
Saturday, April 11, 2015

A Duggar-Sized Thank You

In the following video, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar say a heartfelt thank you to fans for all the prayer and well wishes their family has received since the birth of Israel David Dillard. The Duggars and Dillards hope viewers will tune in to TLC on May 5th to watch Israel's arrival.


  1. I think the Dugars are a wonderful family. Seems some are trying to drag them down. I love their show.

    1. They are not perfect. Some of the things they do are bad. There's more to this family than what you see on tv

    2. No one is perfect, they don't claim to be. The do have some things they prefer to be private about, and we shouldn't be judgmental about their shortcomings. Overall they are good people who do their best. God says judge not lest ye be judged. They will answer to God for their sins, if everyone who watches would give even half their effort to being better people, this world would be a better place.

  2. Your family is such insparable

  3. I love you people!! You're beautiful and blessed. May the Lord continue to smile upon you.

  4. I hope you guys remain on TV for a long, long time. My wife and I love to watch. We have watched from the beginning and feel like we're a part of your extended family. Thank you for making great TV. You guys encourage us weekly.

  5. You are a good family and that I will keep praying for you guy God Bless You and the family.

  6. Your family is so amazing. Wish Netflix would update one episode and put them in order. We don't have TV at my place because of all the bad stuff on TV. Wish I could get fought up on the episodes. :)

  7. I enjoy watching the show,watched them since it was 16 kids and counting,or was it 15,anyways very inspirational family,lov watching the kids grow up,and will be watching in May on the arival of Isreal Micheal Dillard,so happy for them !!!!

  8. A large family and counting... and filled with so much love and kindness and they spread the Word of God far and wide.... I wish them nothing but good things and best wishes!!!! (From Ontario, Canada.) You're ALL so inspiring, to make me want to live a better, kinder life. XO.

  9. Thank you Jim Bob and Michelle for allowing me and others around the country to see into your lives. It has been an amazing journey so far, seeing your children grow up and start families of their own. You have been such an inspiration to me for your relationship and how you interact with your children. God Bless you all!

  10. May God continue to bless each and every one of you.

  11. I love your family. I wish mine was like yours. xoxo

  12. Congratulations to both the Duggar and Dillard families! Jim Bob, your new grandson is your TWIN! Lol I think he looks just like you :) May God continue blessing your beautiful family with all good things. With love n hugs from NY! XOXO :)

  13. Wonderful Family!

  14. Even though I don't always agree with you, I am most times inspired with your family. God is so good...

  15. Are you going to add Israel to the header?

  16. Love this family!! Congratulations on the new addition!! Children are such a blessing! I just had my fourth within 6 years ages 6,4,2 & 2 months!! I've been inspired by the duggars to home school my children starting this year! I'm beyond excited for this new adventure!! Bless you all!

  17. I love watching your family grow. You have an amazing family and I thank YOU for letting us watch.

  18. I love your show I watch it every Tuesday and congrats on your new grandson he is a handsome little guy I can't wait until May 5th to see him god bless have a good day

  19. I love your family thank you for being strong in your faith and convictions.

  20. Thank you for all the updates. You have such a beautiful family. Wishing Jill all the best with her health and the best to her family.

  21. God bless Israel David. May he have a long, healthy, and happy life. And God bless his sweet momma. Birth isn't always easy. You are blessed to be surrounded by your loving family.

  22. Michelle and Jim Bob both look so young considering they have so many children and are grandparents already.

  23. I pray Jill and Israel David are getting stronger every day and I look forward to all updates

  24. Amy Tucker ( Krum, Texas )April 12, 2015 at 9:40 AM

    Some people don't know what a Christian family looks like, but because of you many people even other Christians strive to be better. You are a great example to us all and I know there are always negative comments, but the good outweighs the bad. You have reached so many people. Even one is worth it. Thank you for your example!

  25. That is wonderful! The homeschooling community is full of caring, supportive people. I have been enjoying it so much.

  26. I love this show and this family!!! I hope it stays on TV for many more years.

  27. Michelle and Jim Bob, Congratulations on the Birth of your precious new Grandson!! May God continue to bless you!! I greatly admire you homeschooling your children and I was wondering if you or anyone could give me advice on how to start homeschooling my Son.

  28. Just wanted to add that I am looking forward to May 5th to see the birth of Israel and whatever else they will be showing. Just Love the Duggars and all they do to show people that love and being close to God and doing his will makes for a much happier life. Again Congratulations to Jill and Derick, baby Israel, and the rest of their family. Wishing baby Israel for a long and healthy/happy life with his beautiful family. Praying for a speedy recovery for Jill.

  29. In reply to anonymous #9. Of course they are not perfect. The show does not claim they are perfect. They do claim to be Christians though. Being Christian means you know and admit that you are a sinner, that you must strive to do better and live every day the best you can in the grace of our dear Lord. They are a shining example of good Christian living.

  30. Thankful for this family!!! My kids have some wonderful examples from them!! All the best!!

  31. Have watched you guys from the beginning and never missed a should get an award for the best on tv.The episodes are always entertaining and relaxing and you are just GREAT! you have the most beautiful children and love how everyone works all the examples of what it means to liv for the Lord.Iwish all parents were like you guys. What a difference our world would be! God bless all of you and Ihope as long as I live you will always be on tv.

  32. Thank you for the updates on Baby Isreal and his proud parents. They must all feel so blessed and thankful to be given the gift of a precious baby boy. Love your show

  33. It was really sweet of them to say thank you to all of us.......I am not surprised at all! I am wondering, why they were whispering?

  34. God bless the new family.

  35. I love the show! I never miss my Tuesday night! God bless you all

  36. That can be said about all families in the whole wide world. Let's not single anyone out

  37. How sweet are they to thank us, and I say...You are very welcome JimB and Michelle :-)

  38. What a blessing this family is....they are what Christians should be. Yes they will make mistakes and that is ok...cause the only perfect person on this earth died for our sins and arose again. May god continue to bless them!!!

  39. I want to apologizing for all negative things I have posted in the last few months. I've had a personal conviction and need to make it right. I may not understand some of the Duggars recent changes but I do admire this family as I always have before.

  40. Congratulations on your beautiful son. You will make great parents.

  41. I love the show. Decent people doing wholesome things. I wish more people spent this much time raising their children. We would have much nicer adults. Thank you and God Bless.

  42. You are a loving family and you have encorraged me to get baptized at 11years old.

  43. I love your show. When I was little I wanted to marry one of your children.

  44. Many sites are talking about the IV in Jill's arm after she came home. There is a lot of concern about her. Can someone assure us that she is going to be ok?

  45. I live in England and watch the show Ilove it! Although I have to wait a few months to see the show I catch up on the internet been watching for years. Long live 19 kids xx

  46. To the person who said the Duggars are not perfect and have negative things about them. Hello! NO ONE is perfect. WE ALL have negative things about us. The Duggars have never held themselves up as sinless and would be the first to tell you that only the Triune GOD is without sin.


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