In the wake of the the
controversy regarding inappropriate actions committed by Josh Duggar as a young teenager and
TLC's decision to pull 19 Kids and Counting for the foreseeable future, public figures are rising up to stand by the Duggars.
presidential candidate Mike Huckabee published a heart-felt Facebook post explaining why he and his wife, Janet, still support the Duggars.
actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself,
'inexcusable,' but that doesn’t mean 'unforgivable,'" writes Huckabee. "He and his family
dealt with it and were honest and open about it with the victims and the
authorities. No purpose whatsoever is served by those who are now
trying to discredit Josh or his family by sensationalizing the story."
"No one needs to
defend Josh’s actions as a teenager, but the fact that he confessed his
sins to those he harmed, sought help, and has gone forward to live a
responsible and circumspect life as an adult is testament to his
family’s authenticity and humility," continues Huckabee. "Janet and I love Jim Bob and
Michelle and their entire family.We have been blessed to receive God’s
love and we would do no less than to extend our love and support for our
Read the full statement on Huckabee's Facebook page.
Photos courtesy of duggarfamily.com
they should put their show on UP TV like the Bates! Don't give TLC the money
ReplyDeleteI thought that as well!
DeleteI disagree.
DeleteThe people that dug this up and Exposed it should be the ones getting into trouble... Not Josh! He already did what he could and repented!
DeleteBut the fact that this is brought back again is hurting the victims a second time!!!
I totally agree put on up tv
DeleteI totally agree with you about it hurting the victims a second time.
DeleteI was molested by my uncle from about 4 to 8 yrs. He is 90 now and never has taken responsibility for his actions. This happened back in the early 60s and he also molested several other female relatives. He was an adtult and knew better. A young kid my know better but doesn't have the judgment and adult does. Josh did what was right and confessed, if my uncle had done the same it would of been much easier forgiving him. It took me going through anorexia and much therapy as adult to be able to forgive him. If he had half the guts Josh did he would at least tell all of us he is sorry but to this day he just says he did nothing wrong.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry that happened to you. I agree with you about Josh.
DeleteWhat kid doesn't make mistakes some more horrific than others but God is to judge not us he seems to have taken responsibility for his actions that shouldn't punish the whole family. They have good core values and this country needs some good REAL tv. This just reminds us that no family is perfect and even what appears to be flawless has a human side. I could see pulling the show if this had just happened as an adult who had no remorse but he was a kid. Time to move on. God bless this family may God continue to use them to as a witness.
ReplyDeleteBlessings to all the Duggars, It's gotta be hard to place your life out there for people to see and than judge each action as if they never have done a thing. I am thankful for you all, watching you grow on the show, the tears, joys, weddings ,babies, I so appreciate you sharing your lives, being real. God's grace is amazing, and he always has the victory. Keep Praising him! I pray God wrap his arms around you all for protection, for Josh and Anna and their children so they are not ripped apart by such hate from this world, hang in there, much love to you all, I stand with you, this is past, you've been forgiven, time to move on.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree.
DeleteTotally agree
ReplyDeleteI dont agree with this decision at all. Everyone has a dark.past no matter what it is. God forgives so why cant we? I betcha some of those tlc producers have skeletons in thier closets too that needs to be revealed. We ought to stop judging. Thats God's job.
DeleteI love the Duggar family and am angry that TLC is pulling the show.
ReplyDeleteEveryone makes mistakes and I agree with what Mr Huckabee is saying. The show is enjoyable and I want to see the show still aired. No one can change the past. He was very wrong for doing what he did but who are we to judge. God shows forgiveness for every human being. There is so much trash on tv today. Their show shows family values. We need more families to have family values in their lives. So I hope the show will still air.
ReplyDelete14 is a hard age to begin with and many children of that age experience curiosity I am sure he was just curious. Im sure he felt awful after. He confessed and it stop there. I'm sure there's is not the first or last family for this to happen to. It was most likely very awkward. Let it go.
Delete14 is a hard age to begin with and many children of that age experience curiosity I am sure he was just curious. Im sure he felt awful after. He confessed and it stop there. I'm sure there's is not the first or last family for this to happen to. It was most likely very awkward. Let it go.
DeleteI believe it's wrong to excuse his abusive behavior by claiming he was "curious". He chose five victims to molest over a period of years (police reports range from 2003-2006). We would be irresponsible to "let it go" as you suggest, because his victims cannot simply "let it go". They will carry the scars of his abuse throughout their lives. It is a terribly sad situation. My heart grieves for those young ladies, growing up with their abuser just down the hall. It must have been heart wrenching. Praying those girls can know God's true peace.
DeleteI still support y'all as well!! Love you guys!!! ♡♡♡
ReplyDeleteI just want you to know that support the Duggars whatever happen with josh its in the past and he shouldnt be judged people make mistakes and i know there are alot of people out there that you hear on the news thats done alot worse and i know God is a forgiving God i love how jim and michelle are raising their children and their beliefs in the bible im praying for the duggars
ReplyDeleteWas very encouraged by Governor Huckabee's remarks and support for the Duggars...who among us would want our sins before knowing Christ paraded before the public? All sin is despicable before God and we are hopeless to overcome it without Christ....My heart was broken for the Duggars and for those of us who will no longer be able to enjoy their program...My prayer is that God will comfort and strengthen them through this trial.
ReplyDeleteIm very tired of hearing Josh being called a child molester. Get mad if you want to and call me names but he was a child himself at the time. Yes he should have known better but it still don't make in a child molester. The family handled it and he got help and counciling and so did the victims. God im sure forgave him for what he done and if he can I sure can. We are not to judge that's up to the lord jesus Christ himself.
ReplyDeleteI have also been upset with the label of child molester on Josh. The media are trying to ale it sound like this happened last week instead of 12 years ago. Josh let his hormones reign over his conscious and upbringing which is never right but does happen. He was a kid who was experimenting with the limits and hurt a lot of people. So Josh was very wrong, a sinner and a wayward son. The family took steps to rectify the situation and Josh asked for forgiveness. The victims got help. No it will never be forgotten but The Lord had forgiven Josh and has also comforted the victims. If The Lord has forgiven, how can we refuse to do the same?
DeleteThank you and amen!!
DeleteI think the show should still go on. This is a great family and what happened 12 years ago, shouldn't matter as long as the problem was taken care of. The problem here is the media that lives off of negative things and makes good people look bad. Jim Bob and Michelle are doing a great job with their family. Josh and Anna are doing a great job with their family too. Some of the comments left on some of the pages with the article are appalling. Josh got help, all the families involved got help, and everyone was probably fine until this all came out. Duggar family I support you and I am not even Christian. I love your family values. Keep the show on. It is one of the most clean shows on TV and enjoyable to watch.
ReplyDeleteDon't cancel the show...please.
DeleteDuggar family, first of all I want you all to know how much you mean to so many people. I fell in love with your entire family from the very first show. We all make mistakes and would hate to have our past spread everywhere ! But God forgives and so should all of us. Just hold your head up high and know you have brought much happiness. JESUS loves you & I do too !!!! Suzy Q
ReplyDeletePlease have TLC renew the Duggers I have been watching the Duggers from the start i really would like to see the rest of the children grow up and marry
ReplyDeleteYou said what most of are thinking.. I too, support the Duggars.. He did it which was wrong, he admitted to it which is the right thing, he sought help which is also the right thing. the victims have forgived him which is a Godly thing..its time to let it go, move on and leave this family alone..
ReplyDeleteI some what agree with Hukabee as they say clean out your own closet & skeletons before judging others! Also I feel sorry after all these yrs it gets brought up again not only trying to destroy a family & their name but also others that are involved 2 wrongs don't make it right yes they have to deal with it but its also hurting the others & who ever linked this to the press just to get political status or endorsements or what ever the circumstances are was in the wrong & should be in trouble for doing so Jim Bob & Michelle are great people & I think the family is to and think TLC is in the wrong for pulling their showing considering ya were making money off them I know Jim Bob & Michelle personally they were my Sunday school teacher when I was little
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way! Thank you, Mr Huckabee!
ReplyDeleteI believe that Josh and the family have settled this problem. To cancel the show was wrong .
ReplyDeleteplease lets us know all the blessings that the good lord bestows on the family. I'm going to miss the show your family is such a great inspiration to me and my family.. God bless all of you..
They didn't cancel it for sure though
DeleteThanks for sharing this.
ReplyDeleteI was sexually abused by my father when I was 5. So with this said, I believe Josh was a child and did something very wrong, but a child himself. If has an adult it would be a very different story. If the victims are OK and had forgiven him there should be no reason why we can't see the Duggar family back on TV.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion they have been grasping at straws for anything to cancel the show because it goes against what the world today stands for.
ReplyDeleteAmen! Blessings to the Duggars. I'm praying for them.
ReplyDeleteAMEN I agree with these comments here, it happened year's ago it was taken care of and put behind them. So let it be! I have been watching sense the very first day and look forward to watch them and see what's going in in their family, I've laughed, I've awed, and cheered and I've cried watching their lives. They're a wonderful family with wonderful values I support your family and will keep up with them by going to their blog page. God bless you Duggar family. 💝💜💛💚💙👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫
ReplyDeleteThe whole Duggar family are in my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteThis was dealt with as a family years ago and should not have been dragged out into the public domain now.
I love the show...but have mixed feelings....How did this get out? Surly not by the Duggers
ReplyDeleteJosh has commented public and personnally and resigned his job...I think its more than most would do and admit to all...Let it be live on as good Citizen and man....LOOK AHEAD !!!
ReplyDeleteHey Duggars, look at All the Support and Encouragement you have received. God,s Blessings are upon you.
ReplyDeletePraying for the family Jesus forgives and we are to do also.
ReplyDeleteWhat child doesn't get curious and makes a poor decision not knowing...was it wrong yes...was it taken care of yes...JimBob and Michelle as parents took care of it!!never denied it to whom ever they had to speak with!My prayers go out to the family! I still love the show and will always follow you! My co workers still plan on following the show!!!!! Josh, don't take to heart what stupidity people will say!! You have a family and that's all that should matter!! shame on the company that wants to get involve and a childhood mistake!!
ReplyDeleteAs the mother of a son who did the same thing at the same age, my heart goes out to this family. It's too bad that the network, and the family, didn't find the strength to include this in their "Reality" TV. Instead, they've been shunned back into a place that can be quite lonely and dark.
ReplyDeleteI am proud that Mr. Huckabee supports the Duggars! Kids make stupid mistakes! I don't think the show or Josh should be dropped! I believe in forgiveness and I think Josh has proved that he is now a responsible citizen. I support you also Mr. Huckabee! I'm so glad you are not a politician that jumps on the popular band wagon. You will make a great president!
ReplyDeleteI was glad to read this. People can be changed, transformed by Christ. . I think it just gave haters of Christians the ammunition they were looking for. One of the reasons they are so protective of their girls is probably the RESULT of this experience, not the cause of it. I don't think they are hypocrites. I think they are Christians trying to do the best they can with their family to live godly lives. I think they considered the abuse to be serious, which it definitely is. The question is in the handling of it. They tried to handle the situation in the church, with Christian help to address the needs of each of their children (abuser and victims). What would you do if it were your children? Satan is the accuser, and he's having a heyday with this. My prayers are with the family, all of them.
ReplyDeleteit took a lot of courage for the whole family to deal with this then and now ,I do hope with gods help they will get through it . I don't know what is the aim to drag this up again ?every one has things they regret .god bless
ReplyDeleteI want the show to return to tv. If it doesn't return, which is more of the Duggar family decision, then the 'haters' win.
ReplyDeleteI love the Duggars, I agree don't go back to TLC. And mama June (honey boo boo) BIG difference between what you done you were an adult and Josh was a kid. But not saying it was right for Josh to do what he did at least he had the balls (sorry) to admit what he done and get help. Mama June you went on talk show after talk show and tell your lies. And to subject your kids to this man after he molested Anna shame on you. Girls that don't live how the Duggar family does could all say they have been molested, cause young girls and guys making out could say that. That's how young hearts get hurt. If we all could of lived in good Christian homes the world would be a lot better place. But bottom line we are all human and make mistakes. TMZ should be sued for putting this out there.
ReplyDeleteI do not understand why none of the Duggar sisters said anything while the touching etc was going on. It is my understanding that Josh was caught in the act, and that's the first time the parents knew. Weren't they still living in the small, three bedroon house at that time? That's 16 people living very close together, sharing bedrooms...how in the world could this happen????
ReplyDeleteI would like to send prayers to the Duggar family. This should never have been brought up again. It's none of our business. They are a good family and I love watching them.
ReplyDeleteI am praying for your family. Satan is hard at work in this world and is clearly attacking the Duggars. It is disgusting and shame on TLC for pulling this family's show.
ReplyDeleteDear Josh,
ReplyDeleteIn Spirit you are my brother through God our father and I love you. Nothing can ever change that or damage it. In my human form here on earth it is my job to love you and I do. It is also my job to pray for you and I will. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this dark and trying time. Know that I will walk with you.
Personally, I believe it is just a witch hunt brought on by yours truly " the media." Some where they need to be held liable. I don't watch the show but I do know there are plenty of other villians out there do worse in our current time line. Let's refocus on the now.
ReplyDeleteThank you for supporting this family, who better knows the media attack, but a man of God. I believe in Huckabee and the Duggars. Stand strong, the battle is the Lord's, HE will lead the way!
ReplyDeleteI support the duggars i love this show and don't want to see it go at all wish they could stay on air but move to another channel 💯all the way duggars
ReplyDeleteHe was a child along with the fact I'm sure the media like always is making it out bigger than it is. Let this family be. Carry on with the show!
ReplyDeleteI will support The Duggars. Because if he asked for forgiveness to God and the victims, then why not forgive him. Everyone does something messed up around those years. No one is born perfect. I too was molest by my father and grandfather. And neither did they ever said they were sorry. But I forgave them. I put that on my past and asked God to help me heal my wounds over the years. Why do people bring up the past? Let them move on with their life's.
ReplyDeleteYou can't change the past. But to make the whole family suffer is wrong.
ReplyDeleteAgree with Huckabee. Unless there is evidence that there has continued to be incidents with Josh as an adult, it should be over. The family handled it within the church/family circle. The police were notified but felt it was handled. But the press loves to blow things up so poor Josh is going to be bad mouthed for quite a while yet. So sorry the family has to go through this.
ReplyDeleteSo let me get this right, TLC is considering removing 19 Kids and Counting permanately because Josh, as a teenager did something wrong, from which he has repented and has gotten help for. This is crazy!! 19 Kids and Counting is one of the very few decent shows on TV. I hope if TLC drops 19 Kids and Counting that another channel will pick them up. I will be switching channels and watching 19 Kids and Counting! I love the Duggars, Seawalds and the Dillards! Blessings to all of you.
ReplyDeleteI hear WHAT ABOUT THE POOR VICTIMS... OK what about them... despite what their brother did they still love him do you think they are happy that is name is being drug through the mud 12 years later... Do you think they are happy that their private lives have now been shared in the media and that the press will now hound them about it... Do you think they are happy that the family now receives death threats and that the whole family is now being called monsters for keeping it secret for so long. What about them poor victims ...
ReplyDeleteKnowbody is perfect we all make mistakes. Josh was still a child when he made those mistakes. He has grown up a lot since. He is now a fine and responsable adult. He should not be judged for those past mistakes. I love that familly, they are kind considerate and have good values. The show should still go on. The person who leaked the information on Josh did it to hurt him and his familly. I do feel sad for the victims and I know a little of what they must have felt having been a victim of rape as a child. But if they have forgivent Josh so who are we to judge him now. I stand by this familly and whish them nothing but good things to come. Clarisse from Quebec.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for your pain. But thank you for acknowledging that it would have been easier to handle if your family had done what the Duggar's did with their family in this situation. More people need to hear your view on the matter. May God bless you with continued healing.
I am sorry that TLC is pulling this show. What he did was wrong, but he was man enough even as a young teen to take responsibility for his actions. He should be left alone. Once again the media had nothing better to do so they ruined a wonderful family's life just to sell a story. What is the world coming to? I hope and pray that some other network picks up the show!
ReplyDeleteThank you governor Huckabee for supporting the Duggers. This family is trying to show people how to find saving grace every chance they get .They never planned to say they were perfect that's why we need to be saved. I love the Dugger's and am praying for God to give them the strength to get threw this. Our worlds thinking is so distorted . People don't care if they destroy others lives.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts are with them.
ReplyDeleteAll we can do is reflect and learn.
I've decided to stop watching all reality TV and stop seeking information about the participants. It feels so intrusive now and what I have learnt through it has not been enough to compensate for the time it has taken away from my own family.
I hope they are not deserted by those who actually know them - real friends and extended family. I don't think they will be. I feel it is now time for the rest of the world to look away and let them just be a family again.
Best wishes Lily and Ellie - I've enjoyed reading your blogs over the years, perhaps a little too much though x
God forgives so why keep the family show from airing. He was young but got the help and the ones he molested forgave him.
ReplyDeleteI believe and agree with all thows comments. The show must go on. God bless everyone of you's. Amen
ReplyDeleteI love this family and do not want to see anything bad happen to them will there be any way to watch more videos? I mean on this blog there is a video colum can you still post clips? I will pray for them!
ReplyDeleteI support the duggars, love and the gospel, which has the power to save us all. By the way, tmz has blocked me from posting defending you. Peace to all
ReplyDeleteThey need to put the show back on
ReplyDeleteI agree 100% with Mr. Huckabee's statement. All of the Duggar family are real human beings with the same temptations and sin nature as the rest of us. They are raising their family with Jesus as the cornerstone. The act of confessing one's sins openly, is therapeutic and brings freedom. I pray Psalm 92:12 over the whole Duggar family, especially Josh and Anna and those victims of sexual offenses. "The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree (be long-lived, stately, upright, useful, and fruitful); they shall grow like the cedar in Lebanon (majestic, stable, durable, and incorruptible.)
ReplyDeleteI hope they are brought back to TLC!
I love this show and it never should have been cancelled so what josh made a mistake or two no one is perfect and he admitted what he had done. their show should never had been cancelled and I want to rally every website to try to get it back on the air including facebook twitter and etc. and think we should all do that . I have completely quit watching TLC because of removing this program from the air and I watch tlc more than any other channel not any more want nothing to do with this channel no one is perfect we all make mistakes. this family has excellent values and should not get condemned for something josh did as a teenager not fair. They are good people. I am asking everyone that loved the show as I do to try to rally to get their show back on tv as quickly as possible even if it is a different channel. This was a horrible thing to do to this family by removing them from the air and it may harm tlc ratings.
ReplyDeleteThe duggars are a family that supports each other everyone makes mistakes you are not to judge he took it to the right person for forgiveness if he can forgive then we should too the show is too good to loss bring it Back
ReplyDeleteI wish people would stop saying he was a child. He was not a child....he was a 14/15 year old teenager. He knew better. What about the victims? If their lives have not been totally marred by this and have truly forgiven him then this is in the past and is not an issue. It's only an issue if the victims are not over this and are still coming to terms with it. If we confess our sins and repent God will forgive us.....that seems pretty easy BUT we are human and it is more difficult for us to forgive.
ReplyDeleteI agree that the show shouldn't be cancelled and as many have said "He who is without sin, cast the first stone". I love the show and this family!
ReplyDeleteI am not understanding why releasing the police report is not a bigger issue in the news media. The incident involved minors. This report should have been sealed, and how horrifying is it that names and details were released. TLC should have made mention of this as well because there is no doubt that releasing that report was an intentional act to hurt this family. I am angry and disappointed at TLC. I really want to urge people to keep praying for this family, and to remember that if we want God to forgive us then we must also forgive those that ask for it. What a beautiful ministry this family has brought to us. I just emailed the discovery channel and gave them a piece of my mind. I hope that many will do the same.
ReplyDeleteThe authorities should find out who leaked sealed juvenile records and punish them.
ReplyDeletePetition is on change.org to bring the show back
ReplyDeleteThere is a lot that are judging Josh and the family for what happened years ago. But people should look in the mirror at their on faults years before, and up till now. Even news people think they are perfect. This happened years ago people. The Dugger's are great and loving people. We need more families like them. Maybe there would be less wars, and violence. News people should stop grabbing up stories that cause's rumors. Please news people we need peace, not wars in our country. Some of this protesting is because of you and your news stories.
ReplyDeleteI agree that the show should not be canceled. The Duggar Family should be allowed to continue to demonstrate Godly values, including forgiveness of sin. Josh was forgiven years ago and it should not be held against him now.
ReplyDeleteNo one should be criticized for the horrible mistake they made and apologized for. Children deal with their feeling many different ways and to say that a teenage boy who made a mistake should be bashed for the rest of his life is like telling anyone whose ever made a mistake in their life that they can't be forgiven EVER. I don't agree with what he did, no one would agree with what he did; but to say that he can never be forgiven or have a future or a family or be successful because of that mistake is ridiculous. He is not the only adult who ever made this mistake as a child! When I was 6 my older male cousin did something very similar to what's being said in the news. I didn't know what was right or wrong, and he didn't know better. After speaking with elders at the church and having private counseling meetings within the family we moved on and have never had any problems since. I couldn't imagine not having him in my life simply because of a mistake he made when he was younger that he didn't even know was wrong! He committed his life to Christ and asked for forgiveness for his sins. Who are we, as imperfect people, to not allow that forgiveness to another imperfect person.
ReplyDeleteI think in some ways the way this whole situation has been treated is just ridiculous. How many of us are called out for something wrong we did over a decade ago? Not many. The media has been searching for something to pin on the Duggars for years now. Now they've found what they've been searching for and everyone's taking a bite. I'm sure the individual who was responsible for collecting the police reports that included this one got a nice bonus.
ReplyDeleteThere are so many Hollywood celebrities that have done even worse and are not at all repentant. How about we dig up some new stories on them? Or maybe someone should start looking into the past of the reporters, bloggers, and commentators that are passing judgement on the Duggars. I'm sure none of us would be so hasty to say anything derogatory if we had been in the same boat at some point.
if tlc decides to keep, so be it, i'm not sure how i feel about this scenario and don't like christian values tested because life is not a tv show. god keeps them safe from harm at his will, with or without a show.
ReplyDeletePlease do not pull the show. It was wrong what he did but he was and under aged teenager. In reality they never had to report it but they did the right thing and did. So who are we to judge?
ReplyDeleteLike some others have said, I was molested by a family member. My family has been at odds since it happened, mostly because I wasn't the only one and my parents had no idea. Even when confronted by all of us, the offender still refused to accept responsibility for his actions. Because of that, I've had a very hard time letting go and forgiving him for what he did. I wish he would do what Josh did and admit he was wrong so that I could move on, but some people just don't have a conscience. Josh confessed to all that needed to know back then (12 plus years ago) and also did what was expected to resolve the problems. There have been no other complaints from anyone else in the last 12 years, so why is it a problem now? Oh I know! Because he's a celebrity and some people just aren't happy unless they're dragging someone down to their misery. TLC needs to understand that these circumstances are not the same as Momma June from Honey Boo Boo. That man molested the daughter (and others) then she kept dating him like nothing ever happened! AND it was a recent situation, not something that happened 12 years ago without anyone's knowledge that they want to dredge up now for no reason other than to start a smear campaign on the family! Stop sensationalizing this story like there's something to be worried about!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree , we are not to judge this family it is not our place . They have already had to deal with getting help for both victim n the accused being in same family of children mind you . So many quick to throw rocks n be so harsh can you just put yourself in that awful situation with your own children ? Would you turn on the one who was doing wrong ? No you would seek help for all but what a tragic ordeal n then to have society come at them when their life has been filled with joy n pushing through !! They never claimed to be perfect . I love this family !!
ReplyDeleteplease don't cancel the show. Christians are saved sinners - it doesn't mean we are perfect and cannot make mistakes. Given this is not an 'active' misfortune, it is in the past like a lot of people's sins. The family as a whole, whether anyone agrees with their customs and observations are a beacon of light in this ever darkening world. I hope you leave the show as is but I am glad that I have many, many episodes recorded.
ReplyDeleteI agree with so many that have said this but TLC should not pull 19 kids and counting. It is a great show to watch as you see some of the trials that the family goes through that so many of us can relate to. As far as Josh making the mistake he made as a young boy barely into his teen years, well in my eyes that should never have been made public. As a young girl I to was molested and I have learned to forgive the one that molested me. God is the on true judge in this matter and if the families that this happened to has forgiven Josh and he has asked for forgiveness from the god lord then let them be. God bless the entire Duggar family and the other families involved.
ReplyDeleteAmen... IAgree 100% Love Y'al Prayers
ReplyDeleteMy belief is that if you truly repent and ask for forgiveness and make restitution, if possible, and you feel the Lord has forgiven you then that's it. If it was a crime punishable by law then part of the restitution would be whatever punishment a legal court of law has set down. Once all that is done then it's over. Christ himself said 'Go and sin no more'. God will forgive whom he will, but of us it is required to forgive everyone.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless and Amen---its time to get on with life and leave the past in the past.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Mr H. that the focus should be on all the blessings we receive and share through God's love in Jesus. The show on TLC has been one of those blessings from God and I am thankful for it.
ReplyDeleteplease don't cancel the show. You could just leave Josh out if you feel you need to , but I am so going to miss them. They have been my really favorite show. Besides what happened happended so long ago & apparently was handled at the time.
ReplyDeleteI agree
ReplyDeleteAmen! My family and I love the Duggar Family. My daughter who is 17 has followed the girls and truly look up to them. Pllease DO NOT cancel the show. We will pray for the family as they go through this trial. God bless you all.
ReplyDeleteI agree with those who said he was a child himself when these things happened. I am a good Christian woman but we are all human therefore we make mistakes. Show me a 15 year old boy or girl who has not touched the opposite sex inappropriately. What he did was wrong and he has said he is sorry. TLC is stupid for yanking the show off the air. Hope you go to another channel which is not so judgemental & over reactive. God bless your family
ReplyDeleteJosh has gone on to live a productive and Christian life, please return the show TLC!!!!
ReplyDeletePlease DO NOT cancel the Duggars. Josh was a young teen and made terrible mistakes. Since he was underage his record should not have been public record. God has forgiven him and his family has forgiven him. God's grace will see them through these difficult time.
Huckabee rocks! And how dare anyone compare the removal of Honey BooBoo to this situation as that show provided no educational, spiritual or moral content to viewers- should never have been on the air!! Wake up TLC before you lose all your viewers.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with his statement. Josh has fixed his wrong doings, the past is in the past. Please do not permanently cancel the show. The Duggars are a wholesome family especially when compared to other reality show families.
ReplyDeleteDuggar family, thank you for boldly sharing your life with us in the public eye, through the good and the bad. I weep for you in this struggle you are going through, and I don't think you "deserve it" because that's "how things are" if you put your life out there in the public eye. Thank you for being open about things when necessary. This was a very dark time in your lives, when it happened 12 years ago, and it had to be difficult to know the actions to take. Thank you for being an example of seeking God first in everything, praising Him in everything, and thanking Jesus for his amazing sacrifice for us. My husband and I have been praying for you, because we do not know what else we can do. If we knew you personally, we would be hugging you and crying with you now. We love you, and hope that we can meet you face to face one day to thank you for being real with us. You encourage us to follow Jesus and His word and not the voice of the culture. What courage and humility it takes to put yourselves out there. I am so grateful for the tidbits that you have passed along from your experience to help us along in our journey. God bless each and everyone of you. Hold on tight to Him, and I pray that one day, these dark times will be absent from your memories, with the lessons learned still a part of your being. If you do not (or cannot) return to television, we will understand, but please know we will miss you dearly. Praying for you in Nebraska.
ReplyDeleteI just hate it when people jump to ruin others' lives. I am unbelievably upset about the current 'suspension' of 19 kids and counting. There must be an awful lot of glass houses in this country. Please continue you very needed and valuable ministry
ReplyDeleteThis is an attack on Christians, Stay strong in your faith and GOD will bring you through this. I love watching your show. I pray they will continue airing the show. To Josh and Anna I am praying for you.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for the family: parents, Josh, girls, Anna and even now, the younger siblings and Josh's children. The fact that this was confessed and dealt with should have resulted in a closed chapter of the book of the family's life. Only the ones personally involved should ever bring it into conversation. I admonish the parents for taking action concerning this molestation. So many children do not ever have this dealt with in their life. I was molested by multiple family members through my developing years. My seeing that even though my parent had knowledge of this and not seeing anything done with the knowledge was a huge compounding factor in recovery for me. I know that the parents dealing with this, Josh taking responsibility for his actions, his true repentance and the work of God in the victims spirits, hearts and minds had been sufficient for the healing of all that were concerned in the event(s). I pray that all will be able to forgive those that do not know what they have done by bringing this to public light. My prayers and support are with the family. I am truly saddened that this is what the media has done. All have sinned. Why should anyone feel they should be throwing the stones over something that had been dealt with completely YEARS ago?
ReplyDeleteThank you, Josh, for your honesty even though it has undoubtedly been costly. Duggar family, thank you for your testimony that the Gospel isn't for perfect people, it's for needy people. May God bless you!
ReplyDeleteDear Duggar family & friends,TLC, and fellow fans of these Christian people.
ReplyDeletePlease check out Charles Stanley's site (intouch.org) devotionals this week on "forgiveness".Your family should not be going through this again after giving this to the Lord. You asked for forgiveness and received it back from God. Keep on going through and know that God will be with you every step of the way.
Church,keep them all in your prayers. Yours in Christ, Cathy from Texas
Good for him for standing up for them and stating the reasons for his support so clearly and succinctly, even though he must have known that many would criticize him for that. For someone who has thrown his hat into the ring to run as president and knows how the media deals with anyone who does anything they disagree with, that took courage! I don't know if the Duggars will feel like reading all the comments on your blog, Lily and Ellie, but I hope they do! It encourages me that there are so many others who love them and are praying for them, as am I, during this time.
ReplyDeleteAsk and you shall be given confes your sins and you shall be forgiven. God loves you bear that in mind. May God guide you all through this injustice. And may we soon see you on air. You guys are a great example of love respect support patience faith family helping hand keep it up. Xoxo from Aruba
ReplyDeleteI support the Duggar Family because they attended to their son, the victims, and to the law of Arkansas. I suspect the show will be cancelled or modified, in an attempt to mollify the Duggar's opponents. The enemies of the Duggars, will not be content until the show is cancelled, I think. I will keep the Duggar Family in my prayers, as well as the TLC crew who may lose their jobs if the show is cancelled.
ReplyDeleteI Pray God mightily Blesses you for doing your part. Thanks so much for sharing. Maybe others will learn from your testimony (offenders and victims). God Bless TH
They should go on UP TV instead. UP tv is so much more wholesome
ReplyDeleteI would love to know what is so offensive about my comments that you never publish them. Josh probably does feel like this is the end of his world, and needs our prayers, and maybe the Duggars are through making shows. Just comments, like everyone else's.
ReplyDeleteGood for the family for dealing with it and moving on to raise a nice, well mannered young man like Josh is. To bring this whole thing up that happened over 10 years ago and reopen the wound is wrong. God wants us to forgive!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Mr. Huckabee 1000000% He will be getting my vote also, standing for what is right. God bless and be with all of you. Even though it's hard, don't even waste your time with the haters, they are the ones working for Satan. You both are doing a great job as parents, I'm praying all will work out for you so you can support your family like you want to. Even if you are not on TV anymore, please keep us that love you and your family updated on what you are doing in your life. No more TLC for me unless they bring you back. UP is a good station and will be watched instead, I pray The Little Couple and the Willits will go to them also. If not I will keep up online only. BOYCOTT TLC until they bring back the Duggar's This is nothing like Honey Bo Bo, never watched that show anyway. Prayers for everyone, God Bless.
ReplyDeleteThere are people very angry about former gov. Huckabee standing by, supporting his friends, the Duggars. But ..isn't that what we'd all want? If you are going thru a rough time, wouldn't you want your friends to stand by you & be on your side no natter what! Isn't that what friendship is about?
ReplyDeleteI think it's wonderful & says a lot about his integrity that he isn't a fair weather friend.
Love this show and pray for the family. May God protect their hearts during this difficult time.
ReplyDeleteI love the Duggars show and TLC should have never pulled them from the channel. Theres other people that have commited sins and are still on TV. Who are we to judge ? The Bible said that we are to to judge that's Gods job. Josh ask for forgivness. The Bible saids if we ask God to forgive us and we mean it God tosses our sins into the sea of unforgivness and its remembered no more. Its people that keeps bringing up our sins
ReplyDeleteThank you, Lily and Ellie, for supporting the Duggars and continuing to post updates!
ReplyDeleteNice to see Gov Huckabee stand up for the family. This blog is a refuge from all of the judgmental articles I have seen out there, very nasty. If I felt the Duggars were insincere and ungodly, I would not bother writing thus littke comment. But I believe they are the real deal.
ReplyDeleteI don't know much about Huckabee, but this may be all I need to know. You now have my vote, sir. Well said!!
ReplyDeletePlease do what you can to keep them on t v. I love there show and there values .There's not that much on t v unless it is the older show's with good values to them . And besides God forgave him so who are we to judge them .We are not God.
ReplyDeleteI agree and I must admit that this show has made me more mindful of God and His forgiveness and blessings.
I am praying that the devil will be chased away so that we can share our time with a peaceful family.
The Duggars are as human as anyone else and go through the human condition, it is humbling.
ReplyDeleteI will keep the duggars in my prayers
ReplyDeleteGod bless
Diggers, I stand with you not against you. If TLC does not bring back your show I will never watch TLC again!!!!!! Every one who stand by the Diggers do the same . BLOCK TLC FROM YOUR VIEWING LIST!!!!!!💔💔💔
ReplyDeleteI wish to thank Mike Huckabee for taking this stand with the Duggar family. He did it with his usual eloquence. I stand with you Mike Huckabee, on your stand to support this fine family!
ReplyDeleteI support the Duggars. What Josh did was wrong. But, he was a kid himself. It is in the past and should be left there. The family delt with it and all got counseling. Shame on those bringing it up now.
ReplyDeleteBy cancelling their show, It's like they're punishing Josh all over again. He was only 14, certainly old to know better, but young enough to be curious. His parents have taken care of the situation and did all the proper things. What is wrong with this country that they have find dirt on everyone and everything. There is not one person anywhere in this world who is perfect or without sin.
ReplyDeletePut the show back on, we all love the family and this is to show that every family have their challenges and issues, who are we to judge them....??? They dealt with their situation and handle it the best they could, if the victims forgave and lived thru we sure can. Bring them back we love them!
ReplyDelete"Let God's promises shine on your problems"--Corrie ten Boom. Praying much for your family. Love you guys and your witness for Christ.
ReplyDeleteI've been hurting right along with the Duggar family, especially you Josh. I've read some horrible comments on social media - so hateful, I'm trying not to read them anymore but sometimes they just pop up. I know as you all do, that we serve a very powerful and all-knowing God. He allowed this to come to light to the whole world. And He promises that "He can do exceedingly abundantly beyond all we can ask or think". He will use this to glorify Himself, somehow, certainly not our to try and figure out. Try to hang in there, all of you, keep serving HIm and loving each other. You know this is not the end of the story. God bless all of you.
ReplyDeleteThey are to just go out there and tell them what he did was wrong and turn it into a life lesson.
ReplyDeleteThank you Gov. Huckabee for sticking up for the Duggars . I love their show and would like to see it come back on TV. Maybe UP TV. could pick their show and put back on TV. I support the family whole heartily .
ReplyDeleteThis is a first...cancelling a show when finding out that people did the "right" thing after doing the "wrong" thing. Unlike many who completely deny misdeeds when confronted. Sad judgement on the part of TLC, I believe they were "quick to judge and slow to listen.' Thank God that that Jesus does not do likewise.
ReplyDeleteWe will continue to support and pray for the Duggars! I would like to ask whoever has NOT sinned or done anything wrong in their lives may cast the First stone. We will miss seeing them!!
ReplyDeleteHope the program isn't cancelled.
ReplyDeleteThe Lord says ' Judge lest ye be judged'...So is everyone that is putting the spotlight as a degrading thing on to the Duggars, not forgiving Josh for something he did as a child himself, and totally judging him and his family...''''' ARE YOU READY TO BE JUDGED'', ??? What would we find in your closest/past ? This is a God fearing family that helped Josh thru this to become a good Christian man and father. So please lets just forgive and Let God handle the rest.
ReplyDeleteLet go, let God. My thoughts are with all of you through this difficult time.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous I was just thinking about UP being a better channel for the Duggars than TLC. Perhaps TLC can find another show to replace the Duggars.
ReplyDeleteI have been praying for the Duggar family. I pray God uses them in a bigger way. They are on my heart. I cannot imagine not seeing them. I hope we can see them back on in the future. I have been blessed by them and they have definitely impacted my life in a good way. I hope they feel the love and support from us.
ReplyDeleteEveryone was a minor and the situation was dealt with by the family and others at the time which was many years ago. The records should never have been made public and I believe everyone repented, forgave, and moved on with their lives. Now the media, as always, is destroying this family. But I know the Duggars have the strength and faith to overcome this. I hope we will still be able to see them in the future even if it is on another channel. If the family and God has forgiven Josh, so should everyone else.
ReplyDeleteI sincerely hope this show isn't cancelled. I've loved this show since the beginning. My thoughts and prayers are with the Duggars during this difficult time.
ReplyDeleteFrankly, I would like to see the process by which this horrible injury is healed....If TLC really wants a reality show then maybe they should consider revealing how the family overcame and is overcoming this hardship. If we ever expected the Duggars to be perfect because they are a public family, we too have been deceived as there has only ever been one perfect being. If the world needs anything it's authentic help to deal with the hardships of life. I for one would appreciate an open conversation/interview that shows how a family moves forward after such a horrible thing has occurred.
ReplyDeleteJosh was a kid what he did was wrong but everything him and his family have done since was right. he admitted what he did was wrong, they reported it, they sought help for all involved and they have moved on. It is wrong for all this to be brought back up from the past and the show should not be cancelled.
ReplyDeleteI know a family who has lived through something very close to this and after your family gets through it life must go on, It will always be there but you keep moving on in the right direction. your story has brought all the feelings back to the ones i know but they also don't feel so alone. we all feel for you, with you being in the spotlight it my be very hard on you all to put it behind you again. I think your story could even help people to know they are not the only family going thru this, and that you can move on and live a good life. i love the show and hope you will come back even stronger and help others. god bless you all .
I have mixed feelings about Josh. But who is to judge? ,. God is the judge and as christians we are to forgive. The Years have passed since then ... it is now a family matter. The girls seem well adjusted. I pray for them. ( I wouldn't trust him though).
ReplyDeleteWe often see the Duggar kids in tshirts that say "Benham Construction" which is the company of those two brothers who lost the HGTV show based on their views about homosexuality. Does anyone know if the Benham brothers are also followers of the Gothard group? I read that Hobby Lobby is part of that group.
ReplyDeletemay god bless jessa and ben we love them and want to keep up with your birth please keep us informed praying for you
ReplyDeletecompletely agree with what Huckabee stated. I've been praying for you guys to have peace and protection from God's angels. I have had a heavy heart.
ReplyDeleteI agree 100% with Mr. Hukabee. I support the Duggers!
ReplyDelete"Let he that is wthout sin cast the first stone." John 8:7
Jesus said in the Bible, "He who is without sin, cast the first stone." Whoever decided to go public with this really hasn't thought this out. Not only are they hurting Josh, they are hurting a whole family. And friends. The hurt goes beyond Josh. Whoever decided to publish this information should remember they would not want their past mistakes and sins made public. My prayers are with the Duggar Family. I really hope TLC will reconsider their decision. Please bring back the program.
ReplyDeleteDear Duggar Family,
ReplyDeleteMay God's sweet peace rest upon you all. Thank you for letting Christ shine in each of your life's. He will bless you all and bring you thru this time. Canceling the show is not the right way to handle this TLC. Just know there are many of us praying for you all. God bless you as a family and each individually!
I am sure Josh feels awful. But he not a child molester. He was a child himself. His parents took care of it. Can you image all the things that other families have probably done. They are human and a mistake was made. Let it go
ReplyDeleteOk will try to post here too since this is the 3rd posting I've attempted on three different topics. If it doesn't get posted now. I will delete your site. Duggars should be left alone and the person who leaked the story should be sent for counseling. The past is none of our business and we have all made mistakes of which we are either ashamed of. It is a part of our flawed lives. Thank goodness we have the mercy of God to allow us forgiveness. We don't know the whole story and we never should, it has been handled and done. Enough said. If TLC does not reinstate the Duggars, I will be having TLC removed from my programming. I have already sent a message to TLC to put them back on and have sent a message to UP to pick up the show
ReplyDeleteWas his action wrong yest but the public has no right to judge this person..there is only on person that can judge us and that is God. Please don't cancel the show because it is a very good show and this family has been an inspiration to me and has helped me make some decisions.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous I so agree. This is a great family. I love them ALL!!! He who is without sin, should cast the first stone. Josh and Anna are two of my most favorite people. They clearly love eachother and their family. It is refreshing to see. I will never stop praying for them. <3
ReplyDeleteI love the Duggars yes Josh made a mistake and has been forgiven by God... for those of you who are talking Josh Duggar down maybe you need to look at your own lives... every body makes mistakes and nobody is perfect... I think all of you that are talking this family down should turn to God and make your own lives right and let that family live theirs....I don't know them personally just from TV but I know no marriage is without life's ups and downs and that is the way it is ... but God forgives and everybody should too.. Josh was a minor and made a big mistake and I'm sure that yall made plenty of mistakes that embarrassed your families and they didn't kick yall to the curb... no they stood by you helped you through... so think about your words and action...you may not be rich and famous but what goes around comes around... if you don't have God in your life you need visit your local church and learn about FORGIVENESS ....I'm am very sorry The Duggars are going through this and they are in my prayers....
ReplyDeleteThere is a petition to keep 19 Kids and Counting on the air. It can be signed at https://www.change.org/p/duggar-family-19-kids-and-counting-save-19-kids-and-counting. For all of those who don't want the show cancelled, I implore you to please sign this petition. Please also share it with as many people as you can, particularly via social media. Thank you. Your sister in Christ, Kristin.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with
ReplyDeleteGov. Huckabee. Many 14 yr old boys do worse, driven by lustful feelings they don't know how to control. But VERY FEW confess it to their parents, their church, and authorities. Josh was also a minor! and he touched, not raped (I read somewhere). Mike Huckabee has shown true courage to stand by a friend in need, and so eloquently explained why. I have emailed TLC to keep the show on. I hope others will too.
I agree. Are his actions wrong? Yes. Did he know better? Yes. But that doesn't mean you beat someone up over it. He asked forgiveness, apologized and sought help. And that was exactly what he needed to do.
ReplyDeleteI totally support the Duggar's ! No one in their family did anything that everyone else has done. I think what satan means for evil, God will use for good!!! Be encouraged Duggar family, God is in control of everything. Love you , I have watched you for years, in fact since the beginning. I hope TLC will continue to air your show.
ReplyDeleteAgree..prayers..love ya'll
ReplyDeleteI have boycotted TLC untill they put the Duggers back on.
ReplyDeleteThis too will pass. Praying for your family and continuance of your program, which has touched the lives of so many. We all know Satan is alive and striving to destroy Christians. God bless you all.
ReplyDeleteI agree, go to another network! Your loyal viewers will follow! Our family and many of our friends are praying for all the family. We love all of you!
The Duggars are TLC's highest rated show so I think we should bombard TLC with email's or texts that we want the Duggar's back on! If they see that enough of us to bring them back, maybe they will renew their contract!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this way. I think UP should run on this and def take this show on. TLC is gotten a little too out there anyway. :)
ReplyDeleteI think the logistics of running 19 Kids, after this information has become public knowledge, presents certain challenges. I fully support the Duggar family and I commend them for releasing a statement as soon as they did. I was incredibly saddened to read about the dark times that this family had gone through and I think it is such an unfortunate situation that those documents were not expunged until after this situation hit worldwide media. But for any network, Christian ones specifically, there are challenges moving forward. I honestly think that it is something that needs to be addressed on the show. Accountability is crucial, and there is power in a testimony, this obviously has shaped how the family does certain things! Hindsight is always 20/20!! P.S. I completely agree that TLC is definitely out there with their current programming!
Delete@AnonymousSame here!
ReplyDeleteSame here!
ReplyDelete@AnonymousI love the Duggar family and am angry that TLC is pulling the show.
Please don't be angry! Anger is also a sin in Gods eyes. Be disappointed, and be proactive and sign petitions to keep 19 Kids on the air, and contact TLC directly to express your support for the Duggar family :) Just please don't be angry!
DeleteI just signed the petition at https://www.change.org/p/duggar-family-19-kids-and-counting-save-19-kids-and-counting to keep the family on the air. Almost to 1500 let's keep it going for this wonderful family, who enrich our lives by just standing up for their convictions. Thank God for the strength of this amazing and special family
ReplyDeletePlease keep the Duggars on TLC. We love there show. We want to keep up with the new babies! Everyone has made mistakes.
ReplyDeletePlease put the Duggars back on the air. This happen with Josh 12 years ago and was dealt with, he repent and today is a loving husband and a loving father. Their isn't a single human being on this earth that is perfect. We all make mistakes but the key is to learn from it and not do it again. this show has helped so many people around the world and is one of very few descent shows on TLC. If this show is not put back on the air we will not be watching TLC and we will spread the word to others to not watch it. We love the Duggars and want to see them back on the air.
ReplyDeletei support the Duggars, funny how somebody always has to find a way to tear apart a family who stick together and try to do the right thing, how many young men have been in Josh's position and the parents have totally covered it up and i too will not watch tlc till they bring this back and funny how they put the family out there and now want to walk away instead of helping the family deal the the fall out from something that was sealed years ago and who unsealed this and brought it out????
ReplyDeleteWhat the enemy planned for evil God will use for good God bless you :-)
ReplyDeleteI totally agree that it bringing it all back up just hurts the victims for a second time. Whoever brought it up should never have done so, it was in Josh's past and it should've stayed there.
ReplyDeleteI really like 19 kids and counting and was sad to hear about the actions of Josh Duggar when he was a teenager. Everyone makes mistakes is in need of grace. I do not know if he has those tendenceis now or not still, but Josh seems to love his family.
ReplyDeleteThank you Duggars for being human and weathering the storm of people realizing that you are like them in need of love and forgiveness and are not perfect. That your faith in God is first in your lives and that you love and care for your family and just want what is best for them like anyone would. Please continue to be the Godly examples that you are and showing us how to repent and ask for forgiveness love and support.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous Why should the whole family be punished for Josh's sins? Leave the Duggars on t.v., but just don't film Josh in Washington, D.C. Admittedly it will be awkward, but it could be done.
ReplyDeleteWe agree with Mr. huckleberry 100%. People who are hipocrits are trying to discredit the Duggars because they are either jealous or just plain nasty. This reminds me of the Paula Deen scandal. Haters love to join a feeding frenzy and so now they are trying to feast on this at the Duggars expense. I agree that this was 12 years ago and Josh was 14 years old. I am sure there are multiple teens out there who are not perfect and have done wrong things as well. Forgiveness is something the bible teaches us and we are willing to forgive and forget. It is evident that when the bible says the end is near we can see that in so many ways with .satans influence on humans living in this timeline. Brother will rise against brother and that is SO evident with this.
ReplyDeleteWe love you Josh and forgive you. Hope TLC is smart enough to bring your show back.
If not there are prolly PLENTY of other networks who would be willing to air your show.
Hang in there. This too will pass.
Everyone makes mistakes however he wasn't just a teenager who got carried away with his girlfriend. His transgression was pretty serious, especially considering he did this to his own family members. Can he be forgiven? Absolutely. But forgiveness does not always erase consequences. I pray for the well being of all involved.
ReplyDeleteThe Governor of Arkansas is Asa Hutchinson. I went to the AR government page and was able to send a message to the governor's office asking if an investigation should be launched as to why a minors activities were leaked to the press and that the governor stand up for the family as any God fearing person should do. We have to find as many ways as possible to show our support not just to TLC.
ReplyDeleteI agree, this should never been brought back up. It is in the past, and he was an under age minor and that record should have been "SEALED" and never been reopened. I only watch several shows on TV and I look forward to Tuesday nights I even have my husband asking me questions of what is going on. I pray they will keep the show. I will be going out to sign the petition to keep you on the air. I have been praying for your family everyday!
ReplyDeleteLove and Prayers
Please keep the Duggars. .. we love their family
ReplyDeleteWho has not sinned? Let that person throw the first rock. Otherwise leave this christian family alone.
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to Joshua Duggar, everyone makes mistakes. He is not perfect, and God has forgiven him. He was brave to come forward publicly, and his parents did what every parent would do; get him counseling and put it in the past. He shouldn't continue to have to defend his actions, as long as he no longer does this. I feel TLC should not have pulled the show. The family could have addressed it on TV, but that would expose and hurt the ones that were involved and their privacy would be breeched. I hope UP TV will put them back on the air. God Bless this family. They are still a ministry by their lives. Forgiveness is part of the message of Christianity.
ReplyDeleteIt is a shame a child that tells the truth and gets help for his mistakes should have to pay for it the rest of his life. Kids make mistakes and they learn from those mistakes. Look how good a father and husband he has turned out to be I will continue to back his great family. I hope they get many people and advertisers to do the same.
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to the Duggar Family. I can only say "There goes I, but by the grace of GOD" Everyone has made a mistake and some many times over. Our LORD has forgiven Josh, we all should too!