
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Recap: "Duggars' Guide to Love" and "Digging In with the Duggars"

19 Kids and Counting "Duggars' Guide to Love"
  • The Duggars discuss "rules of engagement" for courtship.
  • What is courtship? Jason's definition of courting is "dating with a purpose." The focus of courtship is to get to know the person and his or her family with marriage in mind.
  • "Not all courtships end in marriage, and that's okay," says Jinger.
  • "Don't be afraid to get involved in your kids' relationships," Jim Bob tells parents. For the first half of their courtship, Jessa and Ben's texts were group texts with Jim Bob and Michelle.
  • Jim Bob and Michelle admit that they kissed before marriage, so they encourage their kids to learn from their mistakes and save their first kiss. But they want their children to set their own courtship standards.
  • Jim Bob and Michelle encourage their kids to take a chaperone along on all their dates so they have someone to keep them accountable and ensure that they stick to their courtship standards.
  • Anna says it's not about having the same guidelines as one's siblings. Rather, the goal should be to maintain a pure heart before God.
  • Even the youngest Duggar kids know their family's guidelines for relationships. "A chaperone is one that watches like [an] engagement or courting person," says Jordyn. "But they don't watch a married person."
  • The married Duggars (Josh, Jill, and Jessa) all had three-month engagements. They chose to save their physical relationship for marriage, and a shorter engagement helped cut down on the temptations. Joy shares her perspective: "Once you say yes, I mean, why wait forever? I just say get it done."
  • The Duggars also make sure they are ready to be parents before they commit to marriage. Jill and Derick found out they were expecting only four weeks after their wedding. Jessa and Ben got pregnant about three months after they tied the knot. Josh and Anna received a positive pregnancy test four months after their wedding.

19 Kids and Counting "Digging In With the Duggars"
  • Erica Hill, a journalist for NBC, chats with the Duggars about their milestone year. Everyone is there but Joseph, who is away at school, John-David, who is working, and Derick, who is recovering from dental surgery.
  • Why is modesty so important for the Duggars? Michelle says that as a teenager, she did not understand how her revealing clothing was affecting the men around here. "What's she's saying is, she used to mow her yard in her bikini," says Jim Bob, laughing. Michelle smiles.
  • Erica shows the family a combination of clips that illustrate their overuse of the words "special," sweet," "amazing," and "hey, hey," as well as Jim Bob's overuse of the phrases "I'll tell you what" and "hey, hey, hey."
  • "Hey, hey is a greeting," says Jessa. "Hey, hey, hey is something else." The whole family laughs.
  • The Duggars also discuss jurisdictions (chores). Josie is currently in charge of gathering the laundry, and according to Jinger, she likes to smell it to determine whether it is dirty or clean.
  • Michelle talks about the eating disorder she struggled with as a teenager. She brought it to light in her daughters' book, Growing Up Duggar, in hopes that it would help others going through the same thing.
  • Jim Bob and Michelle discuss Josie's premature birth and the seizures she has had since then. "I'm all better now," says Josie. Doctors expect that Josie will outgrow her seizures, which occur when she spikes a fever, by the time she is ten. Josie performs "Amazing Grace" and reveals her incredible singing voice.
  • Josh and Anna plan to give baby #4 an "M" name.
  • Jessa and Ben are still pursuing adoption and are scheduled to attend a class for perspective adoptive parents.
  • Jill and Derick are adjusting well to being parents. Derick blesses his wife by changing all the nighttime diapers. Jill says that many people have commented on how Israel looks like "a mini Jim Bob." The Duggar dad's response to that is: "What a beautiful baby!"
  • Do the kids ever get jealous of one another? Jessa says yes, especially when it comes to music. But Jim Bob and Michelle encourage their kids to ask God to help them be content with who they are and to look for their own strengths.
  • Marjorie, Josiah's girlfriend, joins the family on the set and shares her first impression of her boyfriend: "He was a jokester."
  • A few months ago, Josiah asked Marjorie's parents for permission to get to know Marjorie better. Their courtship became official on April 6th. Joy says Marjorie fits in well with the Duggar family.
  • What is next for the Duggar family? Jim Bob and Michelle are still hoping to have more kids. Josh predicts another courtship, but Jana and Jinger say they have no news to share.


  1. They should have also shown clips of Michelle talking about "seasons of life" and "I blinked and…"

  2. Did they ask why certain clothing is considered modest and other clothing is not? For instance, tight t-shirts highlighting the female form are permitted, yet even sweat pants are not. And why is showing knees immodest on a 3 year old child?

  3. I think I"m going to like Josiah and Marjorie as a couple.

  4. I dont think that kissing before marriage is a "mistake", thats insulting to the rest of us

  5. I missed the previews for next season, will someone recap them for me...Thanks! :-)

  6. Interesting way to close out this season of the show.. I think this year is going to be the year of the courtships .Josiah is the only one that has been made public so far but I really do believe that there is maybe 2-3 more Duggar courtships I think that Joseph is in one also and Jana and Jinger also..and after tonights episode where josh put both Jana and Jinger on the spot saying you have anything to announce kinda proves the theory of those 2 girls courting but not announcing it yet... I think one of the girls might be in a courtship with a Bates boy... but maybe they aren't saying anything so that it can be announced on bringing up Bates.. lol like I'm curious how that is gonna work out with both families being on different networks how do they decide who gets to break the news and when

    1. Ha- I was wondering the same thing. I think Joseph and tori are in a relationship !

  7. Awe, you can tell on tonight's episode that Jill is still recovering, she seems more reserved and quiet, and that's not like our spunky Jill.I hope she heals quickly :-) Thank the Lord she has a wonderful helpful husband, Derrick is a gem :-)

  8. It was nice just to see a family chat but subject matter was totally redundant Subjects were nothing we haven't heard over/over. The only hope for something new was Josh alluding to new courtships.

    1. I agree, I wish different questions were asked.Like how they deal with all the horrible negative comments on social media?

  9. Great to see Israel ' s picture in the blgo and a space for the next two grandbabies. Looking forward to the next season and to see those grand babies. Jill Israel is so beautiful and you are looking great. Wishing Anna and Jessa the best with their deliveries.

  10. Wish I could have seen it, but my family doesn`t have cable TV. :(
    It sounds really interesting, I like the kids definitions of courtship and chaperones, etc. And Josie, with her laundry... Too cute!!

    1. Go to YouTube. Find a episode that you want to view... On the newer episodes, try to find a channel that has 19 Kids and Counting in the name of the channel.. That usually indicates that there's not a online video link... If you can't find a channel with the name... Search the show title and filter your results to upload date

  11. Where is Grandma Duggar ? Is she ok ?

  12. IMO, TLC, or any other network needs to do a documentary about the roots of the Duggar belief system and how they came to live as they do. It is never mentioned, and apparently left out on purpose as to not let the viewing audience know what and how this group of people actually think.

  13. During this episode the interviewer mentioned only 15 of the 19 kids were living at home. I know josh, jill, and jessa arent. Who's the 4th? John David?

    1. Everyone is there but Joseph, who is away at school, John-David, who is working, and Derick, who is recovering from dental surgery.

    2. Joseph, he's away at school...Crown College in Tennessee.

    3. Joseph, he's in college.

  14. Maybe it's just me, but I think TLC is shooting themselves in the foot by continuing to stick to the
    same format of repeating scenes over and over again in the same show, and now, entire shows of repeat segments, as was the case with Tuesday's programs. I did not finish watching either show for this reason. I found them boring and tedius to watch. If TLC wants 19 Kids and Counting to remain a top choice of tv audiences, I think TLC will need to make some changes.
    I loved listening to Josie sing! What a little sweetie!

    1. I so agree, all the recaps and then repeat of the recaps is taking up taping time.I still think they should take ideas from us viewers on show ideas as we are the ones watching and we know what we want to see.It seems like us fans are pretty much on the same page.Hey, Lily and Ellie, maybe that would be a good topic to ask fans for show ideas and then you can send them off to TCL like you have done in the past with our complaints...and it totally worked in our favor.

  15. Never mind saw the sneak peek of next season. Joseph is away at college

  16. What a neat and awesome thing to be involved in your child's relationships. When you date and aren't being constantly checked up by your parents that's when the physical side of the relationship presents itself.
    I had no guidance by my parents, I was just told not to date and that's it. At 14 I started dating in secret, and at 17 got pregnant.
    Now I really wish I had had the guidance I needed from my parents...
    These kids are so lucky

    1. Perfect example on how times have changed; when I was in high school in the 80's if a girl got pregnant it would have been scandalous...Now, not so much, my cousin got pregnant at 17 and she said there were over 25 girls in her Junior class of 250 that were pregnant and it was no big deal, she said it didn't change her school life or the other girls because it was no big deal and it was so common.Needless to say I was floored, back in my day the pregnant girls had it pretty rough at school, they lost their friends, they were ostracized.Something has to change in this culture and I think that parents being more involved is definitely a positive.

  17. Great family, with awesome values. By the way I love the blog cover update. Nice pic of Josie and the question marks were so creative.

  18. I loved the episodes, what wonderful family values. I know this has nothing to do with the topic, but handsome baby Israel looks a lot like Jimbob! He does have Dericks baby nose though if you look at some of his baby pics.

  19. What a beautiful family. I love Marjorie, she fits right in with the family. She and Josiah are a great match.

  20. Ohhhh I loved this last episode, but sad it was the last episode for the season! Looking forward to next season and the neat things that will happen! Also have to say I love the pictures at the top, and the new one of Josie, and Israel, and the ones to come!

  21. I really love this show. The Duggars have really inspired me in so many ways. I wish my fam was as supportive n close as they are.

  22. I am so sad that this is the season finale!
    I love y'all and your show!
    when is the next season coming up because I hear bringing up bates is
    coming up so it would be fun if I could see some of the new duggar episodes like when Jessa is cooking in her kitchen I would really like to see jessa and ben's life in action!
    could you keep us posted on like jessa and ben?!
    -Brandyn Marie

  23. I agree with # 14 TLC insults our intelligence with the re-runs of clips. Who cares what week the girls are in carrying their babies? Everything has to clarified over and over again. I like the adventures of helping and caring for others. I really like that they can share their faith. Many blessings.

  24. Do you know where I can find the season preview? I don't have cable right now.

  25. Anonymous #12 - I would also like to see a show explaining the roots of their belief system.

  26. I really enjoy watching your family. I respect your family values and wish more families were like yours. Your honesty about past problems and mistakes made is refreshing. You are walking the Christ like walk and it shows. God Bless you.

  27. Love the new pictures!!! Good job!! :-)

    Thanks for the them because I don't have TV. :-)

  28. @Anonymous

    I dont think there were any

  29. I really enjoy their show. Does anyone know how many seasons they plan to film, is there a contract or anything? I appreciate there Christian values and the moral standards they try to live by.

  30. Here are some M name ideas.
    Maya Josephine
    Malia Marie
    Miera (that's the Israeli spelling and means light) Evangeline
    I know they want an M name, but here's some others.
    Bettina Joy
    Sahara Abigail
    Hadassah Irene.

  31. @michele dutton JOSEPH IS AWAY AT SCHOOL

  32. I think it was Joseph. Wasn't he going to college?

  33. Why do JimBob and Michelle say they want their children to learn from their mistakes and not kiss before marriage? Why is kissing your fiancé before marriage a mistake? There is no Biblical basis for this. I have been married for over 22 years, kissed my husband before marriage, and don't feel that my marriage is any less special because of it.

  34. I agree that TLC needs to stop the repetitive nature of the material. Enough with the serial flashbacks already!! I also noticed that Jessa and Jill were both more subdued than usual. When they showed Jana & Jinger after Josh's courting comment, it was interesting to see their facial expressions. Jana looked definitely uncomfortable and Jinger looked a little mysterious. :)

  35. Maybe now folks can relax about the header, it's not as simple as a snap at the finger to change's a big job.People need to be patient and grateful that you ladies put a lot of time and effort into this site.

  36. joseph is away at college...there is the 4th person not living at home, possibly

  37. Sounds like a very uneventful season finale. Sounds pretty boring with the same clips and information repeated over and over. Theres so much more TLC could show and interest us! What about Joseph at school or Janas daily life oJDs job?

  38. I think Josie has a great voice and highlighting that at the end of the show ended the season perfectly!! I really love the pictures at the top of this blog. I can't wait until next season starts!!

  39. I am just curious, does anyone know if the Duggars have a set age, for when a child is old enough, to start courting? Before Josiah and Marjorie started courting, I would have guessed that the age limit was 18. Now, I am curious, if there is an age limit, at all?

  40. I agree with the earlier comment about how the episodes are so redundant. We don't have cable at home, so we watch the show at my in-laws house. These last two seasons have been so disappointing because of the redundancy. I love the Duggars to pieces and enjoy the 5 minutes of actual new news each show has had to offer. For the record, I hope Jana is in a court-ship. :) Thanks for this blog!

  41. I think tlc is shooting themselves too, it's getting boring. I wonder if they do that on purpose so the ratings will go down and they can stop showing the Duggars and move on to someone with out as much Christian religion.. I don't know, I'm just wondering.

  42. Please TLC, no more "recapping"!!!! Love Marjorie! @Josh; can't you think of any other Duggarnews besides courtships and babies? How about Joseph in a real college and his life there!

  43. Why did Derick schedule his oral surgery to be so close to when their baby as to be born? Even if the baby had been born on his due date; Jill and Derick would still be adapting! Jill with C Section recovery and Derick's recovery and the new baby had to be overwhelming!!!!

  44. From what I saw in the preview for next season, jill and derick have some news... are they moving away? From the reaction of the fam seems like it? That would be sad, Israel is so young. As for more courtships, John David should find a nice gurl to court...

  45. I'm busting to know what Jill and Derricks announcement is for next season???? I'm thinking they will be moving be Derricks work?

  46. I, too, would love to see more about the Duggars sharing their faith and less of the redundancy about the pregnancies. Who cares what day and week of their pregnancy they're in? Just show us the kid's picture when he's born.

  47. (That last comment was referring to TLC, not to this blog.)

  48. I am finding the repetive material insulting that TLC keeps giving us- it is like they think us viewers are not intelligent. I agree with the person(s) that said they think TLC is quietly trying to get viewership down, so they to cancel the show.

  49. Is it too early for her to pregnant again?!

  50. Cancel the show!!!

  51. Prayers and support go out to the Duggars. It is a fact that they have all fallen under satanic attack. The Duggars and Christians everywhere are giving the old devil a black eye, he cannot stand for the glory of the Lord to shine. Take hold of the throne of God and lay it all down at his nail scarred feet, He will carry it for you. I will join the prayer chain and you need to know that you all are cloaked in prayer during this difficult time. I am an Arkansas native and have followed the Duggars lives since "14 Kids and Pregnant Again" first aired. I have watched them grow up before my eyes. I have laughed and cried with them, rejoiced and sorrowed with them. They show to the world that you can follow God straight to the cross where He sacrifised all for us. Again, hold tight to the throne, God will prevail.

  52. Here are some M names Maria, Mimi, Meagan, Mary, and Madeline.

  53. God bless you all during this difficult time. My daughter and I continue to pray for healing. We know you will be back on TV eventually. We know you will continue to reach out to others. It's all in the Lord's perfect timing. He is awesome. I shake my head when others scoff. Forgive them Father for they do not know. God bless you all. Helga Brannick

  54. Yes, God will prevail. He always does God bless your supportive post.
    Helga Brannick


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