Josh and Anna Duggar will be at the annual March for Life on January 22nd. Details below:
Thursday, January 22nd, 2015 at 8:30am ET
Josh Duggar to speak at ProLifeCon 2015
Watch the live webcast online, or attend in-person
Family Research Council Headquarters
801 G St. NW, Washington DC
Click here to register
Thursday, January 22nd, 2015, 9:30-11am ET
Josh Duggar to attend March for Life Breakfast Reception with Rick Santorum
Renaissance Hotel, Ballroom East
999 9th St., NW, Washington DC
Breakfast pastries and drinks served
Tickets are free but required; click here to reserve
*Thursday afternoon, Josh and Anna Duggar will participate in
the March for Life
12:00pm ET rally (12th St., National Mall, Washington D.C.)
1:00pm ET March (14th St., National Mall)

Josh Duggar to speak at ProLifeCon 2015
Watch the live webcast online, or attend in-person
Family Research Council Headquarters
801 G St. NW, Washington DC
Click here to register
Thursday, January 22nd, 2015, 9:30-11am ET

Renaissance Hotel, Ballroom East
999 9th St., NW, Washington DC
Breakfast pastries and drinks served
Tickets are free but required; click here to reserve
*Thursday afternoon, Josh and Anna Duggar will participate in
the March for Life
12:00pm ET rally (12th St., National Mall, Washington D.C.)
1:00pm ET March (14th St., National Mall)
I certainly won't be going. I'm pro-choice and proud.
ReplyDeleteHere's a free movie for you
DeleteFor those of you who identify as pro-choice...remember that your mamas chose life. ❤️
DeleteI also am Pro Choice
DeleteYou mean pro death
DeleteI am sure if you fully grasped the meaning of pro choice and what you are actually standing for you would not be so proud as to boast "I am pro choice!" :( hope you can research your stance a little deeper.
DeleteNobody is pro death. It is a very difficult decision to make. I'm pro choice but I probably couldn't go through with an abortion.
DeleteI agree.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could be there, but Texas is pretty far from Washington DC. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Duggars for speaking out. Abortion kills babies and needs to be stopped.
Your so proud to be pro choice but can't give your name???
ReplyDeleteIm going!!! I love the Duggars❤️
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE to there a and meet them!!!
ReplyDeleteAhhhhhh this makes me so happy!!! There's so many people making the far trek by bus from my university!! I'm so excited to walk for all of the innocent babies that can't !!!
ReplyDeletein 2015 We now know for sure that people have different beliefs. I think its just time to move on. Everyone is entitled to there views,don't make it any worse or better then anyone else, we are not machines (yet) and i thank God for the diversity and freedom to voice all beliefs.
ReplyDeleteWish I could go...
ReplyDeleteI feel so strongly about this subject it's obvious that it is wrong to kill a human being just because they can't defend themselves... And one that is your own... Appalling:'(
Good for them! We just attended a local pro-life procession yesterday. Some of my family members met Josh and Anna at a previous March for Life. All life is precious!
ReplyDeleteAbortion being legal doesn't change the Duggar family's life one bit. They don't have to participate if they don't agree that it should be an option which is simply out there. With illiegalization, it does change the options of millions of others. If you don't believe in it, you don't have to have one.....ever.
ReplyDeleteWhat if everyone had felt rhis way about slavery? Just because something is legal doesn't make it right. And before anyone says that abortion doesn't hurt anyone like slavery did, let's pause and think of the over 40 MILLION babies who have been killed. Every one has a right to live, love and be loved. Good for the Duggars for standing up for those who cannot defend themselves.
DeleteAnd this is a Duggar blog. If an issue is important to them, it's going to be on here. Anything else would be hypocritical. This is who they are.
Yes!! I'm pro choice and if abortion was illegal I think it would change society for the worse rather than for the better
DeleteI choose Life, and I'm grateful to God.
ReplyDeleteHallo,Sweden calling! Don't use your familyblog for political reason,Duggars.It's so bad and wrong and use the brain,we say so on this side off the sea.
ReplyDeleteWhy do people have to comment in a pro life blog. I'm pro life and I'm proud. You go Josh and Anna.
ReplyDeleteReasons why I can't make it:
ReplyDelete1. I live all the way in Miami, FL
2. It is such short notice
Wish I could go!
ReplyDeleteWhy be proud of killing babies?
Yes, women do deserve better; they deserve a choice
ReplyDeleteThank you for making the stand for life.
ReplyDeleteI respect the Duggars very much and am pro-life myself. However, I believe that fewer (God willing, no) babies would be aborted if abortion was labeled murder and dealt with by the states. Besides the prosecution of murder not being listed in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution (powers alotted to the federal government), it is MUCH easier to make progress on these hot-button issues on a grassroots, state by state level. A Constitutional amendment is not the answer -- abortion IS murder!
ReplyDeletePro-choice they should have cancelled the duggars on tv
ReplyDeleteI will be there. Hope I get the chance to meet them. If not, that's okay. That's not really the reason I'm there. Prolife!
ReplyDeleteI won't be attending. While I personally would not abort God's blessings, I don't think it's up to us to determine other women's futures. I'm deeply saddened by the Duggars choices to take rights away from others. You're such a wonderful family, I only wish you would follow the Lord's teachings and love one another!
ReplyDeleteI agree with pro life iguess
ReplyDeleteI am a 31 year old succesfull surgeon from Canada. I was in my first year of Med School when I got pregnant and I chose to get an abortion. My heart aches to this day, however I don't regret my decision. If I had not been given a choice I would have been miserable and I would not have been able to give my child the future it deserved so I sent it back with Jesus. I am now married and have a beautiful 2 year old baby girl. I hope you guys post this because I think it's important to share both sides of the debate!!
ReplyDeleteI charter a bus each year from Southern Ontario to March for Life in Canada held in May in Ottawa, Ontario. Taking a stand for life is such a privilege for me and I admire you guys for doing this even though it will be very cold!
ReplyDelete@AnonymousSimply ignoring it doesn't change the fact that abortion is in fact stopping a beating heart, which is the same thing as murder. I don't want to start a fight, I just want you to take time to think about that.
ReplyDeleteIf someone aborts a fetus before the 20 week mark, it wouldn't have had a chance of surviving outside of the uterus anyway. I don't think we have a right to judge the women who choose abortion because we don't know their life situation. Jesus forgave ALL sinners.
DeleteMy adopted daughter's mother was a successful college student--as was her boyfriend. They chose LIFE and chose adoption! We are so thankful for our amazing blessing and cannot imagine life without her. While I know it takes immense support for a woman to choose adoption for her unborn child, is that not better than not giving their child a chance to live at all? A chance to breathe? To love? To play? To become whoever she wants to be? I am so thankful a courageous, intelligent, gorgeous college girl chose LIFE.
ReplyDeleteAbortion is cold-blooded homicide. I doubt any of the pro choicers have ever looked into the details of how abortions are performed. If they say they have and are still pro choice, then they would have been great recruits for Hitler's death camps.
ReplyDeleteI do believe in prolife. However, if something terrible happened and a child of mine was raped, she shouldn't have to carry the baby. That's just cruel. That's where I draw the line. I
ReplyDeleteCarlee @33, I am sorry for your sadness. But there is a choice for those who don't feel capable of giving their babies a good life. That choice is adoption. I know, because I am one of those adopted children. I will pray that you find peace. God bless you.
Josh and Anna,
ReplyDeleteYou and I both know that abortion is wrong because God said it was wrong. There's no politics about it. It's not an opinion. We don't have the right to sentence our children to a death sentence because of parental mistakes/misfotunes. The Lord didn't say that doing the right thing would be easy or popular, but we are to stand up for what is right and just anyway. The choices have been taken away from these little members of the human race. The Pro - Life March is there to say that we need to give all human life the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!
Sonja Campbell
Thank you Duggars for your pro life support!
ReplyDeleteTo all of the pro life people out there I have a question to ask you. If there was a fire at a fertility centre and inside there was a cart of one thousand fertilized eggs (meaning they already have life) and there was also a three-year-old in the corner, which one would you save?
ReplyDeletePro choice isn't pro abortion. It just means that we support to have abortion as an option in case women can't have the baby. For example if a woman was raped, or she was homeless, or she was in a bad economic situation. There are also cases where teenagers get thrown out of their houses if they get pregnant. This is why I believe it's important for women to have a CHOICE