
Friday, June 5, 2015

Jill and Jessa Set the Record Straight

In the following preview of tonight's interview, Jill Duggar Dillard and Jessa Duggar Seewald tell Megyn Kelly that they want to set the record straight about their family. Tune in to The Kelly File on the Fox News Channel tonight at 9pm ET/8pm CT to hear from Jill and Jessa, who identify themselves as two of Josh Duggar's victims.


  1. I wish your family all the best and I love watching the show, but for the sake of your family and my blood pressure I kind of of hope TLC cancels the show. I am so mad and frustrated by the mean, awful and hurtful things the media and other people are saying about your family. May God bless you all!

  2. Shutdown IN TOUCH MAGAZINE!!!!Hit them in the wallet DON'T BUY THERE MAGAZINE.For them to publish this to sell a magazine.Again he and the victims were MINORS.!!!!!

  3. I love your show and I wish your family all the best, but I kind of hope TLC cancels the show for the sake of your family and my blood pressure. I am so mad and frustrated with all of the mean, awful and hurtful things the media and other people are saying about your family. May God bless you all!

  4. My prayers are with y'all and thank you for staying strong in the face if pure evil. Are you guys going to or have found out how all this leaked out which is supposed to have been private? What are your

  5. I have never been as proud of the Duggar girls as I was tonight! My already huge respect for them just grew about 10 more feet! Jill and Jessa handled the Megyn Kelly interview on Fox News with grace, poise, level-headedness, and wisdom. I am so glad that they had this opportunity to speak. Dr. Robert Jeffress, Pastor of 1st Bap't Church in Dallas, was there later to speak on their behalf, too. Someone called the girls "well-adjusted." "Dr." Keith Ablow, however, is clearly on a hate trail, portraying the Duggar family as freaks and Josh as a pedophile. I'm relieved that both sides are being aired. Dr. Jeffress, who knows the Duggars personally, advised them to just "forget the cameras, and heal as a family." Obviously, though, their fans and viewing audience would love to see them back on tv, after they have weathered this latest storm. Good job, Jill and Jessa. You both possess maturity beyond your years! We love you! <3

  6. They do need to forget the cameras for awhile and let the family heal, just like Pastor Jeffress said if he was giving the Duggars advice he would tell them to do this. I still say Jim Bob and Michelle should have feared this story would be exposed when they started a reality show. Unfortunately thats how our cruel world works. Put yourself on TV, make a wrong move and someone will dig up your past.

  7. I still stand with your family because you still are great influences and role models. Just because this incident happened however many years ago, it does not diminish, in any way, how I view and respect your family.

    Your show has truly changed my life, in bringing me more in touch with God. I have always been a Christian, but since watching your show I have seen values that are really important to me!

    I am glad to see such a great and humble television show, which you can learn some things from. I love that their is actually a family similar to mine, in that we study the word of the Lord, dress modestly, and court. Except that am the only child, at 14 years old.

    Thank you all for setting such a extraordinary Christian example, and being so gracious and humble. I am continually praying for your family in these hard times. If TLC cancels the show or not, I hope to keep in contact with you in some way !

    May the Lord bless you always,
    Rachael Londeree

  8. I still support you guys! I was a victim of incest & Josh's being honest about it, and parents doing something appropriate versus brushing it under the rug, etc. are all commendable. The bible says we will be chastised & I'm so sorry that your family is going through this. One good thing that came of this scenario is that I, as nyst one person have felt a little more "normal" knowing your family has had this kind of experience. I'very been lIvins in secretin about it for 20 years. I also came to understand Michelle's struggle with an eating disorder while in treatment for an eating disorder myself. All this stuff your family is experiencing shows me personally that it's OK to be broken & we all are, even those who seem to have it all. I applaud you guys in how you're handling this!

  9. My heart breaks for the Duggar family!! Trusting that God will somehow use this sad situation in an incredible powerful way to bring more people to Him.

  10. Thank you so much for sharing. Beautiful to read!! Thanks!! God bless!

  11. Every human family struggles with personal family difficulties. I think your family handled this unfortunate situation beautifully. I would be upset if they ignored it, allowing the son's behavior to continue. These parents are honest, did the best they could, and addressed the problem head on. I must ask the question, how many parents would turn their child into the police? These parents did all the right things so therefore the media needs to find something else to gossip about. Really!

  12. I am so proud of you ladys! This strom shall pass. Love this family.

  13. The Duggars are good people and I will NEVER watch TLC again if they don't put the show back on.

    Dennis Wesley

  14. We are behind you all the way. There was no need for any of this to happen, it could have been handled differently instead of punishing the whole family like that. We love you and sure miss you on tv, hope we can keep in touch somehow. Praying for you all.


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