Thursday, September 24, 2015

Duggars Returning to TLC

Two months after canceling 19 Kids and Counting, TLC has a big announcement to share with fans. Viewers will soon be able to watch specials staring Jill (Duggar) Dillard and Jessa (Duggar) Seewald and their growing families.

The network currently has two or three specials in the works and expects the first to air before the end of 2015.

TLC Executive Vice President and General Manager Nancy Daniels told The Associated Press that the network has been in close contact with the Duggars over the past few months.

Daniels said TLC was amazed by the courage Jill and Jessa displayed as they shared their stories on the documentary Breaking the Silence and during their interview with Megyn Kelly. “Our audience continues to be engaged with what's going on in their lives,” she told AP.

An anonymous production source added that Josh Duggar will not be part of these specials, nor will he appear on any future TLC programming.

More on the AP website.

Photos courtesy of


  1. I'm so happy! I've missed you all. You are such an inspiration to me!

  2. Good. It's about time!

  3. Happy Happy!! Thank god for a new beggining. Amen!

  4. Actually these young ladies are not duggars anymore, I'm sure their husbands are tired of being lumped in with the duggars, they have their own families now, let them have their own identity.

    1. Once a Duggar, always a Duggar! :)

    2. I don't agree. They married the duggar girls knowing that they would be on TV and knowing that they would be on 19 kids and counting. And that they would here there wives be called a duggar. I am so exited they will be on a little bit!!!!

    3. I am soooo excited I cant wait to see how their families have grown over the past few months much happens in so little time! Cant wait to catch up!


  6. yay!! glad to hear it ; love to watch the girls ; i'm sure we'll get to hear from jinger and jana thur their sisters ; you know auntie's always babysit :)

  7. Hope it will be on Netflix since my family and I don't have tv anymore! My mom and I love you guys!!!

  8. Praise God!! So many people have fallen in love with this family. Myself included. Their love for Jesus and the willingness to live and share Gods word, has touched many lives. I send my love, and thank you for being willing to share your lives and Gods love with us again. Many blessings for each of you.

    1. I was so excited to see this also, can't wait! Their family really helped me through some very rough times that I was going through last year! Glad that all is well!

    2. I am trying very hard to find Christian content for my teen girls to watch. I thought maybe the Duggars but am not seeing their love for Jesus at all. In fact they don't follow Most teachings I hold dear. I don't think they spread love at all.

  9. It's about time. I so miss seeing them. Hope they bring back everyone including Josh. Everyone makes mistakes & at least he is trying to get help. Nobody is perfect. Can't wait to see you guys. Love & prayers.

    1. Yes, People do make mistakes.. But Josh being associated with the show would go against its premise. He's why they got cancelled in the 1st place, and should not be on any show associated with his family and their beliefs, since he's been a hypocrite (his words) to them this whole time. Sorry, not sorry.

  10. I cannot wait! I have been wanting this to happen! We will miss the original but at least we get to see the Duggars again in some way!!! I sent in a letter to TLC asking for this. So I am very happy now!

    1. It's only featuring Jessa, Jill and their little families. No other duggars

  11. Awesome so happy to hear this great news

  12. Oh my goodness I'm so happy and excited for Jill and her sister and growing families to air on TLC before the end of 2015. Wait till I share this awesome information with my mom. Thank you again TLC.

  13. This is great news! The siblings should not have to suffer and be black ball by what others have done. Thank you TLC. You may have gain a member back.

  14. So happy to read about this announcement! I look forward to watching the shows. I am guessing that other family members will probably make appearances as well? It will almost be like having 19 kids and counting back on tv again. Thanks TLC.

  15. Yessss i love this show and i missed .

  16. Thanks the LORD my prayer have been answer ,GOD BLESS THE DUGGERS

  17. for he is without sin throw the first stone

  18. When you hear the initials TLC one tends to think it means tender loving care I don't think you should have cancelled the 19 Kids and Counting show maybe for a little while you could have removed Josh I don't in any way condone what he did however in this world that we live in that so unforgiving I just think it would really benefit your network to bring the show back in to show the family dealing with all this negative publicity as a family watching the rally around and I am supporting her and the four children while Josh getting stuff together and if Tricy does appear on the show let it be when he's in therapy with a good counselor even one that TLC pics helping him really deal with his issues but I'm glad to hear that the Dillard and Seawall w are coming back on TV

  19. I am so excited I can't wait!!!!

  20. So happy to hear they will have more shows! I am a newlywed as well and have loved watching Jessa and Jill grow up and get married! Ive watched the Duggars since they first had a show on TLC and i was a kid at the time- its exciting to be around the same age and starting a family and see them doing the same - its really neat. Ive learned a lot from the show especially from Michelle and the older girls examples about being patient gentle positive and loving and working hard w a joyful heart. I havent had too many examples of godly marriages and happy marriages but Ive had a great example in watching Michelle and Jim Bob talk about marriage and the way they love each other through their actions - now its awesome to see Jessa and Jill as examples even though they are around the same age as me- cant wait to see some more shows and I wish them nothing but joy and peace through this coming season. Thank you Jessa and Jill (as well as your sweet mama and dad and other familt) for being brave and making your "reasonableness evident to all" so that you can continue being an example of Christ like love in marriage and family that so many need to see. Much love, Megan

  21. It's about time there coming back. I have miss you all so much what time when I love u guys we have missed u all

  22. so happy jessa and jill will be back on tlc wish they all would understand maybe josh should not

  23. God bless I am so happy I haven't watched TLC since they cancelled the Duggars I can't wait God bless!!!!

  24. I'm very glad that TLC has decided to bring back The Duggers. I have missed watching their show. It's a shame about what happened to their family, but no one is perfect and we all make mistakes. All we can do is learn from them and move on. So good luck to the Dugger clan and see you all soon. Love you all.

  25. That's wonderful news. I have not only missed The Duggars but some of the other shows on TLC.
    I took a stand as so may others and would not have tuned into that channel u til I had our Duggars back! Woo Hoo....thank you TLC and the Duggars for agreeing to do it.

  26. I'm honestly not quite sure what to think of this news. You guys are interesting to watch, I'll grant you that, even though I disagree with your beliefs. I'm certainly not going to be type of Atheist that looks down upon those I disagree with. Best of luck to you guys in the future.

  27. I'll have to wait till it's on Netflix 📺 but I'm patient.

  28. I'm so excited. .. I wish I could get Jill to deliver my baby ...I'm due in February 2016

  29. Great, they never should have been taken off the air. Josh has his own problems at present, but the rest of the family is an inspiration to our family. Never mind just specials, we want them back every week. I think TLC realized they made a huge mistake by caving in to those who do not like the show. If you don't like them, use your remote.



  31. I am so glad to hear the great news. Every once in a while I tune to TLC and the programing really has taken a turn for the worse. Your show was always wholesome and addictive because you people show Christian values are neglected today.

  32. I couldn't be happier that TLC is Finally Doing Right By This Family... We Love And Miss Them So.....

  33. I just wish they would put the whole family 19 kids and counting back on the air!! Every family has problems and it should be more so when there are 19 kids involved. You don't throw people away just because there has been a shock with a family member. They are christians and they have done so much good for so many people and they are deep down a really good family. I have watched the show for so long, I don't even remember how long ago I started watching them but it definitely made my night when I knew their show was on. So disappointed in TLC for folding to unhappy people. What about all the rest of us that never wanted the show to be taken off??

  34. Finally someone at TLC heard the people. They over reacted harshly, and punished innocent members of the family instead of calmly figuring a solution. Josh has major issues, and should have to answer for them. The others deserve support not punishment.

  35. Yay... does anyone notice Jessa had pants on?

  36. Can't wait! Will have a reason to watch TLC again when they're on! Will look forward to ringing out WHEN!!! So happy, can't wait to see them, have missed this family so very much :)

  37. YYAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU, TLC!!!!!!!

  38. It just shows you that one person in a family can bring the whole family down. I enjoyed the show and watched it all the time it was such inspiration for me. I feel so sorry for Anna and what she must be going through. I pray for Anna and her children. I pray for the whole family.

  39. Hi. I have been praying for this day to come.thank you to our Lord Jesus. And to all of your fans for bringing the show. Back.. in Jesus name. Amen and Amen. Anne. Johnson

  40. So very happy to hear!!! Have missed watching the show so much!!! Even though it won't be the same as before, this will be better than not seeing them on TV at all anymore.

  41. Oh yippee!!!! Something worth watching on tlc again!!!!

  42. Our family loves the Duggars. This is great! Can't wait to tell my sister and my nephew tomorrow, that, Jill and Jessa are coming back to TLC with their families! Thank You TLC!

  43. Looking forward to it.

  44. Yay!! I love this family & what they stand for! Everyone makes mistakes but you can't blame an entire family for one bad egg! I can't wait to see these girls & their growing families & I'd love to see Anna too! Lots of love & prayers to you all!!

  45. I was happier when the Duggars were taken away because each bit of information seemed
    Special, now that they are getting special shows I realize I am not so interested any more
    Because it is just too much information and following it all takes over my mind!

  46. I hope Anna and the children feature in these would be lovely to meet there latest addition x

  47. So excited! My daughter will be thrilled as well... we love this family, especially the girls. They are such a great examples for young ladies. Looking forward to the specials and hopefully more. :-)

  48. i guess tlc's loss of revenue finally hit them where it hurts. it's about time! thank you lily & elllie for encouraging your readers to voice our opinions to them!

  49. I'm glad....hope to see more of the family

  50. Scared for all of them
    I dont know if anyone here
    Reads the duggers books but
    The fact remains That "ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God" The Duggers believe in stepping up and owning you have done wrong AND Being forgiven!!! To say that Josh will never be seen again on TLC is to Deny The very Faith that the Duggers are trying to inspire the world with! I will watch again when TLC does an all exclusive on Josh about the WONDERFUL grace and forgiveness of God. After all what is Ben and Jill teaching these people That God forgives ALMOST everything. Or God forgives but Americans do not...what a good subtitle lol. I miss yall too but dont throw your family to the wolves. And Note to TLC These Dear people have sacrificed their personal space for your show. Please dont throw them under the bus. This is their opportunity to prove WHY they are different and WORTH watching.

  51. Awesome!! Can't wait to see the girls again!

  52. Awesome. Thank you TLC for doing the right thing. Can't wait for a new journey.

  53. happy days im estatic cant wait thank you for bringing them back great family hope Jinger will also be on about her future yea

  54. Our Prayer's have been Answered ,now the suspected is driving me crazy till it airers can't not wait 2month two long for our Family to return to us all. Great job TLC someone there finally doing there jobs. Well done network TLC. God Bless you all

  55. we have missed them so much .big adjustment not being tv .welcome back girls

  56. I am very happy about this!!! We want more Duggar's on TLC!!!!

  57. I'm so thrilled to hear that... I'm such a big fan of the Duggar family... Thank you TLC......

  58. Yeah were all happy but still they need to stay in prayer because the devil is well aware of what is going on.. preaching the good news of Jesus Christ. Please Duggar Family stay in fasting and pray hard so God can proctect all of you all in this world of madness. Keep you in prayer. Be blessed.

  59. Woohoo!!! So excited!!

  60. It's about time yeah

  61. I'm so excited!!! I cannot wait to be able to watch their families grow!!! Yes!!! Praise Jesus!!!

  62. That's great. Thank u TLC.

  63. I will not watch if they are only featuring the girls with no possibility of the rest of the family coming on later. Josh is getting help and when he is better I think everyone needs to embrace him. He has been open and honest so he can rebuild his life and its not up to the world to condemn him . If they don't want to watch him then don't but he can never fully recover unless he feels like we can let this be behind him and as Christians we should show him Christian love. If this is about a real family then make it real and real families make mistakes and they correct them and support each other . I know what he did is bad but he is paying for it and I say as a family restore him and let the world see how it should be done in this world

  64. Are they going to be doing seasons again or just the occasional???


  66. So happy to hear that...See Gods in control

  67. Awesome! Please bring back the whole family! I miss seeing them all!

  68. Awesome news! Miss seeing yall! Yall are a great inspiration and love your family values.

  69. Ooooh! So exciting! I'm thrilled for them!☺

  70. Excellent news, indeed! Can't wait to see Jessa and Jill in the upcoming specials. Prayers answered!

  71. I so happy can't wait to see them

  72. Yes I love the Duggars will enjoy Thanks for returning part of the show.

  73. So excited!! Glad TLC came to their senses, and will at least follow the girls. I will miss seeing Josh & Anna's family though too. The kids are sooooo......cute!! I hope in time, they will add the rest of the family back in to the show. I loved watching it, and have missed it greatly!!

  74. So happy that Jessa & Jill will be back on!!!!!

  75. TLC has finally felt the brunt of that financial loss by canceling The Duggars that is why they have kept in close contact with them. They knew at some point that this day would come and I am so thrilled that they finally got enough backbone to stand up and do the right thing and put them back on the air.

  76. Its about TIME!! Great for us and I think TLC realized they lost MANY MANY Viewers! Big MISTAKE taking this family off the air. :)

  77. AWESOME! Miss the show of this wonderful Family.

  78. Please have fans of the show contact TLC to let them know they are excited about this new special. There are a lot of people contacting TLC and their sponsors trying to get these specials cancelled. We need to let them know that we are excited to see Jill and Jessa and will be supporting these specials!

  79. So pleased to hear this but doesn't go far enough. Most of us want the full show back, excluding Josh if you must but this is life and we all have our lives. Most people make mistakes. Maybe we should see what happens in the rehab Josh Is in. It may help others in a similar situation!!!!! I don't condone what he did at all, but let him who cast the first stone etc.......

  80. oh my gosh . . . I am ecstatic. I can hardly wait to see the Duggars on tv again. To Anonymous Comment # 7 Just because Jill and Jessa got married does not mean they give up their family. They will always be Duggars. As for Derick and Ben, when they married the girls they were accepted into the Duggar family as will their children. Even though it is only Specials for now, I hope it works into a series for them again. I missed them so much and very happy now. Long live the Duggars . . . <3

  81. Good news! So looking forward to this!

  82. They didn't really share very much at all in that documentary.....

  83. Finally I can be a happy person again. I can't wait for the special!

  84. love that we have the Duggars back love you MISSING YALL

  85. Wonderful news!!!!
    If TLC can see fit to air such shows as "Sister Wives", then bring back the Duggars!!

  86. So excited! I've been following your blog and enjoy it. But really miss being able to see Jill and Jessa and their new families and how their growing. I'm sure we will see and hear about the rest of the family too. God bless you all! Praying that Josh gets the help he needs and truly turns his life over to the Lord. Surrounding Anna and her precious children with love and prayers! Hugs

  87. It's a risky move for everyone involved, the girls plus the network. People are not going to like the fact that TLC made this decision after pulling the plug so fast on the other show. Advertisers on TLC are going to get an earful after they left in droves before. Viewers are going to be angry about how Jill asked for money for her mission trip and Jessa is ready to accept gift cards, when both girls knew they were being filmed & about to be paid for some specials. In fact, the backlash has already started online, and it's not pretty.

    1. Oh for goodness sakes. Jill asked for donations for her mission. She shouldn't have to use all of her own money on a mission trip. She wants the help of others so she can help as many as possible. As for Jessa, she's expecting a baby. Every woman that has a baby expects gifts. So I'm not sure what the issue is with either of these. As for tlc pulling the plug, they couldn't just start the specials immediately. They did the right thing removing the show temporarily while they sorted everything out. As for the advertisers, of course they don't want to back a child molester. Goodness. This is not all that scandalous. I don't understand why people feel the need I start and why you feel the need to perpetuate drama.

    2. Nothing at all risky, it is a business decision. A lot of TLC watchers have enjoyed the show, Josh's sins are his own. If TLC decided to respond to the fan base by airing these specials, why not? There is plenty of room in the world of reality TV for Duggars if the network wants to make the show, the family wants to participate and the fans want to watch it, then why not? People who don't care for them don't have to watch. I think it is a good thing that folks will have the choice.

  88. When I shared this on Facebook, the picture it shows is not your family?

  89. Praise God! I still miss seeing the rest of the family, but thankful for small steps.

  90. So happy, love The Duggars!!!

  91. It was good the Duggars were out of the spotlight for awhile. The kids and teenagers need some time to be a family without the cameras. And they need to deal with the issues that have come up. I'm not happy about this. This might not be a popular opinion, but it is a truthful one.

  92. Good for them! I am sure the Money will help ,although, after TLC dropped the Family with out a second thought, I think I would look at another TV channel to go to instead of TLC ,they don't seem like good Partners..

  93. Lots of Christians support other Christians on the mission field. They can't go themselves so they feel that's their part in sharing in the mission field. In the bible it talks about how people sold belongings & met the needs of others. Jill didn't go begging for money, she simply offered the opportunity for others to share in her ministry. Just saying.

  94. Always loved the show. Good news. Can't wait to see this.

  95. I am thrilled you are going to be back on. Don't let the nay sayers discourage you. Let your light shine. Wishing you a heathy birth and welcome back.

  96. I read the Dillard's page and this 1 they are same release. I an so darn thrilled! I would love to see them and all of them. I would live to see Anna but since Josh has so much bad things and press don't include him but would love to know about sweet Anna and the kids and new baby too! She deserves something positive from all this and be heard too. I just must them all so much and the girls are awesome. I really can't wait.! What is the specials going to be called? Dillards, Seewald's or what?

  97. Prayers have been answered. I can't wait to see your family again! Praise be to God!!

  98. Nancy O'Connor MorrisonSeptember 25, 2015 at 9:24 AM

    Praise God! Our world needs to see all they have to share. Have missed this family tremendously.

  99. Great news looking forward to see their families and the little ones as they grow.

  100. I am so happy to hear that. Let us all show our support with positive feedback.

  101. Yaaaaaaaaaaaay, I don't mind if you have Josh, no one is perfect and he only has God to answer to.

  102. Those girls didn't share very much at all in the documentary, I don't know why TLC said that. People are not reacting to the Duggars return to TV in a good way.

    1. Others can react however they want. Right now this is still a free country and so I will say that as long as this decision was made by Jill and Jessa, I'm fine with it. I am very happy and excited to see them again!

  103. Can't wait.....I have missed them soooo much !!!! Thank you God and TLC

  104. I am happy about this, but I want to see the whole family!

  105. Absolutely shocking! I'm speechless!

  106. I am so happy i missed you all. It wasn't fair that we were missing out on your life's. I feel like i know everyone of you after all these years

  107. I will watch these specials because I really like following the "escapades" and adventures of the Duggar family and I like seeing things with the adult children. I am glad TLC finally came to their senses. However, I still won't watch anything else on TLC as I feel their other programming is pretty awful! So glad we'll be seeing Jill and Jessa and families.

  108. I am so very glad! Pthe whole family is a blessing and I have enjoyed every single episode in the past and will in the future!! I am glad that TLC has been working with you beautiful young women to come back. We are blessed to be able to be apart of your lives! 🙏🙏🙏💞💞💞💞🙏🙏🙏🙏

  109. I wonder who the sponsors will be? Has anyone heard?

  110. i would love to watch anything to do with this family,,i just wish it would b with another sure i speak for alot of people in saying ,,,alot of us have stopped watcching TLC in support,,,,and have found other wonderful networks,,,and the thought of going back...with jazz and my big fat fab life and all the other ridiculious appalling,,,i wish this family would reconsider,,,i know alot of TLC staff has been like their family and have stood by them ..i hope,,,,and we as the public dont know all the details about ,,,,the details,,,,but i will watch .. and enjoy.. i just wish it was different


  111. Considering some of the other shows they have on TLC, I am sorry to see the Duggar family not on TV... Perhaps overall, it might be better to not have Josh on there due to people's reactions (tho his issues he will have to take before God). I personally enjoyed watching the family grow, and it overall was a more positive show than quite a few others on TLC. Would love to see how Jill and Jessa and families are doing... at least.

  112. No other Duggars? That remains to be seen. There's a PR firm working pretty hard behind the scenes to save what was a lucrative brand.

  113. Oh boy, here we go again...just when things were showing signs of settling down.

  114. I'm ok without Josh if that is what it takes to get the others back... I hope that he is getting some help. And I wish people wouldn't bash them. All of us have things we don't want others to know.. When will they return? Soon please.

  115. So excited to see this! I hope we get to see the rest of the family now through this documentary series. Josh made mistakes he has to deal with between him and Anna, and the Lord but that shouldn't mean the rest of the family be punished. I can't wait to watch!

  116. I am so happy and am hoping that this will lead into other specials or maybe even a show eventually.

  117. This is such good news I'm speechless too !!! So I will just say I'm Happy ~ Happy ~ Happy

  118. This news just made my day !! Happy~ Happy ~ Happy 😁

  119. Can't wait for the new show...have missed this family immensely!!

  120. can I be notified when it will air, I don't want to miss it

  121. Yeah !! Can't wait to see your new show.. God bless you all..

  122. That is going to decide the family. People in that family will expect to be paid if they appear in an episode and if oe does show up and another doesn't then
    Another will be envious ad so on. Instead of starting a new industry called counselling Christian reality TV families they should just stay off the TV now.

  123. I'm so happy Jessa and Ben and Jill, Derick and Israel are coming back on TV. Can't wait to see baby Seewald. Hope they show the birth on TV like they did jill's. Can't wait. I love these girls and their husbands. Israel is adorable!

  124. Hmm ... Not sure how I feel about this. To be perfectly truthful, I was tired of the huge focus that was placed on these two girls during the last year of the show. I wanted to know more about what was going on in the lives of the other kids in the family. I'm happy for Jill and Jessa, but I'd always still prefer to see a show about the entire family. Best wishes to them on this new endeavor.

  125. Hmm ... Not sure how I feel about this. To be perfectly truthful, I was tired of the huge focus that was placed on these two girls during the last year of the show. I wanted to know more about what was going on in the lives of the other kids in the family. I'm happy for Jill and Jessa, but I'd always still prefer to see a show about the entire family. Best wishes to them on this new endeavor.

  126. Has anyone heard how Anna is doing?

  127. At least we will get to see some part of the Duggars👍🏽😍

  128. I have been a fan of the Duggars for years. I am so excited to hear that Derrick, Jill, Ben and Jessa are going to be back on tv. I hope that we get to also see some of the other Duggar family members as well.

  129. Looking forward to it but regret that TLC will benefit from it after the way they dumped the Duggars - love this family and what they stand for.

  130. I miss this family and the tv show so much!

  131. TLC nothing anymore, the programs they have are not worth my time to watch. God Bless You All .Glad to be seeing something that is really positive . Thank you all and will be watching.

  132. That is wonderful news!!! I hope we eventually get to see the rest of the family (plus or minus Josh), but definitely including Anna and the kids - Anna has been through enough, and should not be punished any more than she already is for Josh's actions. I will be emailing my approval to TLC.

  133. I am a big fan of the Duggar s. I am so very happy to hear this. So THANK YOU TLC!. Can't wait to see. God bless you all.

  134. Yay! I miss seeing how they are all doing and am looking forward to seeing Jill's baby and Jessa's!!

  135. Yay! Im glad I will get to see these guys again! I missed watching them so much!

  136. Lily and Ellie, could you please give the email address again for viewers to voice their appreciation to TLC for bringing them back? Thanks so much.

  137. I'm so excited to hear this news! I just did a dance in my office :) I knew they wouldn't be gone for long. Can't wait to follow these young ladies as they move forward in life!

  138. Yeah! We are thrilled to hear this and look forward to watching. God Bless.

  139. j aimerais que toute la famille soit de retour, pour de prochaines emissions, on peut tomber et aussi se relever...donnez lui une chance, il la faisait avant pouquoi pas apres, merci de m avoir lue je suis du quebec et n ai pas regarde tlc depuis que la famille duggar n est plus la...

  140. If this family did not watch television growing up, why do they want their own shows? Especially through all of the mudslinging they have been through this past year. Just don't understand it. Fame and fortune are not worth selling your privacy.

  141. Best News. Hope the other family members are shown too.
    Marion and Joan

  142. Very happy we will be able to catch up with some of the Duggar girls!! Praying for the whole family as the are still going through a difficult time.

  143. Happy to watch Jill's life; not as happy to see Jessa and Bin.

  144. Hip! Hip! Hooray! I'm jumping for joy. Thank you, TLC.

  145. Yay!!! I am so impressed by their values, lives and courage. This has been one of my familie's favorite shows! Thank you TLC :)

  146. While I hope this is a precursor to continuing the series, I don't know that I will watch it, simply because I can't stand TLC and I don't want to be subjected to promos for all the filthy shows they broadcast. I have kind of liked my sabbatical from the cesspool that is TLC. I love the Duggars and I wish them well, but I also wish they would be picked up at another network.

  147. I am thrilled that the women and their families will be on TLC again. They are married and have their own names now. I check the blog all the time to catch up on anything new. :)


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