the children. Please, stop making a big deal out of everything!

  20. Everybody just leave them alone now, and go on with your lives as they are trying to go on with theirs... My goodness! Pick on them for every little thing after all they've been through just be quiet now and let them have some PEACE!

  21. God has Blessed you with a Beautiful precious baby boy he is so so cute may the Good Lord Bless You.
    .and your family always Thank You for keeping us all updated on your beautiful life sure do miss seeing you guys on TV

  22. Lighten up and live, guys!! It's almost humorous what you can find to pick on the Duggar's about. This was a fun thing to do with the kids and it's silly to try to read into it and say that they agree with pirate's wicked lifestyles by dressing like one. Seriously.

  23. Actually, this freebie was open to the general public. There was not a person at my Krispy Kreme asking how many children you had in order to be able to claim free donuts. I have three children and I saw many families here in Chattanooga with the entire family dressed up to get a dozen donuts each. We do this once per year, so it seems like a lot of donuts once per year won't hurt anyone.


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