
Monday, December 29, 2014

Video: Joy Duggar Does Parallel Squats

We thought you would enjoy this video of Jessa Seewald, Ben Seewald, Joy-Anna Duggar, and Jason Duggar in the Duggars' workout room. Jessa and Ben started working out together before they were married, and several of Jessa's siblings have joined them. The video is a bit blurry but shows 17-year-old Joy doing parallel squats...while holding a 145-pound barbell.


  1. If Joy wanted to wear pants would she be allowed to?

  2. The video is not working

  3. Amazing. Makes me want to pick up some weights.

  4. Wow Joy! You are good!

  5. No video on my end. Could you check it please?

  6. Okay, this is random, but I was wondering if you have any info on if Jill and Derick or Josh and Anna have chosen out baby names yet? Or maybe have a list of ones they're considering? Also, if Alyssa and John Webster have any names chosen out or if they know their baby's gender yet? Thank you!!

  7. That's amazing! You are all such an inspiration to everyone, and may the Lord bless you, for you bring joy to many people :)

  8. Joy must be unbelievably strong to be able to lift that much weight! Well, compared to me. For me, it's either track, racing; or running in which I stand out in. However, since there are no stadiums for those events where I live, I just simply like to run as fast as a can most of the time.
    I can't wait for 19 KAC to return in 2015! I'll be waiting until the next season finally airs.

  9. Ha ha is she wearing pants with a skirt? The Duggar are a little goofy about the skirt thing....

  10. Its weird to think that Joy and Ben are closer in age than Jessa and Ben.

  11. Lilly and Ellie: I always watch your page for news on the Duggars and don't read any other pages and rely on you two for the truth as God tells it to us about the Duggars. I see here Joy is wearing pants over a skirt. That confuses me so much. I thought the Duggar girls don't wear pants because they are men's clothing. Are they now amending this now? Please help me here. I want to obey God, but I didn't think I was allowed to wear men's clothing. To see a Duggar girl in pants without an explanation is disturbing. Is that why Jessa had a blanket over her legs? Is Jessa wearing pants now (men's clothing according to Jim Bob and Michelle?) Please don't break my heart and tell me the Duggars are going against scripture and allowing girls to wear pants. Please, please, please don't ignore me either. I think God would not like that at all for you to not explain my confusion.

    1. Please tell me the place where scripture says pants are men's clothing.

  12. That is AMAZING she can do that. Keep up the good work Duggars/Seewalds.

  13. good job joy anna!! your one of the funniest smartiest most assertive boysterious and my favorite on the show! I hope you've had a merry Christmas and a great holiday season!! keep at it girl!!

  14. why does it say jessa ''duggar''

  15. I think this interest in lifting weights is AWESOME!!!!!
    I am an Exercise Physiologist/trainer and would love the chance to properly train the Duggar girls!!!!(and boys)
    Joy's form isn't the best in this video and she could get injured quickly if not properly instructed in the correct manner....
    However, I strongly feel that working out should be encouraged for all of the Duggars.(everyone in general too!) Your body is your temple and you should keep it strong and healthy!!!

  16. I couldn't watch the video because it wouldn't load......urghhhh!!

  17. Yeah Joy! Pump that iron. Strength is feminine too and strong girls are awesome :D good for them

  18. Wow! She should try cross fit… All the Duggar girls should! Good for future mommas!

  19. HOLY COW!!!!!! That is really impressive, WOW!!

  20. Go Joy! You rock! Praise the Lord!

  21. Is she wearing pants?

  22. Wow- that's really impressive! Wow!

  23. Go on ahead,Joy Anna! you rock!

  24. Not very Ladylike but if she has fun doing it why not.

  25. WOW!! I would be careful though, before the age of 18, it can mess up your growth spurt and muscle development if you lift too much.

    Nonetheless, way to go Joy!

  26. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 12,

    Jill & Derick and Josh & Anna are coming up with names on their own but have not announced any yet. Alyssa and John have not announced the gender of their baby or any name possibilities.

    Lily and Ellie

  27. I can't get the video to play

  28. Wearing pants or leggings under a skirt actually can be more modest than just wearing a skirt alone - especially if you're doing something really active like working out, riding a bike, or doing anything where your skirt might come up. I'm just about Joy's age, and very active, and I always wear leggings under my skirt just in case something out of my control happens. It helps me be even more modest than just wearing a skirt by itself. It's really not a matter of wearing men's clothing, it's a matter of taking every precaution.

  29. @Anonymous
    Ok... they wear skirts to be more "modest," because it doesn't show the thigh. Obviously, it's hard to work out in just skirts, because you could...flash someone, which is highly immodest. So wearing pants underneath a skirt would still be modest dress. Also, I've seen the toddler girls in leggings with a skirt a lot. It just makes sense when you're going to be really active.

  30. Eric is a good first name for baby Dillard. This will make him the third generation with rick in the name of first son.

  31. To Anonymous Dec. 30 at 12:39. When the Bible instructs women not to dress like a man, that means not to try to look like a man. It does not mean a woman cannot wear pants. In the Bible, men and womem wore robe-type garments. The Duggars take it too far.
    Most people can see there are times when pants are more appropriate for an activity. Obviously Joy had common sense to wear pants, but could have ditched the skirt for exercising.

  32. Somebody please get the video to work!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. Sorry don't agree, this doesn't seem very modest and it doesn't seem appropriate for a sister and brother in law to be close like this even if the subject is exercising.

  34. Nike alert! Replace Joy with a Duggar boy and get Anna to coach Joy, surely Anna knows a lot about fitness by now! (Also concerned in that this looks like a back injury waiting to happen, take it easy on the young back, it gets old someday and those discs cause problems, peoples backs 'sieze up'.) Pride goes before a fall, are both these people showing off a bit too much?

  35. ...why not, because it is defrauding to Ben. What is going on with the Duggars? Where are their standards? Ben has apparently missed some of their lessons, they should correct him. Maybe when Michelle and Jim Bob see this they will straighten things out.

  36. For those of you who the video isn't working for, try watching it on an actual computer instead of your phone's, tablets, or ipad's. When I first tried watching it, I was on my phone and it didn't work. then I tried it on an ipad and it still didn't work. Finally it worked when I used a computer! By the way.... Way to go Joy!! Girl Power! :)

  37. @Anonymous
    yes. If any of the girls wanted to wear pants they will be allowed to. The girls chose not to wear pants.


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