
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

"Not Everything Went as Expected"

In the video below, Jill and Derick Dillard introduce their son, Israel David Dillard. The couple had been planning for a home birth but knew that could change if complications arose. They ended up delivering Israel, who was just 11 minutes short of being two weeks overdue, in a hospital. Jill and Derick are thrilled to finally be holding their son. Click here to see photos.


  1. This blog has the shortest messages I've ever seen. They are always just a tease with very little info that leaves me wanting to know more.

    1. Its probably because they can't say everything until the episodes air...this blog is kind of like a preview of upcoming episodes :)

  2. Congratulations, he is beautiful

  3. I never realized how much like Jana Jill looks. Congrats to the happy couple and the little guy. Who's not so little.

    1. I think Jill and Joy Anna favor each other a lot.

    2. I agree! But I only think it's obvious since pregnancy added a little weight to Jill's face.

    3. I thought the same thing when I saw her picture. I think with the headband covering part of her forehead, it made her look a lot like Jana. They are all beautiful girls!

  4. CONGRATULATIONS to you all!! :) So very exciting!! :) Love how your family(ies) is/are growing!! :) Take care and God Bless you all!! :) Happy Birthday Israel!! :) <3 <3 <3

  5. Congrats on the birth of your son. May God bless you all and that beautiful baby boy. Enjoy him.

  6. I love your family :)

  7. Welcome Israel ! My daughter was born on April 6, thirty-five years ago, on Easter Sunday.

    1. I was born 36 years ago on April 6th. :-)

    2. I was born April 6 as well. 28 years ago.

  8. Congratulations!! He's a cutie

  9. Aww! Glad they picked a unique name.

  10. Congratulations! :D So happy for you both. You are blessed!

  11. So happy your bundle of joy arrived safely! Get some rest, you look tired guys.

  12. God Bless your sweet family, Derick & Jill! Congratulations on the birthday of your gorgeous baby boy!! So happy for your family!

  13. can't wait to watch the TLC show on May 5 :-) It happens to be the same date that I officially hit my "window' for my birth (although I believe this one will stay in there until around 39-40 weeks) for baby #4... So excited! Congrats Jill & Derick

    1. Well, Congratulations to you, also!!

  14. You look very happy. Jill looks wonderful
    Congrats and God Bless.

  15. Congratulations Derick & Jill on the birth of your beautiful son! My family & I are so happy for you both, but most importantly we are happy that Israel will know the Lord because of the wonderful example set by his parents & grandparents! Best wishes! (He looks a lot like Jim Bob!) The Hall Family

  16. So glad that mom & baby Israel are healthy :) Take care of yourself Jill and get some rest! Congratulations Dad & Mom

  17. The good thing is that he was born healthy. We may make our plans, but God always has the final say.

  18. I am glad that everyone is doing great. I also know that not everything goes as planned. I developed preeclampsia that put me on bedrest at 34 week, delivering my son at 37 week. I had to be put on oxygen for the benefit of my son, and the Pitocen was doing scary things to him. He got stuck on the way out but I was finally able to push him out even after falling asleep for 5 minutes between contractions. God bless the 3 of you in this new journey. You are absolutely right in your verse. Where is the reference? I would like to make a plaque and post it in my house.

  19. Beautiful baby ! I think he looks like Jill's brother Justin !

  20. I love this! This is such a cute birth announcement.

  21. I'm just happy that everything turned out okay. A beautiful baby and a much relieved mom and dad.

  22. Congratulations love dericks shirt

  23. Wow Jill and Derick, your baby Israel has arrived!! I'm so thrilled with your miracle from God. Please kiss Israel from me. Love from Jenni in Australia - another sister of yours (in Christ).

  24. Why did you have to deliver at the hospital?

  25. Why did this make me cry!?

    He's beautiful and congratulations!

  26. Congratulations.. Israel is so cute!!!!beauitful baby

  27. Congrats Jill and Derick!!! He is such a cutie!!! glad he is here safe and healthy, That's the most important thing. I know from experience not all goes as plan but everything works out in the end for the best!

  28. I think I literally smiled the entire time I watched this! :D Loved watching Israel move his little arms lol Derrick and Jill look SO. HAPPY! :)

  29. He's absolutely adorable. God bless you all!

  30. Congrats!!!!He looks like your dad hun

  31. Congratulations on your new little bundle of joy! What a true blessing from The Lord. God bless🙏

  32. Congrats Jill and Derrick! He is beautiful

  33. He is absolutely beautiful! God has given you a little blessing. Jill, you look wonderful, a little tired, but wonderful! Rest young lady! You and your whole family are blessings to us! Thanks for sharing your lives. God bless your family! Congratulations to all of you!!!

  34. Congratulations on your new little bundle of joy! What a true blessing from The Lord. God bless🙏

  35. Awwwwwww. Congrats😊😊😊

  36. Awe, he's so cute. God bless your beautiful family and welcome to the world baby Israel! ♡

  37. Awwww he's soooo cute. Congratulation Jill n Dereck. I watch ur show every Tuesday.

  38. Congratulations to you both! Welcome to the world sweet baby Israel

  39. Congratulations and welcome baby Israel David. A new and exciting chapter has begun for your family. God Bless!!!

  40. Awww....congratulations. What a big boy!!

  41. God Bless little Israel and his mom and dad. Congratulations to his grandparents and all his aunts and uncles. Love to you all.

  42. Jill, you look fabulous! Congratulations to you both!

  43. Beautiful baby boy! So happy for y'all!

  44. I don't know how it's possible but Jill looks even more beautiful than usual! Congratulations to all!

  45. Beautiful baby boy! So happy for y'all

  46. God Bless this new family, he is a very handsome little man. Praying everyone is doing will, including the new Dad. Jill, how did Derrick do during the birth?

  47. May God continue to bless your love for your family as it will continually bloom & grow with each other & Christ! Congratulations on your blessing Israel David Dillard, your hearts now are learning a new love that you've never experienced before, it's love beyond belief!

  48. We go to church too. From Ellie Jean (age 6 from Garden City, Michigan.

  49. Such a handsome armful of blessings!! Congratulations to the new mommy and daddy and welcome to the world sweet Israel. You have an amazing life ahead of you!

  50. Congratulations! Happy Birthday Israel! God Bless you all!

  51. Congrats!! He is precious!

  52. Beautiful baby! Jill looks fabulous for having delivered a baby and gone through the extra weeks of pregnancy! Enjoy your beautiful son! God Bless!

  53. Such a beautiful baby boy. Congratulations!! Doesn't matter where you had him the important thing is that mom and baby are healthy. Enjoy your bundle of joy! Thanks for the video announcement and all the updates.

  54. Someone just told me she had a C-section due to complications. Does anyone have a link where I can read about that? Apparently it showed up in someones' Facebook news feed. Congrats to the Duggar family!

  55. so happy for you, Israel is so beautiful

  56. so happy for you, Israel David is a beautiful baby.

  57. Félicitations à Jil et Derick et aux grands parents et à la famille. Bienvenue à bébé Israel-David.
    Marie christine de Belgique

  58. Time to get busy

  59. Congrats! I'm happy for you both!!!!

  60. Congratulations to u both on the birth if ur son Israel may u have many more blessing that u have to come un life enjoy every moment u have to cherish with that great baby boy that u have and god bless u ardour little family. May god bless ur parents and sisters and brothers as the enjoy the new baby can't wait to Josh and Anna have there baby next can't wait til Ben and Jessa have a baby they r going to be great parents just as u guys r going ti be like Josh and Anna r great parents how u guys learn so much just like ur mom Michelle how sweet she is and ur dad just a kind man may they keep up the good work that they do and keep cherish every moments on teaching and learning more from them god bless u all.

  61. Congratulations what a beautiful baby. I love the name May God Bless all of you.

  62. God bless YOU, Derick and Jill and cute little Israel David!

  63. God's blessings to the newest member of your beautiful family!!

  64. Lawrene Nixon AnfinsonApril 7, 2015 at 6:35 PM

    How very fortunate we are as a nation to have a FAMILY centered show on telvision. Hopefully the impact will begin to reinstall the values almost put aside by self-centered individuals who have no regard for American family values. God Bless and good wishes.

  65. Congratulations!!!! I've been checking every day and was so happy to hear baby Israel made his arrival!!! He's gorgeous and I LOVE his name!! God Bless you baby Israel, Mommy and Daddy! Jill you look beautiful!

  66. Congratulations! Praise the Lord!

  67. So happy for you guys. What a big boy!! LOL. That's awesome! I love his name! Great job picking that one out. It sure fits him! Congrats to you and.the family. Hugs coming your way.

  68. Congratulations Jill and Derek. So happy for you both. Little Israel is adorable. God bless you all.

  69. Congratulations Jill and Derek! You are so blessed by the arrival of your first baby boy! God bless you all! He is perfect!

  70. Congrats Jill and Derick on your precious Israel. My 3 children were also large...9 pounds, 10-4, and 9-10...all c sections all healthy. I never dilated past 4 cm. It's good to have the hospital as a back up as you just never know. Healthy and happy is all that matters!!! :)

  71. Happy for you all!!! Please know I am praying for baby Dilly. I have since I heard that Jill was expecting! Very relieved and glad that he came, and that he looks so healthy too! Isreal David, what an incredible name, and perfect for our time. Praying that he will grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord. I think he looks a lot like Jim- Bob, Jill, and a tad bit like Derick. He's cute, content, smiley, adorable, and sweet! Blessings to your family, and Jill! God bless the rest of your Easter week together.
    With Love,

  72. Congrats on your beautiful baby boy!!!?

  73. So happy for you both! You are a precious family. My 7 year old daughter and I have a standing date on Tuesday nights. I am so happy that there is a show that shows positive role models of young people living for Jesus. Please keep up the good race that He has set before you.

  74. I was wondering which name they will call the baby? Love Israel. Don't believe I have heard that for a baby name. What a sweet couple. I am sure the grandparents are pleased to have another grandchild also.

  75. God has blessed you with a miracle.He couldn't have picked a better couple. Congratulations. I know this Lil boy will be loved; with all the members in both your families. He's blessed. You knew about and did the right thing, even though you wanted a home birth. He was a large baby!!!
    Blessings to the three of you.

  76. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!! You are an amazing family!!! Congratulations! Easter Monday is an EASTER BABY for Sure! Jesus rose on the third day! Amen to that!

  77. There are not a lot of cute names that begin with I time to end the rediculous Duggar tradition of all the kids having the same name.

  78. oh so very happy for you both. I have waited on this precious bundle just as I did my own baby grands......He is so and hugs from North Carolina

  79. Jill and Derek,
    Congratulations on your son. He is so precious and look forward on watching him grow.

  80. Congratulations!!! I am so happy to hear that baby Israel is born. I love watching your show because it's very inspiring and motivating.

  81. Congratulations on the new addition to your family. May God bless you both as you seek to raise him for Him.

  82. U guys give me hope... Love and blessings to the three of you.

  83. Happy birthday, Israel! Congrats, Jill and Derick!

  84. Congratulations to the new parents and to the Grandparents. We are so happy for you.

  85. Couldn't be more excited such a big gorgeous Lil man, congrats!!!!

  86. congradulations jill, derrick. baby Israel is perfect. sincerely Stephanie from Kerhonkson ny

  87. Lily and Ellie, do you forsee more information for us fans before the birthing special or is this all we get until it airs? If I know ahead of time then I can relax and be :-) Thanks again :-)

  88. Congratulations! ! I am so happy for you all. May God Bless Your entire wonderful Family. Beautiful baby. I'm so happy. Your Family is what all families should look at. You have a wonderful family. You are all wonderful. May God Always Bless You All. With love and prayers Carolyn Waters Buffery

  89. Praise the Lord that everything went well.

  90. Love the name you both chose. He is a gorgeous little boy and you should both be so proud. Many blessings to you and your growing family...may the love multiply.

  91. I guess they're not sticking with a theme with their would be very difficult to find a lot of names that begin with an I

  92. I can't believe that I guessed the weight and height correct.I think Isreal looks like her buddy James.Jill is just beaming. Do we know how long she was in labor yet?

  93. So glad Israel finally arrived and is doing well. Congratulations to Jill and Derek. Such a beautiful family!!!

  94. Congratulations! So glad Jill and Israel are doing well! Such a beautiful family!

  95. Awww congratulations so glad all is well!

  96. God Bless your family. He is a beautiful baby

  97. In the one closeup of baby Israel, he looks just like Jim Bob! Congratulations, and you can never go wrong with a biblical name.

  98. That does not sound or look like Jill Dillard.

  99. Congrats to you all such a little blessing you all hve just welcomed .

  100. Ahh! Congratulations to Derick and Jill! I pray blessing oer their lives as parents, and that their children would grow up in the presence of God.

  101. Yes you can still get your period. Its not common but plenty of women have it that way. Why not just go to a dr ? That would be the best thing to do !


  102. Congratulations! He is so amazing. I love that you quoted that scripture (always a good reminder). And Jill you look amazing!

  103. Congratulations and God bless you and your family!!! So happy everyone is happy and healthy!

  104. What were the complications that landed Jill in the hospital? And why the name Israel, other than to reflect the Duggar political-religious ideology?

  105. So glad you both made it safely through!:) I had to have all 5 of mine via c-section. He's perfect and a big boy!:) So so happy for you!:)

  106. Congratulations to Derrick and Jill, he looks to be a very healthy baby. My husband and my third child was also an overdue, though not as overdue, big baby although little Israel has him by 6 oz, my baby was 6 inches longer though so I figure it balances out. My son's birth weight was estimated at 10 lbs 6 oz if he had been born on his due date. However, because he was born with Hirschsprung Disease, which is when the ganglion cells in the intestines don't form, he actually had started losing weight in utero. We were extremely blessed that the medical staff were watching him so closely and that my mother who was an RN were there. His pediatrician stayed up all night the third night after he was born to find something that would explain his inability to hold anything down or pass the first stool. He went through several test and two surgeries before he was a week old and two more before he turned two. He spent only a month in the Neonatal Unit in a Lubbock Hospital, where he lost another 2 lbs, before we could take him home, but he more than made up for any and all weight loss by tripling his birth weight by the time he was 4 months old. He is now a healthy 27 year old father, and I thank god everyday that I was allowed the joy of being able to raise him. Good luck to all three of you, I am just so happy for you all.

  107. Baby Dilly is as adorable as I knew he would be. He looks like Jim Bob! He was fearfully and wonderfully made and birthed the way God had planned....healthy and BIG! Congratulations Jill and Derick. Baby Isreal will fill your days and nights with much joy. Not only is a new child born, but a new family is too. May he grow in the love of the Lord and be a beacon of light to his family. I know he will be well loved and showered with lots of "side" hugs and sweet kisses. Enjoy this new season life and don't blink...

  108. Congratulations, he is a handsom little guy! Plus, the name fits him perfectly! You will both make perfect parents to babu Israel David. ♡

  109. Congratulations on your baby. From Ellie Jean from Garden City, Michigan

  110. Congratulations on the new arrival

  111. I LOVE the name you chose for your little boy! Congratulations and God bless your family!!
    (I also love Derick's IDF T-shirt!)

  112. Congratulations, he is so precious. I am so happy for you both. I love your family and show so much. May God bless your new family Can't wait to see the birth on May 5th.

  113. Congradulations Jill & Derek! Beautiful baby boy :)

  114. I'm so happy for you both. Baby Israel is a beautiful baby. God bless you all. Jill you are just glowing in your video .

  115. Congrats and so happy you had a healthy safe delivery and healthy baby boy!

  116. Don't feel discouraged Jill :) my first was supposed to be a water birth with a midwife and it ended up with us racing (we might have broken every traffic law known to man that day lol) to the hospital with minutes to spare and had to have an episiotomy because she wanted to wear her cord as a sash. She was a peanut of a baby at 4lbs and 14oz but now she is a sweet little 2 year old. Then 14 months later we were blessed with a second sweet little girl and I was able to have her with my midwife in the water and she was twice the size of her sister at 8lbs and 9oz. God just has some other plans for us sometimes. All that said enjoy your little guy it goes by way to fast and before you know it they are standing in the kitchen saying "tea pleeeease" :)

  117. Congratulations! What a beautiful baby and I love the name. God bless your sweet family!

  118. Did she have a c- section or a natural birth ?

  119. Healthy Baby and Healthy Momma are all that matter! Can't wait until May 5th!! Congratulations!

  120. congratulations on the birth of Israel David . Wow! He certainly is a big gorgeous baby boy. Big babies are hard to deliver especially for the first. I had two over 11 lbs. Hope you are doing well Jill. God bless and congratulations to you both

  121. Sorry It didnt go as planned. But as goes the wedding so goes the birth.You made memories and what a beautiful day. God bless you all Prayers that he will grow up as Moses, a man of God who spoke with Him face to face. as Abraham "the friend of God" and as David a "man after God's own heart"

  122. Kiernan Shedlock purplemoon1@gmail.comApril 7, 2015 at 9:36 PM

    Congratulations!! Israel is the cutest lil man!! My son's birthday is April 6th 2004 he wasn't a small baby himself either he was 8 lbs 7 ounces and 21 inches long!! So glad your lil guy is finally herw. My husband George and myself are expecting our second child now due in June on the 8th!! God waited 11 years to bring us another child. A son at that!! We are so thrilled and can't wait for Alexander to get here!! Jill you look so amazing for just having had your first child. You were all baby!! I know it doesn't matter much but I think you will snap back semi quickly. My son a cory who just turned 11 was also over due but only by a week and was born the Tuesday before Easter Sunday!!

    ENJOY YOUR MIRACLE ISRAEL!! Good luck I know you will make perfect parents after all the practice you have had and also your schooling!!

    God is good BEST ALL OF YOU,
    Kiernan Shedlock, Toronto Ohio

  123. Glad everything turned out ok. As an OB nurse, I am not surprised it needed medical intervention due to her primiparous status and being post-dates. Hope healing and transition go well.

  124. He was born on my nieces birthday

  125. Congratulations! He is so adorable! Enjoy your Family oriented Christian show - thank you for sharing your lives with us.

  126. Awww adorable! Congratulations!!

  127. Jill you are glowing

  128. Congrats he is absolutely gorgeous!!!

  129. Aw, she sounds so tired! Totally understandable :) Hope she, baby and daddy get some rest and soak in this beautiful moment. Congrats to the family, a child is a blessed gift to many.

  130. Congratulations Dillard family!! Absolutely love the name! May God bless you all. Here's to many sleepless nights!! And many years of love!

  131. Congratulations Dillard family!! Absolutely love the name. Here's to many sleepless nights!!! And many years of joy! God Bless you all!!

  132. God Bless your family of three! :)

  133. I am so glad everyone is healthy!

  134. Congrats, such a handsome little blessing.

  135. Replies
    1. Which dad? Hers? Lol

    2. That is definitely an LGA baby. He's huge. Did Jill have gestational diabetes? She must have had a C-section

  136. Congratulations Jill & Derick on the birth of your son Israel David!

  137. Did she still get to go naturally........or diid she have an epidural?????

  138. Congrats Jill and Derik. God's blessings on your family.

  139. Your sweet baby boy shares the same birthday as my little boy.....he turned 10 are absolutely glowing Jill!!!! Congratulations on your new bundle of joy.

  140. Congratulations on your new little family ...enjoy every moment ... n.jill remember to rest when baby rest..

  141. So happy for you all...may God continue to bless your family. Keep up your faith, it's inspriing! Love your family and the show! #babydilly #19kidsandcounting

  142. Awe .. congrats . Hope you have many wonderful to come and a lot of happyness and joy. Have an amazing day.

  143. Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy from another one of your sisters (in Christ) ! Know that I'm praying for your adorable little family and that I wish you three (+) all the best!

  144. Congratulations he is a doll. You both will be great parents!

  145. I hope all is well with Jill and they are not keeping any struggles private. They are free to do that of course. Almost ten pounds, gosh. Concerned for her recovery.

  146. He is B E A U T I F U L !!! Congratulations!!!

  147. I think you need to post more points of views here,i or constructive criticism ,especially when their intentions are to help and offer some very sound advise

  148. Congratulations- but I must say, based on Jill's comment that "nothing went as expected" - from experience Childbirth is never as expected, anything can happen at any time. Please, to any woman please know that any and every pregnancy can be high risk, anything can go wrong or right. It is imperative to always seek medical attention for any sign- Jill was carrying extremely large I saw right away 2 weeks ago, she should have been induced 2 weeks ago according to how large she was at term, the baby would have been only 8 pounds whichakes a big difference in delivery, I would guess that Jill must have had a C Section with being 2 weeks over with an almost 10 pound baby. That baby never would have come out in a birthing tub at home, it would have been excruciatingly painful and dangerous . Let's be Real and Truthful for many women's sakes. Not every baby is meant for a home birth. Congratulations, Jill and Derrick.

  149. Congrats Jill and Derick! Love your baby's name!

  150. congratulations on your cute baby boy when you back on UK TV missing your show x

  151. congratulations on your cute son when you back on UK TV missing your show

  152. Yay!! So happy for all of you. Enjoy every second of this precious time together!!

  153. Congratulations, You all look well. God Bless!

  154. Love the IDF T shirt Derick! :)

  155. Congratulation on your baby boy. jill i know you will be good mom you have a lot practice with your f brothers and sisters, Pass your seat belts it will be long ride for motherhood and fatherhood all your lives.

  156. Congratulations! What a darling baby. I love the Duggars and Dillards but am saddened by their choice of baby name as well as Derrick's shirt. As a Christian, I want justice in Palestine and am perplexed why other Christians do not understand how bad the living conditions for the Palestinians are.

  157. Congratulations on the berth of your little bundle of joy.
    Can't wait to see the programme on the 5th of May.

  158. glad you finally have him in your arms - to hold and hug etc

  159. Your happiness takes me back 30 years to when my first born son was all has gone by way to fast..... Embrace every moment and hold the little bundle of happiness from God all the time.


  161. Hey Derick just a quick note to say congratulations on the birth of your little man. How exciting it is to raise Israel David to know and LOVE God. I have watched your show from the start and look forward to ALL that God has for you. xoxo from BC in the Okanagan valley Canada
    Donna McDougall

  162. Congrats, what a big baby ! Wish him al the best for the future.
    Only a pity that they get so commercial, always referring to TLC...

  163. Super cute! Love his name!

  164. What is the story behind his name? I expected a more traditional name, but it is a nice name.

  165. What a sweetie. Congratulations! Jill, I've never seen anyone look so fabulous in the hospital after birth, gorgeous Momma! Congrats& Welcome Israel David!

  166. Despite beeing tired she is still working promoting her reality show. I guess we all need a job.....
    Congrats to her & husband.

  167. Congrats. He was born 2 days after one of my ultrasound set due date and 2 1/2 weeks after my little guy was born and he still is almost 3 lbs bigger than my little man who was born at 6 lbs 10 ozs and is not much bigger than that

  168. Congrats! Thank you for the pictures! He is so cute. Glad everyone is doing good. Thank you for the reminder , that when man has a plan , sometimes God has another plan for us. Both of my babies births did not go as planned either, but he still blessed me with two healthy babies. We can't wait to see to watch his birth in May.

  169. At long last! Congratulations Jill and Derick on the birth of your little blessing Israel! Our first born didn't want to come out ether.. I went from having a natural birth in a birth center to an induction/C-section. It was all worth it though.. she turns 10 in 10 days. And she was about the same weight as your little man- she weighed 9 lbs 12. May god bless your new little family.. from the our family in Australia.

  170. Congratulations Jill and Derrick. Israel is so cute but I think it's to soon to tell who he look's like. Love watching your show and haven't missed a one. Would also like to congratulate the new Grand Parents. Derrick I bet your Mom is very excited. Pray her treatments have gone well and she is home and recovering. God Bless all of you. Looking forward to more pics.

  171. What a beautiful baby boy! And 23 inches? Wow, he is going to be tall like his daddy. Congratulations and Happy Belated Birthday Israel!

  172. Yes, praise God he is here! I was getting concerned about what could happen, but they're all here and safe, so praise God for that.
    Was it harder then to watch, and recap the latest episodes last night? Hope to see that soon. Blessings to you, Ellie and Mr Handsome, and Lily and the family

  173. Congratulations Jill & Derick. It's great that you now enter the next chapter of your life. May I add, I LOVE THE BABIES NAME. Didn't think I could love you guys anymore than I do. ...then this wonderful, beautiful name! Enjoy this great new chapter of your lives.

  174. Jill's voice sounds so different. It kind of sounds more like her moms.

  175. Jill is really truly gorgeous on here!! So excited for her and Derick. I love the name they chose: Israel David.

  176. That way you will still tune in to the show and watch-so happy for them and what a big baby boy he is. So beautiful. Did she have to have a section-he doesn't even looked a bit squished-his little head is perfect!

  177. congratulation on the new baby.

  178. We are so happy for you both, congratulations and God bless

  179. Healthy Mom +Healthy Baby = Blessing. Congratulations!

  180. Congratulations!!! We're so happy for you!! He's so precious. Good luck as your new life as parents!! We love you all and God bless you and baby Israel!!

  181. Wow thats awesome you guys. I know you will be great parents.


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