Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Growing Baby Dilly

Jill (Duggar) Dillard has a bun in the oven, and that bun is growing! Can you believe how quickly Jill's pregnancy has flown by? Check out the progression of her baby bump:


  1. Can you give us the links to the episodes on YouTube when they get out?!?! PLEASE?!

    1. It's in you tube called jills secret

    2. They were asked not to by TLC because of copyright issues...BUT the first episode is available on YouTube! Watched it yesterday

    3. Amazon is only $2 an episode & you own it legit.

  2. So cute and sweet to see this beautiful gift of God growing inside of Jill and making her more beautiful than ever! God bless you sweet Mama Jill! :D (and Daddy Derick :))

  3. Regardless of how trendy it is now delivering at home is really not safe. They are lucky to have not had any complications yet but i dont know why they would want to risk it. And i know this to be true because my mom was an L&D nurse for over 30 years with far more training than a doula or a midwife. First time moms always want to deliver naturally for some reason.

    1. Usually, the only reason things go wrong during childbirth is because of hospital procedure. It is pregnancy and childbirth not a debilitating illness.

    2. Actually, it is as safe or safer to deliver at home for low risk mothers. Delivering naturally isn't a trend, it's the way God intended it to be. Sure, there are times that moms need medical intervention. Those are the exception, not the rule. Living in Arkansas if she has chosen a home birth, she will have a midwife as well as be overseen by a doctor to ' clear' her to birth at home. She isn't going into this blindly, I assure you.

    3. I sure wouldn't want to deliver my firstborn naturally. I'm a wuss. Give me the drugs as soon as they can please!

    4. What? Midwives have less training than a nurse? Ummmmm no. Because there are certified nurse midwives who have additional training to deliver babies. Homrbirth is not a trend, it's a choice. For thousands and thousands of years, women have delivered at home. There is nothing wrong with wanting to deliver a baby naturally. If I have more children, I would do it the same way.

    5. I had my last 3 (# 9, 10, & 11) babies at home at age 39, 41, & 44 without any complications. I only wished I had tried it sooner :)

  4. Awww You can tell in the first picture she was having a rough time with morning sickness but you can still see she's super happy...but really she looks wonderful in all the pictures and I wish the Dillards the best!!!! :-):-D

  5. Oh my goodness!! Do they have a name yet

  6. Wow! Time has flown by. She's glowing! Can't wait to meet Baby Dilly!

  7. Cute! Can't wait for baby dilly!!!!!

  8. These pictures are perfect. Jill you look amazing and what a wonderful journey you are about to take. May God bless you in the weeks to come!

  9. So cute and makes me more and more excited for baby Dilly! I am so excited to see pictures of baby Dilly when he is born!

  10. She glows more every week. Congrats can't wait to meet baby Dillard. Praying for a safe and healthy delivery.

  11. aw! Jill, you are so beautiful! We look forward to baby Dilly's arrival:) Y'all are in our prayers!

  12. I was able to watch the new episode on YouTube! Just search Jil's Secret and it is the second video listed (I think). Hope this helps!, :)


  13. Psalm 127:3-5
    Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.

  14. Pregnancy agrees with Jill, she is just glowing! I so look forward to little Dilly's birth and getting to see this new young family! God Bless Derrick, Jill and Dilly!

  15. Cute! Maybe we'll get to see the birth this season... :)

    1. Probably not till the very end. She is due march 24th, and since the show always seems to be 3 months behind real life, I wouldn't expect to see it on tv till late June

  16. Jill looks like she's carrying twins.

    1. I know right! She looks as big as I did with my twins at each week.. makes me wonder. :)

    2. No need to wonder, as Derick was a very large newborn, his mother Said he couldn't wear newborn clothes when he was born, so therefore the baby most likely takes after his daddy.And some women get big right away and then level out at the end.If Jill waited to have her first kiss on her wedding day then I'm pretty sure she waited for her honeymoon.Im kinda getting tired of all the speculation this sweet girl has had to endure thru out her whole pregnancy.Y'all will see when the babe is born and hopefully some people will give it a rest.

  17. @Anonymous
    Not true, most complications in birth are done by the hospitals by intervention. you should watch the movie " The business of being born" then you ll understand.

    If you give the mother the time it needs and there are two midwifes watching.. it is way more safer than a busy hospital, where one midwife watches after 2-3 women in labour, and hurrying because of time leck... then interventions will come to hurry up birth and that causes complications..

  18. Anonymous #3 I have to respectfully disagree with you. There is a LOT of literature out there suggesting home is a much safer place to birth a low-risk pregnancy. I would refer you to the book "Pushed: The Painful Truth about Pregnancy and Modern Maternity Care" by Jennifer Block for a myriad of reasons and scientific evidence supporting my previous statement. I have read "Pushed" myself and birthed my first child, a boy, at home last spring safely under the watchful care of a midwife. My mom is an MD and did not support my choice to home birth, so she sadly could not attend my birth, but trust me, I am well-versed (as many of us who have friends/relatives in the mainstream medical community are) on the "risks" of home birth. My husband and I paid $3,000 out of pocket for a homebirth when our insurance would have covered a hospital birth for free. Jill has actual experience as a midwife and is very well prepared for her birth I am sure, and besides, it is HER CHOICE where, when, and how she births, as it is any other mother's.

    1. They have that book at my local library. I should get it for future reference.

  19. Hi Lily and Ellie,
    I missed the new season on Tuesday...I was just wandering if I can watch it now? I couldn't find it anywhere. On TLC it wouldn't let me watch the videos.

  20. Thank you for creating the chronology photos; it's so nice to see how she has blossomed and thriving. I'm sure, they both can't wait, to greet Baby Dilly! :)

  21. You and your lovely family really inspire me. I would love to talk to you guys and tell you a bit about me, but for now...please pray for me...if you can...

  22. @AnonymousDelivering at home is perfectly da as every qualified Midwife and Nurse knows. Go Jill

  23. I live how the doorknob is present in the first shots and then disappears in the later pictures :) that is a healthy size baby belly!

  24. She looks so beautiful in the third picture! Congrats to you Jill and may God bless you in these next few weeks. I hope these next few weeks feel like they fly by. Good luck on diaper duty Derick!

  25. God Bless you all :)))))))))

  26. but considering the fact she has midwife training and has delivered babies at home before, I think shes ok. :)

  27. @Sheila

    Hi Sheila,

    Are you able to purchase the episodes on either Amazon or iTunes? Some are posted to YouTube, but the newer ones are often removed immediately due to copyright claims.

    Lily and Ellie

  28. Agreed...could that be a season surprise!

  29. @Duggar fan

    Hi Duggar fan,

    Jill and Derick started discussing names soon after they found out Jill was expecting, but they have not announced anything. They don't plan on doing a letter them, but they might go with family names.

    Lily and Ellie

  30. Congratulations to the parents and I hope they have a perfect time moving on.

    My thought hospital vs home is that I have heard there are super bugs going around in some hospitals, so I would not want to go there unless I had not choice.

  31. I donot not understand,jill got married on june 21 ok got pregnet on her honeymoon ok i get that but how can she be dew in for weeks when she.sayed she dew in march my daughter is dew in march and i know she is dew after my daughter,i think she dew in april

  32. I wish they would go with Ds for Dugger and Dillard it just seems fitting. Not to mention Derick.

  33. Joy looks like Cousin Amy!!!!

  34. Jill looks great in all the pictures. Can't wait to see baby Dilly and the new parents.

  35. Im happy for them. I disagree that a hospital is safer. The hospital came very close to killing me with my first pregnancy. I laid in the hospital for two weeks after giving birth dying and they tried to get me to sign over my son to my parents because it was that bad. Years later I had a few corrective surgeries to correct the doctors mistakes. So I say have a beautiful home birth Dillards!!!

  36. Hi Sheila, If you have Comcast Cable you can get the shows on "On Demand" . Hope that helps.

  37. I don't think she is that big. I think she just appears a little larger because she is so tiny.. She doesn't look like she's gonna have twins..

  38. Jill is a great midwife, and is now glowingly pregnant. There have been many many episodes showing how tha Duggar girls do not like being in pain. And it was beautiful seeing how Kelly Bates encouraged her daughter in Law Whitney to have a painkiller Epidural when she was going through 14 hours of labor. It was a very caring amazing gracious gesture for Kelly to want to spare Whitney all that pain. I would encourage Jill to consider having an epidural- the are many hospitals that have more natural settings for childbirth, some having birthing tubs and Doulahs. There isn't a need to go through all that pain as Anna did.

    1. Marlene you obviously feel strongly about this since this is the third post I've seen from you about this with basically the same content. It's nice of you to care about Jill but it is HER decision how to deliver her child and she has chosen a home birth and therefore no epidural.Yes it will be painful but she has the training and experience to make an informed decision and she and Derrick have decided this is what is best for their family. We should accept this.

  39. They should name it Jonah

  40. Lucky to be in New Zealand and had a midwife with a natural birth in hospital, My first baby would have died in a home birth. Was saved in about 5 min by emergency c section. But was a rare complication would consider home birth safe and natural birth is very possible!

  41. I wonder how do they handle complications with a homebirth? Do they call 911 for that? I'm just curious. For example, if there is a need in C-section? Are midwives allowed to perform C-sections?

  42. I wonder why Jill wants to go all natuarl, without any pain medication. Does she think that pain meds affect the baby? Pain is pain, and if you are in pain for hours, it's really so bad for the mother. There is no need for suffering.

  43. I have to speak up because there is so much false information on this site that I do not want woman thinking a home birth is safer than the hospital. You will never convince me differently so save your breath. The hospital is prepared to intervene at a moments notice if the baby shows signs of distress. I would rather have the security that those interventions are in place if I or the baby should need them. It takes time for an Ambulance to come to the home and rush Mom and Baby to the hospital. Yes, home births are cheaper but the idea is to grow your family. There are superbugs in the community such as MRSA and VRE. Sick people bring these illnesses to the hospital with them.

  44. There is plenty of research showing that home births are perfectly safe. Most midwives will not deliver at home if the mother is far from a hospital and cannot reach emergency care in a reasonable amount of time, however, most of the time, home births go very well. Some countries are even encouraging mothers to choose home birth because the hospital statistics are not measuring up to the safety of birth at home. You do not have to agree, but you should not tell new mothers your birth horror stories to try to change their minds. It is not caring, it is rude and insensetive!


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