
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Recap: "European Honeymoon"

19 Kids and Counting "European Honeymoon"
  • About 10 days after their wedding, Jessa and Ben head to Europe. Jessa has been overseas twice, but Ben has only been to Central America.
  • First stop: Paris France
  • "It's just like everything you imagined," says Jessa when they arrive in Paris. "It's that awesome and more."
  • At dinner the first night, the waiter brings a plate of snails for the Seewalds to sample. Ben tries them and says they aren't too bad, but Jessa tells her husband she has a weak stomach.
  • When the Seewalds climb the Eiffel Tower, Jessa encourages Ben to face his fear of heights by walking out on a glass platform. "I never thought I would actually be here in Paris," says Jessa.
  • On their last day in Paris, Jessa and Ben visit the Love Lock Bridge. Ben pulls out a padlock with their names engraved on it, and the couple locks it to the bridge and throws the key in the river.
  • Next stop: Rome, Italy
  • The newlyweds kick off their visit to Italy with a cooking lesson. The chef greets them with kisses on the cheek, catching Jessa and Ben off guard. "The Bible says to greet everybody with a holy kiss, but we don't do that in Arkansas," jokes Jim Bob, adding commentary to the honeymoon episode.
  • The highlight of the cooking lesson is learning to make pasta noodles from scratch.
  • When it is time to travel to their final destination, the Seewalds are forced to navigate an Italian train station. They have a difficult time finding the correct train.
  • While Jessa sleeps, Ben studies for his online classes. He is about to graduate with an associate's degree and hopes to do ministry work.
  • Last stop: Venice, Italy
  • When the Seewalds arrive in Venice, they are overwhelmed by the city's beauty. They stumble upon a big, open square, where they attempt to feed a vicious flock of pigeons. Then they browse a vintage clothing store and try on a bunch of outfits. They end up buying a couple hats as souvenirs. 
  • Jessa and Ben end their honeymoon with a boat ride through the canals of Venice. "It has been a good, quality time together, making memories that will last for the rest of our life," says Jessa.
  • Back in Arkansas, Jim Bob and the kids renovate Jessa and Ben's house. The Duggar Dad has plans to re-brick the fireplace as a surprise for his daughter and son-in-law. The boys start off working on the fireplace, while the girls redo the cabinets. Then Jim Bob instructs them to switch jobs so the kids can learn as many skills as possible.
  • "The renovations are coming along, but there is still a lot to do," says Michelle. "I hope we can get it done before Ben and Jessa come home."
  • Later, Michelle, Jana, Jill, Jinger, and Joy visit a thrift store to buy decorations for Jessa's house. "Jessa is the main decorator in our family," says Joy. "I am kind of scared that she is not going to like what we got her." The Duggar ladies only buy a few picture frames and decorations, as they know Jessa will want to do most of the decorating.
  • Anna takes a pregnancy test while she and Josh are staying at Jill and Derick's house. Jill films her sister-in-law breaking the news to Josh and the kids.
  • Jessa and Ben are surprised when they return from their honeymoon and walk through the door of their newly renovated home. Jim Bob and Michelle and the kids are all in the living room waiting for their arrival. "The rock work they did on there, that was over the top," says Jessa, as she admires the fireplace. 
  • The Duggars have Bible time together before Josh and Anna leave. Jim Bob shares how blessed he feels to have such a large, loving family and counts up all the members. Anna chimes in: "Actually, there is one more on the way." Everyone is thrilled to find out that Josh and Anna are expecting Baby #4. (Update: It's a girl!)
  • "This is the multiplication process now, and it's so exciting for us," says Michelle. 
Jessa and Ben share an announcement of their own at the end of the episode. Jessa is 12 weeks pregnant with Baby Seewald!


  1. Why would Jill have pregnancy tests in her home since the test she took was at her moms, she has been pregnant since that positive test.

    I didn't catch how they managed to make the kitchen bigger? Hoe many bedrooms and bathrooms does it have now?

    How does a class in political science help with ministry? Will he attend an actual seminary? Masters?

  2. Congrats to Jessa, Ben and their families!!! ~Tammy H.~

  3. Thank you Sooo much for the recaps!!!
    This is the only way I can catch up with the Duggars

  4. The more we get to know Ben the more I really like him, I feel kinda bad that it has taken me so long. Derick had that instant likability factor for me, I guess some folks take a little longer.Ben is very smart, loving and mature, AND he really loves our sweet Jessa.I am just thrilled about their exciting news, I wonder if she wants a home birth.I just hope everyone will be supportive about whatever decision she makes.

    1. Agree on everything you said

    2. What a nice post, and I agree, he really is a wonderful young man!

    3. What a nice post, and I agree, he really is a wonderful young man!

    4. I agree as well. I can tell how much Ben and Jessa love and care for each other. :)

  5. I loved the honeymoon but poor Ben...he had to wait to marry Jessa before HE could kiss her!

  6. Sounds like the honeymoon of a lifetime!

  7. Could we see a hair tutorial of Jessa's two bun hairstyles she wore on last night's show? One was the low side bun she wore when they are snails in Paris and the other was the higher bun she had on in the interviews. I have long hair and can't figure out how to do a bun!! :) thank you.

  8. I support the Duggars idea of beeing frugal and buy at thrift stores but to be honest they have so much money now they could buy new.
    They should leave thrift stores for those who are more needy.

  9. This episode made me want to visit Venice! Love what the family did to update the little house for Ben & Jessa. Also loved the cute outfits Jessa wore on this episode. Got a kick out of Michelle's shopping spree. The commercial for next week was alarming. Frightening for everyone clearly! Glad they showed a blip of a calm Michelle talking about the incident briefly. She is calm, so Josie must be okay

  10. what an exciting time it must be for the duggars! i'm guessing that it's going to be busy and exciting from here on!

  11. Just got around to watching this episode. It was great! There was something for everyone.

    I agree and relate to everyhing Anonymous # 3 said.
    Ben seems like a great guy and ready for marriage.

  12. I cannot believe that two of the USA's most prominent Christians stood in front of Notre Dame in Paris and in St Peter's Square in Rome (i.e. the Vatican) and the only thing they could appreciate was the architecture!

  13. They had THE COOLEST honeymoon!!!!!!! I love these awesome people!

  14. I pray that Josie is fine.

  15. It's beautiful how in love they are!!

  16. Am earnestly praying for Nepal, knowing that at this time Derick and Jill have heavy hearts. God bless each and everyone of you. Your friend in Christ. Cindy

  17. In the light of the News from Nepal it is good that the duggars and derrick were not there when the earthquake hit; altho i bet derrick knows lots of those who perished and places that he went to that are no longer there.

  18. I love that Ben attempted to speak French, tried the escargot, was chill about the double kiss (when in Rome!) and really took on his leadership role. I hope he can continue to grow and not be overshadowed by Mr Duggar. And I want to go to Venice too!

  19. I am wondering if Derrick and Jill have anything set up or plans to help victims in Nepal since Kathmandu has a special place in their hearts? They could use their (connection)to media to help which I have no doubt they already are in some way.

  20. This was the cutest episode ever!!! (It's still on YouTube too y'all!) I also wish we had a tutorial for the bun styles Jessa wore. That's hard with long hair! They're the sweetest couple.


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