
Thursday, December 25, 2014

Duggar Christmas Day

Hope you are having a blessed Christmas! The Duggars kicked off Christmas Day by opening gifts. Josh and Anna Duggar and their three (soon to be four) kiddos are visiting from Washington D.C., and Jill and Derick Dillard and Jessa and Ben Seewald are over, as well. You thought you had a lot of wrapping paper to clean up this morning, but can you imagine doing Christmas morning with 19 kids, 3 young grandchildren, and 3 in-laws?

How are the Duggars spending the rest of the day? They are enjoying fellowship, playing group games, putting together the younger kids' Christmas gifts, and eating a big meal!

 Christmas at the Duggar house

 Michael and Mackynzie Duggar

Click here to view a Christmas video filmed by the Duggar boys. In the video, Michelle Duggar explains why her family has chosen not to have a Christmas tree.

How are you celebrating Christmas?


  1. wow, cant believe how dark Michael's hair is, I did not even recognize him at all

  2. this is my christmas eve and christmas day meal

    We had tradonal Christmas eve dinner
    With chickpea bruschetta
    Italian wedding soup
    Potato rolls
    my Daddy prepares breadcrumb pasta
    And ravoli
    Scilan cassata cake

    Grape juice and water and wine to drink

    Christmas brunch we had
    Fruit salad
    Peacan bred
    Crescent rolls pigs in blanket
    French toast casserole
    Lox and bagels
    Pumpkin pie
    Parcheo and grape juice And berries to drink
    And orange juice to drink

    Our Christmas trandonial

  3. What is your favorite thing to eat on CHRISTmas????
    Have a Blessed Day!

  4. There is a Mistake in Josh and Anna part of this post. You mention Them and 4 boys. THey have 2 boys and one girls. McKenzie, Micheal, Marcus

    1. Actually, their names are spelled Mackynzie, Michael, & Marcus was correct!

    2. Yeah no where did it say 4 boys.

    3. Reread it, she said three ( soon to be 4 ) kiddos. No mention of the sex of the children.

    4. It never said "4 boys" in the article.

  5. Merry Christmas to Your whole Beautiful Family! may God Continue to Bless you!

  6. The Australian way! BBQ outside, summer desserts, the beach and playing cricket at the park with the dogs in the late arvo :)
    It's now Boxing Day here for us (the 26th) and the hot summer weather is still perfect

    1. That's pretty similar to what I did but it started to rain in Sydney at about 530.

  7. Merry Christmas Duggars, Dillards ans Seawalds.Can't wait to see your show again and see the new babies come into the world.God Bless you all.

  8. Merry Christ Day to you all!!!

  9. I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast...the kids and adults opened presents... We thanked and praised god and enjoyed a big dinner with apple pie for dessert ..we will be watching movies and playing games later

  10. I appreciate the honesty of this post, because in some of the episodes in the show their christmases are portrayed as having cheap gifts (i think they did a secret santa sort of thing), I understand why they have great gifts (cheap or not) like everyone else, but they were portraying in that episode something they are not.

    1. I fully respect your opinion, however they portray how they are on the television the same way in reality. This is not Duck Dynasty. This wonderful family believes in saving money whenever possible. Is it possible to think that this Christmas they decided to get a non cheap item for the kids?

  11. merry christmas! lily and ellie y'all do an amazing job on this blog. thank you!!

  12. We don't celebrate Christmas...but I hope everyone who did had a great day today!

  13. Well we did not have a Christmas tree in the house this year. We did not get up to tear gifts open. Rather we actually slept in until almost 10 am and got up and had coffee and fruit and oatmeal cookies at out leisure and then started getting the supper ready for the oven. Spent most of the afternoon cooking. Supper guests arrived in the afternoon and made them comfortable with movies and coffee and baking. Ate a traditional Christmas supper after the grace was said. Then after the big meal including dessert we exchanged our gifts one by one, not a big tear open. Then the guests left. That is how it was done now since the children have all grown up and there are not any grand children.

  14. We did not feel like cooking for Christmas eve after all the cooking from thanksgiving. So we did what we had never before done on Christmas eve and that is to order pizza!!!! We enjoyed not having to spend all day in the kitchen and we didn't have a bunch of dishes to do afterwards...

  15. Merry Christmas! I clebrate christmas with my Family , we go to church in the morning then having breakfast together. The kids open their presents and the adults have a glas of punch.

  16. hay guys love u duggars sewalds and dillards merry Christmas!

  17. Reread the article "Josh and Anna and their three (soon to be four) kiddos are visiting from Washington". Anna is expecting their 4th child, I don't remember when she is due.

    Nowhere did the article indicate they had four boys.

  18. People, remember the Duggar family are humans loved by God just like the rest of us. Please don't let your decisoin about Christmas celebarartions of the Duggars influence your decisons how to celebate the birth of Jesus.

  19. I have a question. The last homeschooling update I remember said that Michelle no longer "schools' the kids, but that Jessa took that over. Now that she is married, who is homeschooling the kids? One cannot simply sit in front of a computer 100% of the time and consider that good learning. The ages vary from 5 to 18 years old, different needs included.

  20. Yes what you see is how the Duggars really are. I lived for many years just 2 miles from their home.

  21. if they want to show gods love have no gifts or buy one gift each from the thrift store and have only a nice dinner. that is showing gods love not duggers love.

  22. Cute pictures :) I have a question, when is Anna due with baby # 4?!?!?!?!

  23. Try using pillow cases and quilt covers to wrap presents! That's what we do in our family at home when we are only having the presents at home and for family!! :) It works great and it is very unusual to even have to wash them after using them to wrap! Don't talk about throwing away!! God bless, and Merry Christmas!!!

  24. Is Anna due in June 2015?!!?!!?

  25. Nice home video and it was good to see them in a "normal" home video rather than just TV reality. I appreciate the fact that they shared the true meaning of Christmas in this video and I hope someone will receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour because of it. I was especially impressed by Ben Seewald's contribution. I think he and Jessa could be greatly used of God in the ministry. Merry Christmas to you all. Christian friends from France

  26. Do they still shop at thrift stores for Christmas gifts? Or has that also fallen by the wayside?

  27. Merry Christmas to all and hope everyone has a wonderful day with family !!
    -Brittany :)


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