Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Recap: "Jill's Special Delivery"

19 Kids and Counting "Jill's Special Delivery"
  • Jill and Derick's midwives, along with Michelle and Jana, come over for a tour of the Dillards' house and to discuss Jill's extensive birth plan. They are planning for a home birth. Derick says he would like to help "catch the baby."
  • Jim Bob and Michelle and Josie look for Josie's crib so they can pass it on to Jill and Derick. Then they deliver it to the Dillards. "I've never been this close to a crib before," admits Derick.
  • Later, Jill and Derick take Derick's mom, Cathy, for a pedicure. Derick enjoys having his feet washed and massaged, but he doesn't have his toenails painted. "The pedicures were great," he says. "I recommend them with your wife."
  • Using baby dolls, Michelle shows the four youngest girls how to hold an infant. The Duggar mom shows them how to feed a baby with a bottle, but when it is Josie's turn to try, she attempts to nurse the doll.
  • Michelle shares advice for keeping a marriage strong when kids come into the picture. She says that one's spouse must come first. "Marriage came before motherhood, so my marriage needs to come first," says Michelle.
  • Jim Bob says he loves to show Michelle affection, but he admits he sometimes embarrasses the kids, and even Michelle.
  • Jill and Derick attend a women's basketball game at Oklahoma State University, where Derick and both his parents attended college. Derick and his dad both wore the school's mascot, Pistol Pete. (Click here to read the story.)
  • Jill really enjoys seeing her husband put on the Pistol Pete costume and get the crowed excited about the game.
  • How will Jill and Derick handle college when their kids enter adulthood? "We're planning on encouraging our kids to do whatever God has called them to do," says Derick. If that involves college, then the Dillards will support that wholeheartedly.
  • "Maybe they will be Pistol Pete," adds Jill.
  • On the day of one of Jill's baby showers, a snow and ice storm rolls in, but it doesn't affect the attendance. This is Derick's first baby shower, and his brother, Dan, comes, too. "Guys don't typically do baby showers, but I am secure in my manhood," says the dad-to-be.
  • Michelle takes Jill out for tea to talk about labor. Jill admits she is a little nervous.
  • The youngest Duggars help Jim Bob wrap a few gag gifts for Derick's birthday, including a "Baby Owner's Manual" and a diaper changing tool kit.
  • The Duggars and Dillards, along with Josiah's almost-girlfriend, Marjorie, go over to Jill and Derick's house to celebrate Derick's birthday. His mom gives him an album of his baby pictures, his Oklahoma State bib, and a diary written by Derick's dad when Cathy was pregnant.
  • Jill's labor begins when her water breaks at 3am. She takes castor oil to jumpstart labor, and her contractions come on quickly.
  • 20 hours into labor: Michelle, Jana and the birth team arrive.
  • 48 hours into labor: Jill goes to the bathroom and notices a meconium stain.
  • 50 hours into labor: Jill arrives at the hospital, and the doctor checks her and says she and the baby are doing well. Jill refuses Pitocin, a medication that induces labor, at first but ends up taking some later on.
  • 60 hours into labor: Still no baby. Jill and Derick are both exhausted but are staying positive.
  • 70 hours into labor: The doctor advises Jill to have a C-section. Derick, Michelle, and Cathy all go into the operating room.
  • Through Jill's labor, the rest of the Duggars are gathered at home supporting her in prayer. When Israel arrives, everyone is thrilled. "He was worth every contraction, every pain that I had," says Jill.
  • Four days later, Jill and Derick leave the hospital. Before going home, they stop at the Duggars' house to introduce Israel to the family. Derick says to his wife, "Can we have another one?" And Jill says, "Yes!"


  1. That had to have been so painful for Jill. Thank the Lord that she is doing well and the baby is here safe.
    Bless you Jill and Derick, you're a very sweet couple.

  2. Time to update the banner picture with Israel's cute little face!

    1. Yes! Please update. And perhaps we can find a better picture of Kynz? She looks all stretched out poor thing!

  3. Jill was courageous to endure all the pain. I would never have gone that long without asking for pain meds!

  4. That is precious that Josie tried to nurse the baby :) Can't wait to watch this episode.

  5. What do you mean by almost-girlfriend??

  6. Why isn't Israel's picture on the header

  7. Just read the re-cap. Jill took castor oil to kick-start labour...in the UK this is WRONG, any midwife who suggests this method would be immediately struck off.

    1. Not in America! Woman use it all the time without any negative effects :)

    2. This is exactly what I thought. Even here in the USA it's not recommended by reputable midwives. I've seen 5 midwives and they all discourage the use of castor oil for the exact presenting problem here, meconium. If it forces mom's bowels to move, it can force baby's to move.

  8. What a joy that was to see Jill and Derick with their new bundle of joy, baby Israel, showing him off to the family. You can tell Derick is filled with love as he holds his son, how precious, and Jill just beaming with love and joy too. Also the two Grandma's their love and excitement is just wonderful.
    The Duggar family is growing more in beauty.

  9. I was disappointed with the lack of video of Israel. But, while everyone is raving about Derick's birthday being more of a shower, seriously, what else are you going to get the guy? I thought it was a cute joke like what the older Duggar girls did for Erin's wedding gift, remember that?

  10. Skeptical viewerMay 6, 2015 at 9:27 AM

    WAIT A MINUTE!!! I see another altered story line here. In the People magazine exclusive interviews, the story went that Jill noticed meconium at 20 hours and decided to move to the hospital at that point. It made me and many other viewers question the story since it is not common for a hospital to along a mother to go much over 24 hours after ROM (rupture of membranes) with little to no progression. I double checked the article before commenting, because I would have hated to be wrong and spread a rumor, but the article does say she noticed meconium at the 20 hour mark. Please explain the discrepancies here.

  11. I'm wondering why sweet Jill always wore such tight tops during pregnancy? I wonder if they were comfy compared to looser clothing during this time?

    1. That's the style today. I personally preferred maternity clothes that were snug around my baby bump because it gave a little extra support. When you're all belly and out front it's just more comfortable, in my opinion and experience.

  12. Jill you were a trooper 70hrs in labor wow that would be intense.
    You did a wonderful job. Baby Isreal is beautiful

  13. I just watched the episode yesterday! It was very cute
    to see Jill and Derick look at there newborn baby!
    Jill is going to be a great mother!

    -Brandyn Marie

  14. I think that Israel David Dillard is the perfect thing to come into Jill and Dericks life!

    Do you think Jill will have more?

    What is the newest episode on TLC?

    1. Hahahaha. I'm sorry, do we think Jill will have more...there is literally no way Jill will not have more children. She will have lots

  15. I recorded the show and at 1hour 26 min the show went mute and I could not fast forward through the commercials. I hope it goes on demand soon. He looked so cute!!!

  16. I APOLOZIZE to the DR. I love the Duggars and have watched almost all shows. When people magazine said she labored at home 20 hours I said why did the Dr. let her labor 50 more hours. THATS why we need to know all facts before making a comment. God Bless Duggars and all.

    1. According to Jill she was at he for most of the labor. So her midwife I assume felt things were safe enough to progress until Jill decided to give birth in hospital

  17. A birthday gift is supposed to be for the birthday person. Dericks birthday turned into a baby shower. Poor guy.

  18. I don't understand why a woman is considered courageous or admirable when she forgoes pain meds. Not in my book.

    1. Because pain meds affect the baby. Better to forego meds!!!!
      Jill was doing what was best for her baby!

  19. Poor Jill, but I'm sure the Duggars and Dillards are thrilled that she and Israel are healthy. Derick and Jill are great parents already! And it looks like they have had excellent role models in Michelle, Jim Bob, and Cathy. I'm excited to see what God has in store for the young Dillard family in the coming years.

  20. The DR knew she had labored those other hours at home. It's not up to the doctor but to Jill to agree to the C section. I feel given the first story from People and what we saw a slightly different timeline for things.

  21. Derrick isn't lacking cause he did not change 10,000 diapers or use a car seat. I find those stats don't make sense. I mean no one really counted and many people were changing diapers all those years.

  22. This was a tedius show to watch for all the same reasons others have posted since last year and now again this season. It might be wise to poll viewers on what kinds of things they do not want to watch over and over and over and over and over...well you get the idea.

    I am a Duggar fan and would be sorry to see the show cancelled due to TLC's repetitive content
    and resulting lack of viewer interest. Another similar show on another network does a great job with flow and content with very little repetition. Please TLC, make some changes next season.

  23. Why were all those pregnant women and babies out in a blizzard ice storm?

  24. I expected the show to be a whole 2 hours on Jill and her delivery. TLC crammed '70' hours of labor and giving birth in 25 minutes. The whole labor story was sped through.

    1. Totally agree! Wish they'd spent at least one hour on the birth. I did enjoy watching them decorate the nursery though. ��

  25. To #7 well he could have been given lots of personal things. A new shirt from his alma mater, a pair or gift cert for new Chacos shoes, a bible cover, a Christian bookstore gift card etc......

  26. Good episode in general, but not as fantastic as the previews made it out to be. The first 20 minutes were dedicated to finding and setting up a crib...really TLC? I think that could have easily been edited to 2 minutes...it was quite boring.

  27. Agree about the castor oil. My midwife in New Zealand says its not a good idea. Bad practice to take it At the end of the day she still needed a csetion so obviously dint help. It is her decision to not take pain killers but does not make her courages, just a choice. I didnt take pain meds that was just my choice. It under minds anyone who has given birth to say she the hero for that.

  28. @Anonymous And it won't be long before Marjorie Jackson, Baby Duggar-Keller, and Baby Seewald-Duggar are added as well.

  29. Blessed with a beautiful boy! Congratulations! Did anyone see what the special announcement was? I must have missed it.

  30. What's so courageous in enduring unnecessary pain?? There are pain meds, they are there to help people. She also should've taken Pitocin at least after the labor started. She actually should've induced the labor in the first place. This whole process does not seem to be rational.

  31. Was disappointed with the special simply because I felt like I was watching a special about Michelle and Jim Bob instead of Jill and Derick. With the decade of Duggar Births aired the night before I think we have seen enough about Michelle for awhile. I wanted to see more pictures of the baby. But I am glad they included Derick's mom, and the gift she gave him on his birthday was touching. I also loved the footage of Jill and Derick going to visit Oklahoma state, it was neat to see Jill get to do this. Maybe little Israel will attend the same school as his Dad and his Grandparents some day.

  32. I can't wait to watch this!!!! Jill and Derick are going to be great parents! God is so good, I'm so happy for them!

  33. Jill you are so strong.. it is all worth all the pain in the end... soo happy for you n derrick... alexandria herrera from fresno,ca

  34. Perhaps they should pick a story line and stick to it.

    For example, the labor was long, Jill was anxious, decided she needed pain relief and headed to the hospital. Once at the hospital, a physical assessment was completed and a physician noted that the baby might be breech. An U/S was done which confirmed the DR's suspicions and Jill underwent a successful cesarian section.

  35. A woman IS admirable and courageous when foregoing pain medication in childbirth because she is putting her needs second to that of her unborn child. It is a medical fact that epidurals and other medications cross the placenta in labor and affect the baby. Studies have shown that the drugs from an epidural can stay in the baby's system for up to 30 days post birth. Not only can the drugs affect the birth, but they also can affect breast feeding, as babies can become lethargic and overly sleepy. This is not a judgment on those who do use epidurals. They are needed in medicine. However, Jill chose to temporarily suffer for the best long term health of her son. I think for as long as she held out, that is extremely courageous and admirable. It has nothing to do with pride--her decisions were based on science and medicine. She made the best informed decision that she could at those points in her labor ...including when she decided to use the epidural...

  36. The doc knew she labored 70 hours even though she wasn't in hospital that long.

    Derrick is very capable. I don't like they are painting him as inexperience because he never put a kid in a car seat. Many people haven't. Just seems snobby to me.

  37. @AnonymousThe only harm in taking castor oil is if you take too much it can cause very loose bowel movements and possibly lead to dehydration. Any midwife would tell you that it's just a silly old wives tale, the stuff tastes disgusting and if you do take it only have a small amount. It's about as dangerous as having a glass of olive oil. Please do your research before you comment.

    A lot of people seem to be commenting in the negative on Israels birth, every woman is different, every labor is different, doctors have differing opinions and medical guidelines to some degree may differ from state to state or country to country. And everyone makes different choices and have differing levels of tolerance to pain. And then there are different belief systems that people adhere to. Jill and Derick made decisions that they deemed right. They followed the advice of a doctor and if she was in any danger the dr would of made a firm argument over intervention. Don't judge them for the choices they made. Mother and baby are fine.and that's all that matters.

  38. I can't be any happier for Derick and Jill. They are going to be wonderful parents. I love watching all the Duggars on TLC, and they are such an amazing family. God bless each and every one of you.
    ~Shelby :)

  39. Lol! I've always wondered if Jim Bob's GREAT display of affection embarrassed his children! It would me!

  40. @Anonymous 16 because labor hurts and it is a natural pain and you are trying to help your baby to be born into this world drug free. Every drug, even the epidural, crosses the placenta and goes to the baby. So it is admirable to work with one's body to try and complete the process naturally. This isn't always possible, but yes it is admirable to try.

  41. I've wondered about the tight tops worn during pregnancy, too. Zach Bates also wore those. Doesn't strike me as modest.

  42. Watching all these birthing shows is so emotional. Having only carried one child to them (not complaining, I know I'm blessed)... it is always such a blessing to get to be a small part of other special deliveries. Even the scary ones, which we know are all part of God's plan.
    What a wonderful rainy day today in North Texas... a chance to watch this blessed event (and the decade of deliveries show). SO glad it Israel is here and that you are all well.
    Hugs & Blessings.

  43. I would love to see a Duggar grand kid get to go to a real college. In fact, I'd like to see one of their children get to go to a four year college.

  44. I'm confused. At 1:45 into the program, Derick is standing behind Jill and turns to look at the clock and says "it's Monday after 7 pm" and the words pop up 60 hours in labor. But if Israel was born just before midnight just 4 1/2 hours or so later, how does that equal 70 hours of labor?

  45. I haven't watched the episode yet, but did it show Jill going to the chiropractor and getting a pedicure AFTER her water broke? This was stated in People magazine so just wondering.

  46. This episode was so funny derick got a knife and he said hey this will come in handy to HACK off the cord. When the baby comes out. But he was joking and I was taking it as a joke ,but just thought I would share whith y'all since it made me laugh. ;)

  47. I loved that segment with Josie. So cute!

  48. @Anonymous

    If she's anything like me she just wore her regular clothes and dealt with it. Sure, they get a little tight but it's better than spending $$$ on a separate wardrobe. That and I personally don't find maternity clothes to be cute so maybe she was of a similar opinion?


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