
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Jill's 70-Hour Labor

Members of the Duggar family have had their picture on the cover of PEOPLE Magazine more than nine times. This week is Israel David Dillard's first appearance. We have included a few highlights below, but you can read the full article by visiting your local news stand starting this Friday.

Jill and Derick Dillard had been planning for a home birth with a team of midwives, but the newlywed couple experienced complications and ended up having a hospital birth. Jill had been in labor for 70 hours when Israel David Dillard was finally born via emergency C-section.

Twelve days past her due date, Jill's water broke and she tested positive for strep B. She began labor at home, but she and Derick decided to head to the hospital after 50 hours of labor had yielded little progress. Jill, who is trained in midwifery, also noticed a meconium stain, which often indicates that the baby is in distress.

After arriving at the hospital, Jill continued with natural labor for another 20 hours, but by that time, it was clear that little Israel was in distress. Jill and Derick decided to go ahead with a C-section.

Throughout their difficult delivery, the couple continued to pray. Although the road was hard, their story had a happy ending, and Jill told PEOPLE that Israel is worth all the pain and discomfort that she endured.


  1. Jill you have a lot of love to give. Any mother that loves their child would do anything to make sure they are safe. I am sorry you had to endure a long labor and eventually end up with a C-section but as a loving mother it is definitely worth it. So glad it ended well for you and now you have a beautiful son to enjoy for the rest of your life. I believe it is more important that the baby is safe than where or how you have it.

  2. Please their heart...I have been there and done that and feared meconium is what happened. I
    Mine was a vaginal birth and thank God that my son only had the B.M. during birth. Having natural birth with this problem is like holding up a falling brick wall with your baby toe. The head is delivery but you have to hold his shoulders in while tubes are inserted into the baby's lungs and stomach. My son only had learning disabilities because of the meconium stain. The amount of problems for the child depends on how long he had been in the stain.

  3. Poor Jill. I had a friend that went through the same thing just to be able to have a vaginal birth. But at the end of the day your birth experience does not make you a great mom its every thing you due after that. Happy for them to have a positive ending!

  4. Oh very proud of yourself for how long you endured...things didn't go as planned but God is good
    All the glory be to Him

  5. What kind of doctor in a hospital lets a woman labor "fifty more hours" after meconium showing??? Poor poor Mrs. Dilliard!! Why didnt they help her and her baby? they have insurance?....was that the issue? They must do things very differently in that state. wow......letting a meconium baby go for fifty more hours is just disgraceful and put that poor baby at Risk. So sorry to hear this

    1. As a labor nurse I have seen my fair share of situations similar to this. Most often it's not the doctor waiting for the c/section. Jill is entitled to make her own healthcare decisions and she was probably offered a c/section early on and chose to wait the 50 hours to take it.
      And having meconium stained fluid is not an indicator for c/section. Many babies are born vaginally and do just fine

  6. why would you wait so long. I am very sorry but saw how anna duggar suffered through many hours of labor when she clearly should have been in a hospital and not had a home birth. why would Jill want to put herself and her child through that many hours of labor. Sorry but the signs were there that she should have been in a hospital early on and had a c section early why put your child through so much stress.

  7. The 70 hour labor story is a bit of an exaggeration. Your labor starts when there is progress (as in dilation) not when your contractions start. Israel was definitely an LGA baby. They probably should not have waited so long to deliver since the placenta degrades starting at around 42 weeks and the baby gets stressed which, it sounds like, is exactly what happened. They should really listen to nurses

    1. Her water broke early Saturday morning, signaling the start of labor which from that point was 70 hours. The doctors should not have let her labor that long after her water broke, especially with signs of stress. I agree with some things being exaggerated, but wasca true 70.

  8. 70 Hours!
    I just thank God that you both made it through this ordeal.

  9. My experience with my first child was similar. My waters broke, 10 hours of labor yielded little progress and there was meconium stain in my waters. I ended up with an unplanned C-section, and a healthy 9 LB 3 OZ. baby boy. I am sorry Jill had to go through all that labor. So glad the baby is healthy and she is recovering. She was in our prayers through this time.

  10. So glad that Jill and Israel are okay. He is a beautiful baby. I am not buying "People" magazine. It is a filthy publication. I don't want to give them my money and don't want that rag sitting in my house. Are the Dillard's aware of the content in this magazine?

    1. They are able to reach so many nonbelievers through People! Praise God! :)

    2. Of course they know what is in the magazine. I'm sure the Duggars don't buy any copies though.

    3. Of course they know. They have exclusive rights to an interview and posed for photos for their photographers. They GAVE them the story.

    4. Of course they know. They gave the magazine an exclusive interview, and posed for the magazine's photographers. They are well acquainted with people magazine.

    5. Reporting through People magazine allows the Duggars to ensure that the truth is told, and that other news outlets and online blogs will pick up their stories from People and report the truth elsewhere. Although this is a "gossip" magazine, it is one of the few with a strong reputation for honest reporting. People magazine typically does not report stories first published elsewhere until they have verified that those sources are reporting the truth. In contrast, many other "gossip" publications report rumours as truth, and some have even been known to make up stories and quotes. I think it is very wise for the Duggars to choose to report their stories in a magazine that is both respected for its journalistic integrity and which will reach a large number of readers - who will then know the truth rather than accepting lies they may read elsewhere. It is wonderful that this Duggar Family Blog reports on Duggar stories published in this magazine for those who prefer not to read it. Thank you, Lily and Ellie.

  11. I'm so glad she and Israel are doing well, but it's concerning that she decided to keep going with a natural birth and decline medical intervention when her baby was showing signs of distress. 50 hours of labour is far too long for a baby to possibly be in distress.

  12. Wouldn't a planned c-section after twenty hours of labor be safer than an emergency c-section after 70 hours of labor? What kind of midwife oversaw Jill's care? Was there anyone with Jill who was giving wise advice?

  13. Poor thing!! That's is the largest meat labor I have heard of!!

  14. Hope for a speedy recovery. Jill is such an amazing person. I also love the name. Jill n Derick are my favorite duggar couple.

  15. News flash--the birth of a baby isn't all about the mother. The well being of the baby and the husband should be considered. This is why in years gone by women chose hospital births as opposed to home births. Sometimes things don't go as expected or desired.

  16. Why did Jill labor for another 50 hours AFTER noticing the meconium? How dangerous! That poor baby could have died :(

  17. Really feeling for you guys to have gone through such a tough first labor and delivery. I' m sure Jill's mid-wife training helped her understand what was happening and how to make the best decisions to ensure her and her baby's best health. Having their unquivering faith obviously was their strongest support. Israel is truly a blessing!

  18. Sweet Jill, I am a middle aged lady who has never given birth to a child, and I have the utmost respect for any woman who has done just that. After 70 hours of labor, you are in my book now listed under the category "hero". May you recover quickly, and may your little son be a great joy and blessing in your life. God bless all three of you! :) Warm greetings from Norway

  19. So she noticed a sign of fetal distress after 20 hours, but still labored for another 50 HOURS before agreeing to a c-section? I'm not exaggerating when I say she's lucky that baby is okay. What a completely unnecessary risk to take for the sake of a natural childbirth experience.

  20. Wow! That's crazy! If she keeps having c-sections (which I know in this case she didn't have a choice) she will most likely only be allowed to have 3 children because after that it becomes to dangerous to have children (your stomach could burst).

    1. Not true. Plenty of women have more than 4 c secs and although each one carries additional risk, one of those is not stomach bursting. It's uterine rupture, which in most cases is not catastrophic. I doubt she will have future c secs unless the situation warrants it anyway. vBAC is a wonderful option

    2. I am pretty sure your stomach does not burst perhaps you mean uterus where the baby actually is

    3. My aunt had 11 csection. All the children and herself are healthy!

    4. I have also heard of a few moms who have had a lot of c sections. I know some moms who have had 3 or 4 personally. And your right it's not your stomach that can rupture , it's called a uterine rupture. Which can happen if you have had a c section or uterine surgery. I have had 2 csections and have looked into the risks of a vbac and knew that a uterine rupture could happen. With my vbac attempt I didn't rupture but had to have a c section because my baby was breech. No one had any idea my baby was breech until i was in the hospital.

  21. Wow!! Praise God she is alright!!! I will for her and baby Israel.

  22. Thank the lord you are ok now god bless you.

  23. Never heard of anyone being in labor that long without something being done to deliver that baby.

  24. I really can not believe that 1st they didn't do an ultrasound earlier and notice how large her baby was and induce her before she was 42 weeks and 2nd that they didn't do a c-section earlier! She is truly fortunate her baby was ok after that long! I do not understand 50 hrs of labor at the hospital before a c-section....I also don't understand her saying that she wouldn't change anything. Of course, she would!! Nobody wants that long of a labor and c-section at the end. Obviously she is thankful her baby is ok and so is she after all that, but wow!!!! I really hope she gives herself time to heal and recover and does not try to get pregnant right away again!

  25. Praise the Lord for a healthy mom and baby. At the end of the day- that should be our benchmark! And that precious baby has Godly parents. What a blessing.
    I'm an OB nurse. Just to clarify: meconium does not mean you need a c-section. It just means that the baby needs to be immediately evaluated at delivery by a pediatrician because the meconium is often aspirated. Women can have a successful vaginal delivery with meconium. So, laboring a while with staining is not negligent. It can be an indicator of distress, but the fetal heart rate patterns are more what we look at for signs of distress. It's the breech/transverse presentation and fetal distress (decels) that warranted the cesarean. I'm pro natural delivery but there are indeed cases of needing c-section.

    1. Thank goodness someone with medical training chimed in.

    2. Thank you for sharing your expertise,.

  26. Wow!!! no wonder Jill looked so tired in the photos.. joining in praising God for preserving both Jill and baby Israel through such a difficult delivery..

  27. I was in labor for 72 hours because I wanted a vbac but the baby was not in distress. I was miserable but the baby was okay. So yes, labor can go that long. Recovering from a vbac was much better than a c-section.

  28. Next time I hope she induces earlier. Some of the dangers of going late and not stepping in happened. Now they will have a better idea how to proceed that she has a labor and delivery history.

  29. C-section babies are a cut above the rest!!

  30. Someone suggested that Jill was a hero for laboring 70 hours? Seriously? If she had been under a doctor's care, it seems likely she would have been induced at 40 weeks based on the size of her baby. I can't imagine why her midwife let her go nearly two full weeks beyond that point -- when unborn infants gain a pound a week. Having to be hospitalized for nearly a week after the birth to recover is a pretty steep price to pay. Thankfully momma and baby are home and doing well.

  31. Jill has said that her waters broke in the early hrs of Saturday April 4 2015. Her baby was not born until late in the night of Monday April 6 11:49 pm by C Section ( one of her back up plans that she did have along with another back up plan to have pitocin ). She said that she was having trouble telling the difference between Braxton hicks in her own body which had been already having prior to this and labor pains. She marked the breaking of the water as the start of her labor ( probably because there is no going back from that point ) - hence the 70 hrs. According to the latest people article there was a lot of starts and stops during that " labor time ". Which tells me that she was as I thought stop starting and so the labor wasn't progressing properly. After the water broke she noticed there was meconium in her waters, just a slight bit and so because of this she used common sense and they went straight to the hospital. ( Babys are generally not taken by C section because of meconium most mothers still give birth naturally but they need to be at a hospital labor ward rather than at home or at the birthing center so that the baby can be aspirated if complications arise. - a common practice. ). She was also found to have strep b a common infection in mothers who are about to give birth and was put on IV antibiotics to start clear this up. Jill would have been monitored to see if she was progressing by her self, this can take some hrs but as she wasn't progressing she was then offered Pitocin to help speed things along. At first they thought they could sweat it out for a bit longer but but as the labor wasn't progressing they then changed their minds and went down this route to help things along.( At this time you are usually given pethidene or an epidural to help you rest whilst the labor progresses). But after all this time with the help of strong contractions inducing Pitocin the baby had not properly engaged to come down the birth canal. that is the Pitocin didn't wasn't doing the job. After all this time instead of doing what he should have done the baby decided to turn upside down and sideways rather than engaging. As the baby heart beat was showing signs of distress on the monitor they decided on the advice of the doctor to go with their final back up plan and have a C Section and thus Israel David Dillard was born.
    Jill had according to her doctor the most extensive labor plan that he had ever seen which included a back up plan of Pitocin and also for a c section if this did not work.She followed the plan to a tee and was properly monitored all of the way along. I will add In my country proper labor does not start with the waters breaking 9 though it means no going back ) - the staff only count labor from the point at which strong consistent progressive labor can be shown. So all the hard work you did before that doesn't count to them - but it does to the mother.

  32. Congrats!! I had a c-section with both of my children. It was not how I planned it, but I am blessed I had my children healthy. God bless u both and your son from god

  33. Ouch! I am glad Israel is okay though

  34. Jill Dillard did an awesome job. Her training and knowledge of labor and delivery made sure both she and baby Israel are fine. I too labored many hours with a large baby. They had to help me push him out. So close to a c section. I'm proud to see a mom do it her way. Please stop being mean about this

  35. Thank God it all ended up okay, but it's sad to me that they took such chances with their precious baby. This is the 21st century!

  36. My sweet Jill and Derrick your little Israel should have been delivered weeks before. I love your family but don't agree with 3 week delay. I am so glad that all went well. God Bless you all.

  37. I just had a 9 lb 6 oz. baby on 4/4. It was a planned unassisted homebirth, I was in labor for 3 hours before my boy was born and I thought that was a long time! I couldn't imagine going through it for 70 hours. Glad Jill and baby are doing fine.

  38. There was the strep b, the staining and then there were signs of distress once they arrived at the hospital. We all want a healthy live baby.

    Now she has a history I hope she won't go late again. I really wish they got the baby out faster. When you see the signs of poop that means the baby can take it in. The faster the baby comes out the less likely that is to happen and when the doc does evaluate the baby they are less likely to find it happened. If the baby didn't go late he might not have pooped inside the womb in the first place. While anecdotally anything can be fine statically that doesn't mean it will be or you will be on the positive side of the statistic. The last two days just made the mom and baby struggle and made things more risky than they had to be.

  39. I am so glad that everyone is ok. I pray that Jill has a fast recovery.

  40. I also had to have an unplanned c-section with my son. Jill - you are AWESOME even though your delivery wasn't as you planned! I really had a hard time bonding with my son at first and still struggle sometimes with the fact that I couldn't have a natural labor. BUT, as Jill has said "A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps". We have to trust God that what happens is what is best for us all. Many prayers to Jill as she recovers.

  41. Looks like its time for Israel's pic to be added to the heading at the top of the blog! Oh, and then there's Josh and Anna's baby girl that will soon be up there! And if Jessa and Ben get pregnant soon (no pressure guys =) then that will be several new additions.

  42. I am so glad for the safe arrival of the Dillard's first child. I am a bit surprised by the outcry over his birth story. I am going to assume that the Dillards made their decisions prayerfully and carefully. I also assume they had more detailed information about Jill's and Israel's overall health than I have from a synopsis of a magazine article. May the Lord continue to bless this family for His glory.

  43. Bless your heart Jill, that does sound like a very hard labor of love. God bless you and your precious family and congratulations to the new parents.

  44. That is the longest labor I have ever heard of, are they exaggerating? Jill is lucky that baby is okay and I'm certainly glad he is. I still find it odd that this family let's their story be published in a magazine like People. They claim to shy away from things of the world but they let their story be published in people magazine it's funny.

  45. Thank God for their strong faith in God... there could be no greater test.

  46. So happy for you Jill and Derick!!! Israel is sooooooo adorable and sooooo big :-)

  47. I agree with you. My belief is that a c-section is only necessary if: 1)mama is going into distress, 2)baby is not in the correct position after several attempts of turning it back around, 3)baby is going into distress.

  48. Just glad she and baby Israel are ok. I am concern as to why she waited so long to seek medical attention so she could be sure she and the baby would be ok, we know they are this time but what happens next time she gets pregnant? I hope they remember it is not important where you have the baby the most important thing is that you keep yourself and the baby as safe as possible so it will be a happy ending. Congratulations again to Jill and Derick for having such a beautiful little boy.

  49. Happy that Jill and baby are ok. I was a bit concerned about the size of Jill's tummy and figured she was carrying a big baby which also makes it difficult for a first delivery since the birth canal has not been used before. Also could they not have picked up before that the baby was breech. It is difficult for a big baby to turn around in the uterus. Glad they are both ok. My mom lost her first baby that way in the 1950's trying to do a home birth with a mid-wife. God is good, we give him thanks it everything.

  50. Jill, I had a similar experience with my first too and had an emergency c section. So thankful for my healthy girl. I've since had three "fast" VBACs :) and three more healthy girls. Praying for you as you and your hubby grow into your new role as mom and dad.

  51. I have had 4 c-sections and my uterus couldn't take another pregnancy. I know some people have more than 4, but we had to be monitored closely and only tried for the forth once our doctor said it was OK. My last had to be delivered 3 weeks early due to pre-term labor. I pray Jill and Derrick seriously consider that in future pregnancies, should she need repeat sections. Listen to a doctor and make sure your uterus is measured at the scar during pregnancy. Perhaps this will limit the number of children they safely can have, but a ruptured uterus does no good for baby, mama, or family. Blessings!

  52. I thought it might have been hard - poor Jill looked really tired. Good thing they had a c-section - otherwise it could be really dangerous. Israel is a big little fellow - and he was overdue, too. Jill and Derick went through a lot to get him here - but he's here, safe and very much loved. I wish you, Jill a speedy recovery - you are very brave, strong girl. Hold on - and cuddle your precious little boy from me:)

  53. Wow. Sounds intense, but it sure is good for publicity! I'm glad they are all doing so well.

  54. I absolutely love this family (the Duggars/etc) and think they are a blessing to all that watch them. Good luck Jill, Derek and baby Israel!!!!

  55. I have four children all delivered by c section.

  56. Something has happened to the Duggar family over the past few yeas that I just can't wrap my head around. I want to say "fame & fortune" have moved ahead of God. Years ago in the very first episodes you could see a Godly presence but nowadays not so much. I recently watched episodes of the Bates family and God is abundantly present. I just hope that what has happened to the Duggars doesn't happen to the Bates. And, one more thing, Duggar family don't you realize you are supporting some very non Christian values and advertising by being on the cover of People.

    1. Agree with your post about the Duggars & People magazine. I love the very down to earth Bates Family everyone is authentic & just nice people.

    2. People allows them to minister to the nonbelievers (which is the most important!!! :))

    3. If you had 19 kids wouldn't you want them to be set up for life, a nice nest egg would do it.They have not changed, just their wallet, even though they were very well off before fame.Being on other Magazines and mainstream tv, media is a sure fine way to show their faith and spread the gospel to other folks who are not Christians or the like.Believe you ME the Bates will follow suit, they need the funds too, nothing wrong with that.By the way the Bates have a contract with O.K. magazine and they are not as factual as People's mag.I love both families equally,each in their own special way.

  57. Oh my goodness!!!!!!! Poor, poor Jill!!!! I hope she recovers ok! I had a feeling that it was a c-section, but i had no idea that the labor was over 24 hours!

  58. I recognize the fact that magazines are in the business of selling magazines, not reporting news. If indeed she was in labor for 70 hours, someone was negligent.

  59. Oh drama, drama, drama. A non Christian magazine pumping up drama just to grab reader attention to make money. They are likely making the 70 hour labor from the rupture of membranes (her water breaking). She probably didn't start with contractions right away. I really am bothered by the media hype that this family has let themselves get into.

  60. I'm sure the hospital was monitoring her and the baby. And why does anyone care if a woman wants to "suffer" so long? If her goal was natural, Then probably she and the docs were doing everything to allow for that. People have too many opinions!

  61. Somebody should tell the Duggars that the people commenting on all the People articles are not pro-Duggar by any means. The more that gets published, the more people are slamming them.

    1. And the more people they are ministering to!

  62. Praise God for healthy Israel & mama!!!! I've had 3 C-sections and actually prefer them, yes I'm a whimp!!! Sorry you had such a long labor!!! Blessings to the sweet growing Dillard Family!! We love you in Los Angeles!! =)

  63. Wow...... almost a 3 day labor! So happy everyone is healthy!

  64. Thats a crazy amount of hrs to labor! I have had 3 children via c-section, i choose to have sections instead of natural because the hospital i delivered at has a bad rep for pulling babies head away from their spines. I was told i could have any number of children because the doctor thought my 3rd baby was my 1st. I healed very well. I have almost no scar tissue what's so ever and my scar is invisible. But after you water breaks they are supposed to take the baby after 24 hrs to keep from infection setting in. Or at least that's how they do it in Carolina.

  65. I am so happy that Jill is doing ok. (Well at least I think she is). Also, I am so happy that Isreal is doing ok as well at Derrick.
    That is so scary that Jill was in labor for 70 hours. Also that she had to have an emergent c-section.
    I will pray so much for them!
    God Blees you all!

  66. Jill looks great in that picture! There's something different about her eyes!! Beautiful!! :) :)

  67. I'm sorry, but I don't get why some picked "entertaining" for their reaction on this post. It's not funny at all. C-sections are no joke.

  68. As a NICU nurse for many years, I think some of these times MUST be exaggerated. No doc would allow a mom to labor for 50 hours with not only meconium fluid, but also Group B Strep positive. That is quite dangerous for the baby, and his health should be considered much, MUCH higher than the parents' desire for a "natural labor and birth". Jill and Derrick are not dummies, and I cannot imagine them putting THEIR WANTS above the baby's NEEDS. I also think that it's quite possible that little Israel needed a precautionary 3 days of antibiotics - another thing that is quite common with prolonged labors and with moms who are Group B strep positive. Just happy everyone is okay! :)

  69. Thank you for helping us to understand some information about labor and birth circumstances that most of us are unaware of. It sounds like Jill tried to avoid interventions, which is usually safest for Mom and Baby, until intervention was necessary. Baby Israel and Mom are healthy and well so there doesn`t seem to be any reason to question the professionals`decisions. Rejoicing with Jill and Derrick for their sweet blessing, Baby Israel!

  70. Seriously people!!! Other than the OB nurse, are ANY of you health care providers? Jill went to the hospital when she noted meconium. She WANTED a home birth but recognized potential conications and went in for further monitoring. What an incredible opportunity that the hospital allowed her to continue to labor. Like the previous poster said, as long as the baby remains stable with a reassuring heart rate, there is NO REASON to jump right to surgery. How awesome that her OB recognized and respected her potential desire, God-willing, to have a large family, and not automatically subject her to surgery when it wasn't necessary. I'm guessing for most of those 50 hours, the baby was showing no further signs of distress, otherwise the c/s would have been done much sooner. How about some congratulations instead of judgement. Geesh.

  71. I really don't think its right for all these people to be judging the outcome of her labor. I'm pretty sure not everyone who is being negative is an OB doctor. Jill seems like a very intelligent and level headed girl. She knew the signs to look for when it was time to have medical intervention. As long as the baby was not showing signs of distress on the fetal monitors and she was not showing signs of infection then there is no problem letting the labor continue. And just because there was meconium does not mean the baby needs to be taken by c-section it just means that the baby will need to be suctioned immediatly after birth. My water broke 18 hours before I delivered with meconium and my son did not show signs of distress and delivered vaginally just fine. I am sure that if at any point the babies heart rate had decelerated and the doctors would have told her its time to get the baby out she would have allowed them to do the c-section earlier. People are making her and the medical team out to be ignorant and negligent and that is not at all fair unless they know the whole story. How about y'all at least hold off on your opinions until the birth story shows on May 5th and we get a better picture of what really happened.

  72. I'm confident that this whole birth experience God will use it to make her a "better" midwife.

    1. I agree and it's a shame all the horrible post that people write. I know first hand how long labour can go even active as I have lived it...each person is there's always going to be haters...thank you for writing such an inspiring comment..

  73. I'm hoping that the TV Special will be more informative as this entire labor/delivery sounded incredibly dangerous to the baby. Staying in labor for 50 more hours in the hospital while the baby was in distress? They got really lucky because something disastrous could've happened.

  74. 70 hours? After 24 hours of water breaking, infection can set in and delivery is a must. Not sure where the 70 hours came from. Happy all are healthy and doing well.

  75. As a long time perinatal nurse, I say this story is more fiction than fact.
    If the story was factual, negligence would apply.
    Who doesn't feel a 10 lb baby flip, especially a woman with MW training?

    Honesty goes a long way. This story is a big fail.
    Oh, and the focus on a the next baby is just ridiculous.

  76. I'm so glad that mom and baby are healthy and happy. I cringed reading the story, because I had a long labor with non working meds due to long labor complications and I'm still traumatized over the pain despite having a gorgeous son. I honestly will never understand why so many want to shun modern medicine. There is a reason why women and their babies now survive childbirth-it's called modern medical intervention. Laboring for 70 hours total and 50 after seeing signs of distress is so unnecessary. There is no medal for not getting an epidural and it's even more ridiculous to hold out to the point where the baby is clearly in distress. I'm so happy that it had a happy ending because a handful of these situations don't. I can't think of anything worse than losing a baby all because you want a 'natural' birth. In the end all that matters is a happy, healthy momma and baby no matter what medical intervention was used to bring them into the world.

  77. My labours of 28-29 hours seem short in comparison! And for the record, after a c-section, I went on to have six healthy babies at home and nothing burst! Congratulations! What a blessing for parents and child.

  78. The laws in Arkansas must be way different pertaining to woman's and infants health...they absolutely should never ever let a woman labor for 70 hours for any reason, the very second she checked in and they found out about the meconium and her being over due and her size, they should have pressed harder on her giving up her ideal and not having labored for 50 more hours...then again the hospital gets money for every hour that goes by...shame on them.I'm just grateful that all is well..bless them all.

    1. It's up to the parents choice on how to deliver like you would know in ANY hospital there couldn't have been that big of risk or stress to the baby or else they would have done a c-section earlier...all the nurses and doctors are there is to ASISST...Did u realize that at one time we all child birthed at home without a doctor...if u had a doctor it meant u or the baby was dead or dying

  79. Still find it strange to see them in magazines like People.
    The labor must have been hard and that for the first one. Wish them a good recovery


  80. I agree with the poster who commented about People mag. I can't imagine Jim Bob and Michelle allowing this type of material in their household to begin with. I know Jill is married but come on some of the contents in there is not something I suspect she would read or even care about. They must be paying them really good money to grace the cover.

    1. I'm tired of hearing how they want to be "a light to others" and that's why they use People magazine. They can do that with their show, books, presentations, etc. If something goes against your values there is no reason to compromising. Well, unless you get money just for your story and pictures.

    2. I'm tired of negative comments such as this. If you don't have anything nice to say, why are you even here? We are called to be a light in the world, not to hide from the world in our own little Christian circles away from all things "secular." And no, I'm not bothered by the fact they make money from being public figure. With fame, you give up privacy. Not something everyone is willing to sacrifice.

  81. I can't believe that the Duggars are still telling us to buy People mag. It really is a filthy magazine
    and no Christian should even look at it. From a concerned Christian who thinks the Duggars
    have turned to the worldly things of life.

    1. Some commentor gave me good advice one day, I said something similar about the TLC network and how I thought they should go to a Christian network...While that might seem wise, when actually their message/ministry might not reach someone who is in need for the Lord.Maybe one reader will watch the show because of it, and it might just impact their life for the better. I credit the Duggars with myself being a better parent, even though I don't agree with them on everything, I wear pants, kissed before marriage ect. etc. Remember JimBob said they originally did the show to reach out and if it only helps just one person it was worth it.

  82. I really wish they would stop spinning tales. Sure, shd may have had some Braxton Hicks contractions for a couple days, but there is no way she was in active labor for that long.

    1. Yes there is....I went 72 hrs with mine 45 seconds apart. .but I did it with demerol and gravel.....but if I had God in my life it might have been easier to do WITH OUT meds

  83. I am an obgyn and never in my 20 years of delivering babies ever have I let a pregnant woman go more than a week past her due date. She should've had an ultra sound done to determine if the baby was head down or not. It would've saved her a lot of pain and anguish.

    1. Just out of interest, which country do you practise in?

  84. Wow, I'm sorry you had to endure all of that, Jill. My first labor was horrible...but my son is absolutely incredible! He was 9 lbs and 11 oz. 21 1/2 inches long. It was a terrible 27 hour labor almost 8 years ago and I was 2 1/2 weeks overdue. They did an emergency c-section. But God's grace is sufficient! I'm 5 months along now with my 2nd boy and this time I'm praying for a vbac so all my future children can be normal delivery. Your handsome little man is so precious!! And I am very happy and excited for you guys. Take care, and God's blessings always!! Ps...latest research shows that 9-10 lb babies have higher IQ's and it's son tested gifted all through school. (We home school now.) So you can look forward to that. ;-)

  85. My first son was 8lbs 11 oz and I had a natural delivery. My second delivery was a day early and it was the worst pain ever. I had irregular contractions all day, went to the hospital at 2:15 in the morning where I was told that I was 7 cm dialated. I delivered my baby two hours later naturally. He was 9lbs 14 oz and 23 1/2 inches long. My husband and I want a third but I'm petrified about delivering a big baby again lol! Baby Israel is a cutie!

  86. Nice to hear from an ob/gyn -- thank you!

  87. If all some of u can do is put down how she choose to do her labour then u guys have NO RESPECT for the amount of pain someone goes through when they have God at their side...God allowed her to endure many long hours of pain with no assisting drugs...kudos in my I went 72 hrs active labour (45 seconds apart) and I was 4 months preemie and I would have never done that drug free so I am over the moon that she has made it this far...whether or not it's all active labour or from the time she started contracting regularly..she is a midwife and has taken rpn courses to be that midwife PLUS went to medical school cuz u CAN'T just be a midwife....there's schooling with it!!

  88. As someone who experienced a long labour... I can tell you whether or not it was "active" is irrelevant it sure felt to me like I was in labour for the 4 and a half days whether I was dilatong the whole time or not just because I wasn't pushing doesn't mean it wasn't tiring and emotional!! What you think she should or shouldn't have done is of no consequence. They did what felt right to them. That's the best decision they could have made.

  89. Have to agree with the post anonymous number 24, I couldn't have said it better myself. There is something definitely different about the Duggars now days. I feel that the Bates family while similar to the Duggars, are also very different from them. And the people magazine thing I will never ever understand how you can sell your story to a magazine that you probably wouldn't buy yourself. I know there are things in that magazine they don't condone, pictures they wouldn't let their children see but you can put your story on the front cover. I will never understand it, it seems so odd to me.

  90. Years ago everyone gave birth at home and women and babies died during the birth process. Modern medicine isn't perfect but it certainly has improved our quality of life and has saved many mothers and babies. There is a place for doctors and hospitals when giving birth. Don't make it sound like having a home birth is the optimal choice for everyone.

  91. That does not sound fun! I have no place to judge Jill and Derick's choices nor the choices of the doctors. What happened happened and I think it's completely pointless for us to analyze their every move. Our opinions of their decisions won't affect what they do. I really respect them them being in People so much. Their goal is to show Jesus to the nonbelievers, and People allows them to do so. :) If the Duggars only interacted with other Christians, they would be disobeying Jesus. They are a strong family to put up with all the criticism even other Christians give them!

  92. I'm thankful that they chose to go with a c-section. I'm happy that little Israel is here and I'm praying for a speedy recovery for Jill.

  93. Ok, I want to look to the future, so here is my questions...

    1. In general, don't most physicians recommend another C-section for future births if you have had a previous one for safety reasons? Or am I wrong?

    2. But if you do choose to have a vaginal birth following a C-section birth, wouldn't that be extremely dangerous at home? Or am I wrong?

    3. If you were to need to have a C-section for each child that you birthed, is there a safe number of C-sections you could have in your life time or would it not matter?

    Just curious as to these questions, don't have much of a clue in the OB-GYN field. Thanks!

  94. The Duggar's aren't the same anymore. I don't allow People magazine in my home. I doubt the Duggar's used too. I would really appreciate an honest dialogue from Jim Bob and Michelle about how their family has shifted from Hollister/Abercrombie wearing, media hounds seeking daily attention and how they are proceeding with their family ministry?

    Lilly and Ellie-we know you are friends with them. The change is so obvious. I am just trying to understand!!!!


  95. PLEASE, PLEASE FOLKS, can't y'all wait for the show to air before you keep guestimating* the facts? We don't know the full story...all this JUDGEMENTAL speculation is just not right.The sad thing is that some of us Christians are persecuting this family along with the rest of the non Duggar fans...The Duggars can't seem to please everyone, either they are judged for to much makeup, skirts getting shorter,( being too wordly),or they are too strict, controlling, or too Christian...they can't win. Why don't all of us *perfect sinners *start lifting each other up instead of tearing each other down.I can say with the utmost certainty that if the Duggar family read your sites they wouldn't leave meanspirited comments.AMEN to that, and GOD BLESS :-)

  96. I find it hard to believe tha she was 70 hours in labor!!

  97. First off, congratulations on the birth of your adorable son! I myself had labor totaling 53 hours of back labor with only 4cm dilation with the doctors FINALLY breaking my waters & he was breech the whole time. I pray you heal well and quickly. I pray the baby has no lasting effects from the long tiresome labor you both endured! My son had developmental delays & has learning disabilities from the long labor & not enough oxygen. God Bless all 3 of you!

  98. we did 4 unnecessary c- sections (doctors orders ) and we prayed and decided to do home births guess what we had 3 more children at home absolutely no problem ,,

  99. I don't read or buy People magazine, but only because celebrities don't really interest me. The question for all you judgmental people is, should the Duggars refuse to be on television because of some of the smut that's on TV?

    1. Great point! I've been thinking the same thing.

    2. I agree. Jesus ate with sinners but did not party with them. Some of the nonbelievers could be brought to the Lord thru the media coverage of the Duggars. Maybe their articles in People magazine are not for the Saved but the Unsaved rather. After all we should know how to guard our gates. I see no harm in mixing in the Bible with secular media. It's done very tastefully.

  100. Any chance you could post the full story at some some stage please. We don't get People in Australia and I would love to read the story.

  101. I'm confused. Jill says she was in labor for 70 hours. That means she would have started labor sometime very early on April 4. But there was a picture of her smiling and holding a 41 weeks and 4 day sign on April 4. It was listed she was only having Braxton hicks. I don't want to sound mean I am just really curious. Is she counting the Braxton hicks as part of labor?

  102. Congratulations to the whole Duggar family and I have to give props to Jill for enduring such a long labor. Israel is a beautiful baby and he is lucky to have such a wonderful family to be a part of.

    I have to say, If Jill wanted to show the world her beautiful baby in any magazine, People would be the most appropriate. Yeah, it might have fashion and celebrities in it but it also has stories of regular people who make differences in this world and help make it a better place. In order for someone to criticize a magazine, they might want to actually look at it first. It's not the same as OK! or whatever tabloids it might be mistaken for.

    The Duggars may not raise their children the same as I do but I'm not going to judge them for it! They are raising respectful and kind individuals, what is wrong with that? I'm really tired of seeing "Christians" judge others for not being "Christian like". Go on with your day and let God do the judging, if you think he'd act that way.

  103. First I am happy that Jill and Israel are safe and healthy. The account of labor and delivery seems against what I am aware of as an RN and mother. Ten days overdue, ruptured membranes but didn't tell anyone, took two doses of castor oil to bring on labor, went for a walk, me odium stain. Then she goes to the hospital, has another trial of labor with Pitocin and then the baby turns breech and transverse. Either the magazine is over - dramatizing or the fact are incorrect because it sounds dangerous to them both. Glad it all ended well.

  104. I would think given Jill's experience with this first child, that in the future, she will seek out an obstetrician. A real medically trained care for her from the get go. Her body was been through the mill with Israel; she needs to change up her plan from now on.

  105. Poor Jill....😢😨 to be in Labor for 70 hours must've also been record breaking!! Lol but seriously 70 hours!!!!!!!!

  106. O no. That's exactly what I feared would happen going so overdue..

  107. A big congratulations to ALL the family..every last angel....I sooo love watching all of you , I grew up with 9 sibblings and a cousin that was always considered one of I know what it means to be in BIG FAMILY....but you people are soo blessed to have so many more..and I just love watching every show you have made. Thank you all so much for allowing us to be a part of all that goes on...I cant help but think this is what its going to be like in heaven..because after all...we are all just a big part of GOD family right?.....and when we all meet in the sky......WOWWW its going to be OUT OF THIS WORLD...... thanks again and keep them babies coming..... im a nurse with 40 yrs experience and i did OBS for over 17 yrs... loveeeee them babies.... if you ever need a nanny .... Im in MAINE... JUST let me know ...IN CHRISTS LOVE.............L Gray

  108. I am proud to be from a hugh family..but its not nearly as big as theirs...and I absolutely love watching all the shows they have. I think we are blessed to be able to watch quality ..GOD fearing ..loving family time shows like theirs.....they invite us to share what goes on in their home..and we are blessed to have them to watch something good for a change...... Please continue to share your lives. The love of GOD shines thru each and every person and we need that more then ever in this world as we know it right now...for soon it will be changed...... and it will be too late to share then.LOVE the babies name.... it is so NOW we all keep our eyes on the middle east and all that is happening in this world.SO carry on DUGGAR FAMILY......WE LOVE YOU ALL .......................Lgray in Maine

  109. Interesting that they are gracing People's cover along with Rock Hudson.

  110. When I was expecting my doctor informed me that he usually does not a patient go 1 week beyond her due date! I am sure there is sound medical reasons for this. My ultrasounds indicated a big baby - my doctor also informed me that if I went into labor and did not progress - he would do a C-section. Well, that is exactly what happened - but I ended up with a 10 lbd. 6 oz boy! Healthy - and now 17 years old. Just my humble opinion - but I really think Jill should of had some medical intervention sooner.

  111. @Luke and Jenna
    Uterine rupture is not catastrophic? It most definitely IS and is life threatening to both mother and child. I hope to God that she chooses a hospital birth if she elects to VBAC. I'm an RN in labor and delivery for nearly 20 years. I have seen many heart-breaking, senseless mortality as a result of home birth and birth center transfers.
    Parents always regret the choice they made as they hold their beautiful, deceased infant. It's so heartbreaking!

  112. I don't get why with all her training she would object to the C-section right after the meconium stain showing... instead she waited until its heart beat was irregular. I guess we will never know.

  113. Tgey are a cute couple!!!! Love the hair by the way.

    1. Sorry I ment THEY are a cute couple.

    2. Is 70 hours normal?

  114. To the person who's upset about them being in People magazine as a light to others. If they only told their story to Christian media, what chance is there for unbelievers to hear their Gospel message? If you don't like People, then don't read it, but I get tired of hearing people bash the Duggars. I thought the secular bashing was bad, but it's especially disheartening to hear them bashed now for not being conservative ENOUGH. Why don't we all let God handle this. I get the impression they daily seek HIS wisdom, and that's the BEST thing anyone can do.

  115. @AnonymousWas there a clear presentation of the gospel in the People magazine article?

  116. So now God needs People magazine to spread His message?

  117. People magazine is going to fill their pages with stories of someone and probably pay a nice amount to the featured individual. I would rather it be someone in the Duggar clan than most people the magazine features. That way Jill and Derrick can stay in that nice big house with room for the big family they hope to have.

  118. I'm so glad to hear that there is going to be more footage of other things besides weddings and babies. I loved this show because it was so different from the other shows out there. It was a "teaching" show but it's gotten to be more of the same thing. I personally want to see how the other siblings go around their every day lives. That would be a teaching tool for the younger adults. The constant tweets and postings remind me of a less favorable show "The Kardashian". People may say, "if you don't like it, change the channel", my response would be I love the Duggars when they were being educators, now it's more for the ratings. What family with 19 children have a mega wedding, not just for 1 child but 2. Shouldn't that be explained in the show? Lets keep it a "real show", please. Thank you!

  119. I think people are commenting on the Duggar's frequent People Mag cover shoot because it's confusing. People Mag is for secular people, they are not and their articles DO NOT share the WORD, which is what they say their show is "a ministry"... It's very obvious and unfortunate that they are getting swept into that awful sinful world. I don't want to see that happen. We have few and far between shows that are worth watching, I don't want to see this show go down that path of not worth watching anymore. Listen to what the fans are craving from your show, please.

  120. My husband recently walked into the living room while I was watch 19KAC. He looked up and said, "Another wedding episode?" In reference to the previous episode about how the Duggars pull off weddings. He asked if that is all they show now (he was being very sincere). He also was turned off by the "200 volunteers" for the wedding and asked me to guesstimate the price of Jessa's wedding dress. We are middle class to upper middle wedding cost less than $10,000 as my gown was made by my grandmother as were all the bridesmaids' dresses. That frugality was seen in Josh and Anna's wedding...but no more. I have to explain to my daughters that we cannot afford the dresses the Duggar girls wear or the mega-receptions they have. Josh and Anna did no such thing!!! I cannot relate to this family's extravagance--nor do I want it emulated by my children. Even if we had the money, the expense of hosting 800+ wedding guests seems extravagant to say the least. I cannot imagine all those families are that close to the someone said in an earlier post, the extravagance itself seems "immodest". Please go back to the "old" shows. It was sooo interesting to see home schooling and lessons, discipline and daily chores . It was such a good example for my children. Now...I'm not so sure...with all the individual MacBooks and IPhones all seems very consumer driven which makes me very sad. Duggars, please find a good spiritual advisor to ask about all this.

  121. To those asking if the latest People article presented the Gospel message -- I don't know if this particular story about baby Israel in People magazine presented the Gospel, but I do know that the Duggars give God the glory and sing his praises every time I hear them speak, so just stop with the harping on People magazine and the Duggars' choice of media. Why do you even watch them on TV when there's worse smut on TV than in People magazine? And why do you look at the internet for Duggar news when there's absolute filth on the internet? Do I need to spell it out further -- the media that you are choosing to hear news about the Duggars is far worse than people, if taken as a whole. Should we all throw up our hands and give the media over to the enemy, or should we support good, wholesome stories in the media? I think most of us know the latter is the best option. Think about it for a moment if you can stop obsessing about People magazine.

  122. I agree that I hope the show doesn't end up skewing toward weddings and babies --that won't be as interesting for me as the day-to-day life in a large family.

  123. I ask so thrilled that baby dilly us here!!!!!!!!!!! he's absolutely precious! my 4th almost killed me and should have been a c section but I still had more and everything was fine. Meconium does not mean you have to have a c section and my baby $$ in serious distress and we still delivered causally. he had the cord around his neck and want breathing but the Lord knows how badly my Dr had wished she insisted on a c section because she felt she failed us when my blood pressure dropped to 60/30. but we still had another baby with zero issues. don't let one bad experience scare you people.

  124. I recommend every woman read "Supernatural Childbirth" by Jackie Mize. It will change your life concerning a pain free childbirth.

  125. Here is the link to "Supernatural Childbirth" sorry I forgot to include it on that post.

  126. I don't see any of these Duggar weddings as extravagant by any stretch of the imagination. Sure, they both had new wedding dresses -- are we going to begrudge them that? I'm sure they were mindful of cost. I've seen Jessa's dress online, and it was priced reasonably. They both used extremely inexpensive bridesmaid dresses (weren't Jessa's about $33 ordered online - most bridesmaid dresses are hundreds) and fed their guests dessert only. What's wrong with inviting all their friends to the wedding and then containing costs by serving only ice cream sundaes? If you want to get upset about something, pick up a newspaper and read about current world events. Nothing the Duggars are doing should be upsetting anyone but the enemy.


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