
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Duggars on Fox Tomorrow

Tomorrow (Wednesday) at 9pm ET during The Kelly File, Megyn Kelly and her Fox News team will join the Duggars at their home in Arkansas for an exclusive interview. Additional footage from the interview will air Friday at 9pm ET, also during The Kelly File. In the video below, Megyn Kelly shares how she plans to approach her conversation with the Duggars. (Note: the interview will air on Fox News Channel, also called FNC.)


  1. I hope this is available online. We don't have Fox News and I'd like to watch. Any idea if/where it will be available?

    1. Probably You Tube.

    2. On the Fox News website

    3. I hope that you Police Chief gets fired for this because she's ruined 5 girls lives over and over again and that is not very good for them they have to live there nightmare over again I feel sorry for the victims They had no right to open those documents and give them to the media I hope she loses her job and arrested for leaking information about minors at the time for shame

    4. Hate the sin
      Love the sinner.
      Only God has the authority to judge.

  2. Can we possibly move on from this and get back to pregnancy updates and stuff?

  3. Praying for all involved and will continue to support your family.Its wrong for people to judge and say nasty comments.This world needs to have more LOVE,COMPASSION AND FORGIVENESS.Go will PREVAIL IN THIS AND ALL INVOLVED WILL COME OUT STRONGER.GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

  4. Today (June 2) is Marcus' Birthday......Happy Birthday Marcus!!!

  5. I have lived through something similar and understand keeping it out of the media. This is very hard and personal matter. People can still have their faith in God and forgive the sin and the sinner. I did. I stand behind the Duggar family.

  6. I thought this was airing on Wednesday?

  7. I think Megyn Kelly is the perfect journalist to be doing this interview. She's tough but fair and she's not interested in any political agenda as so many people are. Her biggest issue seems to be the fact that Josh's juvenile record was unsealed illegally and that appalls me as well. Please, if you guys could post the video of this after it airs that would be greatly appreciated. I don't have access to this show and I think this is a must see interview.

    1. Me too we don't have tv. Thank you!!

  8. @Anonymous You're talking about treatment for something that happened over a decade ago, that they've delt with .

  9. Praying that people can be forgiving as Christians are supposed to do. God bless your family

  10. Prayers of support, love all of your family, praying TLC will bring y'all back!

  11. I pray for you.........God Bless You!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Linda Bobo ReddochJune 2, 2015 at 6:11 PM

    Praying for you Duggars.
    I still believe that Josh and your entire family have a future full of good and full of hope.
    We love you guys, and are praying you hang in there. I know things are tough right now, but keep the faith!!!

  13. love you all. keeping you in my prayers.

  14. I'm behind you, Duggars !!!

  15. Praying for ALL involved. There is freedom in forgiveness. And I believe that was dealt with years ago. I'm praying this media attention doesn't hurt the people involved. Stand strong with Christ. Many hugs and prayers.

  16. will this be available here after its been aired, i dont have fox , would love to watch it,

  17. I have stood by you since day 1. I will continue to do so but remember there are those that whatever you say will not matter, they have their minds made up and nothing will change it. When that happens remember Matthew 7:6. God bless and keep each and every one of you. Your sister in Christ, Joyce Anglin Miller

  18. i love the show and hope that it comes back Christians everyone gets a second chance and is forgiven...he was a child himself and the girls didn't come forward but josh's dad did,,it is now in the past and he has become a godly man and a wonderful husband and father,, I look forward to the show, all aspects of it every week!

  19. you can look it up on the Fox News web page.

  20. Why is the treatment and couseling anyone's business ? If you were in counseling or treatment would you want the world to know your business or do you think because they are on tv that all their business should all be out there ?

  21. Love and support for the Duggars!

  22. Total support for the Duggar family!!! We should always support others for holding to their christian values! We should be thankful for healing chances. Satan is working overtime to stop the good work Josh was accomplishing in Washington! But we all know The Lord will always triumph!! Hang in there Josh and family!!!!!

  23. We do not have the right to judge anyone who has been forgiven and has gone on to live a life that is pleasing to God! Anyone who does, remember, " judge not, lest ye be judged." The Duggars have shown themselves to be of high moral character. All of us has sinned, and fallen short of the mark, but by the grace of God, we have been given the opportunity to change and be forgiven. Last I heard, that is the reason Jesus had to be crucified, to pay for our sins. "Go and sin no more" God bless this family! TLC, bring back the Duggars! Not a spin off!!

  24. I don't want to downplay what Josh did when he was 14, it was wrong and hopefully all involved received all the help that they needed and continue to get any counseling etc. that they might still need. I also do not believe that Josh - being a kid - would have ever imagined that his actions might mentally harm the girls. I don't think he meant to hurt anyone, Perhaps, because of the fact that they are a family in the public eye, if this had been even remotely mentioned in the very beginning of the series - none of what is happening now would have occurred. I think someone obviously had it in for this family to bring this out in the open now. I hope TLC will not remove this show from it's lineup. I enjoy watching the children grow up and start their own lives - for me, it's a clean family show that I look forward to seeing each week. Yes, they have problems, No they are not perfect. Neither am I.

  25. Best of luck tomorrow night.. You have my support!

  26. i wonder what poor Anna has had to endure??

    1. Ive been wondering the sure she has a lot of stress being so pregnant.

    2. I pray she is able to enjoy the last weeks of her pregnancy.

  27. Hi Lily & Ellie Hope TLC will put back on Air soon 2015 & 2016.

  28. Amazing how people think just because they share their lives with us that they must share every little detail. The Duggars nor anyone should have to share everything.

  29. No matter what the Duggars have to say, the haters will still be there. There is nothing they can say that will satisfy any of them. I give them a lot of credit for coming forth and not just hiding. Still hopeful that the people that matter will have a say and they will return to TLC. Even tho sponsors have dropped them, the people have spoken and want them on TLC

  30. I am sorry this had to come out. God has forgiven but knowing human nature we are not as forgiving. I would prefer not to know all the details. The Duggars are human like everyone else. It is just that some skeletons came out of their closet. I wonder how many skeletons we have in our closet. God forgives and forgets as far as the East is from the West so why can't we? I guess since they are in the public eye you have to walk the talk I am sorry that this family has to go through all this pain. Like I have said before the rest of the world knows how Christians should behave. God did not come to condemn the world but to save it. We should not condemn either.

  31. Looking forward to seeing this. Have read so many horrible things about this family regarding things that are no ones business. Thankful for God's grace and forgiveness. Praying for the Duggars.

  32. I watched the clip above and am praying this interview goes well, that people will see as what I believe you are Parents who are trying to make the best decisions based on your Faith and knowledge, and that when you were not sure you sought counsel! I am also praying TLC reinstates the "19 Kids and Counting" program. Our belief is not exactly like yours but we all pray and serve the same God. Your program and the sharing of your lives has opened opportunities for conversations with my granddaughter.

  33. God Bless you all! No matter how this turns out, you are forgiven already by God and he will open doors for you to continue
    When one door closes another opens. Sure miss you all already. How about dvd's, newsletters, your own magazine.!

  34. Where can we see this if we don't have Fox News Channel?

  35. It's unfortunate that the public feel you owe them any explanation. None of the public are about to share their past shame on TV. You've already acted more appropriately than many, as you've dealt with this via the law and counseling long ago. I'm sorry that someone has exploited you this way.

  36. I have already set my DVR to record. The Duggars have been consistent in serving God. It may have looked like entertainment on the show but that is how they live their lives. They teach others by example. No doubt they'll continue teaching on Wed. I will always support, love and pray for the Duggars: all the Duggars!!!!

  37. Like the Pharisees, so many in the unsaved world are furious that God can and will forgive sin.

  38. I support the Duggars! I love the family and I think they need to show the world how a family deals with something like this and turns their child around and stands by him. Because in this day and age a family has to deal with a lot of problems with their children.

  39. Happy Birthday Marcus! You are precious.

  40. I pray for peace during this difficult time, and that the negativity that has invaded your lives over this highly personal crisis, ends.

  41. I am so sad to see how the devil is trying to destroy this family!! I know Jesus loves them and he is with them and I believe others will be helped in their lives in some way. God has helped me to use my past mess for his glory and I have helped a lot of people in the past twenty years. Keep you eyes on Jesus Duggar's . God is your source not TLC or any man. Ly Sister Pam.

  42. I'll be there to watch and weep with Michelle.

  43. Why should they have to tell what they did for treatment or counseling?? Are they accountable to you? Do you have some place of authority or personal interest in this situation? Why do the Duggars owe anyone any explanation? This was a private family matter between them and their children. Why do any of us have a say about this one way or the other? Who are we to judge this family. Have we walked in their shoes or lived in their house. Who says that the victims haven't forgiven and moved on. I am a victim of abuse and life does go on, if you choose to. They seem very loving toward their brother and his family. Everyone is telling them that they should be uncomfortable and have a problem with him. How about admiring them for being able to forgive and move on. People need to mind their own business.

  44. All have sinned & fallen short of the Glory of God. If we are faithful to confess our sins God will forgive our sins.

  45. @Anonymous If someone doesn't post it on youtube, I would be most surprised.

  46. My heart goes out to the families of all involved. I feel this was handled when it happened and does not need to involve anyone outside the families. The sick comments that are posted are so hurtful and just plane mean.

  47. I think you are an amazing family and your show is inspiring to all I think Josh dealt with his demons and has become a fine young man I think it is horrible what some people are saying I love your family and show god bless

  48. Just for the record, FNC is Fox News Channel, not something different from the "basic" Fox News channel as mentioned in the blog post. There may be LOCAL Fox channels, but this is the national cable channel. Megyn Kelly will do a great job on this subject. She is tough but fair. Yes, we DO need to hear about the treatment and counseling. We also need to hear how apparently someone BROKE THE LAW by releasing these records at all, as everyone involved were minors.

    Let he who has NOT sinned cast the first stone!!!

  50. Will be available on Friday

  51. Yes,what about the police chef who divulged the records.......which was against the law......., we just need to hear how the Duggars are dealing with this and how they will go on.....just like the rest of us who have had problems in our lives....

  52. Praying for you that God guide & directs the interview. Love you guys.. I hope I see you back on tlc. I love your show!!!!!!!!

  53. Make God Bless your family during this terrible time. God is who we all answer to be stong and be encouraged. We do our best to raise our children. Healing thoughts and prayers for all the Duggars.

  54. @Anonymous

    can't you see the difference in their lives? We all have skeletons in our closet.... this is re-injuring the girls and digging it up all over again.
    They have lived not a perfect life..... What about Josh's minor record as a child opened up by a police chief? TLC and their advertisers will support other "alternate" lifestyles.. but why target some clean and wholesome family show?

  55. Sure have the interview on a channel that most people don't even get.

  56. I don't know if going back to television is the right thing for them to do. Everyone will look upon this family differently. Nothing will be the same. What this family needs is healing and lots of prayers. I still like this family, but they need to focus on each other and just be a family without cameras.

  57. @Anonymous Agreed! I'd also like Megyn to look into the officials who released this information. From everything I have read, releasing it violated state, & possibly federal, law. For everyone calling for Josh & his parents to face charges (which btw they cannot now since the statute of limitations has run out), there should be AT MINIMUM an official investigation into who released these records & why. It was equally as hurtful, if not more so, to the innocent victims, as to Josh, Jim Bob & Michelle.

  58. If I was Josh and Anna, I would not have any more children. People will always think he might hurt is children.

  59. Maybe it is time for reality shows to just go away. Really, other people's lives need to be their own business. What happened was awful. A lot of stuff on reality TV is awful. Please, just go away.

  60. I'll be watching this interview and praying for the Duggar's

  61. Fan of the Show,
    I will watch the Interview but don't agree on what has been done to your Family. This was never supposed to be exposed and I would be questioning how and by whom this sealed information was leaked to the press. Josh paid for what he did and that should have been the end of it, to destroy a whole Family and the victims is evil. I love your show and it is clear to see you all love and respect each other. I hope that Josh and his Family have relocated back to Arkansas for the loving support they need. I hope TLC doesn't cancel your show, there are several XXX rated ones that they have right now that are worse than anything I've seen and don't understand why they need them on anyway. I'm praying for you all and will keep up on how things are going for you. Tell Jill and Jessa we miss their updates. Keep the faith.

  62. All of this happened 12 years ago. The Duggar parents are obviously good people. I'm sure they got every one the help they needed. And I'm sure everyone involved would have liked it if someone else hadn't broken the law and released the records of this juvenile. I can imagine the those who were molested 12 years ago would have liked it to not be revealed. And even Josh who was the one who caused all this pain, he was young and did a horrible thing, but not an unforgivable thing. I think it would be worse to kill a baby in it's mothers womb. Most likely those who are persecuting this family wouldn't agree.

  63. I will never support the Duggars TLC and sponsors did what they needed to do. Good for TLC.I am praying for the Duggars . But don't want to watch them again.

  64. "the interview will air on Fox News Channel, also called FNC, which is separate from the basic Fox News channel."
    There are two Fox News Channels?

  65. I believe that if Josh has gone through the steps and confessed to his sin and asked God for forgiveness then leave him alone as long as he is not hurting anyone any more what can they do? God id the main judge of him and not us. Ask the girls that where hurt what they want to be done with him if they feel that he need to register for a few years then fine.

  66. Forgiveness is what God sees... This was the past im sure that josh has asked God to forgives him more than once... People judging and hateting on the duggars really need to read more in the bible... Forgiveness is always the correct answer... The duggars are christain people like us and they said they have got help about it and took care of it

  67. Josh did something horrible as a teenager and it was dealt with by his parent and others. The leak was wrong and I believe it was intentional. It's like being brought to trial again. I think someone is out to hurt and bring down the family. TCL don't let it happen! Don't let those few bad apples bring down a good family.

  68. I will always support the DUGGAR always no - matter what ; I LOVE THEM I give my full support for the whole family including Jim Bob & Michelle, and Josh & Anna and their family ; All the Duggar kids all 19 of them. ...

  69. Finally someone asked why no one is mentioning the officer who released a SEALED juvie record!

  70. I am looking forward to watching this. I feel like there was no reason for this to be brought up about this family. Yes he was wrong in what he did. But him and his family has dealt w/this a long time back. God has forgiven him and we should too. Its wrong to punish him and his family now for what happened back then.

  71. I can't wait to see the interview.. I have watched the Duggar's on TLC for many years and truthfully I love the family and I support them all the way.. Josh was 14 years old...I hope to see 19 kids and counting again soon.. praying for this great family.

  72. Hi Lily & Ellie Question is 12 Year ago back Duggars son back in 2003 was 15 years old ,
    They in 2000 they start to build family a house and then 2004 he was 16 years old and also
    was finsh in 2006 he was 18 years old .My question are going coming to on Tv 2015 or 2016.
    and are they going run any old reruns on Tv . My prayer going to them. wiell at this time. Linda

  73. I just wanted to let the Duggar Family know im behind them 100%, and hope this helps clear up some of the pain and all it has caused the family my Love and Support to the entire family..

  74. I will be praying for you Duggars. You shouldn't have to explain to the world your private family matters but since you are it is very loving of you. All the people out there that are saying hateful things about your family, obviously have not found God, cause God is Love. It seems that you have a very large number of people that support you and miss seeing you on TV. Hopefully that will out weigh the hateful ones so your show can come back on the air with TLC or another network. I pray that you will find the right words to address the world on your private family matter.

  75. I wanted to watch this but our cable and Internet was out when it was on. I would love to see it. If there is any way. I am praying for the Duggars!

  76. I love the Duggars. Praying for your family. With the help of God you will get through this.

  77. My heart bleeds for the Duggars. Such good people having to re-live what should've been a private family matter! However, God must have a reason...I trust that he does. Meanwhile, I'll continue to pray for these wonderful people. Amen.

  78. Matthew 5:11-12 God's peace be with you all!

  79. I wish everyone would stop judging and open your ears. This family is all about love and would never deny their children anything that they needed. Let the girls answer for themselves. It's really their story, isn't it! Leave the judgment up to God. Wishing nothing but the best for all the Duggars. Love you all.

  80. Is IN TOUCH liable to be sued ?? How do they have a right make this info known when it wasn't supposed to be released?

  81. @Anonymous
    If you run a search for "The Kelley File" it should give you a page for FNC that tells you how you can watch online.

  82. My prayers are with the family. I will be watching on tomorrow.

  83. Dear Duggars I am so sorry for all the stuff that has gone on in the past 2 weeks it has got to be devistating but if anybody can triumph over all this it will be you all with the Lord leading your responses you cant go wrong people pointing fingers have got to remember that when they do that there is 3 more pointing back at them.... I would love to know where love Jesus's love and forgiveness are? You all are in my prayers

  84. If the dear Duggars were going to grant an interview to anyone, I'm glad it was to Megyn Kelly. She's a fair person, but certainly not wimpy nor shy. I think once the public hears from the Duggars themselves, their honesty about this situation, I don't see how anyone can be against them. But I truly think the Duggars don't CARE who is for them or who is against them because they know God is for them. And if God is for them, WHO can be against them?! Amen.

    God bless the dear Duggars~ Sue

  85. I am praying for the Duggar family and everyone who was involved in this tragedy. I think they all just really want to put all of this behind them , but now the media and the public won't allow them to do so. Josh Duggar made some serious mistakes when he was very young and immature. He recognizes that and has expressed deep remorse. He has turned his life around, the family has forgiven him, and we should all just butt out and respect their privacy now! Are they "hypocrites" because one of them failed to live up to his values, beliefs, and high standards? I don't see it that way. We all (well, most of us) believe in honesty, integrity, generosity, and helping others-- but, we don't always live up to what we believe in either! We are basically good people; but, who among us has not done anything wrong? Even the best people make major mistakes, use bad judgement, and give in to temptation! It is up to God to judge-- it's not our job! So, let's leave it to Him.

  86. I hope Dish customers can get this channel. I miss watching them every morning when I wake up. I think they r a great family.

  87. I love the Duggars and everything they represent! True role models in Christ Jesus. Thank you Lord for this family!

  88. God bless them, just not interested to have them on TV anymore!

    1. Then turn the channel. It is your choice. Nobody is making you watch.

  89. No one condones what happened. But to down grade a family after ten years- that should have NEVER been made public- shame on whoever felt they were so RIGHTEOUS, I love the DUGGARS. I hope to see them again real soon. T L C wake up, not one person is without some scandal.

  90. Praying for you and your family Josh! What you did was in the past, and like Jesus says, don't keep looking back at what you did, look forward to what you will do in the future. We love you Josh! God bless you and your family!

  91. Many people have made mistakes in this case, and I’m sure that if they could go back in time, they would do things differently. Unfortunately, they can’t. It’s really sad that Satan has caused a “feeding frenzy” on the Duggars, as can be seen by all of the hateful comments that have been posted in Internet articles and on social media, but we can be sure that what Satan intends for evil, God can change to good.

    Various Bible verses have been quoted in this blog, but here are a few more:

    – Matthew 5:27-28: “Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.”

    – 1 John 3:15: “Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.”

    – Proverbs 17:5: “Whoso mocketh the poor reproacheth his Maker: and he that is glad at calamities shall not be unpunished.”

    – Romans 8:28: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

  92. do not close down theshow 19 kods JEAUS FORGIVES SO SHOUD WE


  93. I hear what people say, and why do we know what happened? it is hard 4 me to watch, I feel the show should come back! I love it! and them!

  94. Praying for this family. God is in control and will watch over them

  95. Love y'all, and praying for you as well!

  96. Everyone is praying that you give up reality tv because the attention and money becomes addictive.

  97. I miss this show so much. Josh did this at a young age and boys are curious. As a viewer I got to know this family and I truly believe Michelle and Jim Bob have tried to raise their children in the right way. As a parent you cannot help what your children do. Please put this show back on the air ASAP.

  98. That's what is so "amazing" about this grace we sing about. God has already forgiven whats been done! His grace is enough!! Please remember what a blessing you all are to so many and read these messages of encouragement when you need strength. My family will be praying for you and that your show will be brought back. We love you Duggars!

  99. My heart goes out to the Duggar family. God says we will be persecuted for His sake. The fact that a 14 year old came forward and confessed his sin to his father says a lot about his heart and his upbringing. The fact that Josh's parents acted quickly to get him counseling is also commendable. Josh knew he was wrong and asked for help. God has forgiven him and his example to TV viewers is the same as before this all came out. Repent and do better. It's so wrong for the network to support this family when their raking in the money. Christianity is great when all is well. Let that faith be tested and bam...get that stuff off the air. I look forward to your new episodes. Tell the Duggars to keep their chin up. In humility, they will be a testament to God's glory. All my prayers, Marci B

  100. I am praying for your family. Josh has a beautiful family and wife. The Devil is alive and well and trying to bring your family down because you are Christians. Lean on God as you always have. God is still with you. People are out to catch Christians in anything. You are a wonderful Christian family. Christians aren't perfect but forgiven and Josh has been forgiven by God.

  101. I pray your show comes back stronger than ever . I watch every episode. Such Christian family values. Let him that has not sinned throw the first stone. I believe you handled things the way God would want.

  102. Amen to comment 87 & 88 you said it all.
    May God bless the whole Dugger family...Pat

  103. Praying for you, Duggars!

  104. We still love you Josh. Our Loving Heavenly Father has a plan and is still in control. Perhaps He is telling you it's time to help others who have had to deal with things like this in their lives. AND even though I feel like cursing when I read some of the comments online about you, I'm using this as an opportunity to pray for Every individual who says hurtful and untrue things about you and your family. Just think what our Father God can do, if we all pray for them.....Keep being you Josh.

  105. TLC shame on you if you keep this family off the air. Christians are being persecuted all over the world. This family teaches Godly values. I pray they continue on the air. I believe a non Christian brought this out to bring down Christians. Christians aren't prefect but they try. May God Bless this family. They've suffered much and did the best they could and now Josh has a beautiful family. I pray for them all. Please leave them alone and quit trying to find something wrong just because they're a Christian family. I pray there are more families with values like they have.

  106. Why on earth do you think it's just liberals??? There are reasons for a minor child not to have charges against him and a life-long record. But it was hidden all these years. It's normal just as much to be upset with someone representing himself as a bastion of family values to have this kind of thing in his past. What a sick value system where they talk on and on about keeping covered up and don't allow anything but side hugs - meanwhile that and the Bible didn't stop Josh from touching 3 of his sisters. I'm disgusted!!

  107. Watching the interview. My heart is aching fir the Duggars.

  108. I love this family. May God bless them.

  109. I am watching the program. It is done so well. My heart is with the Duggars. I can understand what they are going through and I am praying this will soon be over. Not only does this hurt the daughters but it is hurtful to a lot of people. that have been molested and have found healing through the Lord and yet now the wound is opened. I was molested almost 45 years ago. I have never told a single person and had planned to go to my grave with this secret. No family is immune from problems such as this. God can bring healing to the victim as well as the child doing wrong. There is no excuse allowable for the people who have leaked the sealed police documents and now have not only harmed the known victims but many others who have had similar things happen to them. I know God will help me through these days. Jim Bob and Michelle and the rest of your precious family please know I am praying for you.

  110. God bless you all!! You are all in our prayers.

  111. It's great to hear that Josh and all the girls got professional counseling.

  112. The ones that broke the law IS the LAW!

  113. Just Got done watching you on Fox News. I hate it for your family that you are going though this storm. Because that what this is a STORM. I am Praying that God is with you all. And through this STORM he will be Glorified.

  114. Thank you so much for sharing your story and the way your family handled the interview. You remain in my Thoughts and Prayers

  115. Hang in there Duggar Family. We love you and we are so sorry you are going through this. God will use this for the good. Christians get persecuted and this is what is happening. We are all sinful. We pray the world will see that through what you are going through.

  116. I have always supported the whole Duggar family, the way Megan Kelly addressed the questions was just what most wanted to know, that had to be so hard for Michelle and Jim Bob to relive, they did exactly what I would have done if my son had done what Josh did.
    It's a real shame Jill and Jessa have to relive this on national TV because of evil people who are out to bring down the Duggar for their Christian beliefs. Shame on them, one day they will stand before the Almighty God, I can only hope they repent of their evil hearts before that day. God loves his children, no one will destroy them, we are covered by the blood of Jesus
    I love you dear Duggar family

  117. there is not a one of us that is perfect i think they are saying things against the duggers because of what they believe more families should try to raise they children in a godly home they best way they know how i pray for the duggers and their family for god to bless them

  118. Just watched the interview. I truly believe that the duggar did everything right with situation. As a parent I'm sure I would have done the same. The saddest part about this, is that someone released juvenile records and now the sisters are being victimized again. The media took the truth and dramatized it to publicity as always. I agree with Michelle. Why should the rest of children suffer because ones mistakes.

  119. I wish this never came out. I feel so very bad that there are people in our world that can be so nasty. I pray for them to seek help and I pray for peace for your family. I hope your show isn"t cancelled and that we get to enjoy your show again. My heart hurts for you and I miss seeing you and your lovely children and grandchildren.

  120. Is there a petition to sign to have the police chief, attorney, and InTouch investigated or charges brought against them? They need to be held accountable. In the mean time, I will NO longer watch TLC as long as the Duggars are off their network.

  121. Just saw the interview. I think they need to stop talking. Glad they got them counseling. This is a mess.

  122. Let it rest it happened 12 years ago. He has told the right people and something was done. 12 years ago. I think that some people just like to start trouble. Let it go put the show back on

  123. Thank you for speaking out on Fox News. The real truth was nice to hear. Everyone should know they cant trust what the media puts out. I hope you pursue the person that released juvenile records.

  124. I think you should disable the post to page on your face book page for awhile. I am going to unlike the page because there are some very offensive and disgusting things being posted. And there allegations and links to things that are not true. I feel that as supporters of the duggers you shouldn't be letting some of what is going on on that page happen and get so out of hand.

  125. I watched the condensed interview tonight with Megyn Kelly. Every question the Duggars answered, I already knew in my heart. I never ONCE questioned their ability as parents faced with such a devastating situation years ago.The media has certainly twisted and elaborated, haven't they? I stand with the Duggars and commend their actions when faced with such a devastating situation. I am also happy to see they're speaking with lawyers about the sealed documents and why were they released. THIS woman victimized these ladies. They were innocent years ago, unaware of such things and even when they found out, were still protected. How dare this woman do something so wrong...just evil! I know the Duggars will forgive her, but this definitely needs to be investigated and charges need to be brought against this woman. She's a sworn protector and she failed...EPICALLY. All I can say is...I love this family, I miss them, I love how they stand up for Christ! I am also thankful for them because they've been a blessing in my own life as a stay-at-home mom and a wife. I continue to pray and know that something wonderful will come out of all this...I can feel it in my heart. God bless ALL of you!! #IStandwithTheDuggars #GodIsBiggerThanItAll

  126. Very sad situation for this family. I hope in the end there is peace for all of them.

  127. I watched the interview and Michelle and Jim Bob handled the situation in the best way as parents. They did nothing wrong. Josh came to his parents and confessed to his wrong doings. I commend him for his honesty and seeking help and forgiveness. From what I can see, Josh is a wonderful husband and father. I love the Duggar family and watching the show has made me a better person. God Bless the Duggars!!

  128. Only God can judge. I love the show and this news don't change that, no-one is perfect and Jesus died for all of our sins, not just the ones who don't have thier own t.v shows. God bless u all. people have to remember this is just bad news. It only is opening deeper wounds for the victims and Josh. Everyone shouldnt have to have everything put on blast because its in the public eye. Some things can be only between people u trust and god.

  129. I watched the interview and it makes me stand behind the Duggars even more. I feel so badly for the girls. Its IS a crime in itself what those people did who leaked the Police Report to the Tabloids. They set out an agenda to hurt/ruin, or maybe because they felt justice had not been done and at the same time broke the law and hurt the girls.. Out of all this the people hurt and traumatized the most are the girls. I agree Josh did a terrible thing, and I believe he can be forgiven. I saw a clip of the interview of Jessa and Jill and my heart breaks for them. I believe that Police Chief that allowed this report to leak should be fired and not only that should lose her pension if there is one as well as Jail time. As an adult you are expected to use your adult mind. You clearly are expected to follow the law and as a Law Enforcer have a greater duty to follow those laws... I stand behind you and your family. We are ALL sinners, there is no one perfect. Jesus was sent to us by our Heavenly Father to do just what was done. Jesus love the children and I know forgiveness was given for the CHILD Josh. I love your show and I love watching the great values and love for my child to see how having these Christian values will bring blessings and its ok to be different then most of society. I could go on and on.. I know you know well that God has a plan and he will be there for your family and there is nothing he will not give you that you cannot handle.

  130. Jim Bob and Michelle: When I first learned about Josh's story, the Holy Spirit kept brining something to my attention: remember that Josh is your first born. God has bestowed position and authority over him and that upsets the enemy. The devil will stop at nothing to take all of that away from Josh. This has been an ongoing attack to destroy one of God's most precious. Like Job, what the Lord has allowed to be taken away, He will return to you.....and doubled.

    Isaiah 54:4
    Do not be afraid; you will not be put to shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood.

    Josh: We are all human and far from perfect. You have asked for forgiveness and that is what has been given to you. Hold your head high and don't let anyone or anything get in the way of what God has planned for you and your family. The Lord must have something powerful in store for the Duggars if the enemy is working this hard in an attempt to stop it.

    The Duggars: I will continue to pray that you stay united in God's love. That these high walls in front of you will crumble like the walls of Jericho. That you will see beyond the debris and walk faithfully into the next season of your lives. God bless you, brothers and sisters in Christ.

  131. No family is perfect. What are you going to do about the policeman who opened THE SEALED RECORDS that were old? HE broke the law? You were the only show I watched on TLC. Now I don't watch any of them. The station got away from it's original format. I dislike the reality shows but enjoyed yours. Up to the early 70's women weren't allow to wear slacks in public work place etc. My grandmothers never wore slacks (even on their farms) So why would people think it's strange. HOPE this gets resloved and only media blown it out od poporation. Good luck God bless. Faith is strong !!!!

  132. God bless you Jim Bob, Michelle and family. The times we're living in are getting uglier by the day, and the persecution has only just begun. I am so glad that the Lord is with you and has given you such faith. I saw your interview and any honest person who loves their children I believe would have dealt with the situation just as you did. I know that your family will only grow closer to the Lord through all of this. He is loving you and strengthening you through this for the times ahead perhaps. 1 Peter 4:14 If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the Spirit of Glory and of God rests upon you: on their part He is evil spoken of, but on your part He is glorified.

  133. It's ridiculous to say that the Duggar's can't possibly have family values and tell people about them because of something from the past. I wonder if people who say that go around telling every one they meet the bad things from their past and that because of the bad things they did they have no values and should never tell another living soul that it is good to have values. Really?? Such hateful and unforgiving people. That is the world though. And there are a lot of wolves out there passing themselves off as sheep.

  134. @AnonymousIi
    I agree whole heartedly.


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