
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Recap: "DC Duggars Hit the Road"

Tonight on TLC...

19 Kids and Counting "DC Duggars Hit the Road"

  • Josh and Anna and their kiddos gather clothing (60 outfits and 100 pairs of socks) and toys to prepare for their road trip in a 1998 RV. (Buy used, save the difference" is a Duggar mantra.)
  • "Growing up, my family had an RV," says Josh. "It was a blast. We really enjoyed it. As a father now, I want to be able to have our kids sharing memories."
  • Day 1: Josh attempts to start the RV and discovers that the batteries are dead. When the mechanics arrive, they decide to replace the batteries, which have just been replaced, and take the RV to their shop to run diagnostic tests. In a matter of hours, the vehicle is ready to go, and the Duggars depart on their road trip.
  • Josh and Anna stop at a fruit stand in Pennsylvania Amish country. The woman behind the counter is Mennonite and describes the differences between the Mennonites and the Amish. The Duggars spend the night at the Loose Caboose Campground. 
  • Day 2: Josh and Anna and the kids head to Gettysburg, where they are greeted by General Mike, who gives them a tour of the grounds. For Mackynzie and Michael, the highlight of Gettysburg is the big rocks that they can climb on. "Super big much fun!" shouts Michael with glee.
  • Next, the Duggars dress up in clothing from the Civil War era and take a family picture at a Victorian photography studio. The vintage camera equipment requires them to sit still for 13 seconds while the picture is processed. The photograph turns out great, save for Marcus's blurry face. 
  • Day 3: Josh and Anna elect to take the scenic route, which requires them to drive 20 miles-per-hour. Anna keeps the kids occupied by playing games and singing. They stop at the World's Largest Coffee Pot.
  • In the middle of the drive, the power steering suddenly goes out. "My family sort of has a history of mechanical failures on RV trips," says Josh. Between Duggar road trips and fixing cars for his used car lot, Josh is an experienced mechanic.
  • Day 4: The Duggars stop at the Topiary Park in Columbus, Ohio, and then head to the Indiana State Fair in Indianapolis. At the fair, the Duggars try a donut burger, which is a burger on a donut. "We've started our trip with vegetables and fruits to snack on, and now we've come to this," says Anna, chuckling.
  • Day 5: The family stops at Fair Oaks Farms in Fair Oaks, Indiana, where they watch the birth of a calf. "We definitely want to have more children, but watching the mama cow in labor made me thankful that I wasn't pregnant yet," says Anna.
  • As they approach Chicago, the Duggars stop at Dell Rhea's Chicken Basket in Willowbrook, Illinois. Anna asks the waitress how the chicken is prepared and is invited back into the kitchen to assist the chef. They show her the technique but will not reveal the secret recipe. "I was a little disappointed that Anna wasn't able to get the secret recipe," says Josh. 
  • The road trip ends in Chicago, where Anna's sister Priscilla is about to have the gender reveal party for her second child. Tune in next week for more!

    Have you visited any of the attractions mentioned in this episode? 


  1. Anna took a home pregnancy test at the end. Have we seen a baby bump?

  2. "wasn't pregnant yet" does this mean she is pregnant now? ;)

  3. I enjoyed your show tonight and am wondering if this is going to be a Spinoff for tour own TLC Series. I would watch if it were. TLC needs to start one for Jill and Jessa also just so we can follow how your lives are growing. There are so many X rated shows on TLC it would be nice to watch something Family oriented.

  4. Josh and Anna are a fun couple! Even if you don't agree with his politics, you can't help but be drawn to them. I tend to think, though, that Anna is not quite as at ease with the daily "stuff" of raising 3 little kids as Michelle was. Maybe it's just that she's more aware of the cameras filming it - she seems to be acting at times. Plus Josh is not around the house all day like Jim Bob was. Maybe that's why she seems a tad bit stressed at times. But she handles it well and I love her little family!

  5. Is Anna pregnant? I saw it in the preview.

  6. I live in Indianapolis and my family goes to the last day of the state fair every year. I wished I could have seen this episode to see what they did. I was surprise to read they tried the burger on a donut.

  7. I thought that this season's preview said something about a big change for Josh and Anna. Have we found out what that is yet?

  8. Where is Jana? Pictures in the summer show she was with them, but she seems to be edited out.

    1. Wrong bus trip, she was not with them on that one.

    2. Jana was NOT with on this trip. It was another bus trip she was with.

    3. ActuallyJana WAs with them on this trip. There are pics on the web of her standing next to the sound man while Priscilla is opening the gender reveal box. Nice attempt to clean it up but the pics don't lie.

  9. I love the Duggars,but why was Jana completely edited from this episode? she was helping with Josh and Anna's kids!(even though Anna said no one was helping) Why lie about it? Its Ok to enlist the help of family on a road trip with 3 small kids!!!

    1. Jana was not on that trip, she was on the Vote bus tour.The one where she was driving the bus recently just before Jessas wedding.

  10. I live in Indianapolis and go to the fair every year! I'm glad they got to experience it! I didn't try the doughnut burger though!

  11. Can't wait to watch this episode! When is the season finale?

    1. WHAT is the season finale?? That's my question!!

    2. Oooh yes! I hope it's something exciting! Maybe it's about Jill finding out and/or telling her family she's pregnant?!

    3. Or maybe Anna will announce she's pregnant????

  12. Sorry Annon 1, we have never seen Michelle raise "3 little kids" without any help. They weren't on tv when she did not have her older kids to help raise the little ones!!! Plus having a camera in your face!! How stressful is that?

  13. Anon #1: When Michelle had the three kids, Josh, and twins Jana and John David, she began to show signs of being overwhelmed a bit and unorganized...Jim Bob helped as he could. That's what I remember...she should have taken that as maybe she's had her fill. I hope Josh and Anna are wiser than Michelle. We also have heard ad nausem about Michelle being overwhelmed with 3-5 kids, but Mrs. Keller had 8...did she also have a buddy system? We never hear that she experienced the same things from her or from Anna growing up...what was the Keller household about? Did Anna and her siblings do all the childcare and housework, and cooking and have other siblings assigned to them to care for 24/7? Thanks

  14. I do like watching Anna and Josh and the kids. And if it seems like Anna is acting for the camera I'm sure she is just putting her best foot forward as I imagine we all would.

  15. The cameras didn't come in until Michelle was having #15, Jackson, I think. So, there was not "cameras in her face" until then...she lost it a long time before that..

  16. I do believe that this was not the trip that Jana was on with them. I also believe that Josh and Anna are a great example of a young couple raising their busy family in a country that though claims to be all inclusive and accepting actually ridicules Christians for their believes. Stay strong Josh and Anna, you are very blessed, keep the faith, God is faithful to His children.

  17. I just can't understand why anyone would want to watch this family? I don't feel like they are a good role model for young girls.

    1. Then why are you posting on a blog about this family?

    2. Exactly, why stalk them, just to ridicule them?
      I certainly don't stalk blogs made by snooki or whoever else I don't enjoy watching/hearing about.

  18. Having three kids at home 24/7 under the age of 6 is stressful and exhausting for any mom. Jana was on the RV trip? Why isnt she shown? I missed that part.

    1. Jana was NOT on this trip. She was on another bus trip with them.

  19. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 6,

    No pregnancy announcements have been made yet, but Anna will take a pregnancy test on next week's show. Stay tuned! :)

    Loly and Ellie

  20. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 8,

    So far, Josh and Anna haven't made any big announcements. On next week's episode, Anna will take a pregnancy test, so stay tuned. :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  21. Wasn't this filmed awhile ago?? If so then if she was pregnant wouldn't she be showing quite a bit by now? She looks pretty trim at Jessa's wedding

  22. Can't wait to see her pregnancy results. How is Jill doing with her pregnancy?

  23. This is getting to be so confusing. You said, On next week's episode, Anna will take a pregnancy test, like the show is live. It should be, On next week's episode, Anna took a pregnancy test, since this show is not filmed live. I am beginning to wonder about the truthfulness of a lot of this stuff.

  24. Love this family! Can you tell us where Ben and Jessa are going to live? Is he going to work for JimBob?

  25. I've been to Lancaster County quite a few times. It never gets old. I've been to Gettysburg once and enjoyed it immensely. I will go back and spend more than one day there. I'm so glad Josh and Anna and family got to experience a small part of Pennsylvania.

  26. anon 31...then why are there pictures on the internet with Jana with the family on this trip, in gift shops and at the fair?

  27. @daisey22

    Hi daisey22,

    Jill is doing well. She made it past the worst of the morning sickness, and she and Derick are looking forward to meeting Baby Dilly in March.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  28. Did sweet little Marcus take a selfie?

  29. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 33,

    Jessa and Ben have not yet announced where they will be living. We will announce it to our readers when they do. :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  30. Josh & Anna made a detour in Richmond, In., when something was coming off the roof of the RV. We were hoping we'd see when they visited our town, but as was told they had a time limit! Was happy the Josh & Anna Duggar came to Richmond!

  31. @Anonymous

    Hmmm how do you explain Jana at the gender reveal party? (she's next to camera man Jim)

  32. There are pictures of Jana Duggar at the gender reveal party on David and Priscilla Waller's web page. I wonder how she got there as she seems to be without any other family members other than Josh, Anna and the Kiddos. I hardly think she would be allowed to travel alone. Best hurry to see these photos as they might disappear real quick with all the speculation about this road trip to Chicago.


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