
Friday, February 27, 2015

Jim Bob Duggar Raps It Out

Do you think Jim Bob Duggar can rap? If your answer is no, this YouTube video might change your mind. The Duggars joined Christian comedian Anita Renfroe at a fundraiser at Grace Polaris Church just outside Columbus, Ohio, last weekend. Anita brought Jim Bob on stage during her famous "In Tha Muthahood" rap, and the Duggar dad really got into it. (Thanks to the loyal reader who helped us find this video!)

For those who are interested in listening to the words, here is Anita Renfroe's "In Tha Muthahood" music video:


  1. A little surprised that the Duggar's are okay with that type of music...

    1. I was thinking the same thing.. slightly disappointed..

    2. They went with the flow and made it fun. Funny video, "A" for effort Jim Bob :)

    3. That was a Christian comedian who sang the song (Anita Renfroe).

  2. Jimbob and and Michelle didn't look too comfortable up there on stage.. Especially Michelle! Anita Renfroe is so funny, but not the Duggar's style especially this song! I loved when JimBob got into it once or twice, I wish he would have done it more often during the song... There's nothing wrong with dancing and having a little fun every once in a while!

  3. Aaaaaaand how does that glorify God?

  4. Music isn't good or bad based on the tune or beat, it is the lyrics that make music a good or bad choice. I like it!

  5. I think God appreciates laughter and enjoys seeing us have a little fun!

  6. I think this is CUTE! Don't understand why the Comment above was even wrote, the words are clean and music never hurt anyone, not words MUSIC!

  7. You know what? They still live here on earth and God may even have a little rap in Him also! YAY the world you are for real! Rap music can be played without all the evil that a lot of people do it with!

  8. Hilarious! Glad to see them a little loosened up. So funny!

  9. It's all in good clean fun! Love this family!

  10. Me too and I though they didn't dance????? sigh The Duggars are getting sooooo worldly to me

  11. This. Is. Awkward. Michelle clearly does not feel comfortable... I would not either. Versand surprised they agreed on that!

  12. LOL!!! The anti dancing Jim Bob just did two spins on stage to a rap song while wearing sunglasses? Wow! :) So much for all those haters who call the Duggars judgmental. I hope some news outlets pick up on this. Michelle is always so gracious, even though she probably thought this lady was a little wacky.

  13. This is hilarious! Love it! I wish that the duggars would do more things that would pull in a younger viewer population if they did more stuff like this. I have a it true that Jessa has started wearing pants? Someone told me that but I didn't know if it was true. Do you know anything about that Lilly and Ellie? Thanks!

  14. Hahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! Jim Bob was very impressive!

  15. Was Jim Bob...dancing??!!

  16. Looks like they were having fun!

  17. The Duggars have a wonderful testimony and are such good sports in their support of family values. Appreciate their investment in things eternal.

  18. I think that Jimbob is a good sport for doing this and that he went with the flow

  19. I can imagine the Duggar's watching this.
    Anita is telling what motherhood is really about and how the discrepancy between your childish wishes and the truth is all about.
    The only thing i'm sad about is that Jim Bob doesn't actually rap, he just fills in the chorus.

  20. Really thought the Duggars were more Godly than that.

    1. What makes rap music with no bad lyrics ungodly?

    2. What is ungodly about this? Where did they sin? Where did they offend God?
      We need to search our hearts. Is this religion that is causing offense?

  21. What in the world has happened to the Church of God? This is just silly. I actually feel sad for Jim

  22. Surprised they support that type of music.

  23. He and Michelle appeared uncomfortable at best. And my answer is a big ol' no. Jim Bob most certainly cannot rap. Lol! Did notice Michelle seeming to tap her fingers to the music a little, though.

  24. @Anonymous
    I don't know if they are ok, I think they were just surprised!

  25. Besides this ladies rude comments and questions regarding Micheal's uterus, I was not amused about this video. I thought the Duggars didn't like music other than hymns and didn't approve of dancing?? This lady seemed so trashy. Don't lower your standards to seem cool Duggars!! We love you how you are!

  26. We were blessed with safely driving 3 1/2 hours (each way) to go to this function in spite of a snow storm. I truely enjoyed meeting Jim Bob, Michelle and Jinger. They are all so gracious and inspiring to my whole family. It was fun to see Jim Bob be a good sport with Anita.

  27. The Duggar's don't dance because of their purity standards.... I'm sure that they CAN dance and they're probably trying so hard not to. But that would set a very bad example for their kids. Oh my ... they're making the best of an awkward situation though.

  28. I think they were put on the spot with that one...

  29. Wow! Kind of surprising. I didn't even watch the entire video. And I muted what I did watch. :/

    1. You're not alone! I muted pretty much the whole video because Im not okay with that music. I believe music is a language and just as there are good and bad words, there is good and bad music.

    2. It's quite fine to live a little! It was a clean Christian rap, and I think God would be happy with our different forms of art expression and creativity. God bless y'all! :)

  30. This is really surprising for the Duggar name…

  31. I was there for that it was awesome. It was all out of fun.

  32. What a FUN group! I just love the Duggars! Looks like a night of good, clean, fun! (All while spreading God's message of salvation through Jesus!)

  33. Haha! Go Jim Bob! He's having so much fun!

  34. I'm disappointed in the Duggar's that they are okay with rap. Weird song!

  35. Jeremiah should rap with Jedediah should beat-box.

  36. They were so kind to go along with this, but probably feel very uncomfortable.

  37. Anomymous 1
    I AM Too

  38. I dont like this.Its benieth Jim Bob and Michelle.

  39. Wow, that is so funny! I'm sure Jim Bob and Michelle weren't expecting that. They are wonderful parents and have set such a godly example for everyone to follow. Best wishes Duggars.

  40. Well, she's clever but I'm not sure what business this kind of entertainment has in the House of God. Would anyone invite Jesus to this????????

    1. I would, and I bet He'd dance right along!! :)

  41. What part of this is okay?

  42. Now that's something I never expected to see!

  43. I was there for this event and I did not care for the music of Anita either but I think this was all done in good fun and Jim Bob didn't compromise his values and Michelle was not dancing,look we can't judge this family on every breathe and sneeze they are doing a great job and I wish I had friends here in Ohio like them! We have 3 girls and a boy on the way.

  44. This seems really odd for the Duggars. But I'm glad they have a sense of humor and can play along with something like this!

  45. Ummmmm, I am very surprised the Duggars went to this. I mean, yes they've said how they stay away from worldly music, and well.... I don't know how they classify this. It's there life, they may do what they want, they should enjoy it, I just never expected this.

    1. This may not be "'your kind of music", per se, but I don't see any part of it that is *not* glorifying God. I think we need to separate our preferences from what is truly sinful or wrong. I don't see that this is sin. You may not want to participate, and that's fine! But I don't think they are wrong. :)

  46. This is so weird... first of all, that song isn't even funny. I think it's distasteful, to be honest. Im surprised the Duggars are ok with it as well. They've sure changed a lot over the last few years. It seems like fame has gotten to many of them.

    1. I'm sorry to hear you feel that way. I see that the Lord has blessed their ministry and they have held the word of God as the standard of their life.
      What part of this could be considered sin?

  47. I personally don't think he was agreeing with that, I think he was just being polite.

    1. I feel the same way. People are being pretty critical about their politeness. Give them a break!

  48. Was I surprised to see JimBob participating, you betcha! - But I do like the words and theme of the song, lifting up Mom's (Thank you for posting the second video so we can hear the words). To me, if anything, it supports the stand of "just because you are a Christian doesn't mean you can't have good fun"

  49. I totally loved this! It is so well done, I am surprised at this, I really like it. Thank-you to the people who made it for making it and to Lily and Ellie for posting it here.

  50. thtaa was awesome way to go Jim Bob!1

  51. This is one of the best things I have ever seen in my life! This is true!

  52. Hey, I just saw my life pass before my eyes! Now the world knows my story!

  53. Isn't that considered "dancing"? I thought that wasn't allowed.

    1. They don't dance because of a personal conviction, not because it is a rule.

  54. i have second hand embarrassment...

  55. Oh my, haha how funny! Hey at least he was a good sport and not a stick in the mud. It's probably not their type of music, but it was just for fun. And it was with a Christian artist/comedienne...not Kanye West or something lol!

  56. The Duggars sure have changed. Never thought Jim Bob would condone rap music.

  57. was nice to see jim bob let loose a little...but could that be considered "dancing?" i know they are usually against i was surprised to see him spinning around and throwing his arms up in the air and bending like that..but i liked it lol!!!! Go Jim Bob!!!!!!

  58. Watched this and was completely happy to see the video and what good sports the Duggars are.

  59. Wow! Really shocked to see this video! I can't believe the Duggars would participate in something such as this. Not really impressed with this video.

  60. Christian Comedian rap... Much better than the alternative... it was fun! Poor Michelle...tears were flowing... :)

  61. @AnonymousThey are probably not ok with rap, it was just a funny spoof on motherhood. In clean fun.

  62. I'm a little confused about the duggars with this type of music. The Lord has been leading us to be more watchful with music. I don't want to judge others, we consider them a very important role model and love them very much. Just don't know what to believe about music standards. There doesn't seem to be any anymore.

    1. Music standards are based off of lyrics, not genre. :)

  63. We do really love the duggar family and appreciate them.

  64. I had never heard of Anita Renfroe. I checked her out on youtube and she is hilarious. Everybody check out her "Those aint pants" video. It was my favorite.

  65. We do really love the duggar family and appreciate them.

  66. Im really shocked they approved being a part of this especially since they have said in the past that thwy have steict morals on music and i dont believe this music meets biblical standards.

    1. Which part of this music did not meet biblical standards? Which part is sinful?

  67. Anonymous....I'm sure it was all in fun. It wasn't like they were cursing or using any bad language.....Christians can have good clean fun you know???

  68. This is so sad!! That's the closest to rock music that I have seen them indorse! I would've thought that they would be uncomfortable with that music. And its in a church??!! Does anyone else feel sick inside to watch this? I couldn't listen to but a couple seconds, and was shocked.
    I feel bad for them...
    I feel like crying! It's so sad to see people with high standards gradually let them go. I know the Duggars have a lot of pressure on them and are in the media all the time, but honestly, isn't that the times when we can stand up and shine for the Lord the most?

    1. They were put on the spot. What kind of backlash would they have received if they refused to participate or if they walked out? How Godly would that have been? The poor Duggar's can't win no matter what they do. There will always been somebody judging them and criticizing their decisions. I'm surprised to see so many Christians on here being so judgemental.

  69. That same kind of beat came from the Voodoos who used the heavy rhythmic beat to worship devils. Sadly, this beat is put into music, which God created to be beautiful! This music sounds like the world. God says in His word, to "come apart and be separate" and to be "in the world but not of the world" and also "be ye holy, for I am holy". This music is sensual, and this same type of beat and music is used for songs with lyrics that encourage immoral sins!
    The duggars have been good examples in many areas, but I am sad that they are endorsing this music, and participating with it.

    1. Just because people have used this type of music to encourage sin does not mean the type of music encourages sin. People could just as easily put sinful lyrics to classical music. It's the lyrics that God listens to. A drum beat is not a sin. :) God bless!

  70. This is the kind of music they use in night clubs!
    So sad to see the diggers involved with this.

    1. I wish this was what they used in clubs... There would be so many more people who know Jesus!

  71. do the duggars not discourage music with a beat?

  72. That was hilarious!!! They are such good sports. He looked like he felt a little awkward at "see the stretch marks they put on these hips" though. LOL!!!!
    I love the Duggars!

  73. Never knew this side of Jim Bob, not the man I used to see in the series.

  74. Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men.

  75. Hahaha that was an awesome. Nice dance moves JB

  76. the duggars dont dance because of their commitment to modesty

  77. That was great! Awesome job Jim Bob!

  78. That was awesome! It's great for believers to just have silly fun!!

  79. I was there! It was definitely funny, but took some coaxing from Anita. :)

  80. We have a accepting and tolerate God..a God that does not expect us to be perfect!!!!

  81. So funny ! They didn't know what they were getting into with Anita :)

  82. Anita didn't show good judgment in bringing Jim Bob & Michelle onto stage, in a situation that they clearly didn't feel comfortable with. The Duggars weren't endorsing rap music nor dancing. Anita put them in an awkward situation in which they would draw criticism from all sides. I thought they both did a good job of handling a very awkward situation. I'm wondering how critics would have handled this and would love to hear suggestions.

    1. Exactly. And people freak out no matter what little thing they do or say. If its not one group of people criticizing them its another. But i think they made the best of the awkward situation. It was funny too, cant be so serious all the time. Im sure those criticizing have done things less admirable.

  83. I am confused since I have never read that the Bible or God is particular about the beats of music. We know that instruments were played but we don't know the music to which they were played to.

  84. Kinda disappointed with all the posts saying how "Unchristian" this is... Anita Renfroe is a Christian comedian... There is nothing unchristian about this song! The Bible says laughter is good like a medicine! You people just need to loosen up and have more fun!!

  85. Very sad to see this . I thought their standards were higher than that .

  86. Y'all need to chill! Lighten up! It was all for fun! Stop blowing things out of proportion! I like the Duggars and their standard and thought it was funny! No matter what this family does people are going to be a critique!

  87. I certainly hope that TLC doesn't air segments such as this in the future or it will be the last time my family watches this program! To each his own if the Duggar's want to engage in such practices but I won't be allowing this very low standard of "music" in my house!

  88. Not quite sure why people (in these comments) are offended with or disappointed in the duggars for this. Jim Bob was not dancing….I mean seriously you cannot call that dancing. To me they are the same as they ever were. As Christians we need to encourage the Duggars as much as we can. When you put your faith out there like they have you are targets. We've all seen how the media attacks. Lets not us jump on the bandwagon and start attacking them too. ESPECIALLY for this!!!??? Come on….

  89. May I kindly and genuinely ask, what is the issue with this song? I do agree that most rap features illicit messages, but this is a good clean Christian song. What is wrong with being creative in the way we worship out God? I do not mean to offend anyone, I am just genuinely curious :)

  90. Anita Renfroe is a Godly woman and a Christian comedian. You are speaking against a sister in Christ. Just because you don't like one song that she has done doesn't give you the right to speak in a disparaging way about her. Check her out on youtube or at

    I bet the same people who are "offended" by Anita would go to a Mark Lowry concert and laugh themselves silly. Lighten up, people!

  91. This cheered me up and gave me more hope than I had before I saw this. I am one of the people who can relate to this. It is good to have something happen that speaks to, and even about, me.

  92. Sometimes when I look at nature, at bugs, beasts, birds, fishes, whales, and see all the interesting and different shapes, colors, styles, it makes me think that some creativity with music is not wrong, I wonder why this is bothering some people as if it is such terrible music?

    1. Thank you!!! I could not agree with you more.

  93. I really believe we should all invest our time in our own lives. Looking to the Duggars and getting invested in their lives, takes away from our own!

  94. I feel the Duggars have let their standards fall in a lot of areas lately.

  95. So sad. I wish I could return every book I bought that the duggars wrote for my money back.

  96. The last comment before this one about looking to the Duggars, I think that it is the old case of servant or master. The Duggars serve the lives of other very well in so many ways. Different people may find different things that are more valuable to them than other things. In general the Duggars are really bringing an intense Christian lifestyle to the media for people to see. When Michelle was young and in school she was a typical unchurched, non Christian youth in a public school and a friend of hers told her about Jesus and what Jesus had done for her. That is where it starts to get very interesting because Michelle converted very intensely to Christianity. This example is really the gold of the Duggar story, when Michelle met Jim Bob she knew he would be a Godly Christian partner and she was very happy that was God's plan. Now watching how this couple lived out their Christian life is very edifying to people. The Christian lessons people see in them can be taken and applied to our lives and used as examples. I for one was about as stupid and slow as could be in taking Christian lessons from the Bible and comprehending them and applying them to my life, when I see Michelle and Jim Bob use the Bible this really helps me.
    It has made a big positive difference in my life.

  97. That is GOLDEN! Jim Bob, you've got some great moves goin' there! :D

  98. guys I think yall should stop judging the duggars... you weren't there and they were clearly put in an awkward situation. Props to them for being good sports. They probably didn't want to offend Anita.

  99. People! It was funny! It was not offensive to anyone or to God in any way. Rap is not a bad thing if the lyrics are God honouring. Come on everyone lighten up! It's ok to have a laugh and be silly! Even if your a Duggar! His dance twirl was not sexual in anyway( which is why the duggars try to avoid dancing) it's not a religious law but a choice to try not to do it. Let's get off our high horses, explore the possibility that we are all different and enjoy different music. Some Christians like rap while others like gospel hymns. It's not a crime. I could tell michelle was a bit uncomfortable but like always handled herself with grace and poise and tried to just enjoy the moment for what it was. If it is not offending anyone or disrespecting The Lord I don't see any harm. Laugh! It was funny!

  100. I am SO disapointed in the duggaars. ='(

  101. Im proud of JimBob and Michelle to show all us Christians that we can lighten up and have fun like everyone else. They are fun lovin folks like the rest of us humans.So lest no judge or throw stones...he who hath no sinned...remember? I love them all the more when they surprise me some. Y'all make me smile :-) Thanks and God Bless!

  102. Sure is a lot of judging going on here... If you don't agree with what the Duggars do or don't do, stop stop watching the show. They are not perfect and neither are we. I am sure they have done and said things they wish now they didn't do or say. I know I sure have. Best to just pray for them , accept they are not perfect, and move on.


    hahhahaha! and God loves it too!

  104. Rap music communicates an anti-God, gang-related message and is not consistent with the Duggars' testimony. Music in and of itself communicates, regardless of words. I wish the Duggars had no participated. I am disappointed that they did.

    1. I really would challenge you on that. As a music teacher and performer (but most importantly, a lover of Jesus), I can attest to different beats/rhythm/instruments used in different cultures all as a way to glorify God. There is NOthing inherently sinful about certain sounds of music. It is the heart and words, what is being worshipped. There was nothing that was inherently evil in this song.
      I think many will be truly offended when they see the different forms of worship in heaven!

  105. I am very surprised that the Duggars would be okay with this kind of music...but I didn't think they looked exactly comfortable with it...maybe they wouldn't really support this kind of music but they just kind of went along with it? But if that's the case I think Jim Bob should stand up for what he believes! Saying here on the blog that we are surprised and all the other stuff probably won't help a bit because Jim Bob and Michelle probably won't even read all the comments and they likely wouldn't care if they did because there is so many people with so many different opinions about what they should and shouldn't do that they just learn to ignore the people! This is all just my opinion so I will shut up and stop boring you with my writing. =)

  106. @AnonymousThat's not always true, that's like saying incest is ok because it's in the bible, everything is not always Grouped together!

  107. Not good. Not Godly. Sorry this video was posted.

  108. To anonymous 94 - the Bible tells us "Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." Matthew 5:48

  109. Doesn't the Bible say that laughter is like medicine? Michelle and Jim Bob may be healthier now.

  110. As a church musician, I witness firsthand the effect certain types of music have on people. The beat of the song IS what makes it godly or ungodly. If you read up on the beat of music and what it actually does to the human mind, you will be much more careful with what you listen to.
    As a Holy Ghost filled Christian, I couldn't take this music at all--muted it for the short amount of time I watched it. God is certainly not pleased with it.

    1. I respectfully disagree with you. I have had many boxes broken of religion in my own self witnessing the whole hearted worship in different churches, from inner city churches, to Iraqi worship, African worship, etc. If God is pleased with the HEART of worship, then who are we to disagree because of our preference?
      I can attest to also seeing music/"worship" that was self focused and not connecting with God. But it's the heart behind the song, not the beat.

  111. Like! "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord". My opinion is that God loves us and would like us to laugh and be happy even if we are on earth. We will be filled with unending joy in Heaven, but I think God wants us to find joy in our temporary lives on earth, too. Otherwise, why would he give us children? It's fun, as is this song. As far as the video, being a mom is a blessing, but it's fun to laugh at the unique struggles moms can experience.

  112. I feel super-fans of the Duggars are way too legalistic when is comes to "Christian Culture". There are Christians all over this Earth in many different countries, environments, traditions, and cultures and they all worship one God. We may do it in different ways but it all glorifies God and brings him joy when we praise Him only. Music comes in such a variety of styles and forms and as long as it is clean wholesome and speak truth Light we do not need to retreat into our selves but go and reach the lost in this world and spread the gospel.

    I suggest listening to the worship Music from Relevant Magazine(christian website).

  113. The song was fine, what WAS interesting however was that Michelle Duggar was sitting- does that mean that she is PREGNENT? She usually stands on stage!

  114. Refreshing. A different side of the Duggars.

  115. I think the Duggars were possibly put in an awkward position with this. Who knows if they were really ok with it or just kind of suprised. Michelle looked really uncomfortable. I dont really think it was a big deal, but I don't think it looks like something the Duggar's would normally do.

  116. Wow; my first reaction when I saw Jimbob spin was NO WAY! I imagine this took them out of their comfort zone, music-wise. I see some more balance coming into their lives, regarding music and moving to it. I've NEVER had music in and of itself have a negative effect on me, except when there are words put to it that are questionable. And I've listened to all kinds. Sure, there are preferences, and some that I can do without, but God can use ANY kind of music for His glory. Thanks for posting this!

    1. I'm sorry but God does have music standards. My bible states that psalms and hymns and spiritual song are what we should sing. My bible also says to make a melody and if peopke seriously think that all kinds of music is melodious or spiritual then there is a problem with that. No to mention the Duggars have really gone astray from their "convictions". Seems like they get more worldly as time marches on. Their convictions have really been compromised and its not a godly testimony to compromise bible based convictions and adhere to the worlds standards.

  117. Commenter speak for your self when you say surely God is not pleased with this....didn't Paul say he became all things to all people to reach some of them for Christ? That is a vastly different comment by Paul than the comment you made that surely God is not pleased with this!

  118. Michelle isn't pregnant. She's 48 years old. I'm guessing that if anyone else had to go through twenty childbirths they'd be pretty tired at this point in their lives, too!

  119. I'm just not sure how they could have handled this awkward situation any better.

  120. Referring to the previous comment that says, "Bible states that...." I still think that there are different kinds of music in the world and the good Lord does not condemn them because they are not on this list. What about the 'minstrels' who sang songs that were stories, isn't rap just another kind of story in a song? This one is a musical story about a mom who serves very diligently to raise her kids, what is wrong with that?

  121. That video may have been made just for me, I love it, I watched it over and over and it cheered me up a lot, thanks! to the 'dissers' yes all you 'diss ers' maybe you don't know about everything
    but this Anita lady she knows pretty well about this and did a good job and tell me what is so immoral or wrong in this?!

  122. Their posting of the first video of themselves with this rapper and the second video of the rapper herself tells me that Romans 16:18 should be used to properly discern their show and their lives - "For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple."


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